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Posts by Lobo  

Joined: 5 May 2007 / Male ♂
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From: England
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Interests: Manipulation

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1 Jun 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

When women look at you,they do not actually look what is in front of them but what they have in mind about you.So if for example a woman is after divorce and thinks all men are pigs you will look like a pig to her no matter how handsome you are.
If she thinks that sb called Ken has to be a great lover,you will look as a cazanova to her.You never know the strange world in womens' mind.

There is some truth to this.
I also found that women’s memory can be quite selective. So for example if you lived for years happily with a girl but something happens and now she does not like you, she will sometimes rewind the whole past and re-write a completely different one, regardless of the actual reality…I don’t think men do this as much.
28 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

As you get better at it your success rate will go up, but it will always be way below 100%. If however you behave like Patricja’s brother, you will meet so many women that your success rate multiplied by the number of these women will produce you a nice girlfriend sooner or later… and you will be a happy guy, at least for a while.
28 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

that isn't how I want to operate, stealing another man's woman, no way.

Ken, I could not agree more. Stealing another man’s woman is not nice.
The kind of girl you got yourself involved with, however, is never alone and completely free. If you imagine a pretty girl in her twenties she probably gets scores of text messages and emails a day from “helpful guys” all with different degrees of attachment. The situation is very different from what you can imagine, and it is all a grey mess. Ultimately it is for the girl to decide who to get attached seriously to, and for that my friend you can only make your bid, just like the other guys… nobody can “steal” a girl from anybody… just make a very strong and convincing case for yourself…

The upside is that most of the competition is generally weak and can usually be swept aside without further ado. If your girl is in love with somebody else however you have a real obstacle, and it is generally better to move on.
27 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Skilled operators know all the above but it does indeed take a very long time to master and is not intuitive at all.
For the average guy however the way and speed a “highly skilled” operator works can seem like magic. I have seen these people pull a girl from a first encounter to full sex in less time than it takes to drink a cup of tea (which was left half empty…)
27 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Yes generally.But there are a lot more than that.
Peacocking,the art to make yourself distinct within the crowd,to draw attention.
Mirroring to coordinate with girls' moves and body language.
There is a lot of stuff to master.

Yes, wearing a funny hat can have positive results.
27 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

To proceed you need skills.You need to know sarging,eye contact,openers,kino,closes,smooth talking,natural you need abilities.Some people have them from nature,others make only mistakes.

Yes, the most important skill is to be able to create an air of extreme confidence, even if it is artificial and even misplaced. In that sense it is no different than what a salesman needs to do when he gives himself / herself a pep talk before an important call. And keep smilling at all time no matter how outrageous the proposition or the objections!
27 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Congratulations Ken, you did what you had to do, well done.
Next time you have this conversation a bit quicker and thus not suffer so much anxiety for so long. Very good first step.
It is of course theoretically possible that a very experienced Romeo could take this girl away from her boyfriend. In that sense Southern is right. The chances would however always be small.

However the above move would be completely beyond Ken’s experience at this stage, and therefore has to be considered impossible. Ken did what he dad to do, great first step.

Just out of curiosity’s sake the experienced Romeo would not ask about the boyfriend. He would engage the girl in some interesting conversation and invite the girl to do something, initially quite innocent. Then he would slowly press on using his charms, smiles, hands, etc. etc. Lots of animal communication at the most basic level. Then he would attempt to kiss her and then sleep with her almost as a one off.

When this was accomplished he would attempt to continue to sleep with her which would at some point force the girl to have to decide which man to keep and which to ditch…

The trick here would be to keep it very light. The odds are the girl would let slip the truth, to her boyfriend who would loose his temper. That would make him look oppressive and over-controlling in her eyes and thus give our Romeo an edge…

Does all of this sound extremely manipulative and Machiavellian? Well it is!

Then and in the interests of fiction writers, of course, if the above play failed (very good chance of failure) , there is always a second bite of the cherry using the atomic device – Jealousy! He could then as a totally desperate measure, chat up someone else that know the target girl and start showing up with her. The girl might then re consider just out of pure jealousy…

All extremely desperate and undignified! But has been know to produce positive results out of the jaws of defeat!
21 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Lobo, you're like the father I never had, lol. Full of wisdom and advice, a sort of been there, bought the t-shirt thing.

Thanks Ken, but remember that just because I got the T-shirt doen't mean I don't get myself back to square one now and then (you heard my previous story). Now I go back to to the sea and try to push some more fish to my nets. If you are not a bad operator and with a bit of traffic, the right attitude and a bit of practive you should be able to get at least one great woman a year... and I am very very particular (I am a sucker for long legs!)

Good luck with your fishing!
20 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

I probably have quite antiquated values which many wouldn't understand in todays climate of (wham bam thank you ma'am) relationships.

Ken, I understand this as well.
Having a flexible attitude and passing no judgement will however get you further towards your goal of finding the right woman... No need, however, to use the more extreme methods. These are just curiosities...
20 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

The statistically fail proof way of the true predator, yes, I am impressed Southern!
I did not want to say anything but that is actually the main reason you need the "traffic" I mentioned before.
I concur there is a small percentage that will say yes, or just go with you saying nothing, this is completely correct.
19 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

So, what do you think the guy (husband) will do after he divorces his wife and splits his happy family to be together with the lover and then she dumps him in a couple of years time...

I think this will be a pistol to the head moment...

So as an old Russian old saying goes: who is the lucky guy, the one that got jilted at the altar or the new husband?

(they think it is the first anyway...)
18 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

k so whats a best way to avoid conflict and handle a situation nicely when i confront the bloke who just found out that i been seeing her girl.

Well, don’t get ahead of yourself my friend.
In fact there is the distinct possibility that you are the one that will get hurt. Suppose she goes out with you, and even gets involved with you but then decides that she would rather stick to her boyfriend / husband… how will that make you feel… Instead of feeling like the gigolo you feel now you will feel like an idiot.

I have for example just found out my ex polish girlfriend has got back together with her ex lover (a married man that she is in love with). The poor bastard (husband) fell for it so bad, it looks like he is ditching his wife to go out with her. The reason being the “affair” she had with me. So unknowingly when I separated them, a bit by force, to go out with the girl, what I actually did was to make her former married lover hit the roof and re-arrange his life so that he could get his young lover back… is this good or what? Better than an Italian comedy! How do you think I felt?

So the moral lesson is “it ain’t over until…” reality is much more complicated than fiction.
18 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Some say that it apparently a sport amongst good lookers in their twenties to go from one man to the next. The hope is that the next one is "better" than the previous and thus takes you on an ever rising escalator...

I suppose one of the main functions of the short "trial period", when they can keep the duality secret, is to find out if the new man is indeed better... and then decide to take of ditch... some say...
18 May 2007
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

Well playboys & girls I got her number, but on friendly basis cause she says she is seeing someone. I know she likes me cause she was blushing.
Now What is next
1 should i wait a day or two for a call

Well done.
Well if you had used my method you would alrady have the reason... anyway now you have to take her out somewhere / do something nice. Go sailing in lake? You know the geography of your place and the opportunities.

The fact that she has someone is neither here nor there. I haven't yet met a gorgeous girl who does not have "someone". I believe the proper name for the other poor bloke, if you are good enough is ROAD KILL.