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Joined: 3 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Dec 2011
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20 Mar 2012
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

im a danish speaker working for an outsourcing companies in Poland, also im 20 years old with no university degree and no polish language skills, and im making 4900ZL net

Jeg kan også dansk men det er meget tid jeg øver det ikker mere

By the way, delphiandomine seems to be focusing in spreading only BS and negativity that everyone should get a very low salary. I don't know what are his intentions, The mentality of people like him is what stop this country to develop. I know one polish guy who got a degree from Cambridge University, who for some reasons he wanted to look for a job in Poland. He told me about that in an interview, the human resources guy told him with an authoritarian tone '' what? a degree from cambridge university? this is useless, in Poland your degree is useless!!! '' Seriously, that is a retarded mentality, practically he was saying '' since your degree is useless, you should work for a very low salary '' . Wihtout doubt, the human resources guy suffers from a post-communist syndrome
20 Mar 2012
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

okay, let's assume the company wants a Danish speaker, so you can go up to 2000zl-3000zl net - maximum.

I get the impresion that you are only trying to spread the idea that everyone in Poland should work for extremely low salaries. Because of people like you, who spread this BS, some people get their expectations lower. This shouldn't be, I am sure if the people in Poland with a degree (let's say an engineer) wouldn't accept a salary in the range of 1500zl-2500zl, soon the companies will be forced to rise the salaries.
19 Mar 2012
Work / Cost of Living, Average Salaries and Job sites in Poland [263]

after hearing about the ridiculous tax rates in Denmark and how everything is insanely expensive there, who cares how much more minimum wage is? it's all relative to the cost of things you have no choice but to buy like food, housing, clothing, transportation, medical insurance, etc.

There you can find a lot of examples about the insane prices in DK

17 Mar 2012
Work / Cost of Living, Average Salaries and Job sites in Poland [263]

your salary being a SAP tech-functional consultant your salary would be nothing less than 8000 EUR groos pr. month

The purchasing power that you would have with 18600 PLN gross in Poland is much greater than the fictional 8000 euro gross in Denmark. Make the simple calculation yourself. After the danish tax reduction of 62% you would get around 3040 euro netto. In Poland, assuming a tax reduction of 30%, you get 13 000 PLN per month which is almost the same as the net salary in Denmark.

Now compare the prices in Denmark, 3 to 4 tims higher than in Poland, somethings can rise up to 10 times higher!!!. Aditionally, if you would like to buy a car in Denmark you would have to pay 210 % (yes you read correctly, two hundred ten freaking percent ) the price of the car in taxes. In Denmark, you would be forced to drive a bike to reduce CO2 emissions (joke). If you bring a car you bought in Poland to Denmark, you would have to pay 60% the price of the car in the danish market in order to register it there, basically the tax is higher than what the car costs in Poland (I want to add that cars are more expensive in Poland than in Germany).

You should add this stuff, before mentioning the 8000 euros you would 'earn' monthly in Denmark.
31 Dec 2011
Life / Are there many crypto-Jews in Poland? [67]

Well, Jewish identity is unusual in that it can be either (i) ethnic or (ii) religious or (iii) both

In paper you can be. The only state which still uses the Nuernberg racial laws nowadays is Israel.

In general, I want to answer to all the Jews who claim to be only a religion and can be citizen of any country. You know very well you are not, you can be citizen of any country in paper, but that does not mean anything since you are and remain a Jew. Judaism is not a religion, is a racial-political-criminal mafia dressed as religion. What could sound more harmless to the people than to say 'we are only a religious group' ? . And yes, the idea of judaism is to take over the all ''gentile'' nations, only when this is done, the judaic messiah would arrive.
31 Dec 2011
Life / Are there many crypto-Jews in Poland? [67]

I was wondering if you are aware of the existence of crypto-jews in Poland. Crypto-jews are jews who try to make everyone believe they are polish while they are jews in secret. Thus they can easily infiltrate key positions. These specimens can be found very often leading bureaucratic procedures in Poland. You know guys, the polish bureaucracy is known to be highly inefficient, but in reality, this is done in propouse by crypto-jews. The idea is to stop any development in Poland for the better. And other example of crypto-jews in Poland is quite often found among professors in polish universities. Those professors often show despotism and corruption, they have an '' I know everything'' attitude and the slighlest critisism by a student towards them, (even if he is a clever one) will make the student to fail the course, eventhough if the student is right.
19 Dec 2011
Law / Bureaucracy in Poland [53]

I'm sorry for you, polish bureaucracy is still soviet and extremely inefficient. The people ruling that bureaucracy either are so stupid to see it is extremely inefficient and leads to corruption or have developed that stupid soviet bureaucracy intentionally to discourage any individual initiative and stop any development in Poland for the better.

I simply call them Bolsheviks
19 Dec 2011
Law / Bureaucracy in Poland [53]

Merged: Polish bureaucracy; a communist heritage

I think this fits very well to the polish bureaucracy as well

19 Dec 2011
Love / Do Polish women fight about everything? [39]

In general all women from all races like to fight and discuss for nothing. That is somehow in their nature.

Go to youtube and type 'psycho girlfriend'
17 Dec 2011
Work / What is a good salary in Wroclaw? (coordinator position for an IT company) [27]

Is it an international company?

If I were you, the minimum I would accept, is your currently salary in the US. Not because salaries are lower in Poland it means that you have to work for a low salary. Now that you have some experience working in the US, the idea should be to go upwards not backwards. The company MUST value that, if not, f*ck it, I am sure there would be another company which will.

Polish people are usually used to work for very little money, and get their heads down to the authoritarian-communist style boss. Don't follow that patron, you should be paid what you are worth.
13 Dec 2011
History / Are there still communists in Poland? [58]

Today I was walking and I passed a police station. I saw in one room from outside a weird red light. So I came closer and there was a huge picture of Lenin hanging at the wall, in a very weird room. It looked to me more like Lenin is being worshiped there. The walls were painted quite weirdly with communists drawings.

So, it looks like someone in that police station is a communist. I would assume that at least the highest ranking officers there are communists otherwise the picture wouldn't be there.

What do you guys think about it? . Lenin also attacked Poland but he didn't succeed, are those people who have that picture traitors? .

I cannot imagine if they had the picture of a certain austrian guy instead in a polish police station or anywhere in europe, it would be a worldwide new for sure
5 Dec 2011
Life / Graffiti problem in Poland [38]

so have I

It looks like some poles make an effort to make look their cities crappy
5 Dec 2011
Life / Graffiti problem in Poland [38]

When I first mentioned this to my wife she got a bit annoyed, thinking I'm only saying bad things about Poland

polish women are like that, I have exactly the same problem,

the reason is only one - the police are not enough after them

No, the police is not responsible. In Poland, it is a cultural thing to vandalize and damage other's peolpe property

Do you know anyone who does this type of thing?

I have also seen a lot of graffiti everywhere in Poland. Most of the buildings look old, gray and crappy, however when they get repainted and finally look nice, they get vandalized very quickly (not only buildings also cars!!!). It is like if those kurwa boys make an effort to make their country be a completely mess. Typical communist's heritage!!!
3 Dec 2011
Genealogy / How common do you think Asiatic ancestry is in Poland? [12]

yes, many poles have mongolian faces

For example, here is Polish model Edyta Gorniak. This is not a rare look among Polish women.

she is quite mongolian, a lot of poles look like that
29 Nov 2011
Work / Expected salary for an engineer in Poland? [24]

Dreamers are welcome everywhere even in Poland....

You polish guys are in general quite pessimistic about everything. And I don't know if you say it seriously, or you want to make other people feel that it is IMPOSSIBLE (that word that I constantly hear from polish people) to earn a decent salary in Poland. It is not impossible, that you guys are not able to achieve it , it doesn't mean that others cannot.

I found already a good job and I get paid much higher than the minimum I was expecting to work for in Poland. I contacted an international company abroad, asking them for employment in Poland, under working conditions/salaries abroad and voila, a western european salary while living in Poland :) f*cking nice!
20 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Eastern European girls forced against their will in Britain for prostitution? [67]


In Poland is quite common to hear from job agencies which offer jobs aboard. I have heard (from polish people) that there are some job agencies (illegal mainly) which promise jobs to young girls specially. However when they are aboard they are kidnapped and forced into prostitution.

Have you guys in the UK heard anything of this?

Some sources make me believe that the media is unwilling to give information about this and that the criminals doing these kind of things, belong to certain gangs which can be sometimes protected by corrupted police and politicians.

So, how does the situation looks like in the UK?
16 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]

In the XIX century there were a lot of European immigrants moving to the United States. A high number of immigrants came from countries such as Ireland, Poland, Germany etc. They had several reasons to immigrate, for instance the Irish were escaping because of the British occupation of their homeland.

Once they arrived in the states (the land of the freedom -sarcasm-), they suffered discrimination for being Catholics and were persecuted. When the United States declared war against Mexico, they saw the injustice and refused to attack a catholic country and switched sites and formed the 'San Patrick battalion', a battalion which fought fiercely in most of the battles against the United States and caused a very high number of casualties to the US army.

There were several poles who were part of the San Patrick battalion. So do polish people are aware of this?

7 Nov 2011
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

Merged: Do you hate the polish lector in the films?

You know it guys, that emotionless voice interfering while watching a film.

Some polish people say they like it because they can get the feeling of the original language in the film while is being translated to polish by the lector. Others say that they have grown up with it so it is quite normal. Usually foreingers say it is quite annoying, disturbing and interrupting. I am agree with them, it shows usually laziness and lack of money (as always in Poland) not to have a film properly translated. If it is not translated, it could have subtitles, but it seems that the subtitles will create an extra effort on the polish people because they will be forced to 'read' , so they stick again to their beloved lector and reject to have subtitles.

so, Do you hate it or like it?
7 Nov 2011
Law / Want to go back to India for my sister's wedding. Karta pobytu and immigration help. [3]

I know people who have been waiting around 5 months to get their karta pobytu which is valid for one year only. The polish bureaucracy is one of the worse in the European Union and it is impossible to try to ask some kind of help from the pathetic and useless bureaucrats. They got a very frustrated and miserable life during and after the communist regime and they want to transmit that to other people and make their lifes miserable.

In other EU countries where people DO want to emigrate, if you have all the papers in order it is a matter of days to get the visa/resident permit. This does not apply in Poland, you can have everything in order and still, the process for someone to get the karta pobytu will take months !
6 Nov 2011
Work / Expected salary for an engineer in Poland? [24]

Hmm...prices in Poland lower than in western Europe? I have to disagree...

The prices are generally lower in Poland (food, rent), than let's say in Germany. However in several things they are about the same or even higher (cars). But still, the polish salaries seem to be a joke. With unemployment money in Germany, one can live much better than with the 1150 PLN starting salary in Poland. Not taking into account the great infrastructure that it is available over there.

I have seen job offers in Poland which don't require polish skills of 60000 euros per year in international companies. This salary is a standard german salary for an engineer starting his career. However the purchasing power in Poland will be greater. And by the way, do you know me? Are you sure I have not significant experience? or doesn't speak polish?

I've encountered a few of your type - you expect a high salary in Poland.

A lot of my type? . Let's say, we know how much we are worth and we won't accept to be paid less than that. Currently I get around 7000 PLN netto (I could get much more if I were in the Norway where I got my degree but for personal matters I decided not to stay there), but this is for a project only and from time to time I need to travel to Poland. However I am not paid directly in Poland. Now also because of personal matters I would like to settle down in Poland and find a job there. I have gotten better job offers in western europe with higher salaries than what I expect to earn in Poland, I understand that the salaries are lower in Poland but not THAT low as everyone mentions. Anyway, I will have to see how the things turn out but I am still enthusiastic and positive :) and the minimum I could accept to settle down in Poland would be 9000 PLN netto.
6 Nov 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

driving like a lunatic

I am totally agree with that. I see it very often when I see them driving in the highway. Those people make accidents and don't have the slightest respect for other drivers.

you'll soon realise poles are proud of there lack of respect for law and safety

In the building where I currently live, in the upper floors it has corridors. At the end of the corridors there are sometimes windows. Normally, some people smoke next to the window or are just there just to take fresh air. However, the windows start slighly above an average persons knee. What does that mean? that there is a high risk that someone falls down of the building, specially after having drunk some alcohol. This has already happend!!! It was only after 2 guys fall down and killed themselves that the building administration guys decided to put some tubes in those windows to avoid that to happen again. 2 deaths which could have been avoided if a little bit of common sense in safety is considered while designing those buildings.

authorities, police and the state are the enemy

You only need to go to any ''authority'' to get the sense of that. They look very frustrated and they want to take out their frustration with other people. They love to show they are ABOVE the others and that they are the LAW. They are not there to help you but to make you suffer. They most probably got a frustrated life during the communist time so they want to transmit that frustration to the new generation. You also see that with your ''superiors'' in a job or university. Most of the time they are very incompetent but they want to hid it by despotism and disrespectfulness

Things will change im sure...

Probably it will change, but I think it takes around 20 to 30 years. After the communist generation is gone.
6 Nov 2011
Work / Expected salary for an engineer in Poland? [24]

You can be quite shocked when the large company from a big city offers You 2.000 PLN for a start

Seriously? that salary is a joke! I can understand that people who had studied social sciences or have a mickey mouse degree can work for that, but an engineer?. Anyone in Poland who has an engineering degree should not accept to work for that, by this way, the companies will be forced to rise the salaries. However, it seems to me that poles are used to work for low salaries. I understand that the prices in poland are lower than in western europe but the relationship between salaries/prices in poland is even lower. Some salaries in Poland seem only meant to survive.

With Your qualifications i'd say 3000 - 10000 PLN

10000 PLN, then after taxes it would be approximately 7000 PLN. I still consider it low.

Anyway, thanks for the info. I will see what happens when I start some applications, but I am not willing to accept anything below 9000 PLN netto. Otherwise I will eventually move to Switzerland, or Germany.
5 Nov 2011
Work / Expected salary for an engineer in Poland? [24]

Hi guys!

I was just wondering, what could be approximately the salary for an engineer in Poland. I know it can depend a lot, but let's say, someone who has a master degree from a top western European university, is fluent in several languages and has work/study experience in 5 countries, including Poland.
1 Nov 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

Everything I had mentioned is truth. The car is now in a safe place.

Anyway, I am glad that at least there is a responsible now. These people were/are supplicating me not to tell anything to the Police. I will wait for the police answer now and depending on that, I will get a lawyer to help me to deal with this :)
25 Oct 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

AVOID parallel parking where any car may have to reverse in the direction towards your car.

I'm aware of that. Since those incidents I had previously with my car, I film it all the time while it is parked outside my dormitory. I have a video of one guy which parks next and hits my car with his door and left a scratch on it ( quite common in Poland, the people don't respect other's people property).

Another one, one guy is trying to leave the parking place, while doing this, he hits my car with his. He hit one tire of my car, absolutly nothing happend to my car . But since I have the video, I went immediately to the police with the evidence. They contacted the guy and he asked me that he would prefer to pay me personally than to have the insurance involved. My car was checked and it didn't have anything, so I told to this guy that there is no problem, that he doesn't have to pay anything to anyone.

In another occasion, I have a video of 2 guys, which go straight to my car, and put a chewing gum on it and then run away. Unfortunately I couldn't identify those bastards.

But yeah, unfortunately there is this post-communist mentality in Poland of '' I'm f*cked up, so the other one must also be f*cked up ''

I see a lot of frustration among the polish youth and when they drive they try to take it out.

more vandalism!!!

my car has been finally egged some moments ago :) , I thought it was rare that I saw some cars egged lastly and mine not. I found out who the guys were. I didn't even know them before and I have never ever have a problem with any of them. They were just having some fun egging my car.

The police was here and took their data. The guys came to me , telling me they are sorry bla bla bla and they even washed the car. All expecting, that I don't go to the police and do the complaint tomorrow.

But this is too late. My car has been vandalized so many times and finally there is a responsible

to summarize
- Mercedes logo taken away
- Fully scratched on both sides, from the frontal to the back part
- Someone has jumped on the roof

after the 3 cases before I decided to put a camara.... the vandalism continues as follows

- While parked, someone trying to go out, crashed my car on one tire (this was accidently - my car was not damaged so I said to this guy he doesn't have to pay anything)

- 2 guys put a chewing gum and ran away
- and finally, the car got egged

welcome to Poland !!!

I just wonder where the stereotypes of poles damaging and stealing cars (very common in germany) come from. Yeah, those evil germans, they always have stereotypes against the innocent poles.
25 Oct 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

about the polish drivers, I'm agree, everyone who has driven in polish roads knows how the polish drivers are and their attitude.

By the way, I leave you with one video of a polish driver, which speeds up to 320 km/h. I have seen that kind of people driving in the polish highways quite often. Seriously, this is insane, I don't care about his life, but he riskes other people's life. Because of idiots like this, people die. If he makes a small mistake, he could kill a whole family for instance. Please take a look at the way he overtakes.

19 Oct 2011
Genealogy / Do Polish people often have the Mongolian spot? [24]


Have you heard about the mongolian spot?


There are people all over the world who has it, it is however more frecuent among asians and their descendents. I have seen that some polish people have mongolian features (very few of them, but still some). This is linked to the time when the mongols attacked Europe.

So, does the mongolian spot appear often among poles?
For instance among Hungarians is quite common