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Posts by sovereign_man  

Joined: 15 Dec 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2011
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Posts: Total: 19 / In This Archive: 18
From: Phoenix, AZ USA
Speaks Polish?: no

Displayed posts: 18
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17 Mar 2011
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

Oh my god. See how the American government is, an infection. If I were in Poland I would be doing everything I could to keep American armed forces bases OUT of my country. When American government gets involved you know its doomed. America is 14 TRILLION dollars in debt, most of it owed to China.

I think of it like this, would I want Poland or China to come and set up a military base in America? Hell no. So why does the US federal government think they can set up their bases all over the world? Its because your leader is probably making money from war games.

Here in America, defense contractors make huge amounts off money. War pays well, its disgusting.

If you want to create jobs in Poland why don't you people identify what your fellow people need and create a business for it. If people need tractors for farming, build some tractors. If people need clothes, make clothes. If people want cell phones, open up a telecommunications store. Do not depend on government to create jobs. A government that is big enough to give you everything is also big enough to take it all away.

I do NOT support America going into Poland and setting up a base, just so you know. Unless thats what you want but if you are paying attention to world affairs, America can't even handle their own business successfully, they don't need to poke their nose into another countrys business. Trust me, they will not bring the jobs that you want.
17 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

I don't know Poland's politics but here in America the left wing's are killing this country. Not that the right wings are much better but the left wing is heavy pro illegal immigration, welfare, give me free everything, I'm entitled to the same as everyone else even though I didn't work for it.

All I know is this, if I sat around all day and didn't lift a finger at my job, I would be fired, not paid so why should lazy people who sit around and do no work get welfare thanks to those who busted their butts all day? They should get nothing. The only reason they get welfare is because the congressmen know that the lazy freeloaders will vote for them.

Careful what you wish for.

Polskimoc is correct, under communism/socialism there is no incentive to work harder. Its happening in America right now.
2 Feb 2011
News / Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If? [116]

Poland would never be the absolute world power because there are forces too powerful against that. They are called the Bilderbergs and their plan is for some "New World Order". There have even been reports of them wanting to eliminate the US dollar and merge it with the Euro to create the "Amero".

Here is the wikipedia link so you can educate yourself on who these devils are:

2 Feb 2011
News / Poland goes bankrupt? [110]

Geez, welcome to the club, it seems today every modern nation on the planet are bankrupt. Why is that?

The only people who are not bankrupt are tribes that are still living in the stone age. They are lucky, they haven't had the rothchilds, rockefellars, clintons, bushes, obamas, Mubaraks and all other corrupt dictators to ruin their society.
28 Dec 2010
Life / Has anyone in Poland that you know been affected by H1N1? (swine flu) [44]

Yeah, 95% of people have not gotten the swine flu shot and they are all still alive. Are you not capable of seeing the obvious? Those 95% of people did not get the shot yet they are still alive and well. What does that tell you? It tells me that the swine flu is not as bad as mainstream media is making it out to be. If it was worse we'd have 95% of people dead and 5% remaining.

Keep perpetuating the fear though and taking everything the media says as true, fool.
28 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

Hey, just looking for opinions. What is the chance of a Polish person getting a VISA to the US nowadays? How about someone working in the UK, and wanting to apply for a VISA at the embassy in London? Anybody with opinions? comments?

Don't come to Amerika, we are full and the life boat is about to capsize. Not to mention we are close to our next civil war.

Find an island where there is no large government and make yourself a nice home there.
22 Dec 2010
Life / Has anyone in Poland that you know been affected by H1N1? (swine flu) [44]

This is one of my favorites topics.......to laugh at stupid people. Here in America the mainstream media had a field day with the fear tactic swine flu topic. Everywhere you read it was hurry up and get a swine flu shot so you don't die! OMG FEAR FEAR FEAR!

I have not been to a doctor in years, never got a swine flu shot and ....wow....I'm still alive.

Listen folks, as long as you eat healthy, wash your hands after you relieve yourself and drink plenty of water and juice then you will be fine. Don't believe this fear crap about how you will die if you don't get a shot, its BS.

Other things that help me stay healthy, I swab my keyboard, mouse, cell phone, door knobs and other stuff once or twice a month with rubbing alcohol to keep them clean. Mostly just random items that get handled a lot. If you feel like you are getting sick, drink lots of water, eat a teaspoon of orgnic honey a few times a week and take some good quality vitamins.
22 Dec 2010

This has to be one of the dumbest threads I have ever come across. All ethnicities of men lie and ALL ethnicities of women lie so hop down from your high horser and come back to reality lagirl.

And if you are from LA as in los angelos CA then you have no right to be pointing fingers at one particular sex when it comes to lies as you live in the second largest liar state in the country only second to washington DC.
19 Dec 2010
News / US Military: The Army of Poland is crap. [124]

I say pull out leave Americans with their wars.

I am American and I agree with you, lets leave the war to the US federal government since they enjoy shooting and blowing up other countries so much.

One day they will encounter a force they cannot comprehend nor overpower and I will enjoy watching them get their asses handed to them.
19 Dec 2010

Yes, today is a beautiful day in America, the dream/amnesty act was shot down. It sucks for the kids but their parents were not wise to sneak across the border and then have their child. They knew what they were doing was wrong but they did it anyway.
19 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

Its called money. Women are extremnely insecure and vain so naturally any time they see a guy with money they know they can get something from the guy. Of course if you are a physically unattractive guy with lots of money you know you can buy women whenever you want. I'd bet a million bucks that those girls are out banging good-looking guys while the "ugly" guy is at work.

I see this same scenerio in America all the time.
16 Dec 2010
Life / Made in Poland clothes (Warsaw) [12]

One of the nicest jackets I have ever owned was made in Poland. I bought it at hugo boss in 2003 for about 390.00 USD. I still have it but its in poor condition from wearing it so much. I is cashmere and wool.

Trying to find clothes in America that are made in America is almost imposible. Its either made in China now or some place else like india. Americans think they are too good to make clothes, they all would rather be tv "stars".
15 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

Oh geez, when American was presented with a african american president it seems like 90% of the US population was so excited and mesmorized. Now two years later everyone realizes what a farce it was.

I don't know your politics but it could be a ploy just to get all the black people to vote for him because their skin is the same color. Dirty tactics for sure.
15 Dec 2010

Say, why not just fly to Mexico City and simply drive, walk or swim across the border? Really, who needs a visa to enter the US anymore? ;)

Good luck with that, you are lible to get shot and killed by some mexican drug cartels.

The suggestion of going to Canada and meeting your family by NY is a better idea as Canadians are pretty relaxed people from what I understand.
15 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Expat Poles swearing allegiance to the US - how did you feel? [157]

I agree, no country is perfect but for the previous poster to sit here and claim all this freedom and bravery regarding the US is just pure ignorance. But go ahead, come here and live for at least 5-10 years and then after you've watched your tax money be pandered to illegals and how lobbyists buy presidents and destroy animal habitats (hello exxon valdez spill off of Alaska, or the horizon gulf oil spill most recently)) then you can try and tell me about freedom. America is all just one big lie. A facade. Don't fall for it.
15 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Expat Poles swearing allegiance to the US - how did you feel? [157]

I had to register mainly because of this thread, but also because I am interested in learning more about Poland as my mothers side has a lot of polish ties. Unfortunately I do not speak polish nor have I ever visited Poland but some day I would like to.

First I must correct you on land of the free and home of the brave. That is complete bullshit. I am 33 years old and looking for a way to move out of America and possibly renounce my citizenship for a number of reasons.

One, no one in this country is truly free unless you have billions of dollars. I began to take notice of politics a few years ago when at the time president Bush jr saved the failing general motors auto manufacture from certain death by issuing what is commonly known here in America as a "bail out package". Unfortunately that bail out money came from ordinary taxpayers like myself. At that time I was working a 9-6 job where I was paid 19.00/hr. I paid state and federal taxes because it is the law. After Bush bailed out GM I believe he or the next (and current) president obama also bailed out several large banks, the biggest being bank of america. Again another company that was failing at the time, AIG, or american insurance group, was also posting record losses and poised to file bankruptcy but either bush or obama (I cannot remember at the moment) signed a bail out "package" for that company as well. Days or weeks later news broke that that their bail out money was being used by the ceo's to give managers bonuses, some bonuses in the hundreds of thousands to numerous different employees.

It was at this time I quit my job based on that and some other personal reasons with my main reason being that I was not going to go into work everyday, bust my butt so that my tax money could be used to save irresponsible companies from failing and reward incompetent employees. GM should have failed, in my opinion, just liek any small business that fails for one reason or another.

Another serious issue that America is having right now is illegal immigration. I do believe that in part our economy is in such poor condition because we have millions of illegal aliens living in America and using services that they do not pay for, services that are reserved for tax paying citizens. Services such as police, fire, libraries, roads, trash pick up, education, the legal system and other things. Anyone who works in the education system knows that American education is ranked something like 25th in the world, with finland and korea being ranked first, if I recall correctly.

The major problem with the illegal immigration is that elected officials such as congressmen are using these people to remain in power, or in other words, keep their seat. Basically its a trade off, the illegal immigration population's family members who are citizens will vote for congressmen who shoot down any type of border enforcement or any other people or programs that want to strip special services from illegal immigrants. Congressmen were elected by US citizens yet they betray us every chance they get. Many are extremely corrupt and some don't pay taxes yet they get away with it. Whereas if I did not pay taxes I would be thrown in jail.

Another problem is the US government has gotten way too big and they are abusing their power. They have always abused their power, governments, but the US feds are way out of control and many Americans are waking up to this and are very angry. Thus the US government is doing everything they can to keep citizens in the dark and continue to use us for their own satisfaction.

As you may know we still have American troops in Afghanistan. Many Americans, including myself, do not approve of this. From my understanding Bush jr originally sent troops there to find osama bin laden after he attacked us on sept 11th 2001 in which he had instructed members of his group to fly commercial aircraft into several different significant buildings here in America. It has been nine years now and we still do not have osama bin laden in custody. We had our chance to get him and Bush declined to the terms presented to him by osama's associates. Many Americans are not as stupid as the government thinks and we know they purposely kept the war going because it makes the military industrial complex money.

You may know that America also has bases and troops in various other regions of the world and I do believe that this is why so many people around the globe dislike Americans. I don't blame them but please try not to lump us all together as war-mongering arrogant ********.

If you are considering coming to America I suggest you do it legally. Fill out the paperwork required and wait your turn in line. Many Americans do not like illegal immigrants because they are a burden on us financially. Our main problem is the southern border and our elected officials responsible for border security have been ignoring citizens cries to secure it. Mexico is currently engulfed in a war with drug cartels and the violence is spilling over into America. Yesterday a border agent was killed from a gun battle with illegal bandits about ten miles north of the border on US land. Months ago a US couple was jet skiing on a lake off of Texas and the husband was shot and killed by mexican nationals believed to be drug cartel. Last year a man who had a ranch on the border was shot and killed by a suspected illegal who was tresspassing on his property. It seems the violence from mexico keeps getting worse everyday and not much is done about it.

Make no mistake, if you are an American citizen you are not free, in fact you are a slave to the rich and to the illegals and poor that are draining social and welfare services paid for by "middle class". In ten years I fear America will be just like Mexico or the old USSR.

Brave? There are few brave people here in America and the ones such as myself who speak out against our elected officials are deemed traitors by our government. Most of the citizens in this country are what people like myself like to call "sheeple". A group of people nothing more than zombie-like lambs who stare at the television and believe whatever they are told.

Our unemployment rate is also something like 10% right now, but the mainstream news outlets, many times referred to as mainstream media or MSM, will not tell you the truth, about anything really unless it helps their agenda and keeps American citizens in the dark.

I urge you to think twice about coming here and swearing alleigence to this country as it is as corrupt as it has ever been and the government really does not care about you unless you plan to join the armed services and fight for their narrow-minded agenda. Do not help make it worse. If a one world government scares you then I suggest you do your homework before trying to come here and expecting some sort of better treatment than what you have there in Poland as you will be in for a rude awakening.

In closing, America is NOT holding up a banner of freedom around the globe, instead they are trying to take over every country they can in their quest for a "new world order" and one currency. Americans leaders are nothing more than organized crime communists ripe with arrogance and with access to too much money and power.