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Posts by Krynski  

Joined: 9 Nov 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Apr 2011
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Posts: Total: 82 / In This Archive: 64
From: Polska, Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: I do
Interests: numerous (liczne)

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28 Apr 2011
Feedback / Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland [150]

--- Prove that Kaczynski "does not fight for Poland, but for the ultimate power". Can you? Whom do you specifically mean by those "people in Poland" who "do not want to empower" Kaczynski? Are you one of the delusional uns reading avidly the Gazeta Wyborcza (roughly, the Polish equivalent of the Guardian)?

28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Nope, I was referring to some of the Polish army who declined the free ticket

--- Do you mean after WWII the British allegedly shipped some criminals, who were members of the Polish Armed Forces in Britain, over to Australia? Aren't you lying again, Harry? I'm asking due to the fact that you are a rabid zionist full of psychotic hatred toward the Poles, and you habitually spread your Polonophobic hate propaganda in this forum. Harry, aren't you scared that even your own G--d can eventually punish you hard for your savagery?

28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

**** off and read the Daily Mail for more bigoted crap...

Well, ukpolska seems to be an honest Brit guy - and there are scores of British like him, which I actually willingly acknowledge. But that doesn't change the fact that there are also scores of rabid Polonophobes there, like the brutes of "lebowski" and "cnut's" ilk. And now, after both Milliband and Cameron also have made Polonophobic remarks - characteristically, these remarks closely resemble the stuff about the Poles the Daily Mail, etc. psychopaths have been peddling - one can rightly expect there may appear even more Polonophobes in Britain. The onslaught of the media psychopaths in Britain against the Poles has been enormous, but almost nobody there - and certainly no really prominent figure - has defended the Poles and condemned the hate propaganda against them.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

how can it be racist to say there are many poles in the uk committing crime? i know this paper is dubious but the source is not!!

--- Who has said it's racist to say there are many Poles in UK commiting crime?

Why am I saying you're a racist Polonophobe, do you know?

Well, if the paper is dubious don't you think the information in it is also dubious?

For instance, is it the Poles who commit most crime in UK, or is it other nationalities? Does your "dubious newspaper", on which you nonetheless rely so surely, carry out a frantic hate crusade against those other non-Polish criminals just as well? Do you know who and what I mean, butthead?

28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

I apologise about the homophobia accusation, you only asked if I liked to fuk my mother in the throat or ass.

--- So do you like doing it, or not?

30 minutes to cool down... keep it civil in the future...
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

You are terribly stupid

--- There are scores of his likes in Britain. But not only there - they are now all over Europe. For example, many similar racist Polonophobes you meet in Holland, where, like in Britain, both the media and politicians are attacking the Poles. However the Polonophobia in a given country seems to start with the media hate-propaganda.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Was this written by a Pole?

Yes, it "was written" by a Pole. And now why don't you go fuk your pig mamma?

I am not racist.

Buddy, you're a Polonophobic racist - I've proven it over and over again, haven't I? And moreover you seem to be a Polonophobic racist in denial.

28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

No. I have met many gay people from Poland who vow never to return and given you and Havoks comments I can see why

--- Are you actually claiming I've made some anti-homosexual remarks here? If yes, quote them. Can you?

So you are a racist hypocrite - you are against the discrimination against gays, but are for the discrimination against the Poles. And you're for all the Poles, except Polish gay people, leaving Britain.

if you have our scum clogging up your courts and prisons as we have some of yours

--- You mean there's so many Polish criminals in Britain they "clog up" British courts and prisons? Give evidence it's the case.

What a stupid racist Polonophobic liar you are. Yes, there are scores of British like that. Well, it's high time for us Poles to adopt a more realistic attitude toward the British, and get rid of the idealistic one.

I hope you don't mind, bud, if I use your remarks in an article I'm currently working on?
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

I'd probably support a law to conceal the names of people who haven't yet been found guil

You "would probably support" such a law, but for now you're okay with the fact that in Britain their racist hacks are free to mention the nationality and names of Polish alleged criminals, but they are not free to mention the nationality and names of other foreign alleged criminals, or perhaps choose not to mention them?
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Every country has its rednecks

So what would your country be, please?
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

oh we have aggressive neanderthals too old boy

--- Damn right. Aren't you such an aggressive neandherthal - isn't your attitude towards us, Poles, aggressive?

my main point is 'freedom of movement'

--- Well, I myself am strongly in favor of all the Polish people, including those born in Britain, leaving Britain right on the spot, and coming back to Poland. But in such a case I would expect all the British living in Poland to leave Poland as well.

Would you agree with me on that?
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

A funny kind of hostility that has welcomed a million people.

--- Where did you get this number from? From the Daily Mail or the Daily Express, for instance? Where in Britain can one get reliable data on the numbers of nationalities actually living in Britain? Is such a source available at all?

28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Check out the thread about the Guardian series

What do you mean by: "check out the thread," etc.? Do you mean it's ME who have got to look for evidence confirming the validity of your claims? Wouldn't you think it's your task? Well, it seems you don't provide the evidence in question because it doesn't exist, and therefore I repeat: you're a liar and slanderer. Get lost, idiot.

I don't want to murder anyone, of course that has happened too, I don't deny it and I am truly sorry anybody has suffered.

--- You mean you actually don't deny you have murdered somebody?! Holly smoke!!!!
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

I already have.

--- So you can't prove that I allegedly have told some malicious xenophobic lies? Well, this proves you're a liar and slanderer. Now as for myself I can prove that the British media hate propaganda seems to be the main cause of the British hostility towards the Poles.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

I gave them two days ago. Remember.

--- Why do I have to "remember"? What, are you threatening me? So can you quote em, those lies, or not?
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Malicious, xenophobic lies, of course. Not allegedly.

--- What are those alleged malicious xenophobic lies of mine? Give them.

Are you a British xenophobe attempting to divert attention from your xenophobia by accusing somebody else of xenophobia?
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

You were caught out on that one a couple of days ago. So stop repeating rubbish.

---What specifically have I been allegedly caught out on?
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

British newspapers seem to be highlighting statistics in such a way that is likely to inflame resentment against law abiding Poles and other nationalities living, working and paying taxes in this country.

--- What "other nationalities," please? Isn't is the case that in England courts frequently forbid mentioning in the press the names of the nationalities and first and last names of presumed foreign criminals, especially those from the Third World, but the courts frequently allow to mention the nationality and first and last names of presumed Polish criminals? What is the result of such institutional discrimination and censorship - I mean the result for the Poles in Britain? Really, isn't it high time to leave en masse this racist, Polonophobic land - the land where as a result of the hate propaganda by the media psychopaths scores of Poles have been beaten up and murdered by local racists?

Yes, "immigration" of the Poles to Britain has been a success for the ripping them off British and Britain, but has not been the slightest success for the Poles and Poland.
24 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

poles need to get through their materialist capitalist phase first, give em 50 years

Do they need to do that, really? So are there any others, not Poles, who have gotten through that "materialist capitalist phase"? Who are they? And why it's got to be exactly 50 years for the Poles to "get through" that "phase"?

they could support the Zeitgeist movement, Poland would

I think you're hopelessly stupid and you haven't got anything livelier to say, except when you whine about your britishness being allegedly hurt on this forum, in Poland (where you're still livin), etc.

24 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

You must live in dreamland

Dupadomine is a virulent Polonophobic racist (and fanatic zionist) from Britain. No wonder he praises what's going on in Poland.
24 Apr 2011
Life / How do you celebrate Easter in Poland? [29]

Oops, somebody has got rid of my post? Is the censor one of the British folks who are runnin this forum?

Nope. all documents say Polish.

I'd argue that

How can a racist pig argue? Due to the rigidity of its "views" it's unable to argue, isn't it?
24 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

Nobody here in Poland is in a revolutionary mood.

---- Aren't folks getting piSSed off at the economic-political situation? So you're living here, in Poland, and not noticing it? Anyhow, let's wait and see what happens.

People are used to endure the hardship whatever it is. By the way, I do not understand what you imply when you mention PO, ex-communists, Hungry, Polonophobes.

What specifically don't you understand?
24 Apr 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

I'm afraid Davies's books on Poland are getting dated, and so is the occasionally full of pathos, compassionate-for-the-wretched attitude of his towards the Poles.

His recent hostile remarks about the PiS seem to show he doesn't understand the political situation in Poland today, or has joined in the Polonophobic camp.

As for his alleged love for Poland and becoming one of us, it seems he mostly loves Britain, and especially his native Wales ( he doesn't seem to be too fond of England - see "Isles"), and actually doesn't become any one else, but remains firmly British-Welsh.

Davies seems to have been an authority on Polish history and matters mostly during the Cold War, when the American and British (and zionist) propaganda depicted Poland and Poles virulently negatively. - Davies was the one who began describing Poland and Poles more positively. Today every one can come to Poland, get to know us directly, and be his own expert on Polish matters.

Still Davies looks like a great Polish patriot when compared to the alleged "expert" on things Polish - the Polonophobic Timothy Garton Ash of The Guardian....

24 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

@ Adam Kadmon

I'm asking myself exactly the same questions, buddy, and the only answer I've been coming up with is that the young Poles should riot like hell in Poland, try to change the relations of power there, try to make the country their own - just as the Hungarians have been doing in Hungary. Enough of the deadly alliance between the Polonophobes from the PO and ex-communists.
24 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

Do you mean I've been claiming the GW is "the main culprit behind the whole business"? Where? Then again, isn't the Gazeta Wyborcza one of the prominent culprits (in Poland) behind the business of egging on the Poles to leave Poland and work abroad? Of course, the main culprit, concerning Poles going to work in Britain, seem to be the British themselves. Didn't they strongly encourage the Poles to come and work in Britain, didn't they massively recruit the Poles? I remember one of the recruiting fellows bragging the British will grab away all our young people. They dragged the Poles in, exploited them, and then, having used them up, have been vilifying them, depicting them as those who have ripped off the British. Outrageous, psychopathic, unforgivable.
24 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

Here is just the beginning

What would your quote prove? Would it prove that the Gazeta Wyborcza hasn't been encouraging young Poles to go work in Britain? Would it prove it hasn't been promoting the idea of a united Europe paradise where the Poles are equal, accepted and respected?
24 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

Poland's lost generation? Not the first time and not the last..

You mean it doesn't matter if the present-day generation is lost?
24 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

Trying to make it in London or Dublin is the solution chosen most often, because it is so easy. They don't try to change the country – they leave it to rot.

--- It seems the "solution" isn't that easy nowadays - due to the hate propaganda and hating attitudes against the Poles, especially in Britain. Numerous Poles have come back home already. It seems many more may follow when they experience painfully the foreign Polonophobic racism, which seems so widespread not only in England, but in the whole of the UE, and lose their delusions about the idyllic united Europe where also the Poles are allegedly equal, accepted and respected. Those delusional ideas have been hammered into them by, among others, the newspaper you quote - the strongly left-wing Gazeta Wyborcza (run, among others, by the descendants of communist and stalinist activists, right?). So when the young Poles wake up from their delusions about the EU paradise, they may start appreciating their country and traying to claim it back from those who are ruling it the way they do.
24 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

In Poland's case it is complicated because Poles have the third highest IQ in Europe it is colossal waste to have so many brilliant minds occupied in low level menial jobs.

--- Oi, how very compassionate you are toward those poor wretched Poles. Feeling such great "pity" for the Poles lifts up your own self-esteem, doesn't it? And how about the Rumanians - what jobs do they do, what IQ they possess, is there any waste - how big? - involving their brilliant minds? You're Rumanian, aren't you, "southern"?
