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Joined: 13 Aug 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Oct 2011
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 136 / In This Archive: 113

Speaks Polish?: tak

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11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

BTW isn't that new transsexual MP a liar, by being a father in her previous "incarnation"?

Err,no. Just someone who wanted kids and used what they had at the time to get one,I imagine.

So "she" lied to the mother. "She" made the life of at least two human beings miserable - son and his mother. Very selfish and irresponsible individual I would say.
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

PWEI you have to stop saying that a person who leaves Poland has turned his back on the country and therefore does not deserve to vote.

Why would you even listen to somebody who himself betrayed his own country for a few zlotys? Ironic, isn't it?
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

Why would anyone be bound by what someone else identify as? PWEI can self identify as a woman, but he can't make me address him as Ms.

BTW isn't that new transsexual MP a liar, by being a father in her previous "incarnation"?
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

The majority of Poles do not agree with you and soon the wishes of Poles on this matter will be respected.

Do you have any proof of that or is that your usual lie?

Your logic is entirely flawed: British people who choose to live in Poland and to assist Poland are the exact opposite of the traitors who reject Poland.

Our mutual history shows that British people:

turned their backs on Poland, renounced their allegiance to Poland and refuse to do anything to assist Poland: they reject their responsibilities,

So while it's true that they now cannot vote while not beign citizens, in the spirit of your post they should be also banned from voting even when being citizens.
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Those people turned their backs on Poland, renounced their allegiance to Poland and refuse to do anything to assist Poland: they reject their responsibilities, Poland will reject their attempts to exercise their rights.

Then shouldn't we have a separate rule in the Polish voting bill that explicitly refuses British people any right to vote in Polish elections, under any circumstances?
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

I have more than one citizenship and qualify for several others.

Why are you ashamed of being call British? Does it have something to do with British betrayal of Poland? If so, then I could refer to you as a citizen of that other state.

90zl per week. A total amount which is repaid many times over each year by the taxes I choose to pay in Poland.

So, I'm sure you had many offers but you chose the lowest paying?
You do not choose to pay taxes in Poland. You have to do so under Polish law. You could move out of Poland and if you still paid to Polish fiskus the taxes you are paying now, then I would personally lobby for your right to vote in Polish elections.
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Clearly you can not be talking about me: I wasn't born in Britain (and neither were my parents) and I came to Poland to do voluntary work at the invitation of the Polish government. But do feel free to tell us all about all the wonderful things you do for Poland.

Are you not a British citizen? Are you ashamed of your nationality?
Did you not receive a paycheck from Poles?
Why would we give voting rights to the random individuals who come here for money or other selfish reasons?
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Polonia IS Poland, because Polish people are Poland, wherever they currently live.
A British immigrant, who came to Poland for a paycheck or for other selfish reasons, is not a Pole, and paying taxes won't change that. They should better stick to discussing "Jews and Czechs", yeah, that's what they contribute.
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Germans, Ukrainians, Jews - they all paid taxes in prewar Poland and were able to vote. They were also the first to betray Poland in September 1939 and have blood of their Polish neighbours on their hands.

I have no illusions that creatures like PWEI or sobieski would try to "avenge Jews and Czechs" at the earliest opportunity. I'm glad they can't vote.
10 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Look at the parallels a new modern Polish sate pursuing a reformist agenda and making headway, which is in some cases ahead of its European counterparts,

Not true, there are still European countries which have both higher taxes and higher debts than Poland. But as PO pursues its reformist agenda for a couple more years - I'm sure we will get there!
10 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

when you think about how much blood went into getting a free vote, it would be an utter insult not to do so.

How much of your family blood went into that cause? Oh, sorry for asking as the answer is - none. As an added curiosity, you are a citizen of a state that sold Poland out.

No doubt Pawian is happy as you pat him on the back.
9 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Rat. Sinking ship. Jump.

Who did you vote for? Oh sorry, I forgot, you can't vote!
You know who else can't vote in Polish elections? Kids and criminals.
9 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Honestly mom you should stop Bsing on this thread. Simple question do you know how much PIS election promises added up to?

I honestly don't care because I didn't vote for PIS. From economic perspective PO, PIS, SLD are very much alike - populistic and socialistic, although the fact remains that it was really PO government that borrowed the **** out of Poland.
9 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

No need to be sorry. I feel perfectly all right with it! :):):):)

Pawian, can you tell me how are you going to pay back your part of the debt (growing every day)? Because you know, your guru likes to borrow... All those campaigns against "dopalacze" and "kibole" (the main focus of the prime minister) won't fight themselves.
9 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Pawian: how do you feel about having over 50% of your money given to the state in various forms, as well as having tens of thousands zlotys of debt, taken in your name by the government?
8 Oct 2011
News / PIS propaganda on Warsaw public transport [27]

You obviously have no brain. When YOU say Poles shouldn't vote for party X, their automatic reaction will be to vote for party X, unless it's some kind of a plot on your part... but wait - no - you are too dense for that.

BTW you didn't mention Jews and Czechs recently - you are lagging behind on your quota!
8 Oct 2011
News / PIS propaganda on Warsaw public transport [27]

Wrong. The server isn't in Poland - so it doesn't come under Polish law.

Anyway, discussing Polish politics by "expats" who have no right to vote is pathetic. It's like a discussion about sex among impotents. American Polonia has already started voting - I think they are laughing at you.
8 Oct 2011
News / PIS propaganda on Warsaw public transport [27]

But you are stupid/bigoted enough to violate the "cisza wyborcza", which BTW is a criminal offence.
Polish people have the right to vote in Polish elections, no matter where they live at the moment - unlike foreigners who happen to live in Poland as long as they get a good paycheck. Respect Polish law or leave.
6 Oct 2011
News / British man prosecuted for raping teenage girls in Kraków [47]

However, make your mind up - did he assault them, or did he rape them?

Well, the title of the article mentions rapes but "doprowadzenie przemocą do obcowania płciowego lub innych czynności seksualnych" from the body of the article I translated as "sexual assault" - to be honest I have no idea how to translate this.
6 Oct 2011
News / British man prosecuted for raping teenage girls in Kraków [47]

Kraków district attorney prepared a case against a 47-year old British citizen. He is being accused of sexual assault on three teenage girls, one of them is under 15.

The man took advantege of his position since he is a horse riding instructor and a president of a club near Kraków. Those three girls were his pupils.

For those girls horse riding was a passion and the man could decide about their training, or participation in sport events. - says prosecutor's office.

P.S. This "expat" is still "contributor" according to the other thread.
2 Oct 2011
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Don't forget, Poles killed Poles in most cases - not Russians or (gasp) Jews.

Do you have any proof of that statement or is it yet another of your polonophobic BS, Michael? Although I like how you just confirmed what I suggested about you a post before.

The fact remains that there were plenty of Poles who were perfectly happy to work with Stalin in the post WW2 era. I don't think it's any surprise that much of the Communist elite came from poor peasant backgrounds - people who saw their chance and seized it with both hands. They were Polish, nonetheless.

How many? Care to prove your statement or yet another lie?

So 33% of them were Polish of presumably Catholic background. As I said - plenty of Poles were happy to go along with it.

So are you saying that plenty of Polish officers were happy to work for Stalin? Do you mind if I quote that statement of yours with your full name under it?

What has that got to do with anything?

That you would gladly accuse Poles of anything just because a majority of them survived both occupations. Well, even if all Poles were dead, you would still come up with some accusation, simply because the dead cannot defend themselves and thus are an easy target for a guy like you.
2 Oct 2011
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Of course not, but would they have managed to rule if Poles simply refused to work with the Communists?

Yes. You are very naive, or simply antipolish, when you underestimate Stalin like that. Just look at who "Polish officers" in Ludowe Wojsko Polskie were - initially 67% of them were Russians and Jews. How many of those remaining Polish officers were there simply because they got an offer they couldn't refuse?

Would it make you happy if the number of Polish victims of Soviet occupation was even higher?
2 Oct 2011
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

It's much easier than admitting that Poles (and nominally Catholic ones, at that) were the ones who kept Poland in captivity.

Communism would never have worked in Poland if it wasn't for the masses of ordinary collaborating Poles.

Your are the kind who would claim that Poles murdered themselves at Katyn, if it weren't for the movie.
No chance in hell any communists would rule in Poland if it weren't for the regular Red Army units and NKVD forces. It is true though that the enslavement of Poland took part in phases. After all the bloodsheds from 1939 onwards, there was simply not enough opposition left so that the Polish stalinists could pretty much rule without Russians in the later years of stalinism.
1 Oct 2011
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

I can hardly blame him - it was better for America to divide the world into 2 and not have to deal with all these stupid little conflicts. And to be fair, it worked - America pushed France and Germany into the ECSC, and the rest is history.

Americans can always say that they did not have an alliance agreement with Poland and did not have regular Polish units under their command. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about Britain.
30 Sep 2011
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Or perhaps you can do what all the other posters have failed to do and detail the supposed 'sell out' which saw Britain secure the promise of democratic elections which Poles never bothered to exercise and the promise of free accommodation which some Poles still exercise?

Why is it that 99,9% of Brits with any interest in WWII history understand and are ashamed of what British and USA governments did to Poland at Teheran, Yalta and Potsdam, but you alone act like a mixture of an idiot and anti-polish scumbag? When you have posted your rubbish for the 100th time, did it ever occur to you from the reaction you get every time, that maybe in fact nobody is buying your lies and repeating it clearly has no point? Or maybe your point is to make Poles hate Brits?