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Joined: 4 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2011
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15 Nov 2011
Language / być pod ręką [7]

It can be used for people, your example would mean something like "my friends are always there for me". However, it sometimes might sound weird, eg. "szef ma podwładnych pod ręką" seems OK, but "podwładni mają szefa pod ręką" is rather strange and it'd be better to say something like "szef jest zawsze dostępny dla swoich pracowników" or similar.
10 Nov 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

Czuję do Ciebie pociąg - I feel a train to you. (I find you attractive)
Zapłata z góry - Payment from the mountain. (Payment in advance)

I agree with your wife, literal translations would not be too useful most likely. Start learning from the basics (like any other language).
31 Aug 2011
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

"łoki toki"

blutuf is funny, blutut would be even funnier.

Well, we approximate English (foreign) words with the sounds we have in our language, injecting foreign sounds into daily conversations makes them a bit awkward. English native speakers do the same all the time.
10 Jun 2011
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

It's artificial since in Polish we don't use it at all and never miss its absence. So, yeah. Especially since in English you often skip the indefinite article in situations that you still use it in Spanish, which shows you that not using them may not use to ambiguities.

I know I'm ranting, it's an inherent part of Germanic/Romance languages and I need to accept it, but I get frustrated when I try to apply the same rules in German or Spanish as I do in English and often turn out wrong.
10 Jun 2011
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

Shit gets confusing when you begin to learn foreign languages other than English, eg. Spanish or German. The rules are similar but not quite the same and in specific situations you are likely to forget in which language you should apply (or not) the necessary article.

English - I am a student.
German - Ich bin Student.

English - Alexander the Great
Spanish - Alejandro Magno

It's a nightmare, especially since for me, a proud Slav, the concept of definite/indefinite articles is artificial, unnecessary and garbage.

2 Jun 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Erm,is this the same mighty soviet army that would have overrun europe if not for the battle of Warsaw? ? make up your minds folks....

Germany was demilitarized. Also, communists had bigger support in Germany than in Poland. Yes, they would overrun Germany in no time.
1 Jun 2011
Language / The differences between these words: Oni plywaja / plyna / biegaja /biegna /chodza /ida [18]

Yeah, the difference between biegnąć and biegać is blurry and I often use them exchangeably.

Koala, thanks for your always valuable input here as a native Polish speaker! I take your point about my oversimplifying. I was merely attempting to locate the concept of aspect in a context which non-Slavic learners of Polish might understand. This approach, both pedagogically as well as linguistically, can however be problematic:)

I think the differences aren't as big as you make them out to be. Ultimately the same information is conveyed, the difference is that in Polish more information is conveyed in the infinitive form of the verb and the grammar tenses are streamlined.
31 May 2011
News / Warsaw is the natural capital of Europe, not Brussels [67]

Warsaw and Berlin, the two ugliest capitals in Europe. Not to mention, there's no highways that connect W-wa with Berlin, Prague, Bratislava etc. So no, W-wa should not be the capital of EU.
30 May 2011
Language / Dzwoniono / Czytano [22]

Not really. It's a vastly different language at the end of the day.

just a question, wouldn't 'na szkle' be correct as well?

Yes, I think so.
30 May 2011
Language / Dzwoniono / Czytano [22]

"Melodia była dzwoniona palcami o szkło."

To me this sounds a bit weird, but not incorrect. Hard to tell.
30 May 2011
Language / Dzwoniono / Czytano [22]

transitive verb is one that can have a 'direct object' ;) dzwonić can't have one ;)

What about the sentence "Dzwonił palcami o szkło"? Wouldn't "palcami" be a direct object?
29 May 2011
Life / Is Lady Gaga popular in Poland? [47]

She is such an attention *****. I remember when she showed up inside an egg for some music awards event.

That's her way of doing money, don't get angry at her.
28 May 2011
Language / How to understand and remember the Polish nominative plural form? [9]

1. Look at the noun in its singular form.
2. Try to pronounce it in a way that's easier to do so.
3. Check the correct version.

Eventually you should get a grasp. It's a bit of a dick advice, but I don't think there's much point in learning the endings of every word. The plural form isn't as irregular as it is in German, anyway.

ta macierz - te macierze
ta klacz - te klacze
So I think the endings are -e in both cases. Hard to explain why though.

macierz - matrix; klacz - mare

edit: just re-read your post and realized you gave the example, and not were asking to explain it; silly me.

Just did some research into -cz feminine nouns, I don't think only the last sound matters.

ta klacz - te klacze
ta rzecz - te rzeczy
ta rozpacz - no plural
ta ciecz - te ciecze (I had to check it to be sure, it doesn't appear in plural too often)
28 May 2011
Language / Need advice on how to improve Polish language skills [134]

Quite the reverse, you nail the pronunciation first, then you worry about the rest. If someone thinks sz=ś, cz=ć etc. then he needs to review the basics as it'll continue to cause frustration.
28 May 2011
Life / Is Lady Gaga popular in Poland? [47]

I only like the new wave of pop stars. Katy Perry is popular despite having no musical talent whatsoever (I once saw her live concert on TV - I think even I can sing better LOL), Gaga got popular despite being just fugly etc. It's completely different from the plastic dolls of yesteryear carefully chosen and promoted by musical corporations.
28 May 2011
Language / Need advice on how to improve Polish language skills [134]

Again back to you old wrong memories? You're wrong, you can make various mistakes and still be understood, you just have so little experience with Polish that you don't know when the message is and when it's not understandable anymore. Quit your whining, study more.
28 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

So when did Ukrainians have their own independent state?
Why didn't Ukrainians fight against USSR by themselves when Polish allies failed? The Soviet army was badly organized, malnourished, not well armed etc. The odds weren't impossible.
27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

By the time the war was over, there was no Warsaw. And again there were little to zero Lithuanians in Vilnius.

If you see the invading army, it is considered normal to raise an army. Shame is that out of all hyper-Catholic and pious states Poland was the one to do that on their neighbor. Disgrace.

Germany, Russia, Czech, Hungary, Sweden, Lithuania etc. had their share of wars they started. Countries start wars where they see their interest. Deal with it. The only reason I can't think of Ukrainian wars is that Ukrainians never stepped up to create their own state until late XXth century.
27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

They made up for that with the Wehrmacht... ;)

It appears less than 500 people volunteered to Polish Wehrmacht, even less actually showed up for recruitment. Where and when was that 72th Regiment formed?
27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

According to the link you just posted:

The Waffen SS on the Eastern Front contained a sizable number of non-Germans, but no Polish-based unit was ever formed.

27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

You wish to claim that they were not Polish or that they were not troops?

They were individual soldiers, no Polish troops of any level were organized. That's how it works.
27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Yes, they were drafting teenagers, but only German teenagers.

I wouldn't be so sure of that, given how desperate they were at that time.

Yes, but that didn't stop tens of thousands of Poles from deserting, after it became clear who was going to win.

How many Poles were there in the German army? Please provide a source.

They were Poles and they were troops, therefore they were Polish troops.

That's not how it works.

edit: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poles_in_the_Wehrmacht

So not really, Poles weren't fighting for German army.