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Joined: 9 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2016
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From: Europe
Speaks Polish?: Trying hard (sometimes) to learn...
Interests: Music, sport, history, geography, science, languages...and probably Poland too.

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25 Apr 2016
Food / Vegetarian/Vegan restaurants in Warsaw [18]

I actually found that online list already but am looking for actual recommendations from experience.

I see. Unfortunately, I can't help you. I can recommend a good veggie restaurant in Gliwice, but that's a little too far from Wawa ;)

Good luck anyway.
25 Apr 2016
Food / Vegetarian/Vegan restaurants in Warsaw [18]

This website gives you a list of vegetarian/vegan restaurants (sorted by areas) in Warsaw:

Are you a vegetarian or is it just your guests? ;)
21 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

He's another Russian paid-for Troll.

Don't be ridiculous. I'm French-Polish. I have no connection whatsoever with Russia. Now back on topic.

Actually, mess in Afghanistan was started by Russia

The 1979 mess? The Americans did everything to provoke a Russian intervention (Brzezinski). They wanted the Russians to have their own "Vietnam war".

"free world" is a negative factor over there but Russia is no better

It seems that without Russia, the US-led coalition would have bombed Syria a long time ago. Not sure this would have helped the situation. And I'm not even talking about the thousands of dead such a brutal intervention would have caused.

Of course, I won't tell you that there are the bad Westerners on one side and the good Russians on the other. It's always more complex than that. Of course, Russia has its own interests in Syria. But these interests make them [the Russians] defend stability in the area, while our Western governments just want another regime change, at all costs. No matter how unsuccessful and tragic the previous regime change attempts have been.

Otherwise they feel "threatened" and "provoked".

I hear what you're saying, but could you prove me that that's actually what Russia thinks/feels?

Since over a decade Russians have been on the offensive and if the other side does nothing, they will keep it going.

The other side is too busy attacking sovereign countries ;)

Ever heard "If you want peace, prepare for war" ?

Si vis pacem, para bellum. Yeah, I don't like it. That's good for the people who actually want war. If you want peace, work for it. Fixing problems doesn't always requires the use of lethal means.

to drag them here and force them to react if shyt hits the fan

This would actually turn Poland into a buffer zone in case of a war with Russia. Poland would be seriously damaged, but Germany (and most American/European important investments) would be safe.

Anyway, since I don't believe that Russia has any interest in attacking Poland, NATO is indeed useless. It just adds fuel to the fire. NATO needs conflicts to survive. Peace is not good.

Hence I doubt very much that USA regards Russia as a biggest threat to the US interests rather regards them as a nuisance.

I know, it sounds ridiculous. Still, that's what they pretend. Russia is an even bigger threat than ISIS.

Poland is not 'Russophobic' that is BS.

The Polish government and Polish medias generally are.

Poland didn't annex no lands that didn't belong to Poland before.

You mean even territories in what is now Eastern Ukraine?

Really? so why they would set their national holiday or some such День народного единства on the 4rd October commemorating "liberation" of Moscow from Poles in 1612. Eh?

Because they consider it important for their national identity?
I'm talking about today's Poland. Poland is just an economic (possibly cultural) partner. Nothing else. I don't see how Poland threatens Russia today.

It has nothing to do with our debate. We are talking Poland - Russia.

It is important. Because America plays with Polish people's fears about Russia in order to achieve its own interest, and many Poles still believe America is their good friend.

So the right answer is they are afraid that the world will see them for what their are at the moment weakened and vulnerable.

Russia was weak 20 years ago. Right after the collapse of the USSR. Things have changed. Russia is slowly regaining its position as a global power. And we'll have to deal with it. As long as they don't invade Poland (or the Baltic States)... ;)

No, they see Poland as a board piece to be played not as an opponent or a possible partner and here is the crux of t he problem. Is that is not obvious to you.

No, clearly, this is not obvious to me. Any evidence of this?

Syria basically invited Russia to stop ISIS and probably NATO.

And yes. Russia's intervention in Syria is legal. No matter what the White House says.
17 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

Dammit, I'm outnumbered ;) I don't have much time but I'll try to answer everyone.

You think Russia is more credible than the free world???

I don't know. But I know that Afghanistan, Irak, and Libya were not destroyed by Russia. They were destroyed by (y)our free world. The one who officially respects countries' borders and territorial integrity.

in Europe it very much is just that - as has been explained to you before.

No, many countries in Europe are not as russophobic as Poland is (who is probably urged by some US advisors, like Brzezinski). Many countries are actually getting tired of the sanctions. France, Italy, the Czech Rep., Slovakia, etc.

Russia feels threatened by the sole existence of Poland, Latvia etc.

How can Poland or Latvia be viewed as a threat to Russia's security?

that is the essence of EUnuchism

Could you explain me the concept? Never heard of it before.

USA regards existence of a strong Russia in geopolitical terms as a stabilizing factor in this part of the world.

As long as Russia aligns itself behind Washington, right? Views seem to vary a lot (among US analysts I mean). Indeed, some say that Russia could be a stabilizing factor, others say that Russia is America's biggest threat (a threat to its national security). Unfortunately, I'm afraid the latter view currently prevails among US leaders.

To Poland a neighboring country with a strong military and a history of aggressive policy towards Poland that proved to be many time over to be hostile to Poland

You know, back in the golden days of Poland, Polish troops invaded and annexed eastern lands too. They even almost reached Moscow.
We like to see Poland as a poor eternal victim, always. But give Poland the means to fulfil its ambitions, and see what happens.

They don't think like that for them Poland need to either part of Russian sphere or at lest to be a vassal state.

That may have been true. But not anymore. Let's be pragmatic. Poland is part of the EU and NATO. As long as I know, Poland doesn't want to invade Russia, nor does it want to impose any ideology or anything. Poland is nothing to Russia. Except a trading partner. Today, Poland is clearly in the American sphere of influence. There's not much Russia can do about it. Invading Poland wouldn't help.

BUT if Russia annexes the whole of Ukraine and maybe Belarus, then okay, we'd have something to worry about.

What is Russia so afraid of? Are they seriously think that the NATO troops will invade Russia?

It's all political, and playing with each other's pride. Yes, it's a little game between nuclear powers (kinda risky). "If I do this (stationing troops and weapons close to your border), what will you do? What will your answer be? Will you be scared and show the rest of the world how "weak" you are? Or will you play with us, show your muscle, and station your own troops on the otherside of the border, facing our own troops, and see what happens next?"

It's never good when powers start showing their muscle. Because you never know if anyone will dare say stop before it's too late.

Talking about "allies", America doesn't care much about Poland. In case of a war, Poland would suffer the most. America is far away, it's easy for them to play with fire as long as it's far from their own territory and population. As always. As they did during WW2.

I'd rather have a real independent European (defensive) army than having NATO troops stationing everywhere.

Either Russia recognizes Poland's status as a country free in its own right

Russia doesn't recognize the status of Poland as a free country?

Anyway there is no war possible at the movement.

Indeed. Also, a war would be detrimental for both Russia and Europe.

I have to go quick. Talk later, guys.
17 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

Shut up nasty EUnuch.

Easy, buddy. I never insulted you.

Russia always feel threatened and provoked unless one commit suicide or becomes a Russian puppet state.

So giving Russia a good reason to feel threatened by stationing NATO troops in Poland is a good idea?
Do you see the contradiction or should I explain a little more?
17 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

And some are less credible than others.

Indeed, our western powers belong to the less credible ones, given our history.

People who comment on articles are representative of nothing.

Individual politicians only represent their own ideology too. Still, they can reach millions of people and influence their opinion. It doesn't make it a "good" opinion either. A good number of the persons who commented (those who disagree with you) are also the ones who dig a little deeper and compare different sources to have the most accurate opinion. They don't want Putin to invade Poland, they want Poland to stay independent, they may even want Poland to remain a member of NATO, but they don't like this situation. And I understand them. I too don't like having politicians who can't stop crying wolf.

Evidently not that much, given the rather weak 'examples' you tried to give.

At least I try to give you real answers. Not just a few one-sentence evasive ones, as you do.
Geopolitically speaking, you really sound like the most naive of the two of us. Your only argument is: Russia is public enemy number one. And when I ask for details, you always seem to have a hard time providing them. Talking about weak examples...

Russia is disliked in Poland and has made threats

I'm still waiting for details about these so-called threats. I need solid evidence, not your ideological emotionally-driven feeling of the situation.
I don't care about Russia being disliked or not. This is not the point here.

As to your quotations, if you still rely on what that silly Waszczykowski (and the Pentagon) says, there's nothing I can say. These people are the most hysterical of all. I don't know if there's a precedent where more weapons and troops ready to fight = security and peace.

But the worst part is that, since Russia has very probably never planned to attack neither Poland nor the Baltic states, the bunch of hysterical mentioned above will congratulate themselves from preventing a Russian aggression (that wasn't going to happen anyway).

Are NATO troops going to be sent to Slovakia too? If not, does it mean that Slovakia is in danger?
Come on, let's go back to reality and stop this craziness. It would be funny if it wasn't that ridiculous and dangerous.
17 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

there's no territorial ambition for Lwow and Poland respects Ukraines borders...

That's what any country in the world would say... ;) Every country respects other countries' borders. Of course they do.

It does however exist for the rest of us.

Speak for yourself, Jon. Didn't you read the comments of the article? These are Polish people from Poland, and they seem to disagree with you. And I'm not sure that Poland is filled with putinists, really.

You don't follow geopolitics much, do you, given that one is a near satellite, another is a rival, one is a buffer and the most developed of them has very strained relations...

I do follow geopolitics quite a lot. Enough to know that we should be very careful when a "rival" state of Russia says that Russia is a bigger threat than ISIS.

Again, Russia has NO reason to attack Poland. NO tiny reason whatsoever. There would be no possible justification for such an aggression. Unless Poland keeps provoking Russia with more and more NATO troops stationing on its territory, clearly aiming at Russia, which could eventually make a legitimate casus belli for Russia to defend itself. Is that really what Poland wants? Another WW2 on its soil? To give Russia a good reason for a preventive war à l'américaine?

The major threat doesn't come from Russia but more from hysterical individuals like you and your irrational fears. Let's face it, you don't serve Poland's interests with such a behaviour, unfortunately. You're actually throwing Poland into the lion's mouth by maintaining and even fueling tensions, instead of trying to ease them, which would be beneficial for everyone (except the ones who can't get enough of wars).

That's how wars break out. When the different parties cannot stop the escalation, until they reach the point of no return. Then it's too late.

I wish we had learned from past mistakes.
17 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

though there is one thing that all major political parties in Poland agree on - their support for Ukraine's territorial integrity

Until the day they get the chance to take Lwów back into Poland... Maybe they wouldn't care so much about "Ukraine's territorial integrity" if that day ever comes ;)

I'm not sure they really care about Ukraine. I think they just need to complain about Russia. Over and over again.

their awareness that Russia is a threat.

Yeah, yeah. Poland will keep buying American weapons to protect itself from a danger that doesn't exist (to me). This is money they will never see again. Total waste.

To me, ISIS is a much greater threat to Europe (and even Poland) than Russia will ever be.
The only reason I see for Russia to attack Poland is if Poland attacks Russia first. Which, hopefully, won't happen. *fingers crossed*

plus of course the scale of the threat.

Indeed, it's much wiser (some would say more cowardly) to attack countries who can't really defend themselves. And if they have oil reserves, it's even better ;)

And nobody likes to share a border with Russia, do they?

I don't know. Finland, Belarus, Mongolia, and China seem to be fine.
16 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

it was destroyed by American politicians with bankers and their lobbyists/influence groups pulling the strings and egging them on.

Indeed, the same ones who used the sacred values of democracy, free world, the holy fight of the good vs the evil, etc. as a justification for their criminal actions ;)

Russia is more dangerous than Islamic State, Poland's foreign minister Witold Waszczykowski, told reporters during a visit to Slovakia.

Poor guy, I'm not sure one can be more ridiculous than that, really. I'm really concerned about some Polish politicians' mental health.
Good that you mentioned Slovakia though. Slovakia's government seems much wiser and smarter about the situation. And I think the same goes with the Czechs.

I read this article from Onet (generally quite russophobic) yesterday, here:
I don't know if you speak any Polish, so let me translate the very first sentence of the article:

-Rosję musimy traktować jako strategicznego partnera do rozwiązania globalnych problemów, a nie jako część problemu.
-We must treat Russia as a strategical partner to solve global problems, and not as a part of the problem.
(Miroslav Lajčák, head of Slovakia's diplomacy)

Onet's Polish readers don't seem to agree with Waszczykowski, if you give a look at the comments right below the article.
Poles do not all give up to the mass hysteria. Phew.

Doing the destroying of course. If it's gotta go, it's gotta go.

Then let's be consistent with our sacred values and let's go and destroy Saudi Arabia, and maybe Turkey and North Korea. What do you think? Who cares about what will happen after the destruction of these countries, and the millions of dead and refugees. If we decide what's good for them, they will probably understand.

Sorry to say it, Jon, but you're the fascist here.
15 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

Frequently and ad nauseam.

This is the first time you actually answered the question, congratulations!

it is an enemy of Poland and the rest of the Union

That's not true. Before the Ukrainian crisis, the relations between Russia and the EU were good and actually getting better.
But the US cannot stand the idea of us, Europeans, having close ties with Russia, because in such a case, we (EU+Russia) would become America's rival on the global scene and challenge US hegemony. Some American analysts have clearly suggested the US governement to prevent any "alliance" between Germany and Russia, because it would seriously endanger America's hegemony.

When you think about it, the Ukraine crisis arrived right on time (pure coincidence I guess), and now Europe "hates" Russia almost as much as America does ;) But, as I said, this is a lose-lose situation. For Europe and Russia. Not for America.

that the free world stands together against Russian expansionism, authoritarianism and aggression.

Where was the "free world" when Irak and Libya (for instance) were destroyed?
Also, please give me the definition of the "free world". It didn't have much sense during the Cold War, I'm wondering what it can possibly be today...
15 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

They've actively threatened Poland as demonstrated already. Not to mention the economic sabre-rattling...

As demonstrated already? When? And how? ;)
The economic sabre-rattling works both ways.

Kosovo's sovereignty is recognised by most countries including yours and mine.

As Adrian said, it's not as simple as it seems. Again. Many countries don't recognise its sovereignty, but since most of these countries don't belong to the Western world, I guess they don't count as much.

As to the sanctions against Russia, even countries inside the EU have different views on them. These sanctions will probably not last. It's a lose-lose situation.

Poland doesn't need Russia, and the response of Poland to aggressive Russian expansionism and sabre-rattling does prove that it's an important part of the European counterweight.

Russia doesn't "need" Poland either. Except that with today's free market and globalization, all countries are more or less interdependent. Economic sanctions harm both Russia and Poland, and the first ones to suffer from them are the people from Russia and Poland.

I'm thinking, maybe the Polish government has something to gain from playing the russophobia card. I mean they (and some European/American/Polish companies) may want to invest in Ukraine. And to do so, they may need to send Russian companies in Ukraine back home... But that's just my little theory ;)
13 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

See all posts above, pointing out the recent occasions in which Russia has demonstated itself to be a threat.

To Poland? I said "a threat to POLAND's security". Poland is no Ossetia or Crimea. You really can't answer my question, can you?

Don't be silly, google it yourself...

No, I shouldn't be the one to check YOUR sources.

And all regions of Ukraine are part of the same sovereign state. this is acknowledged by Poland and the world community, hence the sanctions on Russia.

As Kosovo was a part of the same sovereign state. As Irak was a sovereign state when it was invaded and destroyed in 2003, which was a violation of international law.

Why aren't there sanctions to all countries who "break" the rules?
12 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

I only answer real questions, not rhetorical ones.

There's nothing rhetorical in "please tell me what threat Russia represents to Poland's security nowadays".
You keep telling me that it's obvious, but you can't tell me why. You should ask yourself some questions, Jon ;)

All there in black and white.

Again, you only mentioned Google, and we both agreed, Google is not a "source". Give me valid sources.

As does Ukraine. A history and culture of which they are very proud.

That's true especially for western regions of Ukraine. Not as much in the East.
Historically, Western Ukraine has "always" been pro-EU, while Eastern Ukraine tends to be more pro-Russia. This alone can explain why the situation is not as simple as we may think, and why all Ukrainians were not pro-Maidan.

(Btw, Ireland's history as a nation/state is much longer than Ukraine's, but it's not really relevant here, I must admit ;))

Looks like their next Prime Minister, assuming his appointment is ratified, is one of the good guys too.

Who is it?
11 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

Poland doen't support Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. Leaders of both parties are clear on this.

You really don't want to answer my questions, do you?
You're incapable of questioning your own certainties and there's no way to make you see things from a different perspective. Pity. Really. We could have had an interesting conversation, instead of this never-ending childish game.

And the content cited to you was respectable and neutral

How could I know? I don't know where your quotations came from, except that you found them on Google.

So what? Most people in Southern Ireland have English as their primary language. Would that excuse us invading them again?

Ireland was not created a few decades ago. Ireland has its own history and culture. Ireland's population is not 50% English. As of 2011, there are more people originating from Poland in Ireland than from the UK. Should I go on?

Not comparable.
Also, if Russia really wanted to invade and annex the whole country, they would be done by now.

Now America, everyone wants to come to America.

And they are quickly disappointed ;) It's always nicer on TV.
There are at least as many migrants in the EU as there are in the US anyway.
People around the world are more and more wary about the US. America used to be seen as a positive power. But these times are long gone. Too many questionable and criminal wars, and too much blood on your hand, my friend.
9 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

but really it's neither here nor there in relation to Ukraine's sovereignty.

It's not really about corruption, but more about the fact that we supported another regime change in an independent country (talking about sovereignty), and promising its population a better life (like eventually joining the EU and NATO) which obviously we cannot provide. So, we used and reused the argument of corruption to justify our meddling (and the ousting of the previous government), but when we look at the situation as it is now, we can see that we failed, big time.

Hide sources in what way? By citing them?

Yes, by citing them, telling me you found them on Google, which is not a source per se, as we both agreed.

I don't much like the phrase 'LOL' but it really does fit here.

You're right, you shouldn't use it.

Unless you still pretend that any source that has been put online and indexed by a search engine is not infact reliable.

This shows how naive you can be. A search engine's role is not to index "reliable" contents, but just ANY contents, billions of them.

Russian sources are indexed on Google too, sources you wouldn't find "reliable" for sure.
So, for the umpteenth time, in what way does Russia CURRENTLY (not 40 years ago) threaten Poland?
In other words, what would Russia benefit from invading Poland?

A brutal and bloody invasion 'close ties'?

Yes, close ties. Most people in Eastern Ukraine (which covers a vast area) have Russian as their primary langage, and/or are of Russian descent, and/or are married to Russians, and/or work with Russians, etc. If you can't understand that the country isn't homogeneous as Poland is, and that its relations with Russia (historically, economically, culturally, etc.) are strong, then you can't understand the situation in Ukraine.

I told you, it's not just another cowboy story. The good guy on one side VS the bad guy on the other side.
And talking about being brutal, ask the populations of Odessa or Donetsk what they think of the government forces.

What Poland gets from this relationship, other than cheaper vodka, and cheap labor, is difficult to understand.

Indeed. The same can be said, unfortunately, about the relationships between Poland and Western Europe. There is no such thing as "friendly states".
8 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

Yes, and you touted corruption levels under the former Putinist government as a reason for Putin to invade the now! Classic...

No, no, no... Maybe if I spoke French you'd understand better what I'm saying ;)
I was ONLY saying that the previous government was corrupt, and the new one, supported by the West (as "democratic") is at least as corrupt if not more. SO, the "revolution" that we supported (and even sponsored) didn't make the situation any better in Ukraine. It may have made it even worse.

As a French speaker you have probably figured out why...

Indeed, but I didn't want to believe that you'd use such a bad word in a grown-up conversation ;)

Do you expect everyone that call you out to pop down to the National Library and pore through archived manuscripts?

I expect people who debate with me to check their sources and share them with me, and not hide them. Otherwise, the argument is null and void.

Russia openly threatens Poland.

How and when? You still haven't answered that question.

has invaded a sovereign state friendly to Poland.

If it had, it would only concern Crimea, which is a very specific case.
Talking about "friendly states" (which doesn't mean much in international affairs), the ties between Ukraine and Russia are much, much closer than between Ukraine and Poland. You should have a closer look at Ukraine's population and history on that matter.
7 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

And Russia isn't?

I'm talking about Ukraine.

They are also murderous, as the poisoning of Aleksander Litvinienko in Londan and the unnatural and untimely deaths of so many of his pponents proves.

No, there are many powerful people in Russia (or abroad) who could have sponsored these crimes for their own interests. I can't say who was behind these murders, because I truly don't know. And that's the main difference between you and me: I don't pretend I know, when you seem to know all the truth about everything, especially about Russia. Which is obviously not the case anyway. You should doubt more, Jon.

BTW, when you say "the previous (pre-Maidan) governement was corrupt", one presumes you mean the the previous (pre-Maidan) Putinist puppet regime.....

Again, simplistic. Yanukovich was indeed closer to Russia than Poroshenko is, but I'm not sure he was a "Putinist puppet".
And it's not the point anyway. The point is: the previous government was corrupt, the current one is at least as much corrupt.

And so is a huge chunk of the dicrator Putain's gang.

Seriously, it's a sickness. You can't talk without mentioning Putin's name (that you spell incorrectly by the way) all the time.

Meaning they don't actually produce the websites (like this one) that come up on the search engine.

Could you be more ridiculous that that? I wonder... Yes, Jon, I know that Google is a search engine, and that's EXACTLY why I was asking for REAL sources, and not random quotations you found from a random research. Do you understand what I'm saying or should I start speaking French?

Since I'm a good guy, I'll try to explain better with an example (don't thank me, I'm glad I can help). I too could make some research on Google and find, among millions of results that, for instance, Italy is planning to invade Vatican city. Does it mean it's true? Does it mean we should believe this "information" without digging a little deeper?

And don't tell me you're "cool", because you're clearly not. You cannot refrain from calling me names, even though I'm just trying to debate with you. It's a chance I'm not like you. This conversation would look even more childish.

And for your information, I'm partly Polish. Why would I "defend" Russia if I believed it was a credible threat to Poland's security?

I support a smart and peaceful approach to international relations, which means avoiding panic and paranoia, especially when it could lead to a nuclear war. I'll repeat once again what I've already said a bunch of times: to me, Russia doesn't constitute a threat to Poland's security and integrity. But an hypothetical war between Russia and the West would put Poland in the front line of an unprecendented world disaster.
6 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

As far as Polish society though, we've endured far too much throughout our entire history with Russia to not be russophobes. We're always going to be cautious.

Which is totally understandable, of course. Being cautious is fine. Paranoid is not ;)

the collapsing economy caused by Putin invading their main industrial region...

Jon, the previous (pre-Maidan) governement was corrupt, and that was one of the official reasons for the "revolution". Today's government is at least as corrupt, if not more. Is that Putin's fault too?

You must have seen that Panama Papers story. Mr. Poroshenko is on the list of the current world leaders involved in tax evasion.
Is that what Ukrainians really wanted?

You realise we're only at the start of this one? Maybe not...

So? The USSR has collapsed. Poland has changed. It's part of both the EU and NATO now. And as far as I know, the relations (in terms of diplomacy and economics) between Poland and Russia have been good since then. That's what I'm trying to say. There is no reason, in my opinion, to expect any aggression of Poland from Russia. Poland has no significant Russian minority, it has no oil and gas reserves... Russia could not justify such an aggression and would lose most of its allies.

Found in 1.5 seconds on google

Sources? Google is not a valid source, Jon.

Would any country be anything other than very wary indeed about a has-been and would-be superpower who has just invaded and is currently at war with their neighbour and close ally?

As I wrote above, being wary is okay, but being paranoid is not. Because that's when you do the biggest mistakes.

Bizarre and sad to see Putinist apologetics here.

You can repeat that as many times as you want, but it won't make it more accurate.
I'm not a "Putinist apologetics", I just try to have a more distant look on events, which you have a hard time doing, obviously.

Your vision of the Ukraine crisis seems quite simplistic. We're the good guys. Everything is the Russians' fault.

Anyone who isn't anti-Russian isn't a Polish. Its as simple as that.

Yeah, there's nothing better than a common enemy to create a strong sense of identity. It doesn't have to be rational. It rarely is actually.
5 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

Which is excellent.

Thousands of dead and a collapsing economy, is this your definition of 'excellent'?

You should note that the training and aid from one free country to another is entirely open and transparent

Not if this aid is meant to cause trouble in that country.

The example is pretty recent.

You're talking about the USSR in the last century. I'm talking about Russia in 2016. So please answer my question: in what way is Russia threatening Poland in 2016?

It's worth pointing out to anyone reading that a quick click on your profile shows that many of the posts you make is either trying to excuse Russian aggression like their illegal invasion of Poland's friendly neighbour, Ukraine or trying to defend Putin.

Congratulations, you've made a pointless research. You're free to waste your time the way you please after all. None of my business.
Plus, you're wrong. Most of the threads I joined had nothing to do with Russia. And the two threads I created both clearly mention "POLAND" in big characters. Did you miss that too?

Something you probably didn't see on my profile is that I wasn't active on PF for months. So you can't really say I'm trying to actively defend anyone. I'm just sharing my point of view, as you do. If you had looked much farther in the past, I think I used to criticize Russia, but I wasn't all that informed back then. Still young and innocent ;)

And if you want to talk about Poland, then let's talk about Poland. I am just sad to see that Poland cannot move on with that russophobia stuff. I happen to read Polish news articles, it helps me understand why many Poles still hate Russia. Although, if you give a look at comments, people aren't naive, and they don't buy everything they're told. Well, some do, some don't.

Actually this is factual. Online trolling is actually a pretty lucrative position for a young person in Russia.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were trolls paid by other countries too ;)
But I swear, I'm neither Russian nor paid.
5 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]


Yet you were doing exactly that.

What comparison did I make?

Very good that free countries have responded that way.

No, it's no "response". The US Department of State has been investing billions in that "revolution" for several years, long before the Maidan events.

Ukraine is not Russia. Russian troops invaded.

I didn't want you to give me your opinion, I was asking for evidence.

It wasn't that long ago that their troops had to slink out of Poland with their tales between their legs.

I said: what has Russia done to Poland in the RECENT PAST? Try to focus, please.

Cooler than you'll ever be

You don't sound cool, at all. You're obviously emotional on this matter. You can't discuss without being aggressive to the persons who disagree with you. For someone who calls himself a "democrat" from the "free world", this is quite a paradox. I guess your irrational fear of Russia explains a part of your behaviour.

Last but not least, and to show you how far from realities you seem to be, the world is much more heterogeneous than you think. I wouldn't say that most of the world hate Russia and Putin. The Western world represents a small part of all mankind. Other peoples throughout the world may have different opinions than you, and they're not necessarily wrong.
4 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

Comparing is precisely what you were doing

I didn't say that comparing was always wrong, I just said that we shouldn't try to compare things that are not comparable.

Sadly it is run by a dictator right now, however interesting that you value Russia so low that you see only those two alternatives.

Are you one of those Hillary Clinton's fanatics who are comparing Putin to Hitler?
I'm just saying that Russia is a very complex case and that you can't have an Obama or Hollande (believe me) as head of state.

If not Putin, who else? Tell me. I mean right now, who would make a better president?

No need to prove that the free world have not intervened militarily in the invasion.

No need to intervene militarily when you have spent billions of dollars to train local forces.

Russia and the Putinists illegally invaded a sovereign state.

To protect their own interest as any other world power would have done in such a situation. Let's not be hypocrites.
And again, prove me that Russia actually invaded Ukraine.
Crimea (Sebastopol) has always been a legal Russian military base, and Russia had the right to have soldiers stationing there.
"The facts however are black and white". So the blame is all on Russia and the West didn't do anything wrong, ever?

since the behaviour of Russia, particularly sabre-rattling towards Poland

Honestly, what wrong has Russia done to Poland in the recent past?

Look how many Paid for by Putin Russian Trolls we have here.

paid internet trolling by Putinists

Both ridiculous.
Don't you two have anything better to say than such silly accusations?
Jon, you seem like a smart guy. But on this issue, you sound just too emotional. Cool down, my friend.
2 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

The only reason why NATO was pushing to have missle defenses there is so that they don't travel past Poland - you'd be blind to think NATO cares about Polish security

I agree with you, Adrian, unfortunately.

Here in Europe???

You can't compare Russia with any European country. Russia has a very specific history, is the largest country on the planet, and has huge natural resources. I'm not saying it needs to be run by a dictator, but it surely can't be ruled by a puppet-president, if you know what I mean.

Putin may currently be the best option. For now.

And the world sits back while they invade Ukraine...

Can you prove this?
Also, the Ukraine crisis is much more complex than just the pretty picture of the Good (West) on one side and the Bad (Russia) on the other side. It's all so political.

the germans were not even supposed.to.have an army or tanks.

Nazi Germany received a lot of equipments and oil (and support) from American companies, why don't you mention that?
1 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

A lot of them are that silly

One third... which means that a clear majority of two thirds (approx. 66%) thinks that Russia wouldn't defeat NATO.
The article also states that most Russians don't want a war with NATO.
See, not silly.

There is no way this is a country, it's juat a mental warlord state with nukes.

You should have a calm conversation with a Russian citizen, you'd be surprised how 'normal' s/he is.

But stupid enough to have a massive Cult of Personality for the dictator Putin

There may be a cult of personality, but people don't all buy it.
Also, you have such a negative opinion of Putin that you cannot imagine that many Russians (even the educated ones) may praise some of his policies.

Unfortunately the worst regimes, like Russia

You won't like it but... in my opinion, there are much worse regimes in the world than Russia's. These ones are the 'priority'.

I still don't think that Russia is a threat to Europe. To America maybe (economically and politically). But not Europe.
Unfortunately, in the case of a war, the consequences would be terrible for Europe and Russia. America will be fine, as always. And for sure Americans would find a way to benefit from such a disaster.
1 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

Because the Russians think the West a a bunch of spineless cowards who would surrender to the macho Russians.

And those would be good reasons for another world war, with potentionally hundreds of millions of dead?
Let's be serious, and don't underestimate Russians, they (Russians) know they couldn't win a war against the US+EU+all NATO.
They're not that silly.

paranoid menace

The paranoia is on our side too.

Honestly mate are you seperated from reality?

You should ask yourself that question, my friend.
1 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

you do realize that the casa plane crash and the smolensk plane crash was de facto a declaration of war againts Poland (and possibly Europe and the us)?

A declaration of war against Poland and Europe and the US, really?
What for?
Why would Russia need to start another world war?
1 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

I'm surprised there are still people believing in a Russian aggression of Poland.
The US will do anything to keep their feet (and army) on the European soil, including playing with European citizens' fear of a hypothetical Russian aggression.

Poland is not an ally of the US. It's just one of the only European states who still believes in what Uncle Sam says.