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Posts by The_Dream  

Joined: 14 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
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From: England, Nottinghamshire.
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Bodybuilding, Boxing, Cars, Buisness.

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15 Mar 2011

i am half white english/ half black jamaican. no jew here.

jamaicans have very large families, and the majority of jamaicans are very religious people with good ethics.

i said i party in amsterdam clubs.. EE women approach me and my friends in clubs, you just dont have to go to red light districts to find these women.

i dont understand how you can mis-read so bad everything i have put?

maybe if you grew your hair and spent your time learning the english language instead of being a thug you would have a better concept of what im typing.

i didnt say i have buisness interests in both the uk and in poland. i live in the UK in the East Midlands.. i put earlia that i dont like london and that i got invited to krakow but didnt go, i have never been to poland to this date.

do you have learning disabilities? i wished you a good life and thanked you for giving me an insight of polish women and you go and show me disrespect?

thank you for your input in painting a picture of women in poland by telling me abit about you :)

to answer your question i do not pimp women out so dont come to me with your CV!

i am a 50% owner in a security buisness which is 100% legitimate.

i think i have found everything i wanted to on this forum.
15 Mar 2011

calm down. i wasnt being irrational i was asking a question.

danusiatoja suggested men want polish women for there look and offer nothing substansial towards the relationship so i asked her isnt commitment, support, care and love substansial enough?

maybe a mix up in translation but from how i read it, it sounded like she wanted rewarding financially for only bringing her looks to a relationship?

thank you for your input in painting a picture of women in poland by telling me abit about you :)
15 Mar 2011

These probably aren't typical of women in Poland. Why not come to Warsaw? You'll meet a different class of Polka!

i asked where they was from and ofton they would say poland, some of girls was from the ukraine and russia though.

i got invited to go to krakow last year for a weekend in poland but i choose not to go trust me, that was the only thing i regret not doing in 2010.

is warsaw better than krakow? are the people there accepting towards foreigners?
15 Mar 2011

To wrap this up - in my personal experience: most Polish chicks I've met in London were highly money-oriented.

i dont really like london and i wouldnt live as i feel everyone there is too driven by financial gain, so for anyone looking to "gold dig" london would be a good place to go.

i dont think its fair to disrespect any cultures i have friends who are from greek decent and they are very educated and have good knowledge in buisness and have a very good understanding of finances

there are properties in england outside of london that can be brought for as little as 35,000. with a luxury house being available arround 150,000 uk GBP and rent can range between 250-600 depending on the house, outside of london.

Yes , we all want attractive , financialy stable , reliable partners , it is not only our polish women preferance but I guess it is a dream of all women around the world .

i can accept women off all backgrounds have traits they look for in men but its not fair to only want a man for his money especially by decieving him and making him think that there is something more meaningful to come.

So , don`t think that women from Poland will like you because you are just plain men having nothing to offer except your high demands about our look .

i think its ironic that you would even mention this?
understand this, that looks fade.
isnt it possible to offer things which isnt "about money" for example. commitment, support, care and love?

Still interesting - do you mean nightclubs or something else?

yes, night clubs! when i said polish/ eastern european girls that offer themselfs for money. it wasnt just red light districts i was describing. you get approached by these women in all the night clubs there.
15 Mar 2011

some are and some arent!!!


ok i can accept that, thanks. maybe i was naive in thinking that eastern european women are totally different from english women because of the different cultural back ground.

I asked my better half this question. She says that it is utter rubbish and for £1000 she'll give you the evidence. Jimmy Choos fund;)

haha, your better half sounds like she could be a very good entrepreneur / buisness woman, where did you find her ;)

My experience of British women is that the money and careers of their prey is very high on their agendas, plus when you ask many British women how many men have they slept with its no surprise for the answer to be right up in the 30's. Not for me thanks.

anyone interested in english women, listen to this persons experiance :)

People lead very different lives - enlighten us as to your definition of partying.

im still not convinced that you are so naive that you arent aware what partying in amsterdam ensues.
maybe i should just leave it to your imagination, like your imagination as already given you the negative opinion you have of me.
15 Mar 2011

i asked a question and everyone has had a swipe at me and totally ignored the question i asked!

Because it's an unanswerable question.

Are Polish and Eastern European Women Just Money Oriented?

i dont think its an hard question to answer if you are from eastern europe and know the culture of your women, im not from eastern europe so i dont know what the girls look for from men in relationships whether it is simply financial or something mututal and meaningful.

i was born and live in england, my dad was born in the carribean and i have an excellent understanding of both cultures.
if some one asks me for example... what do english girls look for in a relationship, i can tell you that from my experiance
that the younger girls seem to only have casual relationships and from my own experiance the relationships dont usually last too long for young couples in england.

the younger girls seem to live for the weekend where they will go out with there friends and "binge" drink.
when they do have flings with guys, the guys are usually slightly older than them, they also seem to go for guys with his own independance/living space and his own car.

see what i mean? not really that difficult to describe the opposite sex from your culture, is it?

i could also advice men looking for relationships with english women, that if you are thinking of pursuing a girl that has... a low paying job, no education, has bad grammar and is either over weight OR only wears revealing clothes... to save your time and stay well clear, it will almost certainly end badly.

i cant believe i wasted so much time writing this reply specifically for you JonnyM! especially when you try and convince people you are THAT naive.

everyone knows that if you want to party in holland you have to go to amsterdam

That depends a lot on what you mean by "to party"...

everyone knows what partying means and everyone knows the reputation amsterdam has.
15 Mar 2011

So you think you'll find the ideal woman in a dive in Amsterdam, where by your own admission, the women are:

driven by money


Very practical.

i dont think i will meet women i would marry in amsterdam and i certainly dont live there! so what are you talking about?
i said

The few Eastern European girls, mainly of polish origin that I have met through them being here in england or partying in amsterdam seem to be driven by money.

i have friends who live in holland and everyone knows that if you want to party in holland you have to go to amsterdam...

but like i said

my past partying adventures but those days are now behind me

i cant believe how negative people are on this forum!

remember this..

you dont know "the_dream" as a charitable and giving man.
you dont know "the_dream" as an equal oppertunist employer.
nor do you know "the_dream" as the friend or a family man.

so dont judge me! i asked a question and everyone has had a swipe at me and totally ignored the question i asked!
15 Mar 2011

The_Dream: if i am fortunate enough to live a long live i would like to spend it with some one worth while

The best person for that is unlikely to be

The_Dream: partying in Amsterdam

i have been fortunate enough to take the risk and do most of the things i have wanted to do. i have also been fortunate enough to live what i consider to be a funfilled and exciting life. even today i dont know whats arround the corner and to be honest it excites me! i have no regrets about my past partying adventures but those days are now behind me, to me it sounds as though you could be jealous.

you should never judge a person especially on their past, instead you should evaluate people on their traits, personality and character. and with that said you will discover that you know nothing about me!

you dont know "the_dream" as a charitable and giving man.
you dont know "the_dream" as an equal oppertunist employer.
nor do you know "the_dream" as the friend or a family man.

get off your high horse JonnyM and keep your sarcastic comments to yourself.
15 Mar 2011

sorry for maybe peoples misconceptions of my post, i am not tight with money and most certainly not trying to degrade females from eastern europe, i believe money is for spending i have no misconceptions about my mortality i live every day but also plan for tomoro incase i am fortunate enough to see tomoro, if you can understand that? but if i am fortunate enough to live a long live i would like to spend it with some one worth while. i think men and women can both appreciate that it is better to have mutual love in a relationship rather than having a relationship of convienience?

maybe i have offended you which wasnt my intentions, iam fascinated by the culture of the women from eastern europe and want to know more about the women from these cultures. i have heard and witnessed a few things BUT MY MIND IS STILL VERY OPEN and i want to know what to expect from women from this different type of culture, if i ever have the privilage to date a women from eastern europe background.

Dont get me wrong but eastern european women DO want "to be house wives" simply by their nature and nurture, THIS is why they want men with MONEY and NOT because they want to be escords. personality only coutns if you have family relationship MORALS and they CANT stand a guy who thinks that he looks better then them.

thank you for your input you have given me something to think about, im not saying iam looking for a "house wife" or "slave" but i would like to know what to expect of the culture and as i pressumed morals and family relationships mean alot to Polish women, something that means a lot to me too, thanks!

Because you overpay.And with mediteranean women you get the goodies after you pay while polish give them before in order to make you fall in their trap.Anyway I manage to survive.

what do you mean by this?

I should quit my job and studies and look for some rich dutch guy lol.

i hope you have success through your studies, i have met a few polish men through the type of buisness that i am heavily involved in (security) and alot of people from this country i live give people from poland a tough time because they say they are stealing their jobs, i dont agree with this at all. i think it shows how strong the character of the polish man is to move to another country, learn another language and being able to deal with people looking down upon them constantly all to get a better life for them and there family here and back! to me, that is special.

thank you for your input in helping me understand abit more of women from your culture :)
15 Mar 2011

so you are suggesting to get polka you have to spend money?

no i am not tight with money but i am a 50% owner of a small buisness but i do have ambitions and dreams of making much more and i would like to know what motivates eastern european women into having relationships with men who are foreign to them.

i do like career motivated women, and i find that women of eastern european origin speak more than 1 language which is another positive thing in some one i would like to have relationship with.

i take positives from WILDROVER future marriage to a russian women, and i hope you two can remain happy throught the course of the marriage.
15 Mar 2011

Merged: Are Polish and Eastern European Women Just Money Oriented?

The few Eastern European girls, mainly of polish origin that I have met through them being here in england or partying in amsterdam seem to be driven by money. Whether its by having relationships with men who earn a good wage or with out being judged I have encounted a few of these girls who sell their bodies in exchange of being in the company of men which could lead to consentual sex (escorts/escorting).

I do find eastern european women highly attractive and before my experiance's with eastern european women I assumed that the women from eastern europe was the type of women to be "house wifes" and stay at home and raise the kids. Dont get me wrong im not a sexist and I would never expect that from any relationship, it was just something I presummed. I just have concerns that if I do have relationships with women from eastern europe I would like to think that the female would like my personality and looks before my wealth.

Maybe I just have insecurities about eastern european womens intentions for relationships and I would rather not waste my time in pursuing some one that might leave me for some one who is wealthier, I can understand that if both the male and female understand the foundation of the relationship, These kinds of arrangements can work but its not something that I am interested in.