Work /
Residence Permit for an Australian in Poland. Applying for another one.. [41]
Hi there,
I'm Australian and have been living here for around 3 years. I have had a residence permit for 2 years (technically cos it took so bloody long to get it that by the time i got it, 6mths had already passed). I am in the process of applying for another one and I have been requested to go in with a translator to explain a few things on my application under oath.
I was under the understanding (from the information given to me by the people who work at the foreigners department) that once I have a residence permit I can work at any school. While I had the residence permit, I worked for a few schools- some of them private companies and one 'Placowki Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego'. I couldn't find a translation anywhere for that phrase so I am assuming it means a certified place of learning.
I went in to check the status of my application they told me I need to explain a few contracts with a couple of schools (the ones which aren't certified places of learning) and why the border police were not able to find any neighbors who knew or recognized me at my melded address.
So the questions are:
1) Has anyone had any experience at an official interview or the same problem?
2) Does anyone have any advice?
The facts are:
1) I have been working for 3 non-certified companies for a year without a work permit (because of the information provided) and it can be proven on my account statement which I had to give them
2) I don't live at the melded address because the place I live at is a private flat and the owners have rented it out on the DL.
I know its a long shot and a long post, but I hope someone can led a hand.
Thanks in advance