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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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21 Feb 2019
History / Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe [132]

I wouldn't generalise in blaming Jews for this anti-Polish spew over the last week. Even though there are some Jews in Poland and elsewhere, happy to attack Poland, there are also many (particularly Jewish groups in Poland) defending it. It's more about Israel. Their politicians and media are constantly attacking Poland, they can't help themselves, almost like, they have an agenda or something. Hmmmm.
19 Dec 2018
UK, Ireland / Tax return question (UK) [4]

Okay I didn't realise that I need to declare all earnings, including already taxed ones. Thanks for the info folks.

I don't need to do the self assessment for this year anyway, as the freelance work didn't start until after April this year.
19 Dec 2018
UK, Ireland / Tax return question (UK) [4]

I have never known how this work for sure and since it might effect me soon I thought I would ask. It's about tax returns. It concern the UK, but I am going to assume this works the same way everywhere else too.

If you have a full or part time job that deducts taxes from you, but you also make some extra money from other work [freelance], when you go to fill out your tax return, do you need to mention the earnings from the full or part time job as well as the freelance work, or just the freelance work, since they ought to already know my job earnings, as I already have taxes deducted from the payslips?
1 Nov 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

It's amazing how much effort you're putting into promoting an event attended mostly by bald men from villages.

Mostly bald men from villages? Now you're just repeating mainstream media propaganda.

Tell us, why did the organisers refuse to agree to red/white flags only? Are they anti-Polish?

They did not refuse to agree to red/white flags only, they simply said they could not guarantee it would only be red and white flags, and that's what PiS wanted. They're not going to spend all day confiscating flags from people to appease the government. In a free country you should be able to bring whatever flag you want, not be censored. They want to encourage people to take part in the march, not push them away.
24 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

I don't doubt it. They also look the other way when muslims rape children. Enjoy your new homeland.

That has got nothing to do with basic politeness. That's a PC culture issue and a fear of offending someone based on identity, something I am also very much against. Police have the right to stop somebody and search them, not matter what their race, creed, religion and culture, but just don't treat them like dirt, particularly if you don't know if they are guilty or not. Now of course if they are uncooperative or abusive, you can be more assertive. Think about it, how is an ordinary citizen supposed to feel about the police if they keep getting harassed by them, when they have done nothing wrong? After a while they won't see them as being there to protect them, but as a nuisance who keep bothering ordinary decent hard working citizens.

When I was in Warsaw, there was Straz Miejska everywhere. I didn't feel safer, I felt as though they were waiting for somebody to put their foot in the wrong place, so they could hassle them.
21 Oct 2018
Life / Political correctness in Poland [210]

You know not only conservative publications exist in Poland right? I am sure that left wing ones praised the heck out of it.
21 Oct 2018
Life / Political correctness in Poland [210]

Poles may joke about plenty both in public, even in private, Catholic dogma though is still strictly OFF LIMITS

Erm, have you heard of 'Kler', the movie they just put out in Poland, viciously attacking the Catholic church and almost everything about it? Believe me, the Catholic church isn't off limits to criticise in Poland. Just turn on TVN or pick up a copy of Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper.
21 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

Tis true. British police are much more polite. Now some say the British police aren't firm enough and I agree, to a degree, in situations involving individuals who don't do what they ask and start to kick off, they need to deal with them firmly, but there is no need to treat a person like crap if you stop them and they are complying with everything you say. You could tell the cop searching the kid in the video likes to abuse his authority, just by the way he was talking.
20 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

Yeah thanks for posting that video Dougpol. That is basically typical Polish police and how they treat people. It isn't the fact that they stopped him that pisses me off. I can understand they have a job to do and if indeed there were a lot of bicycles stolen in that area and they were doing some general checks on people riding them, fine. It's the way they spoke to the kid, treating him like trash, like he is guilty before they even know anything, constantly asking him why he is nervous. How about, because a second ago he was riding his bike and now suddenly police are going through all his stuff.
17 Oct 2018
Law / Need help about Poland's partner visa for LGBT [45]

...or a role in every other TV show.

This is absolutely true. Not so long ago I was listening to 2 comics discussing this on a podcast. They were talking about Ellen Degeneres. Her career apparently wasn't going so well some years ago, so her agent decided it would be a good time for her to come out as gay. The coming out was treated as one of the bravest decisions ever made and they acted like when she came out, she was treated worse by the industry and discriminated. This was of course nonsense. She was suddenly being hired for a ton of shows and got her own prime time show, that she still has. Coming out was the best thing she ever did. If she hadn't, she'd be a nobody, as she wouldn't have got anywhere on talent, since she has none. Being gay actually made her a somebody, at least in showbiz.

Same goes for ethnic minorities. The amount of boring black people there are with their own TV show, for no other reason than that they are black, is a joke. I have nothing against black people by the way, I just don't like seeing them [or anyone] given things simply for who they are.
15 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Ukraine - a country in Central Europe? [28]

Nah, Ukraine clearly in Eastern Europe. Even Poland is considered by many to be Eastern Europe, even though some say it is in central Europe. At best you could say the most western part of Ukraine covers central Europe possibly, but even that might be doing a bit far.
15 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

Many Polish drivers are absolute maniacs.....maybe not as bad as Italians,but probably even worse than the French

Motorists in Italy are certainly right up there. It's another one of those 'no rules of the road' countries.
10 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

the logic was "why should I say please when I buy something, I'm paying for it. Why should I say thank you when they give me change, it's my money."

This is interesting. I used to think like this. Why are customers thanking cashiers when they give them change? It's their money, they paid for the goods and the money they are getting back is their money, so the cashier isn't doing them any favours by giving them their money back. I got over that now though. It's just politeness, so why not say thank you? The cashier can say thank you too, when receiving the money for the goods, even though in many cases [unless she owns the store] this money doesn't go to her, but to the store she works at. It just makes the entire transaction more pleasant though.

Having said that I do occasionally get frustrated with myself for giving somebody an undeserved 'thank you', like when I'm in my car and I think a car is letting me through, so I thank them, then I realise they are actually just parked up on the side of the road. It doesn't matter though. So they got an underserved thanks, big deal. I have sometimes given people a very underserved 'sorry' though. It's usually in a crowded place, when somebody barges past me. Then I think, ah man, they frigging barged in to me, why did I just apologise? I was standing there, it isn't my fault.

By the way, speaking of the 1st incident with the car, I was recently reading a humorous but semi serious article about road etiquette, and it said that the driver who let's another through, should return the 'thank you' wave after being thanked. So say you move to the side of the road and stop, in order to let a car from the other side past because the road is too narrow for both of you to get through at the same time, when they raise their hand to thank you as they go through, you should raise it back to acknowledge their thanks. The explanation was that it isn't really a return thank you, but more of an acknowledgement of their thanks. Apparently if you don't do it, the other driver might think you begrudgingly let them through and weren't happy doing it. It seems a bit over the top and I never used to give the acknowledging return wave, but I've done it a few times now. I can't imagine a Polish person would be keen on all this though, most drivers are maniacs. Anyone heard of this 'road etiquette?'

Oh, the reminds me of something else that annoyed me in Poland. Why the heck can cars run a red light, while if a person walks to the other side of the road when they have a red, they could be fined? It seems cars have more rights than pedestrians in Poland.
7 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

You actually believe things cost more in England because of the good customer service? You think they add £5 to the price of a pair of shoes for the smile you get from the store clerk? You're more delusional that I realised.
7 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]


I might just do that. Thanks for the info.

You might be Polish but living most of your life abroad, you just got assimilated to many things and now expect it in PL. Well, it isn't here because we don't need it

Sounds to me like you just got used to **** service and now it's normal for you. By the way I am not saying shop assistance, store clerks etc. should be polite to foreigners, as that's what they expect. I think they should be polite to Polish people first and foremost, but they're not. I actually get the impression they are more rude to their own.
6 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

As you spoke to him in Polish, perhaps he presumed that you lived in Poland and that you should have known better

Perhaps he did, until I told him that I didn't live in Poland, hence giving him the information. He said he didn't care where I was from or if I was from another planet. Like I said, just rude.
6 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

These folks expect that people will bow to them because they decided to spend $20 USD in some place.

Why do you immediately assume I am American? It looks like you have some serious insecurities, assuming that anyone who complains about poor service in Poland must be some high and mighty yank who expects too much.

You say most opinions in Poland are that customer service is fine, well perhaps Polish people are used to crap customer service? If they went abroad, they would be pleasantly surprised.

Don't like it, so go elsewhere next time.

That's what I'm sure I and many customers in Poland could well do. Doesn't help the business much does it? To think all they had to do was be friendly. Nobody is asking for 'have a nice day' or to be treated like a king, but friendly service and a smile, is that too much to ask? Is that something a paying customer should not get, according to you? Must the customer always feel like he is causing the store clerk, or whoever, hassle, just by asking for something? Get a grip man.

Well, shove up your "nice to see you", we don't need it here and no one will be doing it to make some "expat" happy.

Is that what this is about? An expat should not get any good treatment? I'm not an expat. I'm Polish, I live abroad, my family is from Poland and I went there for a few days, although it was my 1st time in Warsaw. I was surprised at how poor the service is. I spoke Polish and I sound just like somebody who lives there, so they probably assumed I did. It really doesn't take a lot to be friendly, just like it doesn't take a lot to hold a door open for somebody or generally have good manners. They don't cost anything, as people say. Seriously, don't be so insecure and assume I am some foreigner telling people in Poland how to live. It's friendly advice and they would do well to take it on board. It might help their businesses do a lot better.
5 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

Anyone who expects customer service and fake smiles from the minimum wage slave employees should just stay in USA

What if they're not from the US? You know that isn't the only place in the world where you get good customer service right?

Did you bother to speak to them in Polish?

Of course. I always speak Polish to Polish folk.

in the middle of what I will go ahead and assume was some busy street, like Jerozolimskie or Emilii Plater

Actually it wasn't busy. It was a road by the Russian embassy and near the presidential palace. No cars were anywhere near, that's why I went to the other side. Didn't stop the policeman hidden in the box by the embassy [that I was unaware of\ being an ass to me though.

I politely hand them my residence card, speak to them in Polish and usually end up having a chat about what I think about old Polska as an American.

Well I spoke to this one politely in Polish and it didn't stop him being rude. I was actually told later that if I had pretended not to know Polish, he might have treated me better, as apparently the cops in Poland seem to treat their own much worse.
5 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

You say that, but some of those who served me didn't look older than 30, and still had an attitude. It seems they have picked up the commie ways from their parents, as have the police.
5 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

Last week I was in Warsaw for a few days. I have visited Poland many times in my life, but never been to see Warsaw properly [normally only passing through].

It's a nice city with a lot of interesting things to see. I enjoyed the sites. A lot of foreign faces too, although I was expecting it. 2 things I really didn't like. The police [or straz miejska] are extremely rude [this might not be exclusive to the capital]. They treat you like dirt. I was spoken to very rudely when I, not knowing, tried to get from one side of the street to the other, not where the lights are. I understand getting a telling off, but he literally spoke to me like I was 2 inches tall and he was the kind of the world.

The other issue is the customer service, that I have mentioned before. There is none. The people who serve you have miserable faces like a smacked ass. Seriously, I know in England the shop assistant smiles are fake, but I think I prefer that to having to deal with somebody who acts like they are doing you a favour in serving you.
5 Oct 2018
Life / Anti Catholic Church movie 'Kler' from Poland [8]

The movie, that attacks the Church, is apparently the biggest box office hit in Poland for 30 years. Has anyone here seen it?

The 2nd biggest hit after it is Fifty Shades of Grey.

'Kler' -- named after the Polish word for clergy -- attracted over 935,000 viewers last weekend, the country's best opening three days in 30 years, according to the Association of Polish Filmmakers. The movie, which explores the themes of child abuse, romantic liaisons, corruption, greed and alcoholism by clerics, has been harshly criticized by Poland's conservative government with close links to the church.


Sadly, and I'm sure many take a lot of pleasure out of it, this could be a sign on the times and where Poland is headed.

Note [this forum needs an 'art' area. I had to dump this in off topic].
5 Oct 2018
News / Poland's PIS party and the UK Tories [25]

The two parties share the same xenophobia, the same soundbites, the same irritating self-congratulary smugness of the politicians.

Soundbites don't mean sh-t. The Tories are not xenophobic, they are just playing to the further right side of their voters, to keep them happy. They haven't done anything to stop immigration and they won't. I doubt even Brexit will stop the inflow of immigration. As for self-congratulatory smugness, you seem to be describing politicians in general there, it isn't just PiS.
5 Oct 2018
News / Poland's PIS party and the UK Tories [25]

PIS and the conservatives are clearly one of a kind and first past the post in dumbness.

What on earth are you blithering on about? PiS are closer to Labour in their policies than the Conservatives, if anything. The Conservative Party is conservative only in name. They have nothing to do with conservatism. There are no conservative options in the UK. Neither the Conservatives or Labour are socially conservative like PiS. The only similarity I can think of in either of those parties are the socialist reforms being put in place by PiS, that as I said, are more similar to what Labour would do than the Tories. Forget what dancing Theresa said up on the podium, it's meaningless.
16 Aug 2018
Love / Help me figure out if she might like me? Or if she is just easy going and nice with me? [3]

I'm confused. You're a female and you are attracted to another female and want to figure out if she is attracted to you. Is that right?

If that's the case, I doubt it. She calls you baby and kochanie, but I figured lots of girls do that to each other. Also, you said you met her man and that she told you she wanted a big family. Isn't that a sign that she wants to be with a guy? Particularly since she told you when you met her man.

By the way, where are you from?
21 Jul 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Either way I think it comes more from a place of wanting money [presumably for the survivors] than from a place of resentment.

I think the 'presumably' part is important. There are Jewish organisations, particularly in America, who would love to collect this compensation, then would 'supposedly' hand it out to survivors or families of survivors, but whether they actually would is another story.

As for Russia, I can see why you would be resentful of them but I don't really understand what grounds they would have to be resentful towards you

Mostly propaganda by the Russian state. The Russian government strongly dislikes Poland, so they tell their people a bunch of rubbish about how Polish people are, and they believe it.

As for the UK thing, haha, surely you must know you can't criticise ethnic minorities, only white people. Polish fit that bracket, so it's okay to criticise them or even not like them. It isn't racist. Do the same with African immigrants and you're a vile racist bigot.
21 Jul 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Well this resentment isn't everywhere. The reasons are different. In Israel some people still have an image of Polish people disliking Jews and basically think they took part in the the holocaust together with Germany. Now they believe Poland owes Jews compensation for that, so they don't like them. In Russia it's down to the very negative past between Poland and Russia, so many Russians and Polish people just don't like each other.

In other places, where there are a lot of Polish people, such as the UK, it might well be a numbers thing. There are lots of Polish people there and locals feel like they are taking their jobs etc. That type of resentment is aimed at foreigners in general though, anywhere where there are a lot of them, not just Polish people.
21 Jul 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

I think there is about as much dislike of Jewish people in Poland as there is Polish people in Israel, plus, one fuels the other. Overall though, I wouldn't say anti Polonism or antisemitism are not particularly major issues in Israel or Poland. Certainly not the biggest issues in those two countries. There is far more antisemitism and anti Polonism in other nations. Take a trip to France or Germany and you will see much more antisemitism than in Poland. It's rife.

By the way Ana, where are you from? Israel by chance?