Law /
ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland [45]
Sure you have.
You're not going to prove it though, are you? :)
Of course I'm not because you will say that the my bank account is retouched with Photoshop. I don't care you believe me or not Delphiandomine, I have had a return of my investment. But tell me, what do you REALLY want from your life? Do you have a dream to achieve? Get acquainted into a matter by YOURSELF instead of keep on posting blogs with personal opinions of losers, negative and always complaining people.
People do earn money with MLM, this is a FACT not a personal opinion. But only those who keep on going and going and going. Only those who REALLY believe they will have success, O N L Y T H O S E ones.
You all keep on thinking MLM is illegal, is a pyramid scheme, I can't change and I don't want to change your negative, pessimistic and always complaining mindset. Remember: FACT vs OPINION, fact WINS.
Tell me - why did the State of Montana say that almost every single person who had signed up to distribute ACN's product had lost money?
ACN in America gives 90 days to quit if I'm not wrong, here in Italy 14 days and you have back the money directly on your bank account. Is it fault of ACN or fault of the person?
Delphiandomine, you washed your brain with the WRONG shampoo. Do a favour to yourself and read books such as "Poor Dad, Rich Dad" and "School of Business" both of Robert T. Kiyosaki. Enrich your culture, stop listening to losers, pessimist and negative persons, think about the dream you had when you were a child if you ever had any.
But hey - anyone reading can read this for themselves
Yes as I said above, the personal opinions of the L O S E R S. But again FACT vs OPINION: fact W I N S.
Next please! I'm really having fun here, thanks to all of you of course...