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Joined: 19 Aug 2010 / Male ♂
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20 Aug 2010
Study / Studying music in Poland [11]

but do you mean singing in Polish or another language?

Good question. Preferably one who speaks english/spanish. But she's learning polish quickly.
19 Aug 2010
Law / How does Health Care in Poland work? [16]

6. What kind of pills (i.e. what is the main ingredient so I can check the price)?

It's called - clonazepam.
19 Aug 2010
Law / Tax deductibles for self-employed English teacher working in Poland [7]

I'm asking on a Polish forum because it's related to Poland. I don't understand why you resist allowing me to ask questions. It's not hurting anybody. And you don't have to reply. But your answer doesn't help if you do not offer even a link.

But if you want to start a business and don't even understand VAT, I would suggest that you need to go away and do your research properly.

Is it even a business? It's freelancing.
19 Aug 2010
Law / Tax deductibles for self-employed English teacher working in Poland [7]

Thread attached on merging:
Self-employment and taxes


I'm planning to move back to Poland. I would be working from home as a freelance website developer. Is anyone here already doing that? I'm wondering about the taxes.

1. For example, if I sell a website package to client... would I have to collect sales tax, how much?

2. I see E.U. charges a VAT sales & service tax. Do I have to collect that as well? For my European clients only, or for my North-American clients as well? Or do I just pay a VAT on total profit? How does this all work...

3. If I'm self-employed/own business, I file my taxes every month/3 months/once a year?

4. Is there minimum income before paying taxes, or does everyone pay taxes? For examples, if you are single and live alone, and you earn 1000PLN a month or less, do you get taxed from that?

19 Aug 2010
Law / How does Health Care in Poland work? [16]

Thank You for all the information. It's really appreciated.

OK, so I need a dowód osobisty, PESEL, and Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej. Do I get those all at the same place?

In this case, you absolutely must renew the Polish passport before travelling into Poland - it is illegal to enter Poland on a non-Polish passport if you are Polish. And yes, you will be held at the border for this - your passport presumably identifies you as having been born in Poland.

I have a Canadian passport which lists a Polish city as my place of birth. My brother was visiting Poland in 2009. I think he went on his Canadian passport and didn't have any trouble getting it. I'll have to ask him about that.

I hear it takes 6 months to get a Polish passport here in Canada. But I'm planning to move in October/November. I'm sure they'll welcome me with open arms, even with my Canadian passport. I'm Polish! No one turns away family ;)

What do you intend to do in Poland, out of interest?

Everything. But I think you were asking more in terms of study/work? In that case, I'm a website designer & programmer. I'm planning to work from home. I have a couple business ideas, some projects in the work, etc. But besides that, I'll just be a bum.
19 Aug 2010
Work / European Union and living/working in Poland [2]


Not sure if this has been covered before. If so, a link would be appreciated.

I have friend from another European Union country who would like to come live with me in Poland. I'm curious about how this works.

1. No tourist/work visa required, right?

2. Does she have to register to live/work in Poland (she'll be staying 6 months or more)? How? How much does it cost?

3. Would she be eligible for health insurance/retirement from employer?

4. What's the minimum wage for foreigner workers?

19 Aug 2010
Law / How does Health Care in Poland work? [16]

a verified Pole

Both my parents are Polish. I have an expired Polish passport from when I was a kid, and a Polish birth certificate. So I guess I can skip verification. I guess it was this PESEL identification that I heard about.

Is PESEL also the card you use to travel between E.U. countries w/o passport?

6. What kind of pills (i.e. what is the main ingredient so I can check the price)?

I'll can't check that right now. I'll get back to you on that. Are you perhaps a pharmacist?

Your welcome;)

Thanks :)

And you're going to stay with them?

Sort-of, it's not the complete story :)
19 Aug 2010
Law / How does Health Care in Poland work? [16]

as to the rest, why not ask your family?

It's easier for me this way. My mother is my only connection to my family back in Poland, so she does all the talking with my relatives. I barely know my relatives, I haven't been in Poland for many years. And I prefer not to speak with my mother.

If this wasn't the best option, I wouldn't be asking.

Thanks :)
19 Aug 2010
Work / Cost of Living, Average Salaries and Job sites in Poland [263]

Thread attached on merging:
Monthly expenses in Poland


Wondering if anyone who is living in Poland can tell me costs on basic essentials.

Electricity bill /month
Water bill /month
Home phone
Cell phone
Bread, Potatoes, Milk, Eggs
Bus ticket (local bus & city to city bus)
Taxi /one trip
Vehicle gas /litre
Vehicle liability insurance /month

I hear that cell phones are less expansive than home phones. Is that true? Do you need to have a home phone to have DSL internet?

What's the best value cell phone service?

What's the best value internet service? What are the download/upload speeds? What is the bandwidth limit?

19 Aug 2010
Law / How does Health Care in Poland work? [16]


I've been living in Canada most of my life, but I'm Polish born and lineage. Moving back to live with family in Poland. Wondering how health care works in Poland.

1. When I move back, I hear I'm supposed to register for resident status. Does anyone know how I can go about doing that? I'll be in Rawa Mazowiecka (near Skierniewice).

2. I'll probably be unemployed for a little as I don't have work lined up for me. Will I need to get health insurance?

3. How much is health insurance? What sort of health insurance will I need to cover doctors, hospitals, prescriptions...?

4. If you call for an ambulance, do you get billed for that? What's ambulance response time like (...around Skierniewice)?

5. Any hospitals around Skierniewice? Are public hospitals modern, or are they sub-par in some way?

6. How much do pharmaceuticals cost? I need to use anti-anxiety pills on rare occasion. What would those cost to buy?

7. If I have prescription from my doctor in Canada, will they accept it in Poland?

8. I'm also looking for dental coverage. Do I need dental insurance? I have some wisdom teeth I would like to get ripped out. Any idea what that could cost?

I've got lots of things to figure out before leaving. It's been hectic. Your help is really appreciated.

19 Aug 2010
Study / Studying music in Poland [11]


Wondering if someone knows about music study in Poland. Perhaps you study, or you have friend or family member studying, and you can share some information with me.

My friend lives in Argentina and she is moving with me to Poland. Where she lives, she is in a local theatre choir (a government theatre which teaches arts to local residents for free. Sometimes they put on concerts to the public). She was also studying at a conservatory (government schools where you can study for free).

1. Will I be able to find a music conservatory in Rawa Mazowiecka (closest recognized city is Skierniewice), or surrounding area, where she can study music? It would be to study choir music.

2. Also in these areas, are there any government theatres for arts to participate in? Do you know of any choir groups?

3. Is it easy to find a singing teacher in these areas? What's the best way to look for one? How much might it cost per session?

19 Aug 2010
Life / What's the spiritual atmosphere like in Poland these days? [12]


I'm wondering what the spiritual atmosphere is like in Poland nowadays. Do you see most Polish Catholics go to church every Sunday? Has Catholicism become less popular because of the church scandal?

Are there Presbyterian churches?

Is it possible to find people practicing Buddhism, or other non-church based spiritualities?
