Life /
Are you too selfish to leave Poland? [22]
Sparrow, I have a specific job, for which I would get at least 4 times more money, if I went to Ireland or the US. Really, I've seen job ads. The thing is, I WAS living abroad and running away from there as quickly as possible - not because it was so bad, but because money is not all. What is the point of earning more if you see your family once a year? Maybe it is just me - really, not trying to impose my views on anyone - but I was always having hard times trying to fit in, because no materr how nice and polite and well-eductaed you are, you'll always be a foreigner abroad, always have to prove, that you are actually not that bad. I think it's the same with foreigners here, it's just in the human nature to be suspicious of "the others". And as for selfishness - I am sorry if I am too harsh - I cannot really stomach meeting Poles e.g. in London, where they cry how much they miss Poland, yearn for news, talk how bad it is to live and work in London - but still, they make totally no use of their education and work in the least-paid jobs. Because that's the reality - only a small fraction of them p3erform the job they've studied to perform, so financial factor seems a bit stretched anyways...
Ufff, sorry for this lenghty piece ;)