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Posts by ARC  

Joined: 29 Oct 2010 / Male ♂
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Posts: Total: 13 / In This Archive: 13

Interests: Avoiding whiny cunts from the UK which means this forum was a bad choice for me.

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27 Dec 2010
Polonia / MOVING MY STUFF TO MOSCOW and a Harley motorcycle ...any ideas? [58]

Now, if you want to discuss maliciousness, shall I share your e-mail with everyone?

And YOU have just shown everyone what character you have with such a threat. What kind of person would threaten something like that? I wrote you asking for help...which you agreed to do. Now you are behaving like this. You caused this conflict not me. All you had to do is apologize for your oversight. Instead you result to trying to attack me in ways you think will harm me. Pathetic.
26 Dec 2010
Polonia / MOVING MY STUFF TO MOSCOW and a Harley motorcycle ...any ideas? [58]

On the other hand, why would I even want to encourage someone to move here that I don't like on a personal level? If you want advice, I can supply you with the names of some lawyers who will charge you for their advice.

The thing is...you said you WOULD help. Then you blew me off. Well before we had any discussion or I posted at all really. Thus you had no idea we didn't see eye to eye on politics until after you blew me off and I called you out on your behavior.

On top of that...if you go back on your word because you disagree with someone's post (which again wasn't the case here as that came after you lied) that makes you a pathetic weasel.

All in all it comes out ahead for me because someone who is so petty cannot possibly be someone to trust. The very fact that you are making excuses rather than apologizing for your poor behavior makes me sure of that.

To all, please keep the personal stuff out of this thread. Thank you .

Mod...I was just warning Wildrover of the unreliability of delphiandomine. He has proven he cannot be trusted to live up to his word. Call it a "business review".

If one fails to do what he said he would...and then berates the person he blew off rather than apologizing and correcting the situation then he surely isn't a person of integrity. Would you trust your needs to someone like that?
26 Dec 2010
Polonia / MOVING MY STUFF TO MOSCOW and a Harley motorcycle ...any ideas? [58]

Maybe send delphiandomine a PM.

He won't bother replying...he is too busying arguing on the internet about **** that doesn't matter. He told me he would reply to a request for information "when he had time" then blew me off entirely. But he has all kinds of time to ***** about nonsense online. I would look elsewhere for advice.
4 Dec 2010
Life / Expats in Poland - would you fight for your new country? [105]

I have lived abroad myself so I get why people move...my point was I think MOST expats would not go back and fight because they have a better life in their new home already or else they wouldn't be there. It's bravado and nothing more in most cases...something expats seem to love to exhibit...they talk more crap about politics and social issues than the people living them every day back home and I find it annoying as hell. If they were truly THAT concerned with things they would go home and effect change...not just moan about it over dinner or on a website.
3 Dec 2010
Life / Buying cell phones from those small Poland shops under the train station. Are they Legit? [11]

I bought from those little shops in the Rotunda underground and at that place that isn't there anymore by the old Marc Pol, that used to have all the clothes and phone shops in it...the one where workers rioted...and never had a problem. They all refunded or repaired when needed without a hassle which is more than I can say for most major shops in Warsaw. I bought my last phone in an Era shop as I was in a hurry as I had to go abroad and they had the one I wanted...paid far too much.
3 Dec 2010
Life / Expats in Poland - would you fight for your new country? [105]

I have heard more than one wise older Pole claim they are participating more to get experience with their modern army than out of some love for the Yanks. I can believe this. AND Poland is at the Eastern border of the EU and a lot closer to the extremists than the USA is so they do have a national interest to be involved. And no matter what people want to say about Poland, the Polish military has shown itself to be very professional and they have superb reputations amongst the Americans and their allies. That is more than can be said for a lot of other nations contributions...and I am not talking about people who aren't there as that is every nation's choice to take part in any action or not...but many that ARE there have proven worthless and even detrimental..not the Poles however.
3 Dec 2010
Life / Expats in Poland - would you fight for your new country? [105]

I really don't understand the expats who claim they would return home for war...you don't like your country enough to live in it but you claim you would go die for it? I don't believe it. Sure you can always find a few cases who would but I think in general people would stay put and not give up their lives where they are...it's all nationalistic bravado. Expats seem to have an overabundance of that.
19 Nov 2010
Real Estate / Flat/apartment Rental Sites in Poland [12]

Can somebody give me a list of the sites to look for flats? I had a list of 5 or 6 when I lived there but don't recall them. Szybko was the only one I recall and it was one of the better ones at the time. Any others? Prefer easy to use with pics.
19 Nov 2010
Language / I want to learn Polish. Where to start? [180]

I wish Pimsleur would make more levels for Polish. I learn very well with them. But their Polish is one full level only and even after 3 levels of other languages you have lots to learn. I just don't learn with the normal book formats.
19 Nov 2010
Life / Polish and Slavic Art [48]

Does anyone know where I can get a smaller print of this piece (maybe like 25cm across or something like this) All I can find googling are very expensive prints. I had one in a room in an old flat in Warsaw (just a cheap poster version) and forgot to take it. Would live to find another. Thanks

Dziewczyny na statku.

Bumping to see if anyone knows where I can get the above art poster I posted. I am not able to find it Googling only expensive limited prints. The one I had was just a small poster in a frame.
19 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

I am American and not at all rich. I barely got by and I never wasted or had credits. I rented flats and saved what I could. Most of the middle class is either like me or strung out on credit.