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Joined: 12 Aug 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Apr 2014
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1 Sep 2014
UK, Ireland / The Poles in Britain - a history by BBC Magazine [25]

My partner works for a company that employs polish people, most of them can barely speak english and some of them can't speak at all.

So your view of polish people is based on those stories ?

Wow, you don't seem well-educated. You're mad because they probably stold those "odd jobs" from you, am I right ?
21 Apr 2014
History / Ukrainian-occupied Eastern Poland [135]

Pomerania is a tricky one, you can say its the punishment Germany gets for invading Poland, destroying Warsawa (around 90%!)

The destroying of Warsaw still hurts. Before WW2, Warsaw was often called "Paris of the east" in different poems in the 20's and 30's.

And after the war, Stalin only wanted grey blocks everywhere. Now Prague has the title..... Stupid Czechs.

They simply will make that area too dangerous and stir trouble to prevent Poles from returning. And even though my ancestors lived here, I think its a bad move until their is no more Banderite fascist around.

I just fear that if the Poles should return, germans would get the same Idea about Pomerania.
21 Apr 2014
News / demonstration; What is Nowa Prawica? [30]

It is a great party, it has its roots in the very strong patriotic circles and it is giving Polish people the new hope

Being patriotic and a racist, doesn't have to go hand by hand.

what works in his favour is that he kept to one side of politics for decades, right from his beginnings, so he doesn't change colours when it is fashionable

I don't know much about his career, but hasn't he always been in the opposition ? That maybe explains why he doesn't change colours, yet....
21 Apr 2014
USA, Canada / Employment prospects in Poland and USA with a Computer Science Degree from a Polish university? [18]

Foreign degrees are looked down to, I think. Specially in the states and UK, where the universities are highly prestigious. But that maybe depends on your degree.

I once sat in a hiring committee at my work (in Denmark) and saw an application from a polish woman who had a master's degree in international studies and politics. I could see on her CV that she can't find anything here and had to take courses so she could be a simple case worker.
21 Apr 2014
History / Ukrainian-occupied Eastern Poland [135]

Didn't the Putin administration recently offered Lwów back to Poland ?

If Poland ever should take it back, I wonder what the germans would feel about Pomerania..
20 Apr 2014
News / demonstration; What is Nowa Prawica? [30]

Right-winged assho*** like him and those idiots who ruins the national day by destroying Warsaw should be locked up.
20 Apr 2014
News / demonstration; What is Nowa Prawica? [30]

Isn't Janusz Korwin-Mikke the guy who wants Poland to be ethnical clean ? Something about the muslims taking over Germany and French, because of the high birth rate. I think it was him.
19 Apr 2014
News / Little statistics about immigrants in Poland. Employment and job prospects. [25]

Be wary of gauging an economic situation as "better" in a low interest rates environment.

That's is not untrue, but there is still a lot more investments going on in Poland. €'s from EU and companies who are moving their production to Poland.

The question is only how the polish will take the muslim immigrants, and the fear of subculture formation.

The Zionist cause was also a resistance movement against being assimilated into Polish and other leading national cultures where they happened to be living.

That also sounds like the muslim radicals in Europe.
27 Aug 2013
Life / What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? [187]

I'm born and raised in denmark, but my parrents are both polish.. And my father taught me the language, I don't speak it fluently though. He also taught me the history, the battles, WW2 and all the movies we saw togehter, were polish.

So even I don't speak polish fluently and never lived in Poland, I do feel polish.
30 Apr 2013
Life / Student from Denmark, wanting to know about Poland's culture and how it is to live in Warsaw [21]


Take the opportunity and go to Poland. racism is not greater than in Denmark, where the Danish People's Party gets a third of all votes.

But you can expect that Poland is very homogeneous, therefor you will not see as many muslims as in the bigger cities in Denmark.

For at uddybe bedre på dansk, så er kvinder med tørklæder ikke lige så tydeligt på gadebilledet som herhjemme, men derfor eksisterer de stadig og Warszawa er om noget, en by hvor tolerance og gæstfrihed er højt, sammenlignet med landsbyer hvor man hertil møder mindre af dette. Ligesom herhjemme. Så jeg synes ærlig talt du skal tage derned, og møder du bestemte ansigtudtryk på grund af dit udseende, så hold hovedet højt og repræsenter at multikulturralismen også skal til Polen :)
4 Jan 2013
News / EU according to Sikorski [4]

I think that as long as the union keep its free trade among the countries, the corporations will do anything to keep the union together.

So I would say number 2.
4 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / How much people in UK are manipulated by false anty- Polish propaganda [37]

Polgirl, why do you bother writing about this.

Resistance against newcomers is not a english-polish concept, everybody complains about too much immigration no mather what country you are in. The english startet complaining about the indians, muslims and now the polish. Who will be next newcomers ? :)
24 Apr 2012
Life / Polish history as a school subject in western Europe [24]

I mean they didn't really make any contributions to European society,

I can't speak for Letvia or Estonia. But I know as a fact, that the poles had a great influence throughout Europe.

for example, King Sobieski who fought and won against the invadning Turks during the battle of Vienna in 1683. The Pope and other foreign dignitaries hailed Sobieski as the "Savior of Vienna and Western European civilization" as I quote.

Another example, the Polish army fought back the Soviet invasion in 1920. The soviets sent nearly 800,000 men to In order to conquer Poland and then proceed to spread communism to Western Europe. Two great examples of how the Poles had a major influence in European history.
21 Aug 2010
History / WW2 hypothesis - if France And England weren't so timid, wimpy and scared of Hitler... [34]

What ever he's a troll or not, the question is not stupid.

If you look deeply into the Versailles, I think that you can see how the english and french took every penny from the germans as a "claim for the WW1" (even though it was Austria who started that war, Germany didn't wanted to go, but it had to, kind a like England and Poland in the beginning of WW2)

And well, the german economy had a collaps in the great depression, and as a result of people losing everything and feeling it was the politicians who fail'd them, they went to the political outer wing, Hitler or the communists where Hitler could regain after his first try.

So the way that I see it, you can blaim the Versailles a lot.
16 Aug 2010
Classifieds / Upcoming Festivals in Krakow! [15]

Man I wished I could be there! Kraków is one of the best places in the world..