Life /
How do the Polish feel about air pollution in their cities? [35]
Hi All
I have been living in Krakow since September and since the weather has got cold I have really started to notice how polluted this place gets. I have had to cover up all the ventilation in my apartment to stop the stink from getting in.
As far as I can tell the problem is people burning some sort of low grade coal in older houses. Every evening the sky fills with acid smog when people get home from work and light their fires. At 17:00 the air is starting to smell of sulphur and by 22:00 it is really minging.
I have been quite shocked by this, I come from the UK and we have a big problem with traffic pollution, but I have never experienced anything like this!!
It seems to me that all the apartment blocks do not burn coal, its only the older cottages and single houses that are causing most of the pollution.
So my question is WTF doesn't the PL government do something? What do Polish think about this, and is this something that gets talked about often, for example is air pollution seen as a high priority, or is it pretty low on the list?