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Posts by s2good2  

Joined: 12 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Apr 2011
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 72 / In This Archive: 69
From: Highlands Ranch, Co
Speaks Polish?: Very Little can understand some more
Interests: Cooking, Flying, Motorcycles

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26 Nov 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Merged: From the beginning of this year ($ 3000.00 to $ 4000.00 a month... just an update

For those of you that remember.... We left America to go take care of my wife's Polish parents you can read the whole thread here make sure you goto the first page to know what is going on. but here is the update......

Just strange to think.... one year ago, I did not know that I and my family would pick up all we knew and move to Poland, Did not know that I would fall in love with that country, Did not know that I was able to walk 2.4 miles (After a lot of practice), did not know that I would argue with the wife about a car.. hehe she wanted one and I said NO! we can walk or take a bus!! lololololo those of you that know me... know that last statement does not sound like me, did not know that I would (after 2 months in the hospital) loose my left hand, did not know that we would moved back to America 6 months earlier than planned, did not know that I would have the support of my family as much as I did and still continue to receive, Did not know what a Phantom pain was let alone be living with them!!, did not know I would miss the evening walks down to the beach with my family, did not know I would miss playing cards with my Mother-in-Law until the wee hours of the night, Did not know I would miss Poland so much and the way of life as well as hope, deep in my heart, that I will return some day, did not know that I would not be able to button my own pants (it is so demeaning to have to ask your wife to button your pants) or get that last bite off the plate with my fork! (with one hand, you have to chase that last couple of bites, they keep sliding around and keep jumping of the flippin fork! hehe, did not know that I would EVER NEED a shoe horn, did not know that I would be embarrassed to go to a restaurant because I need to have someone else cut my food up, just do not go anymore!, did not know that I would HATE my shadow when I am walking to the mail box with the sun behind me and I see a stump hangin' there!

I have shared probably too much here and I am sorry , just going through some tough times right now. bye the way also, a year ago I would never know how hard it would be to type with one hand.

I pray that the year ahead holds a much brighter future for us ALL!!


God Bless!
29 May 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Soooooooooo... Although things are starting to get to a norm around here, I got very bad news and that is that my left arm has blood clots AGAIN. Last time 3 years ago they did a surgery and everything was better, now they say it is inoperable. They are two large clots in both arteries in my lower left arm. So they put me on all kinds of meds and supplements to try and open up my remaining veins. Let's keep our fingers crossed. If it does not work I may loose my fingers if not my hand.

Anyway back to Poland, Why are the sidewalks so flipping uneven?? I am tripping everywhere lol Is there a reason you guys use brinks or stones for sidewalks? instead of pouring cement?

Well instead of going through all the red tape of getting my residency permit (and there is a lot!) I am just going to go to London for a day (out of Schengen) and come back. Polish embassy said that would re-set the 90 clock. Anyone in London want to show me around for a day? I will be there in June.

Please let me know if any of you are coming to Gdynia soon would love to meet up!
Cjj - Maybe this coming Saturday we could meet at the pool if you are going to be there. Send me an email and I will send you my cell number back!

If you have plenty of time on your hands, try helping out at your sons school

Great idea! I put the offer out let see what happens!!

I also live in Gdynia

Great! no I have not been to Sopot or Gdansk since coming this time. Would love to go ! just do not speak enough Polish yet to go on my own :(

WOW I need to find something to do ! starting to go crazy !!!

Until next time !
18 May 2011
Life / Im a Black American Moving to Poland. Worried about adaptation. [47]

Hello there! I just moved to Poland about 6 weeks ago I also have a thread almost about the same thing. Lots of good posts there for the person moving to Poland. You should check it out. It is under "Everyday Life" and titled something like $3000 - $4000. and month easy enough to find. Anyway, I moved to Gdynia with my wife for almost the same reason. If you ever want to talk .. just shoot over an email! good luck!!!
18 May 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Ok funny thing happened the other day I just have to share. I was on the bus and at this particular stop there was a very old lady walking with a cane, slowly getting on the bus. Apparently the bus driver did not see that she was not all the way in the bus and he closed the doors. Well the lady's foot got stuck in the door and she started yelling "JEZUS JEZUS JEZUS!" So the driver opens the door and the lady starts to fall out of the bus backwards. I jumped forward and grabbed her arm. I then helped her into the bus. Upon her getting her balance she RIPPED her arm out of my hand and said something in Polish started shaking her head and sat down.....WTF? lol:)

Please tell me why the older people push like hell to get out of the bus, like they are in such a hurry and then walk slow as heck when they get out?? Just an observation.

So the family is putting there lives back together and things seem to be getting back to some sort of regular. The task of going through all of Grandpa's stuff is still ahead. One step at at time.

Things between my wife and I are proving to be harder than I had thought it would be. Basically, all of her family is right, no matter what they do and I am wrong. but we are working on it and I hope things will turn back around soon. I swear, I am adjusting better than she is to Poland! (except for the food( I really am having trouble with that one), but again,working on it) One thing she keeps complaining about is a car. SHE WANTS TO BUY A CAR ! AND THAT'S FINAL. I do not want one. I am the guy that has trouble walking (getting better since I walk so much) I just think Europe, more specifically, Gdynia looses some of it's charm when you take away the mass transportation. I like memorizing the bus numbers and where each goes, the schedule for each bus, People watching on the bus, etc. It's fun!

Thank you for coming and sharing your time in our country.

Thank you for having me !

Your wife is lucky

Please tell her that !

Im wondering any plan to move back to US and get on to continue with your business as now the reason to be in Poland father-in-law is no more? .....

We will move back to the US but we are going to stay for a while to help Grandma , We knew he was not going to make it for long, so part of the reason for coming was to help after he passed.

Until next time!
10 May 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Hello to all ! The Funeral is over and my wife's Father has been laid to rest. The healing can finally begin and the hopes of tears turning into laughter is on the horizon. I will say that even though I did not understand what was being said... It was a beautiful & moving service. VERY different than a funeral in the States (not worse, not better) Just VERY different. Among other things, The one thing that stood out most of all was the procession when we arrived at the cemetery. Everyone gathered by the entrance gates. Three Priests on foot in front, the Hearse directly behind and then immediate family and friends behind. We walked all the way to the grave site (Very far and up hill! Hand in hand, arm in arm. very quite and somber. Watching the Casket lowered into the ground was new for me, as in America, you have the choice of leaving the site or staying to watch and I had always chose to leave. Here this was not an option. Sylwia was very strong for her Mother and should be proud of the way she presented herself. Although, Like most families, they argue and disagree, This family has A LOT of love for each other and is very close. This was shown today.

On a lighter note, (just can not believe this happened, so I MUST share) We were standing outside the hospital this morning to say our good bye's the Grandpa before they sealed the coffin. Try to picture this, We all were standing on the sidewalk by the door to the hospital. Some of us on one side and others on the far side of the sidewalk. There was about a 3 or 4 foot area of the sidewalk TOTALLY CLEAR, no one in the way at all! A bus pulls up and people get off and start walking toward us. EVERYONE I mean EVERYONE, Knew why we were standing there (by the way we were dressed and our location) Everyone walked through with no problem EXCEPT!...... One woman about 30 to 35 years old was looking straight at me and actually changed her direction to walk directly toward me. She was walking fast and furious, I really thought maybe she thinks she knows me. I looked at her, and she walked right up to me and stopped maybe an inch away and said something in Polish (I am now going to tell you what she said as if I understood, but what I going to tell you was with translation from my wife.) so anyway she stops looks at me and says ahhhh EXCUSE ME ! and I said what? She says Move! and I pointed at the ground with my finger and drew aline around me and said " ahh Go that way " ! she then said something that my wife would not translate (probably best) and my wife pulled me aside so the Bi&ch (oops did I say that out loud) could walk by...... Am I crazy or is that total Bull$hit? I may be wrong but walk toward me to MAKE me move, when I am not in the way !!! ohh pi$$ed me off BUT not the time or place to say anything, I just moved on.

I have a lot more I would like to ask, share and talk about but this update is way to long as it is so I will save it for the next!

C ya
6 May 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Sorry I have not posted in a while... A lot of things to report next time I type but for now please give my wife and her family your prayers and good thoughts as her Father passed today and many plans need to be organized. Will update more later when time permits!
21 Apr 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Well yes -- I think I have dropped a few comments to that effect in earlier posts!

What time are you usually at the pool on Saturdays?

I was the one that suggested the blog :) but it wasn't because you are unwelcome here :)

I know you were not saying anything bad, just was curious if that was protocol?? no worries :)

So went to the doctor yesterday... ( a little back ground, I have had blood clots in the past and am on blood thinners) well, while I was packing up to leave for Poland my right index finger tip cracked from being dry. I thought nothing of it and went about packing. Apparently, all the dust and dirt got into my finger and got infected. Needless to say I have poor circulation and not enough of my blood could get to the tip of my finger to fight the infection. In the last three weeks it has got so bad that the tip of the finger is completely raw and I can even type with out pain. Then to make things worse the infection has moved it way down into my right forearm and is slowly cutting of blood supply to my hand soooooo that is the reason for the trip to the doctor and why I bring this up, is it was interesting to me that while the cost to see the specialist (Surgeon) was 80.00zl the dressing she put on my finger (a band aid) was 40.00zl !! WOW! anyway they gave my some antibiotics and told me to change the dressing once a day. Let's see what happens in a couple of days. Still a little worried because my INR (measurement of blood thickness) is still very low, so not a lot of blood making to the finger to bring the antibiotics. we'll see ! :)

try Kuchnie Swiat kuchnieswiata.com.pl/ang/store.html

They are more expensive, although the quality is about as good as it gets. There is one in Galeria Bałtycka

Hopefully going to go there today or tomorrow !!! FIRST TRAIN RIDE!!
18 Apr 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

never pays to advertise these things!!

You can not see it from the street ! I am up a level and I have gone out and looked from all angles... My wife said the same thing...sooooo I went out to see if anyone could see, But thanks for the advice.

Good luck :)

Thank you very much! Just need to find a Good Burger and I will be happier ;) lol!!

With that being said... Do ANY of you live in and or around Gdynia??? Dying to just meet up with someone who speaks my language. I know I am supposed to be learning Polish, and I am, But would like to have a real conversation with someone and can not find an English speaking person to save my life!

On another subject, I was suggested to start a blog and stop typing here. Is that protocol? after a while of posting here... Move it to a blog somewhere else? Please let me know if I have out stayed my welcome here. Just like telling you guys what's going on and getting your opinion's. Like the Balcony thing, it really helped!

Anyway til' next time!
16 Apr 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

WOW! it has been a while since last post ! things have been crazy here with the hospital visits, setting up the flat, dealing with an infected finger and for the big problem... My INR (blood thickness indicator ( Had blood clots before)) is incredibly low! trying to get it under control right now but the pain in the left arm is almost unbearable. Anyway, some complaints first then the fun stuff! I know many of you said I would not like the beef here but.... I can NOT even find beef here except for ground beef! WHAT UP? even in the restaurants it is hard to find! I had thought YEA!! I found a little place in the market place here that had New York Sirloin roast Who hoo!!! So while waiting in line to have two steaks cut off of this roast, the person in front of us asked for a rack of ribs then asked for the lady to cut it in three (I guess easier to carry home) so the lady takes the rack to the back table and whacks it with this huge axe looking thing, the last strike sends about four ribs to the rather dirty floor. Expecting her to pick it up and at least rinse it off, she just put it in the bag with the other ribs and hands it to the person and moves on.... icky !!! we turned around and left ! If they do that in front of people what do they do when we do not see! anyway next... Why is it so hard to find REAL pepperoni here? They call it pepperoni but it is salami. Do not get me wrong the pizza here is really good but miss the pepperoni.

On to another observation, I smoke quite frequently out on our balcony which faces a rather busy street. I have noticed over the last 2 1/2 weeks three guys (30 to 40 years old) that just hang out on the street corner. they live in the building behind me and one always has a black shoulder bag with him. They are loud and always cussing. They take turns at being drunk, but one is always drunk. One seems to be a leader because the other two follow him around like a dog in heat. Actually watched the "Leader" kick in a door yesterday in the middle of the day! hummm wonder what they are up to but still keep my distance far and my lips closed!

By the way... Does the fricken sun EVER come out here! I know you all told me it is gray here but WOW ! Now I know why you all have such a fair complexion! no sun !!! hehehehehe

On to my on going work in progress! Told you I have a balcony that I smoke on, well on that balcony is a shelf (will show a picture at the bottom) I decided I want to make that shelf my "Beverage Center" I have some more work to do but here is a pic what what it looks like so far. Still need to add the wine and more spirits but, it is starting to look better!

Till next time !!


5 Apr 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

This one is goning to be a little all over the place! lot of little things to sure...Sorry!

WOW ! this is so cool! I have been watching a LIVE streaming cam from the Marina in Gdynia for months now just to try to connect and see what was there in Gdynia. It is weird to watch this camera from 5500 miles away and then, see it in person !!! I will include the link as well as some pics from this last Sunday at the bottom of this post. If you watch the web cam... stay there for about five minutes as the cam cycles through a lot of different views.

Yesterday was Luke's First day of school !!! He loved it !!! he came home and said " I was better than I thought I would be!" We are so happy that he liked it and wants to go back ! WHEW ! it could have been waaaaaaaay different! With that being said... Had to walk home from dropping him off in the rain again (that does really suck).

Made our first dinner in our tiny tiny kitchen, on our tiny tiny stove last night and it turned out GREAT ! not a lot of room to work and prepare but if you use your space wisely, it is very possible. Since is is chilly outside, the chairs on the balcony have become a staging place (Covered, of course)for my dishes awaiting the stove or cook top. (natural fridge)

Speaking of the Balcony, There is this kinda box on box on box shelving unit out there in a triangle shape (take pic later to show) anyway, I have decided that this is going to be my Beverage storage area! sounds dumb, looks cool! I have one box that is just going to be Spirits, I have three for beer (Piwo) one for Soft drinks and two for water (Gaz i Nie Gaz) <---- that's me trying lol!

I Love to watch this city wake up and go to sleep! as you probably have seen from an earlier post, we live on a quit busy street, 3am maybe the one stray dog runs by, 4am see one or two people stumble across the street,5am the first bus (#27 south bound) comes rolling by with maybe 2 or 3 people on it and 1 minute later the #26 comes by the other direction with maybe a few more people on it. One or two cars following to tow. 5:30a, a bus every 2 to three mins in each direction, cars , cars, and more cars people walking, delivery trucks stopping here and there. 6:00am The church bells ring, the stores open, the buses are filled to capacity, oh did I mention CAR CAR CARS EVERYWHERE!! Parked on the sidewalks, stopping in the middle of the street to drop off the delv. or a person does not matter the bus, other cars and people just go around !! In the states if some one would do that in the middle of rush hour and the middle of a busy street you would have a major back up because the person behind would start screaming to move the flipping car/truck a fight would erupt, some kind of weapon would be drawn, all the while thousands would be slowing or stopping to see what is going on, police called, more back ups and TV helicopters fly over head, more back ups, two hours in the car for a normal 30 minute drive! Not here! they just go around no beep, no yelling! it is just the way it is ! and people move on !

With all that being said and done! the best part is, with only a small problem on Sunday witch was quickly solved, It looks like this place or maybe the whole situation of her dad and whether to move or not, then the actual planning and execution of that plan, the move.... I do not know but I have fallen head over heals in love with my wife again and love the feeling of those butterflies in my stomach when I see her! Walking by the Sea this last Sunday was the Best!!! our son on his scooter 5 meters ahead, birds flying, the sea mist, my wife's arm around mine and just talking!I hope this last forever!

Ok here are the pics and the links


  • That's the web cam!!!!

  • Luke and I

2 Apr 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Ok, sooooo yesterday, Lukas was to meet his new teacher at school at 9:00am. He, not yet used to time change, Pitched a fit crying, falling down, not listening, not getting dressed all while we were threatening him (not really but...) Made us late for the bus to the school and the next bus would make us late for the appointment. so we had to walk... Oh, by the way did I tell you is was raining??? when we got to the school we were soaked (did not have time to go buy umbrella yet) we met with the teacher and his new school mate for about 45 mins and were off back to the flat. The bus that normally stops right in front of the school was not going to show up for another 1:45 mins soooooo walkin in the rain again back home. once home dried off and planned the trip to Hala (fresh food market place) after 2.5 hours of shopping (and miles of walking) Back on the bus home to make dinner for Sylwia's Mom and brother before the hospital visit. Once home and racing to get dinner in place for the family, the phone rings and well, Mom decides she going to stay home and Brother is going to go to Moms instead of coming to our place..... Hello that was why we went shopping ... for the food for dinner...oh well hang up and start to put thing away... phone rings, it is brother "plans changed... Could you come to my house (30 minutes away) and help me install a wireless router?" ahhhh ok after stumbling through Polish instruction booklet and 1.5 hours later all was working and we were off back to my flat Just in time for the family to go to the Hospital. The Hospital (in this ward) does not allow children so I said to my wife " I will stay here, the flat, with Lukas you go ahead with your family and I will put some stuff away." well.... Luke has been very bored due to the lack of toys so I thought ok! time to get the adapters and transformers out and get the WII hooked up so he has something to play with! Oh did I mention the location of the WII will be in the same entertainment center as the TV, Cable box, Wireless router, Polish home phone, USA home phone (Vonage) and Wireless printer? Well I mention that because before I plugged the Wii in I looked and the power cord and to me it looked like my computer power cord and could swear it said 110 -220. ok just need an adapter right ?! plugged it in and BAM ! POP ! SMOKE! lights out, all electronic componts mentioned above ..LIGHTS OUT GONE. I now have no phones not internet and no way to contact anyone for help. So I began looking for the breaker box, High, low in between... Swear even out in the hall..NOTHING!!! So nervous I just blew up thousands of dollars of equipment... here comes Sylwia waltzing in 45 mins later than she was supposed to (don't care normally) but this time I had been pacing back and fourth in my dark little flat for 1.5 hours worried to the point of a racing heart and fast breathing. Anyway I tell Sylwia what happened, she calls her Brother and ... oh!!! the flipping breaker box is above the entry door!!! Never would have guessed! oh well flip a button and Poof! everything back on ! WHEW! only thing is I think I fried the WII! Going to go buy a new power cord for it to see if that works but !!! WOW what a day !!! AT that point I said " IT IS TIME FOR A BEER!!!'

post more when something interesting Happens !!!! Hope today is not so eventful !

Shawn, Sylwia and Lukas's New adventure !
31 Mar 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Quick update.

Ok we made it to Poland with no problems! Yeah!! Now I sit here on the first morning of my new life and wonder.... what the heck I am doing in this foreign land that I truly know very little about (although I have put many hours of research into)? I saw Dad last night and yes... He did recognize me.. there was even a smile! Other than that we moved into or new flat and started to put things away. Uneventful but still exciting. Lukas and I were,and still are, very tired from the travel but this soon shall pass. Now I sit and wait for my family to wake to see what today will bring... Exciting huh?

Very gray here... Hope the season will change soon

Shawn, Syl & Luke (all together once again)
28 Mar 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Ok. It is Sunday night the 27th and the house is EMPTY!! Totally ! We have put the lock on the storage unit (they will pick up on the 29th) and the keys and garage door opener on the island in the kitchen.... And we have left the house for the last time. Now at my brothers house for 2 nights. Tomorrow I and Lukas will go say our" Goodbyes" to Grandma and my brother (other) and Niece, Get a hair cut, take my boy to a nice (last) dinner in America, and then at 6:00 am the next day we are off to our new adventure. I hope it is all what is cracked up to be. I feel tightness<----- is that a word? in my chest can't catch my breath. but I know it is just all the stress of this move. I am sure it will get better once there. Will update when the situation requires.
23 Mar 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Just a quick Facebook update:

Shawn Twogood
Finally, The Kitchen is PACKED !!! wow what a job that was ! BUT it is done! now just little odds and ends around the house ! Phew!

3 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Carol Twogood That was a major Feat! Good Job! How is Syl doing & her Dad? Luke getting along ok without mom around - I hope? Looks like you'v ebeen keepiong very busy.

2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Shawn Twogood
Syl is doing good Just got the keys to our new flat today ! she took alot of pics for me to see. Her dad opened his eyes fully today and was actually answering questions with yes and no motions to her!! very exciting !!! Luke is doing much... better than thought he would but still is wanting to know when we will go to Mommy! and yes I have been unbelievably busy!!! never a time to sit and realize how much I miss her until i wake at 2:00am and have nothing to do until Luke wakes up.. then.. that is the time I have to reflect and know how much I miss her! Thank you for caring and helping so much ! see you shortly!

Welcome to Poland Shawn.


I think I am ready !!

Looks like I am the only one following this anymore but, that is OK I am doing this more for a record for me when I look back.

It is now Saturday, everything has been removed from the house with the exception of our travel bags, 1 mattress, and the TV (witch will all be taken care of Monday morning) I now have the task of cleaning all the surfaces and floors. I should be able to accomplish this today! Had my "going away" Party last night (if you want to call it that) but the most important people were there anyway ... after talking to some of them, the most poplar topic of the night was.....(exact words) Jesus, who else would have the balls to do what he(me) is doing. kinda scared me again. I am thinking "Holy **** ! if everybody is thinking this maybe this is way wrong" But then I think to myself... No this is just their closed American minds talking I WILL MOVE FORWARD! My wife and New life awaits!

Will update when necessary!
18 Mar 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

I will be in Gdynia from the 30th June -4th July, we can meet up one afternoon for a coffee or something stronger.

I would Love that please contact me the week before and will will make arrangements!

Come on over for the Polish party mate you'll be just fine, nothing but Brits - we'll look after you buddy.

Address please !!! LOL!

Everything will be fine my friend. Still not in Poland? ... I hope you could meet your father in law before the last goodbye :(

I have been there many times and have met with and had some drinks with him... that is why this is so hard right now! Sylwia left early to be with him before the end. Lukas and I leave on the 29th of this month.

Of curse you can do it. And it's quite natural to be scared. It's actually a god sign. If you are nervous you pay more attention to details, and therefore make less mistakes. Good luck!

Thank you! I have cleared the upper level of our home today! 4 bedrooms 3 Closets and two bathrooms !!!! YEAH !!! now just have one of the living rooms, a bath room/laundry room and the DREADED KITCHEN !!!! but it is looking better !

1 Week and counting ! Just the kitchen left and I am going to tackle that today! My Wife's father opened his eye's yesterday but quickly closed them again, we hope it is a sign of healing but right now are just crossing our fingers and praying. Wife signed the lease on our flat today (the original one I posted here) Go figure after they said no rent they wanted to sell..... hummm, a week after we said "No thank you" they called back and said they wanted to rent again. Oh well, at least we got it and it is so close to my In-Laws. More later as it develops!

Shawn & Lukas
17 Mar 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

OK so the wife is gone (On her way to Poland) and Luke and I on on our own the finish the packing and the final details here in the USA. Wow I feel ALL ALONE now and quite scared. I think I will be able to do it but still very nervous. The storage unit in the drive way is about 1/3 full and I have about half the house left to put in it (Hope there is room)! Gosh I hope she gets there in time to say her goodbye's to her Dad! I Love you baby !
15 Mar 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

WOW ! how life changes! Looks like my wife is going to leave early, 3-16-11 ! Her Dad took a turn for the worse and we just can not wait until 03-29-11 for her to go.. My son and I will finish up packing and join her on the 29th (gosh I hope he (her DAD) makes it!!!) The "Pack Rat" arrived today!!! the first 9 box's are in. I will be filling it a lot more today! Still do not have a place to live... AGAIN the owner showed the Flat on Saturday to her brother and said she would tell him what the price would be on Monday (yesterday) then called him and said "It does not calculate, I am not going to rent!" ?????????????? WTF!? Why would she list it and show it if 2 days later she says NO???? WHY? I am so frustrated! Well, she will be there in two days.... maybe she will be able to find something for us... I hope. Did not think it would be so hard to rent a flat in Gdynia.

More Later (as if you care) heheheheh
12 Mar 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

May have found a new Flat in the "Heart" of Gdynia. Only 2 Minutes by bus to Parents Flat and It is a bit bigger (86 M2). Right next to the mall! (Batory) so plenty of shopping in walking distance and very close to the sea as well! Keeping fingers crossed! We should find out on Monday if we get it !
8 Mar 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

OK, so we thought we had a place !!! The owner changed her mind and now wants to sell instead of renting!?!?!?!? at least for now.... So the search is back on. So nervous, just 3 short weeks till our feet are on the ground and still no place to live! I know we'll find something, but this place was so perfect! (Location wise)

Dad (Sylwia's) was not feeling well yesterday, Coughing really bad and overall feeling weak, just hope we get there in time to spend some good quality time with him. Crossing fingers.

Sylwia's Brother is back in town now and say's he will go "In person" and visit some flats, he assures us he will take care of finding some where for us to live. I hope he is right. Feels strange to put your trust in some one else to find a place for your own family to live but, right now that is all we have soooooooo........

Again sorry for being "All over the place" just have a lot going on right now! and want to make sure I document all that is going on for future recollection.

Have a great Day !
6 Mar 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

I am keeping my fingers crossed:)

Thank you for your well wishes! Wife and I hope to someday meet with you ! You sound like (your Blog) a very sound person as well as a person who is able to see things like they are.

I am finding it difficult to search for Polish web sites from the US (Maybe I just do not know how) Can someone give me some web sites of (I know I already asked but still cant find them) English social networks in Gdynia?


3 Weeks... Tick Tock Tick Tock!
2 Mar 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

If we keep contact on this site, then yes, it will be great of we can arrange a meeting to meet each other's family.

Sounds GOOD!!! I will be waiting !

BTW, Are there any "American" Groups or "English speaking clubs" in Gdynia? I want to fully engulf myself in the Polish language and culture but I think it would help to be able to talk with others that have gone through the same process and learn from their mistakes as well as their successes.

27 Days and counting......

Really??? None? OK...

Well, Had the second garage sale today and it went really well! I think one more and we will be done! Anything left after that will go to Goodwill or ARC. My Mom was over today and again... was trying to talk me out of going! Finally, Had to tell her... That my wife came here and has been in America for 12 years! now, Her Dad is sick and I NEED to go with her to support her decisions ! and if she is going to come over and complain every time well.... do not come over! Sounds harsh, but my wife has given a lot up to be here with me and now it is time to give a little back !!!

Storage unit will be delivered on the 14th and picked back up, then sent to the warehouse on the 29th ! (changed the dates a little)

More later!
26 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Quick update:

Looks like we found a flat in Gdynia! We'll find out on Monday if they will hold it until April 1st (Hoping, not holding breath) BUT it is only 5 a minute walk to my wife's parents flat! I mean that is why we are going, Right? It is smaller then what we wanted, It is 73 M2 (can not get that small 2 to pop up) but the building is less than ten years old and SOOOOOOO close to parents and my son's new school, as well as it is in the city center. Not to mention the bus and trolley stop right in front of the building ! We will have access to everything.

You can hardly see it on this pic but our flat is the Yellow marker on the white building towards the bottom and her parents flat is the yellow marker towards the top. Not that you are interested but, if you open Google Earth and type in Gdynia Poland then do nothing but zoom in .... you will see this White building I have picture above. Much better view of the building.

Can't tell I am getting more excited about the move huh?

24 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

Do you mean there is much less of a "coffee culture?"

Gosh, I am going to miss my coffee!!! accustomed to have my machine grind the beans right before brewing all in one machine! the fresh taste! (Cuisinart Burr Grind ( holds 1/2 pound of beans on top)) Can not take with because the transformer to make it work in Europe costs $ 179.00, not willing to pay ! :(Maybe I will find something close or will like a "New" type of coffee that I like... All part of the adventure RIGHT? :)
24 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

I can always remember the look of complete bafflement on the look of a Microsoft Engineer i(in a very upmarket hotel) discovering that the menu was written in German

This person must have been ...A little slow... I mean it is Germany.

I was in amazement when I was in Poland and went to a restaurant and they had the menu in bot Polish and English!!!

Everything about day to day living is going to change - and you have to change with that. If's fun - I enjoy it.

Going with a completely open mind, I know it will be different "Living" there than it was "Visiting" there so I am going to just try to enjoy the change (may be hard at first) but if every where was the same.... well, that would be boring ! :)