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Posts by Jars777  

Joined: 27 Feb 2011 / Female ♀
Last Post: 26 Jun 2013
Threads: Total: 20 / In This Archive: 17
Posts: Total: 70 / In This Archive: 54
From: Gdansk
Speaks Polish?: trochę
Interests: Photography

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13 Nov 2013
Law / De-registering as foreigner in Poland? [5]

Yes, sadly I am leaving again. But nothing to do with not liking it in Poland. I loved living there. ;(

I will end my self-employment in Poland on 31.12.13 at Urzad Miasta and my accountant will let ZUS (and I guess tax office) know. I will probably only have to return the zamelduwany (or whatever it is called) to the foreign office.

Thanks for speedy response.

13 Nov 2013
Law / De-registering as foreigner in Poland? [5]

Hi all

Do you know what and where I have to de-register as a EU-foreigner if I leave Poland? Is it just the foreign office and tell ZUS that I am leaving? Or can anyore think of something else?

24 Jul 2013
Life / Polish Movies and News with subtitles to learn Polish language [24]

Merged: Online news about Poland with subtitles?

Hello everyone.

Does anyone know a site where I can watch Polish news with Polish subtitles? I want to watch it to learn Polish but just listening is too fast. :-)

20 May 2013
Polonia / what did he call him? german slur against poles? [8]

Yes... those would have been the ones that I had in mind too....

Just on that note... funny thing about the stereotypes.

In the Netherland people call Germans "bike thiefs".... in Germany people say that the Polish steal.... so the bike goes from West to East. :-)
20 May 2013
Polonia / what did he call him? german slur against poles? [8]

Hmm.... difficult to say. There are stereotypes in Germany about Polish people like there are in I guess any nation about any nation... particularly about neighbouring countries.
10 May 2013
Life / Poland's Environment, recycling [79]

Hello and sorry that I didn't reply to you for ages. Thank you soo much for your correction.

I have now posted the instructions up for anyone else to read them on my blog:

Thanks again
7 May 2013
Law / Catalogue of expenditures not being tax-deductible costs [10]

providing coffee with lessons is very simply not common practice for schools.

I agree that is it not common practice for schools. But in our own home? Surely it would be rude not to offer a tea or coffee?!

But I get your point. It was my inclination that it sounded a little good to be true. My accountant says that is isn't possible to claim but a friend was adamant and she claims for stuff like this. Probably better safe than sorry.
7 May 2013
Law / Foreign currency accounts in Poland [49]


Sorry, I haven't read all your posts... so please forgive if I repeat something.

We have been in Poland for a year now and are also with Citibank (Citi gold). Our bank manager was helpful to say that we have to deposit 12.000 PLN per month and then all our accounts (and we do have a few) are free. They even told us how to trick the system. You can just withdraw money and deposit it back on their deposit bank machines. That way we can make up the 12.000PLN deposit per month.

I also found out the other day that you don't get ANY interest on foreign FX accounts. What's that all about? So they have my money and don't give me anything for it. B*st*rds!!!

But in regards to the exchange rates... they are SHOCKING! That's why I use walutomat... here is my English instruction manual: the-fields.de/?p=1060

The rates are A LOT better and the service is pretty smooth. Citibank is sometimes a little slow but I am happy to save the money on the better fx rate.

Let me know if you need any other help on walutomat etc.

7 May 2013
Law / Catalogue of expenditures not being tax-deductible costs [10]

Hello all.

I have a question to all self-employed people or accountants. :-)

I had a debate about tax deductible costs here and I searched for some clarification online.... this is the only thing I found so far:

Tax deductible costs

In order to be recognised as tax deductible cost, an expenditure incurred by a taxpayer should jointly meet the following criteria:

- the expenditure was incurred with purpose of generating income, retaining or protecting sources of income,
- it is not listed in the catalogue of expenditures not being tax-deductible costs.

The revenue earning costs can be classified as direct costs or other costs.

As a rule, direct costs are deductible in the tax year in which the related revenue was earned. Other costs are deductible on the date they were incurred.

Tax deductible costs incurred in foreign currencies, should be converted into PLN on the basis of the average exchange rates of the National Bank of Poland from the last working day preceding the day the costs were incurred.

This is obviously not very specific and I cannot find the actual catalogue of expenditures not being tax-deductible costs. Is this available anywhere? I don't mind if it is in Polish.

Google translate will help I am sure. :-)

The actual question is.... can someone who is i.e a self-employed English teacher (no employees) claim for teas, coffees, juices as a monthly cost? Or would this not be seen as purpose of generating income. I guess you could argue that a person has to drink and provide drinks for his students being taught at home?

Thanks for your replies.

18 Apr 2013
Law / Small earnings registration in Poland [15]

Ok. Yep, sorry.. I did get confused. They will definitely check with their accountant. I just wanted to try and find out.

Thank you for your help all!
18 Apr 2013
Law / Small earnings registration in Poland [15]

So just to clarify. On this "Umowa o Dzieło" she would only have to pay ZUS 52 (Ubezpieczenie zdrowotne (Składka 52) – 254,55 zł) and not 51 and 53? Or am I getting confused with everything now?
18 Apr 2013
Law / Small earnings registration in Poland [15]

Put then she would still have to pay around 600zl per month ZUS as she would then not be covered by his ZUS, right?
18 Apr 2013
Law / Small earnings registration in Poland [15]

I think you might need to read my initial post again. The wife just wants to help her husband with the demand of his language school. So just help out with the lessons he cannot teach himself.
18 Apr 2013
Law / Small earnings registration in Poland [15]

Well, I am honestly not surprised why there is such a massive black market in Poland. How can you honestly earn a "litte bit on the side" if your ZUS payment will actually make you a loss! That doesn't make sense!
18 Apr 2013
Law / Small earnings registration in Poland [15]


I have a question in regards to small earnings business in Poland.

If someone has a language school and has a registered business and his wife wants to start teaching too but only a very small scale. Is there some kind of small earnings thing in Poland? I mean something that would not mean that she will have to pay full ZUS etc. Currently she doesn't pay any ZUS has she and their kids get covered by her husband. I know that ZUS is a lot cheaper for the first two years of trading, but she wouldn't earn enough to even cover the discounted ZUS. It's basically just to help her husband's business along.

Can she do something as freelancer or something like this? Surely there must be something that helps people i.e. mothers to work the occasional hours and not pay the full whack of ZUS? I know that in Germany we have the 400€ jobs and neither the employer nor the employee pays the full rates (if at all).

9 Apr 2013
Travel / Road Trip through Poland in the Summer [6]

Hello all

Since moving to Gdansk last year I would love to see more of Poland. So the idea is to do a road trip during the Summer (potentially August). We do have a car and ideally we would like to camp but if that's not possible we can stay in hotels for the occasional night. But we are on a tight budget, so cheap and cheerful is the way forward.

Has anyone done it? Any must-see's? Haven't been anywhere (apart from Rzeszów and Auschwitz as teenager) in Poland. So I guess Krakow, Wroclaw and Warsaw should be on the list?

21 Feb 2013
Life / Poland's Environment, recycling [79]

Merged: Recycling instructions


We have been given instructions for our recycling bins and I would like to make sure I understand it correctly.

The original Polish can be found here: czystemiasto.zut.com.pl/edukacja/1

1) Polish

Tworzywa sztuczne
zgniecione, zakręcone, puste butelki po napojach opakowania po chemii
gospodarcze i kosmetykach
- pojemniki i naczynia z tworzy sztucznych

- zgnieć opakowanie, zakręć nakrętkę przed wrzuceniem wrzucaj czyste opakowania

Nie wrzucaj
- opakowań po olejach i smarach
- opakowań pochodzenia medycznego
- szeleszczących woreczków i reklamówek
- tłustych butelek i pojemników

1) English

dispose of:
crushed, twisted, empty bottles of beverage packaging chemicals
economic and cosmetics
- Containers and utensils to create artificial

Keep in mind;
- Bust pack, tighten the nut before throwing dispose of clean packaging

Do not throw
- Boxes of oils and lubricants
- Packaging of medical origin
- Rustling bags and bags
- Greasy bottles and containers

2) Polish

Szkło bezbarwne

- butelki i słoiki ze szkła bezbarwnego bez nakrętek, zacisków, gumowych uszczelek

Nie wrzucaj
- szyb okiennych i samochodowych
- luster
- porcelany, ceramiki
- szkła żaroodpornego
- szkła zbrojonego
- żarówek, świetlówek, kineskopów

2) English:

clear glass

dispose of
- Bottles and jars of colorless glass without nuts, clips, rubber seals

Do not throw
- Window panes and car
- mirror
- Porcelain, pottery
- Heat-resistant glass
- Glass reinforced
- Light bulbs, fluorescent lamps, cathode ray tubes

3) Polish:

Szkło Kolorowe

- butelki i słoiki ze szkła kolorowego bez nakrętek, zacisków, gumowych uszczelek

Nie wrzucaj
- szyb okiennych i samochodowych
- luster
- porcelany, ceramiki
- szkła żaroodpornego
- szkła zbrojonego
- żarówek, świetlówek, kineskopów

3) English

Colored glass

dispose of
- Bottles and jars, colored glass without nuts, clips, rubber seals

Do not throw
- Window panes and car
- mirror
- Porcelain, pottery
- Heat-resistant glass
- Glass reinforced
- Light bulbs, fluorescent lamps, cathode ray tubes

4) Polish


- gazety, czasopisma, kolo-rowe magazyny
- kartony i tekturę
- torebki i worki papierowe
- książki, prospekty, katalogi

- Karton zgniec
- papier wyprostuj i złóź

Nie wrzucaj
- zabrudzonego mokrego lub tłustego papieru
- papieru woskowanego
- zdjęć
- papieru z presroczystą folią
- styropianu

4) English


dispose of
- Newspapers, magazines, near-zero storage
- Cartons and cardboard
- Bags and paper bags
- Books, brochures, catalogs

- Cardboard Crushing
- Flatten and fold paper

Do not throw
- Wet or greasy soiled paper
- Waxed paper
- photos
- Presroczystą foil paper
- styrofoam

Is there anything about Tetra pack drink cartons? I am assuming there are not allowed?

6 Feb 2013
Classifieds / Language exchange group, Tricity [60]

Hi. I would be interested too (and my husband too) but Thursday morning is tricky as I have my normal 1.5 hour Polish lesson at 12.30... would have to work at some point in the day. :-)

Would be grateful if you let me know about further meetings.

15 Jan 2013
Life / Going to gynaecologist in Poland [3]

Thank you for your reply. I am registered with a NFZ GP in Gdansk and I am also very glad that there is one receptionist who can speak English. She has been very helpful! I phoned today and they do have a gynaecologist in their centre but she wasn't sure if he/she speaks English. Will phone tomorrow and see what happens.

In case someone else searches for the reply to this, I will try and remember to post the outcome. :-)
15 Jan 2013
Life / Going to gynaecologist in Poland [3]

Hello.. this post is probably more for the female crew on here.

Just wondering if anyone has gone to a gynaecologist in Poland on the NFZ? How does it work? Do you have to go to your normal GP first to get referred or would gynaecologist not be covered by the standard NFZ and you will always have to pay (even if you pay ZUS)?

Many thanks
10 Dec 2012
Law / English accounting software for Polish tax? [3]

Hello all

I am self-employed in Poland and have an accountant. However it often takes them a while to calculate my taxes and it always feels a little strange not know how much money has to come off my earnings for half the month. So I was wondering if there is some kind of software or even online-calculation that doesn't cost much (or is even free) that I could use to roughly work out how much I will have to pay?

It could also be in German if that helps. :-)

3 Dec 2012
Life / Copy shops common in Poland? If yes, does anyone know one in the Gdansk area? [6]

Hi all

I would really need to get something digitally printed for a calendar. Just a few A4 sheets on thicker paper. I have been emailing to quite a few drukarnias in Gdansk but none has replied (although some of them even have English websites). There are loads of copy shops in the Uk and you can just go there and get small volumes printed.

Would appreciate your help.

6 Sep 2012
Law / Biz in Poland - foodstuff export out of Poland [3]

Hi. I would recommend getting an accountant. I am registered self-employed here and work mainly for a British company. You will have to register for VAT but then the invoices should be VAT free. (This supply is subject to the reverse charge - article 28 of Law concerning tax on commodity and service). If you want I can recommend you a very good accountancy company in Gdansk (they are in other places too in Poland).

I cannot say if it is better with setting this up in Germany but if you need translation help I am German and would be happy to help. Just message me.