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Posts by bberlin62  

Joined: 28 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Oct 2011
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20 Oct 2011
Law / What are chances for Poland to join in Eurasian Economic Community? [100]

[quote=Marek11111 I would preferred Poland allied with Ukraine, Belarus, Czech, Slovenia, Moldavia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Russia so create Slavic union against imperial Nato and against China.[/quote]

so Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians are Slavs to you?

You live in an "imperial NATO" country yourself, you fool. I told you many times, if you hate it over there then why don't you come back, you "patriot"?

Back to the topic, please.
20 Oct 2011
News / The cross in Polish parliament - Does it bother you? [100]

[quote=rybnik Just remove the religious symbol from the Sejm (or add an Orthodox cross and a Star of David and an Islamic crescent[/quote]

this is not America rybnik. We have one main religion here. It's a totally different situation.
19 Oct 2011
News / The cross in Polish parliament - Does it bother you? [100]

[quote=WielkiPolak Yes some people are not religious [/quote]

but the vast majority of us are still religious and it shouldn't bother anyone here. Remember what was giving us hope and kept our hearts warm anytime Poland was in a deep trouble or when it was no Poland at all (partitions). Now that we're doing much better, it would be very ungrateful to turn our backs on religion. If something is good in bad times, it should be good in good times too (and the other way around).
30 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

oh, so now we will never know but look at your reply #72. You seem to be pretty sure about anything that depicts Soviets as big heroes. What are you, a Soviet/Russian or just some kind of Soviets admirer?
30 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

[quote Barney]

[quote=KingAthelstan Had Russia capitulated or signed an armistice with the Nazis in 41-22, then there is no guarantee that the allies would have won. [/quote]

are you guys saying that the Soviets would have won that war without any help? Don't be ridiculous.
30 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

[quote theOther to be ultra-nationalistic[/quote]

so you call it ultra-nationalistic when people have obvious reasons for not having any sympathy for the Soviets, right? I guess, you would give them all medals for murdering your relatives and thousands of your countrymen.
30 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

Without the huge (human) sacrifice of the USSR

how about my sacrifice, losing 13 members of my family murdered by the Soviets? Do you seriously believe, I have a reason to be grateful?
29 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

They weren't Russians,they were Soviets, how do you know it wasn't a Kazakh or Armenian or Chechen that killed your family?

why don't you just kiss my ass? You can like them if you want but leave me alone.

Because the Red Army consisted in 88% of Russians and NKVD in 94% you troll:))))

thank you
29 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

Now they owe us T50 Sukhoi Fighter Jets. (the best plane in the world even better than American raptor f22 or similar name)

provide one link (not a Russian one either) stating that that the Soviet jet is better. Are you one of those Poles who are still in love with their Soviet friends?

(Zeby nie bylo niedomowien, jestem Polakiem ale nienawidze kazdego Polskiego idiote ktory nadal wierzy ze wszystko co radzieckie to najlepsze. Polska jjest wolnym krajem i czas zebyscie otworzyli oczy i widzieli Sovietow takich jacy byli naprawde, skurwiele ktorzy wymordowali tysiace naszych rodakow. Jezeli tego nie widzicie to nie jestescie warci nazywac sie Polakami).
28 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

In essence Poland as a physical nation was liberated by the Russians AND at the same time occupied.

This is what I meant, it wasn't a real liberation and that's why Poles don't have any reason to be grateful to the Soviets.
28 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

[quote=Sire Brenshar Poland was "liberated" from the Nazis, aye? [/quote]

yeah, only to be controlled by the Soviets. Just like the Soviets "liberated" the Nazi camps only to reopen (some) them right after the war and kept there their political opponents (mainly Poles).

English language only, please
28 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

The thread is about should Poles be grateful for the Soviet "liberation".

not liberation, for winning the war.
Poland was never liberated by the Soviets, Poland was invaded and Poles were enslaved by the Soviets for over 4o years. Poles don't have any reason to be grateful to the Soviets at all!!!