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Posts by Rosyjska  

Joined: 18 Dec 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 6
From: United States
Speaks Polish?: I Speak Russian, English and German
Interests: Teaching my daughter polish

Displayed posts: 7
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23 Dec 2010
Love / I'm impressed by Polish girls and their beauty, going to marry my Polish GF [16]

My wife is Polish, My family is Russian and they all told me never to marry a Pole or a German. I couldn't help it. Sure Russian girls are gorgeous but i swears theres nothing more beautiful that a Polish woman. I love my wife so much and my family has learned to love her, and they now have a new found respect and interest in the Polish culture, language and people. I don't regret marrying her, shes the best thing to ever happen to me and she means the world to me. Believe me, a Polish woman will make you very happy :). I know from experiecne that my own people's women. Russian women are mostly blood suckers, they bleed you dry for every penny and than leave you. Its hard to find a Russian girl to spend the rest of your life with without worrying about her bleeding you dry. The Polish women and beautiful, and they love you for you and not your money. <3
23 Dec 2010
Language / How can i teach my child Polish language? (I'm Russian, my wife is Polish) [35]

You have a point. Polish looks like i can learn it. and some of the words are similar sounding to Russian words and they usually mean the same thing they do in Russian. My wife has Russian books from elementary school in poland. I took them out and placed them on our kitchen table as a hint ;)

I think i'll try Rosetta stone? I've heard many good things about that.

I should buy my wife the Russian Rosetta Stone as well. This might actually be fun.
23 Dec 2010
Language / How can i teach my child Polish language? (I'm Russian, my wife is Polish) [35]

She is so stubborn though. I've told her countless times that learning all these langauges at the same time is nothing that a five year old girl should be given the task to learn. She speaks Russian to me. She will not speak Polish back to my wife when she adresses her in Polish. I'll suggest

she should speak to a pediatrician or a psychologist

to her and see what she says. Thankyou :)
22 Dec 2010
Language / How can i teach my child Polish language? (I'm Russian, my wife is Polish) [35]

Honestly I dont know why the German...
Me and My wife both speak fluent German. My wife does not understand Russian and i Dont understand Polish so we speak German and English to eachother.

More often German..

I told her that she shouldn't speak German to my daughter becuase it confuses her. I, unlike my wife are taking an proactive approch to teach my daughter Russian. I bought a book of Russian stories and fairy tales to tell her every night before she sleeps. (Русские Рассказы)

I've told her one before that she seemed to like, Снежная Королева (Snow Queen) which she likes alot. I told my wife if she can find a book with interesting Polish stories like the book i have she might be more turned on to Polish as well.
21 Dec 2010
Language / How can i teach my child Polish language? (I'm Russian, my wife is Polish) [35]

I know and you are right... My wife and I had a argument last night about this. Because my mother said the same thing as well. I'm Russian, shes Russian so therefor she should be exposed to both heritages. Not just polish, I would like for my daughter to grow up speaking English, Polish and Russian and there for I'm going to start speaking to her in Russian, and i told my wife to speak to her in polish... ALL THE TIME. She said "Fine".

Firstly, how old is your daughter?

What country do you live in?

My daughter is 5 years old and we currently live in the U.S. Although we have plans of soon moving out of the US for a little while. Since we live in the United states she gets English in school.

Her mother tounge, as you said. Is Polish becuase thats what my wife speaks to her most of the time. Sometimes my wife will go into speaking German to my daughter which confuses her and I dont understand why she does that to her.
18 Dec 2010
Language / How can i teach my child Polish language? (I'm Russian, my wife is Polish) [35]

Does anyone know of a good program i can by for a five year old girl to learn polish? I am Russian myself but my wife is Polish and she would like our daughter to learn polish as well. I dont speak Russian to her becuase she seems to respond better to my parents and my family members speking Russian than my wife's family speaking polish to her. I dont want her to become fluent in Russian (Just yet) Becuase my wife wants her second language to be polish. So it will be that way. I try to avoid speaking Russian around her, but i do not know any Polish myself. It would mean alot to me and my wife if anyone can suggest a good program that me and my wife can buy that is Fun and will keep little Anasiazja's attention to teach her polish.