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Posts by Plastic Pole52  

Joined: 18 Sep 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Sep 2010
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Plastic Pole52   
1 Oct 2010
Life / Let`s compare prices of services and products in Poland [359]

I am not.It is a common knowledge in the so called Western world.

My grandma had some savings that she was even able to give some properties to her children.
You bought a flat those days which has now real worth.

Well then you are the lucky one.What about others?
Plastic Pole52   
1 Oct 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

Definitely.If any of them commit any crime strip them of citizenship and send back.Why there is no phone line where you can report suspected illegals?Maybe it is time to start anti immigration party?Seems a good idea to me.It is time for Poles to take their country back before it will be to late.

If that was up to me every single one of these people (including white ones) would be already in Africa.
Plastic Pole52   
1 Oct 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

We Poles still have a chance to avoid their mistakes but we need to act quckly.Right now it seems that any schmuck from a 3rd world shithole can get Polish passport.If the goverment doesn't want to take care of the problem and close the borders the citizens have to act.We need to let 3rd worlders know they are not welcomed to PL,boycott them and don't hire any of them.I will never do any kind of deal with any of them in PL.And don't call me a racist coz I have Nigerian friend, I just don't want them in Poland.
Plastic Pole52   
1 Oct 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

Yea,western hypocrisy.Acctually Slovaks have built the walls around Gypsy settlements in few towns.
And Czechs are pissed since Canada reintroduced visas for Czech citizens because of Czech Gypsies applying for asylum.Hey,why don't you enlightened "westerners" show us ignorant "easterners" how mult-culti and tolerant you are and take ALL the Gypsies from us?We sure will appreciate that.
Plastic Pole52   
1 Oct 2010
Life / Let`s compare prices of services and products in Poland [359]

They have whole life savings, flats, houses which they give out their children.

How can they have any savings since everyone knows Poles are dirt poor and make $100/month not to mention that during comunism they were making $20/month???
Plastic Pole52   
1 Oct 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

Just like saying that Poles are thefts but it doesn't change a fact that many are and we really earn such opinion...

No 99% of Poles don't steal,beg or scam.If anybody likes houses like the one on the picture go to Pabianice,Lodz suburb and if you want to see poor Gypsies go to Koszyce Slovakia.

Plastic Pole52   
1 Oct 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

Enterpreneurs then, is that a bad thing?

They do it for ages man.They also steal and scam.Do you know what "cyganić" means in Polish?If you don't ask anybody.Oh and if they ever knock on your door I strongly advise you to NOT let them in.

And don't be so PC coz to the Gypsies you are "gadź".

Of course there are some good Gypsy families

I agree but what it is 1%?
Plastic Pole52   
1 Oct 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

If you have to beg, then life must be pretty ******! Not easy for most of us to understand sat here typing on our expensive laptops!

Are you stupid or what? They beg because this is Gypsies way of life.Any of these women can buy 2 "expensive" laptops for their weekly "wage".
Plastic Pole52   
30 Sep 2010
Life / The Polish national 'brand' [21]

If we want to improve our PR we have to show what we are in reality not by some silly cold war definition

Why would we even care?Personally I don't give a flying phuck about what foraigners say about Poland as long as Poles in Poland are happy.The thing is that most is not.
Plastic Pole52   
30 Sep 2010
Life / The Polish national 'brand' [21]

-we should fight associating us with EASTERN EUROPE. Poland is a CENTRAL EUROPEAN state which belongs to the WESTERN WORLD (EU, NATO, OECD

Why?Does it even matter if it's eastern,western or whatever Europe?I don't think so.What important is what Poland is and how Poles live there, not how someone calls it.I have no problem whatsoever with being Eastern European.Matter of fact when asked I like to say I am EASTERN European and people make faces like they expected some two headed monster.So,lets not be oversensitive about it and just do whatever we can to make Poland a better place regardless the geographical location.Does it make any sense what I am saying?

As conservative patriotic

And not every Pole is conservative.Some are libertarians like myself.
Plastic Pole52   
29 Sep 2010
Life / Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]

[quote=wildrover]I have seen a Russian do it....but i think he was well used to such quantities....

If you are not..its very dangerous...[/quote

Plastic Pole52   
29 Sep 2010
Life / Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]

They can't buy Wine so depend on POLISH CHEAP VODKA

never try this: Pint of Vodka in 4 Seconds

He was English.
Plastic Pole52   
29 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Avalon method course vs Conversation with a native speaker to learn English? [37]

PP52, what Scottish accent? Geez, you Polish yanks likely think that we all speak in the same way. I can move 30 minutes west of my home city and I know they are not from where I"m from.

Isn't it what the girl with this s**t on her lips speak?.Weird but understandable.Only takes a little while to get used to it.Yea,why don't you guys just learn some proper American English and make it easier for everybody?
Plastic Pole52   
29 Sep 2010
Real Estate / foreign currency property - issues faced when buying a property in Poland [8]

It says that developers are scaming the goverment by reporting (rigged) inflated costs of square meter in the new constructions.This makes it easier for them to sell more expensive apartaments since more of them qualify for the govermental program "Rodzina na swoim" where the tax payers cover half of the interests on the mortgage for 8 years.It keeps prices of apartaments high and causes rents to go up since the rents also depend on the average cost of square meter.They (the developers) are about to being sued.
Plastic Pole52   
29 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Avalon method course vs Conversation with a native speaker to learn English? [37]

Shes actually imitating an Australian, how can you say Americans are easy to understand? Jeeze i have issues with some Scotts ang big time with pikeys they all live within 300 miles of me, the US being about 40 times bigger and the diverse accents i somehow doubt that statement very much.

Ok.Now I know she is saying "Good day I am Amy....".Americans say there are different accents in the US but the differences are so little that I can't distinguish them.Met only one Scott and he spoke ok.But the English (aside from BBC) seem to be speaking some different language.Who are pikeys anyway?
Plastic Pole52   
29 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Avalon method course vs Conversation with a native speaker to learn English? [37]

I wouldnt worry to much about that the way Americans have butchered the language makes it difficult for many of us to understand

Unlike this lady, Americans are actually very easy to understand,well except some African-Americans. I can only guess what is she saying in the first sentence .
Plastic Pole52   
29 Sep 2010
Life / Why no Polonian polka music in Poland? [7]

('Cudze chwalicie, własnego nie znacie...' A. Mickiewicz)

Jan Ignacy Mickiewicz?:)
I bet you meant Stanisław Jachowicz.