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From: rwanda
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20 Sep 2012
Law / Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN? [74]

You have no idea what it means to work hard. The bling-bling car, yes. Making the local girl pregnant, why not. But afterwards?

ik ben Tutsi

Hmm I guess you forgot what Leopold did in Africa, bought the Sovereignty of Belgium with the rubber he STOLE, probably one of your family members, rotten, inbreed swines.

I am pretty sure that's the reason you left Belgium, because a dick as yourself can't get any *****,...

Guys like you like to pose on the internet make them feel good, but on the street you probably get kicked. Pathetic
20 Sep 2012
Law / Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN? [74]

the child guarantees you EU residence in Poland

I already had European citizenship since I was 6, it is not about the money I can afford that but the problem is she wants to have all parental rights, so basically I am a milking cow

this is not about the money, she wants to have 1700 pln, because she claimed not to be able to work, I already suggested to pay for child care, which is around 1200 pln she refuses because she can not trust them, so what i think she just wants me to take care of her, because a child of 2.5 is not spending 1700 pln a month

but anyway, as always this thread will lead to racist comments and about africans,.. which is a pity as I only requested some advise

the marriage is not whit the mother of my child and is still continuing.

regarding the car, this has nothing to do with the child but about transportation, which i need because I will live in a small village near krakow
19 Sep 2012
Law / Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN? [74]


I have a child of 2,5 years old with a polish women, we are not together and not married. I was paying Alimony since birth of the child of the amount of 800 pln, which I gave her cash.

Now she went to court and demanded 1700 pln a month. I am not recognized as the father officially.

could somebody advise what the average alimony is in Poland, and how to protest against it.

She want's me to pay for her rent, electricity,...

Please advise
5 Sep 2012
Love / Polish dating tips [40]

I want to thank everybody for the good advice.

The good news is that we are living together now and next year we are planning to get MARRIED, so everybody is welcome to join us

Thanks guys

11 Oct 2011
Love / Polish dating tips [40]

hi rwanda_2, yes almost 5 months together time is going fast
23 Jun 2011
Love / Polish dating tips [40]

Hi Midas, hmm I read something about this guy, but to be honest has been a long time ago, and I am more of one women at the time guy, don't need too much fuss, have enough of this by my own, with my child and the mother,...


Good news is that the girl I met 2 month ago is really going good between us.

We have had wonderfull time with eachother and luckly she does understand my situations.

I would liek to surprise her for a weekend to the mountains, but I don't know if this is a bit to soon, we are dating now for almost 2 months,...

Maybe I should ask her but then the surprise is gone off course.

Any suggestion??
21 Jun 2011

Hahaha, you're funny. Most European wealth has to do with Europe having less natural disasters, better soil for farming and of course because Europeans are smarter and work harder. European domination of Africa ended a long long time ago, you cannot blame Europeans anymore for Africa being less wealthy than Europe.

are you kidding, Europe had the most colonies of any other continent in the world, the vast majority of european wealth is from their colonies, such as Indonesia,52 african countries,south & north america.And as you should know they colonized bcs of the opposite what you claimed to be true.

You should know european history, and as Europe has progressed, also the demographics of europe will change into multi cultural standards.this is a fact,c an't changed it anymore, world is getting smaller and smaller, so for people like you, you are becoming in danger, soon your kind will be extinguised, bcs the majority of the people enjoy having multi cultural surrounding,...

suggestion for you is to start a group of white people and life in the forest and complain about all the foreigners (which you don't see at all), and maybe you can all share the same wife and have some inbreed racial bastards with low IQ, but you can still feel superior of all the foreigners (which you don't see at all),...that's my suggestion.
15 Jun 2011

Funny thing Jarnowa, bcs the avarage IQ of Vlaams Belang voter is 80 ( which is pretty low, with IQ is good to have a higher number),and another thing is that most of these voters are "farmers" who don't have any multi cultural enverionment at all, which is strange, bcs they try to relate to something the don't understand at all.

And I guess you forget you most adverse group of the Arabs community, assuming you don't go well either.

Sometimes I feel sorry for you but then again realizing your IQ, you must be pretty happy being simplistic and narrowed minded.
Only thing you do is steriotype people and it would be ok, if you come with some new argument or some new facts, but no always the same wining about Africans they "steal" my potential dates (can not imagine you with a girl),even now when you are here in Poland, you have less change then paying 5 euro for a wank job from a Heroine addictive granny with no teets,in't "schippers straatje",....

I can'T imagining you in conversation with a girl, hope she is deaf, blind and share the same ideals,,,,
7 Jun 2011
Love / Polish dating tips [40]

Good advice from tefclat, there is a hotel in Krakow called Hotel Pod Wawelem

Thx for the advice Warszawski, indeed the panoramic view was outstanding
30 May 2011
Love / Polish dating tips [40]


I met a nice girl several weeks ago at AGH in Krakow, we had several phone calls and a lot of sms.

She is a very interesting girl, studying for as an Environmental engineer, and Finance we have a lot grey zones with each other and seem more then nice to meet the girl once more.

Bcs of my work I had not yet found the time to meet her, now I finally found the time to meet her around Wisla river.

Problem, not really a problem more an issue is that I am not use to the dating game, such as do I have to bring something or what to avoid.

Especially what do Polish girls like to do on the first date.
So would like to know some DO's and DONT's

Ps, Hope that I will not get the racial slurs from Jarnowa and co
6 May 2011

you don't have to apologies, some of us are just pitch black, why not say that, that's how they look like,...

Call me pathethic, at least i can count correctly and my observations are far more realistic.

I guess it is pathetic, even I invited you in a night out, and fix you with a date bcs, I always get "lucky" and I guess I could me some of the white extremely good looking groupies surrounding me, the moment I arrive in a club.

But you never replied, are you scared or jealous ,...

Let me know, invitation is still open
3 May 2011
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

But why are you in America if Polish girls are better?? Contradiction are in search for a better life or, just raised there???

I read so many threads here lately and off course your heritage should be prevailed, nut on the other hand the world is getting smaller, technology and all that stuff, easier access and less board controlling of EU citizens,...

If you love America, then you should know that it's build by foreign hands, even Americans are not native either, they all immigrated from Europe,Asia,Africa (slavery),... America I guess is one of the biggest melt pot in the world, is not of a pure race,...

And I read that Polish people are quite mixed too, don't know if it's true or not, did not cross reference the facts, but seems to me is quite harsh to say people should attend to do something instead of having the freedom to choose, isn't this one of the (many) reason communism failed???
3 May 2011
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

I reading some threads and guess who I found, my best friend Jarnowa

Normally I don't reply anymore to ridiculous posting from you, but this oppurtunity I could not waste.
You know intelligence is quite difficult to compare I know there are some fancy IQ test and etc, but what is the standard, many dicussion where raised and many highly intelligent people noted that based on some facts intelligence has to do with the genes of the parents off course and the environnment of growth.

Highly intelligent couples (with good life) above 140 - 150 (Mensa kind of folks) attend to have childeren of lower IQ, while lower average 100, has more change to have a more intelligent child as them self but could also be average, proven they attend to be slighty more intelligent as their parents.

Now comes the funny part, while mixed race couples attend to have more procentual intelligent childeren (I know this would be difficult to accept), but fact is that the mixer of genes from other ethnicity called Miscegenation is concedired to have more intelligent children then parents of the same ethnic.
3 May 2011

I can not reply anymore on Jarnowa's posting, they are just pathetic.

I mean it started as a nice thread and now we are involved in giving a guy tips on how to pick up girls.

One thing I don't understand (probably will never understand), why he can feel like a few hundred of non EU citizens are so come ''more lucky'' then him, is this jalousy, envy, hate or a combination of it all.

Maybe we should all pinch in and find him a nice lady, so he will not feel be treaten by some African students try to have a better life and probably safe some in the way too...

So Jarnowa since you and me speak Dutch, I suggest I can invite you to some of my favourite clubs and assist you (since I am always luckly), by the morning we should have match you with a girl.

If you don't like the idea, I can suggest just to continueing whining on this forum and maybe place an add in the local paper,... who knows you might feel ''lucky'' too
29 Apr 2011

PF moderators are at it again: This time it is 'Riki-Rwanda'...

Wow, seems to be you are the smartest one around here, before I was attacked because of ''stealing'' white women, but now it advance into a decease spreading, impregnating, bloodthirsty ''lucky'' penis eating Rwandian.

I know that was a ''mouthful'' of words. And even my ''wrongfully'' chosen PF name isn't worth to reply because is just ridiculous to discuss ones choice/preferences.

Some facts for you try to comprehend them:

- I have first Belgium nationality and as second Rwandian
- I am not a student, nor did I ever highlighted it
- I do have a ''half breed baby'', which I am very proud of him, and your insults would not change that
- YES, we do have medical schools in Belgium

And wow, are you sharing a single brain with Jarnowa, I can't figure out who is the smartest/intelligent one, pitty that a rather positive thread can be miss comprehend like this, and brought down to a level even a Neanderthal would be a shame to be affiliated.

Anyway it's Friday night, I am off course already surround by white and very,very,very (last ''very'' was just to **** off Jarnowa) attractive ladies, so I am probably going to be ''lucky'' and end up ''stealing'' an attractive girl(s)

29 Apr 2011

Africans on the other hand are extremely lucky scoring girls. I don't see them every week, but when i see them they are always lucky with attractive white girls. Looking at the situation in Western Europe (many hot white girls taken by blacks and northern africans) isn't it just realistic instead of racist to say that Polish people shouldn't welcome everyone?

Why do you think this has anything to do with luck, seems to me that you think whenever I walk inside a pub I am surrounded by very attractive white females?? Unfortunately this is not the case Jarnowa, most of the time the foreigners go towards the Irish pubs or places open for expats, occassionaly we do meet attractive girls, but I guess this is because we spent nice time talking with them instead of trying to hit on them.

And one think I learn being in some Slavic countries is don't approach them too fast, they might feel intimidated, last I met a nice girl which I notice several times in the pub (but never went over to talk) and suddenly she came to talk with me and now we are seeing each other regulary, and we just have nice conversations. She told me that many girls are afraid of foreigners when they are very direct, they prefer more the slow approach instead of the "rushing and hit game" of some foreigners.

Also if I read your post seems to me that you are a bit shy or maybe you feel intimidated by them, bcs why are you so upset of the few thousands foreigners to get "luckly" and find a girl.

Unfortunately Poland is forced to do so by leftwing EU anti-discrimination laws. But i feel Europe is changing slowly in the right direction. :)

I guess you life in another planet, bcs from my point of view Poland is becoming more and more open for foreigners to bring their intellect and tradition towards the Polish people, is becoming more and more multi cultural nation.

But a question to you Jarnowa, do you really think you and me are so different???
26 Apr 2011

And unfortunately our Rwandanese immigrant has nothing to say to my remark:

Funny to hear this, But I am Rwandian by birth but hold a Belgium passport and have ergo also Belgium citizenship (kan ook gewoon Nederlands spreken hoor, heb jarenlang gestuurd aan de Universiteit van Antwerpen, en heb mijn nationaliteit verkregen via adoptie, alszins op latere leeftijd, 14 jaar nml)

So to answer to your quote I am not a Rwandian immigrant but a Belgium immigrant to Poland just like you, only the colour of our skin doesn't match, but I do feel Belgium but have of course also affiliation with Rwanda.

There are just enough European women for all European men to have one, meaning that African immigrants can't chase them without harming European men.

This is to ridiculous to answer from my part, but if I read your quote very well this is like segregation (remember what happen in '94 in Rwanda - is never a good idea). I mean are you going to force people to be with someone from their own "kind" instead of having the liberty to fall in love with whom they desire??

And I hope that one day you will understand; that we are more alike then you think, and be honest isn't it more fun to have the choice to "choose" the person of your desire.

And why are you acting afraid of not finding someone due to the fact of some few hundreds maybe thousands immigrants of non Caucasian inheritance.

Did you ask yourself from where you came from since the beginning of your family three (knowing the migration process of origin), you would be surprised,...

And as quote before it's a pitty that you didn't catch the positive tone of my thread
26 Apr 2011
Polonia / Relocation to Poland from Romania [11]

Hi Alina,

I just to life in Bucharest and also relocate myself to Krakow in Poland

And as an expat who speaks more then 2 languages you should not have a problem to find a job.
Even my employer is still looking for people, so I guess will not be an issue finding a well paid job.

And for me the biggest difference are that her are no street dogs, which were very dangerous In Bucharest, some even bit me.
But I loved the city.

B regards,

26 Apr 2011

Blaming the colonial past is Africa's favourite excuse - but just like Poland, you cannot go blaming the past for all of today's problems.

Is not really blaming, I know by fact the some ex colonial countries still have some control from their colonial "brothers", bcs they still have a lot of benefits and assets that they off course want to protect. Now those days is more China who is interested in Africa then Europe.

But also understanding that the influence of Europe is still their, I mean French/English/Portuguese/Spanish/Dutch are 2nd languages or even 1st, didn't not came out of the blue,...

Although it's not nice for an innocent person to be checked more often by police, it's really undesirable if the African community would grow big enough to stop this, because illegal immigration (African migrants now staying in Italy for example) would explode.

I guess this is bcs people want to survive and they to everything to reach their goal, is in our nature...

Look at Zimbabwe - under white rule, it was quite a prosporous place up until UDI.

I totally agree but this is the case of Mugabe, who was tutor by England bcs of the vast richness of his country and he is basically a fool, with a lot of wealth and no more common ground with his inhabitants,... just wait for natural dead, soon hopefully he is a dis crease for Africa
25 Apr 2011

why are you people all so against black guys? everybody should be given a chance to live in better conditions and get education, especially Africans. and usually we Europeans are so lazy and then jealous that some black guy became our superior at work

I guess people are not afraid of black guys, I guess more of the unknown, has always been so and I guess will always be so, unfortunately.

s they still sing sing that song. And they still steal their properties and farms, blatantly discriminate against them in the workplace and education institutions etc.

Accept in the world racism against whites is seen to be more legitimate.

I can not completely agree with your statement, basically the Africans nations prosper from the white influence, and this Mugabe is just a crazy dictator, I mean Zimbabwe just to have one of the best health care system in the world, and had a lot of tourist and gain hunters, then this foll decided to accuse the whites of stealing and such kind of nonsense, and guess where Zimbabwe is right now on the brink of total failure, bcs they have no idea of managing all the farms and stuff like that.

But the majority of the African nation are more then welcoming for white people, check South Africa and Kenya, they all became richer bcs of the white influence, but now those days more and more Indians are taking the role of the whites.

And this topic I would not like to mention, but I will briefly give my opinion, Africa has been conquered for centuries by white people to prosper, by cheap labour and off course our rich grounds. So unfortunately some Africans feel that they should do the same, but yeah those are sick bastards. And have no intellect what so ever, such as Khadafi and Mugabe
24 Apr 2011

I wonder: how is it in Africa about open racism and all that stuff?

I guess the most racist people are Africans, I can only compare with Rwanda and what happen their was just wrong, and only bcs of racism.

No those days is better off course and things has cooled down, but I assume that such kind of things could happen in the future too.

And meanly were the poor and uneducated ones who were striking against their fellow country men, and yeah I can only conclude that most of African countries attend to be racist even within the race
24 Apr 2011

Hi Jarnowa,

I just read your post and unfortunately I have to state that your mindset is still narrowed down.
And guessing from my point of view, you think that finding a girl who accept you has to do with luck, no such thing is the mental and physical attraction in each other.Luck has nothing to do with that. Did you ever date a girl just bcs you were lucky?? And understanding from your point of view, I was just lucky to had a Polish girl, hmmm,....

I can only advise you to be milder and open-minded, then a whole new world will be open for you. And as stated before stealing is not really the case, I mean liking/loving someone has nothing to do with their appearance at all, you just want to be close to each other,and I am not a romanticus or something but appearance means nothing in relationship.

Even my son will be considered as a foreign from your point of view even though he is born in Poland,....

and regarding the trophy part I can not comment is to offensive.

And what do you mean with sticking to a black women???Do you really think you are 100% Polish, going back many centuries??? Why you don't believe in multi cultural environment.

You listen to foreign music,eat foreign food, watch foreign tv shows and movies, but dating impossible isn't that hypocrite??? Imagine life without potatoes,onion, garlic even grain,.... those are all foreign products, which came to Europe from abroad,

Wishful thinking. Immigration from Africa is still very low. So Poland isn't "inevitable" changing into another 3rd world dump place like UK, Belgium, Holland, France and Scandinavia. And you only have to look at crime stats and general wellbeing in these countries since the mass invasion of African and Middle East people began to to know calling a change towards multiculturalism "progress".

Hmm, funny what you are saying, bcs I lived in Belgium and Holland and you are partly right but now those days the Africans/Middle Eastern people where changed by Eastern Europeans and Balkan nations, and guess who is on the top of the list??

You can not generalize this kind of issues, bcs as long is a media fueled info, you don't know the facts,>>>>>

And believe me Poland is changing,... bcs the world changing too no denying that,...

The problem is not mixed race relations as such, the problem is about non-European males offending European males.

but what about European males offending non European males???

You should indeed have chosen a mellower title, this will wake up too many Poles too early about this rising threath to their country.
You risk it's getting stopped before your numbers have become enough to feel powerful.

I don't want to be a threat to anybody and the majority of the foreigners don't wanted either, and what do you mean being powerful, I guess you see it from a completely different angle,Pitty though
23 Apr 2011

Jarnowa,I feel sorry that you were offended by the title, perhaps I should have change it into a more mellow one, but I guess if I read your post that you are a bit bitter in the thought that the world is smaller then it appears and people have more opportunities to travel and choose were to life/study.

As per my understanding few years back, I didn't came across a lot of foreigners of non EU (regardless their colour).
And I feel sorry to hear that you can only think of black guys "stealing" women from European guys, sounds a bit narrow minded from my point of view.

I guess this is for you a major concern, but as Poland is progressing into a more multi cultural environment, I guess this is inevitable that multi racial relationship will occur.

I do understand that for some people will take a longer time to adapt and accept, but if you go across Europe you will notice the changement.

I already have a child from mixed ethnic and the mother (Polish) and myself are very happy, that he will grow up in Poland feeling he is Polish and not a foreigner in his own birth country.

Also my country of origin maybe be a 3rd world country, but we learned a very expensive lesson regarding racism, and what it could to do,...

Therefore I had no intention in flagging around and upset people at all.

Perhaps you misunderstood my meaning, and perhaps you could have stick with the positive note of my thread instead of accusing and referring to the simplistic, that foreigners are here to "steal" your women, for my this is not even an issue.

I mean would you be offended if your child choose later somebody of another ethnic???Don't you just want them to be happy or maybe I have to simplistic thought, who knows.

Basically I think to revert to your bold statement, "stealing" can only happen with property(intellectual)/goods, human beings in this understanding are not considered as property since the fall of slavery.

So, you might also rephrase that sentence as I might have rephrase my title

And to finish, I think is good that Poland attract a lot of foreign students, that means that the level of education is considered to be at a high level.

Think about that, some foreigners really come to study instead of "stealing" women.
22 Apr 2011

One world one people. Not a good thread title though

maybe you are right is not really an "invasion" but seem to be more open for students from Africa over her, I spent time in Sofia and Bucharest, their are not some many students as in here, and both are capital cities,....

I think that's one of the bigger myths. Small towns and villages seemed to have been alright...

Last week I spent some time in Rabka Zdroj and I must say I felt uncomfortable, just bcs people were starring at me and honking bcs blacks don't walk there, but also they where very friendly and wanted to know where I came from and what were my intention over there.

Mainly I can say about the small villages you are right, but basically what I want to pinpoint is that Poland is changing to the better whit their open minded characters,...

I am not saying that marriage between black and polish is common, but I guess it would be possible,...

what you guys think about all of this, is it really changing or is this just a flick of my imagination
22 Apr 2011


Just a month ago I arrived in Krakow to work and also to live, bcs I have a son with a Polish girl (not married and not together).

I just to come to Krakow quite often like 2/3 times a year for the last 4 years, I had a discussion with the mother of my child that Krakow has a lot of medical students from whole over Africa.

I did not believe her, until now, bcs every day I pass the centre of Krakow and I notice much more black individuals as before, first I thought it is a co-incident, but later I start to notice much more as usual.

I met again with the mother of my child and I told her I completely agree, I ask her what happen, bcs few years ago black people where actually quit scared when I met them and talk with them the looked towards the ground and kept themselves inside of their houses, now those days the walk around normally (some even very proudly).

Strange thing for me to experience, bcs before I came to Krakow I was a bit scared, bcs visiting is not the same as living, being scared of open racism and all that stuff, having a mixed racial child, I supposed is not going to be easy.

Now I realize, it is quite possible, off course some issues will occur but I guess is pretty safe to raise a mixed racial child, and that the mentality is quit changing and more open for foreigners out of Europe.

So, I just post this to say that I am quit amazed how things are changing to the best of the country.

And I must still say, Polish people still amaze me daily, quite happy to be here!!!
Had a lot of help from my agency finding a place, have nice co-workers, spend time in the best pubs in town.

Really out of standard welcoming,...

Thanks (amazing) Poland
