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Posts by usmiech  

Joined: 16 Jul 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jul 2010
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 22 / In This Archive: 21
From: UK, London
Speaks Polish?: nope
Interests: Engineering, R&D

Displayed posts: 22
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16 Aug 2010
Love / India guy Polish girl [57]

I personally prefer Indian women to Polish women.

well all he best with ur indian woma the
and let us know once u have experince with modern indian girls!
4 Aug 2010
Love / How do we know that Polish guys really serious in their relationship? [16]

he ever said kocham cie, and i also ever told him that 'i kocham you too' haha.

thats very sweet PLG18.

I like ur story and I would like to wish u all the very best and success with ur love, only if its true.

Sorry, I dont know about polish blokes, but the at thsi age I believe everyone feel then same as at thsi age when ur in love everything looks amzing, everyhting u see is amazing, and anything u do is amazing

even i am in love with a polish female, and she is 5 years elder to me, she in relation and i am asian as well (nice twist know!!1 hahaha )


Its nice to hear that his family members like u!!1

thats amazing, well

I hope you find better suggestion in ths forum

I just wanted to appericate ur love and its such a sweet love story

all the best and best wishes for the success in love
4 Aug 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

Sorry to say, she is not interested.

Amathyst, I believe she is not interested in relation, but friendship yes,

we are having great time togather, each time we meet we have very gud laugh and nice time and today we were just laughing loud!!!

I liked the time i spent with her!!
she always laugh looking at me! i dont know whether I do look like a joker ????

I asked her also y do u laugh at me!! she says "I normal have smile on my face"

but the smile was different each time she see's me!!!!

and I enjoy it very much.

even if she has bad day, I have made her laugh I believe all the time now matter what I spoke in english and what she understood well in english (as she dosent know english very well)

Olsztyn girls, are Soldier-Women of Pure-German/Russian Farmer Stock , They Able to Hold their Liqor and never say the word 'olsztyn' when you're around, it is Allenstein

thank you POLENGGGs for the information

Nooo...not you...Fireif was a guy who came on the forum asking advise about women...but he had even less of a clue what to do then you do...


hahahahaha and I was wondering what the heck is that?
well I am quite glad to know that I am better then someone atleast in this matter [:P]

26 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

hey I discovered that she is from


any idea how are the ladies from "Olsztyn" are ? (look I have no racism or discrimination POV, its like I am asking in very general way )

thank you

hello evryone!!!

as I told u in my previous post, that I asked out for the lunch and she accepted

later when I asked her whether she would be acomplaining me for a lunch or not she said

"may be", as she might get engaged with some other activity

after she said this I was left confused about her behaviour

one of my friend told menot ask her again as it could **** her off and I believe it true too, so I asked her what r u up too ans she said

"she is gona for gym tomorrow (sundya)", as she like it

she treats me well and we always have gud laugh likes friends!!
I do think she treats me like a friend but she has an idea that I like her, but is she ignoring mee!!!

she is more of a bubbly girl and thts how she behave's with other too!!

I am confused and I mite not know!!!!
I msged her, mailed her but never responded back to me, but to one of my friend, she did!!!

I am confused and I just wanted to share my feeling with you all

and all the very best for the people who are in love with loved ones!
25 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

As a woman I'd say the Pedobear constume would make my day special :D But a mankini would be better!
I had to google mankini... Shelley you broke my f*cking mind!

mine too!!!

Because giving a woman the f*ck of her life is all the way up there in her "to get" list

Sokrates, ok fine If I get any such opportunity I will make it but If I dont then I wont!!!
fair enough

But I would like to hear it from women,

"Is SEX what women expect from a person with whom they want to get into relation with?"
25 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

she's older and she apparently has someone though im starting to think its another provocative thread.

I dont think so!!

Sokrates, thank you for suggesting me, but I personally believe they are bit harsh !!!!

and sokrates, I am asking and requesting for some decent suggestion!!!

sokrates, i wish you could give some valuable suggestion, rather than suggestion which makes me feel sick!!!!


I just want to ask this a question to all females (active members)

does woman only ask for SEX!!!!!

then why do man always suggest everyone to **** the person u like/love rather than sharing the happiness with them?

NOTE: Ladies/girls

any suggestion !!!!!
25 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

Thank you for the suggestion, well i presumme that she has accepted bcoz she treats melike a friend I believe!!!!
dont know lets

I didn't see that coming :)

sorry I didnt get meaning of quote!!!!

any suggestion like how to make her day special on that day!!!

I am very bad at starting conversation in public places, about any general topic, but if it comes to any tech or car or bike or gizmoz I can spend whole day naywhere!!!

but girls genrally dont like it, I know that and thats the reason I have request to help me on this!!!!
25 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

elt like I am in clud 9, but there is some strange thing, I feel
Its called a boner.

I am not talking about what ur referring to !!!

I said, i have strange feeling that she is not interested in me, it has nothing to do with ur crappy being boner or loner, u Sokrates !! hahahaah

u are starnge person

Well I have the bad newz only only,
I found out from her FB that she is in relationship with someother person and I am :(!!!!

I wanted to know what does "in relationship" in facebook means ?
25 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

hokie kokie

I have the gud newz and the bad newz

this time, first the bad newz

I asked her for outing tomorrow, she said she going out with her friends tomorrow,
not with me

and now the gud newz

we have fixed up for next week, sunday for lunch!!!1 hahahahahhaha

and today we were togather in th bus stop and she again stood next to m!!!

I felt like I am in clud 9, but there is some strange thing, I feel
she is not seems to be serious and she never asked about myself. She revealed herself almost, but was never bothered to ask about me?

and she asked me whether I like to go to swim but she likes it?

guys and gals any suggestion
24 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

just flatter flatter flatter and you should be fine but make sure you don't say anything embarrasing to yourself or her make intelligent sophistocated comments there is nothing more than a Polish girl hates than a half wit trying too obvsiouly to come on to her.

Allison thank you for the wise advice, I just cant flatter/lie or exaggerate. I just say the things which are visible and true
and trust me thing has gone very bad for at a times!!!!

since then I stopped speaking which could hurt and i think twice before I speak!

but truth is truth, even though I avoid it, thing will become visible in a span of time, it is just self realisation!!

;) still thank u for the advice and from now onwards I will keep that in my mind!!!
24 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

Yeah its all fairies and sh*t but you still got shot down, not the first time i bet and not the last time either

thats ture, but what I want to emphasizes on is that, I dont want to be her friend, just for that sake!!!!

well if the things turns out well, I will take your suggestion
24 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

I have the good newz and the bad newz!!

hokie kokie, the good newz

she was abset today and made her smile all evening while waiting for the bus. I made my friends to leave and I waited their with her and come to know about her background !

and now the bad newz,

I asked her would she like to go for tea tonite she said "no"


may be its just that, she didnt understood, that i have asked her out as she is not very gud in understanding english, nither was in good mood. I have conveince her forget everything and carry a smile on her face!

I mite try again very soon, but
it was fun tonite talking to her and finally i come to know another Tragic newz

she is 4 years elder to me!!!


and common Sokrates

I am not back of what u think, As i told u earlier, If I was interested in that Should have easily got the younger chick and would have done that!

why do you think I will publishes my F87k tory ask for suggestion?

I am 25 and I am stilll virgin, I adore the beauty of women, well that does include everything but, ultimatly its not only the body Sokrates

its actually the soul u feel, it the feeling that aspires you, its the affection that makes you feel someone is still loves you no matter, how bad your or what u are !

its the comfort of the eyes that shows you where you really stand after defeat!
its her cuddle that kills all your pain,
its the warmth of love Sokrates,
not the hotness of the body!!!!

well, as I said Sokrates, I am not interested in sleeping with her, it just becoz I see someone with more of affectionate and feminine nature!!

dont miss understand my feeling !!!

i want love not through sex, but through feeling and affection

well that is also a part of the human cycle, but still at this point of time though!!
23 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

just because she's smiling and laughing doesnt mean she is attracted to this guy...I smile and have a laugh with our local window cleaner - he's about 60, toothless and looks like a murderer..he's just a nice sweet bloke..

hahahahaha, that was funny Amathyst

well same here, I do laugh and smile with elder people too !!

Sorry to be so negative, but people tend to be over sensitive to signals when they like someone...Best for him to bite the bullet, ask her out..

that a eternal fact. but, when u are in "Air" signals become very sensitive and could eventually could break you later!

ask her out.

Sure, u gave me a bit of a confident, will for sure let you know!
thank u amathyst
23 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

Beat her up.

Naaa I am not a stupid :P

What is the point of the word "Polish" in this sentence? It's not as if Polish women are humanoid or something.

NorthMancPolak, please dont take me wrong. Just to describe and to give a better picture of Sit!

She's not a "polish girl" she's a female, they're uncomplicated creatures, go up to her and ask her out, if you manage not to cum all over yourself or giggle like a crackwh0re she's prolly gonna agree, once she's on that coffee/dinner with you work your magic and see if it sparks.

true say, they are complicated and very difficult to understand.

Sokrates, dont worry I shall let u know quite soon.

Uśmiech if you manage to hook up with her update whether she was a good f*ck, you're selling her as if she's the 8th wonder.

Sokrates, Please dont embarrass me by saying that
I not here to F*&% her , If that was the situation I would rather gone for sexy girls I have around me.

I just like her feminine nature, which grabbed my attention.

so dont take my feeling wrong, Sokrates

You keep saying about her smile. How is yours? Do you have missing teeth,

hey u must be a magician, How come u know I have a missing tooth!!! hahahhahaha
18 Jul 2010
Love / India guy Polish girl [57]


I would like hear more about your story!!!
seem interesting and sweet to me !!!

I do also like a girl from Poland, its just I am very shy I couldnt ask any girl out so far!!!!

I would like to know what is happening?
17 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

Thank you Vawery, for your support and Idea!!

Well, I am using google translator to understand the most of the polish words and

I will be for sure asking her out only in Polish!! hahaha

lets wait and see

your English seems pretty limited

Yes, SkySoulMate, when it comes to typing yes I do!

Maybe a simple

"coffee - you and I?" would work? "Ty i ja na kawę?" I don't know...

thats sweet skysoulmate!!
Well I am planning for that quite soon

Wow, talk about being judgmental! So does that apply to Polish ladies only? What if it's a German or a Japanese woman? You need to throw away the paper you read prompto!!! If you judge a person's character based on her tattoos, piercings etc. or because of something because you read about them in a magazine then you need to reevaluate yourself as a person. Open-mindedness is important when it comes to truly caring for someone.

No no, you will find people with a different nature and character all over the place, Well I just had a curiosity and just wanted to know that it no Hard feelings!

well thank you skysoulmate for the advice and will ask her out only in polish !!!

you have a good day

Hey, I am waiting for your suggestions!!!

Anyway's I am quite curious to tell what has happened today.

I felt really pity on her today, she lost her locker key and was very worried, but the matter of fact, she was smiling all the time, and I was adoring her smile at a time and was feeling bad too for her.

anyways I believe she must have had a good day and I believe it's just becoz of me, each time she saw me, she started smiling and busted into laugh not bcoz I am joker it just becoz, I asked her to smile with a gesture. she was looking very very very adorable and I was admiring her.

Later I left the workplace (I felt like to wait for her)but!!!!!

But I had a planned and it worked out too
I missed my bus so that I could catch her in next bus and guess what!!!

She was there waiting for the bus and the time she saw me, she started laughing loud and couldnt control the laugh and, me nither

itwas just amazing, memorable, time for me, u know I felt like I am in cloud 9 and I wished if i could stop the time so that we could laugh forever, togather!!!i

I was enenjoying it and all of sudden the crowd started flowing inn
and then guess what she stood infront of me (a inch or 2)

she was so close that I had too stand on my toes and I could have easily fell on her, she was so close as if she is mine :::) ehhehehehe

it was like ooh my god!!! I couldnt even look into her eyes, though we were so close

each time we looked at each other we just smiled at each other !!!!!

wooppsy i thanking god for such memorable time I had with her and Its first time ever happened to me and that also with a girl I liked !!!!

so people wish me a luck to ask her out very soon

till then keep smiling (USMIECH)
16 Jul 2010
Love / I fancy a polish girl from my school! [139]

well I had the same problem, but I managed to ask her to trnaslate in Polish for me in such a way she didnt get the meaning till I said its a compliment from my behalf!!!

I believe u like her smile
say ti to her
" ty (tway) masz (maaza) wadhaan Usmiech (usmech)"
you have a pretty smile !

hope thats help or else ask her and say it back along with her
!! might work on other way round

kind regards
16 Jul 2010
Love / Need help and assistance to ask polish girl out [48]

Hello everybody,

well this is my first post in this forum and I have read few previous post by "Osirion" and was glad looking at the quite decent and neat replies by user.

Appreciate that

hence, I thought lets post my story and see!!!!

Same here I am Asian like "Osirion" hahaha,

I met this polish girl in the place where I work and saw here first time when I visited there.

She had a charm and politeness, which has grabbed my attention and her sweet smile (Usmiech).

Later, I found out that she doesn't know English very well and learning. Since then I started talking to her and I got the feeling for her smile and charm she has.

Later I promised her that I will help her out in learning english and I gave S/W to learn along with my email id. which she hasnt replied back to me yet [:(]

As my feeling grew for her, I become very shy in talking/communicating with her (I always had this problem of nervousness and feeling shy from girls I liked).

I have been noticing she is kind of giving attention to me saying hey, hello etc.

Some how I prepared my self to gave her compliment and said "ty masz wadhaan usmiech" (you got a pretty smile) with a big hesitation and confusion, I literally forgot what to say and how to pronounce it!!

then It took some gut and asked her word by word with expression and she said made the sentence for me without knowing the fact that I will complimenting her!

I replied along with expression

"ty masz wadhaan usmiech, I am giving you the compliment"
(First time ever I gave a compliment to any girl so far!! huuuuuuufff) was sweeting (thank god I am in UK, and was cool! hhahaa)

She smiled with an expression and a shyness. I was wow!!!!! :D

since then I am call her as "Usmiech" (hope she doesnt mind)

but I am worried whether she has any BF or elder to me, I dont want to spoil my relation ship as i adore her smile and make me relax.

I also read in few article that polish girl having tatoo and body piercing considered ........., not good in chraccter! that hurted me a bit as she seems to be nice person

I want to ask her out for coffee or tea.

I was wondering if some could help me on this,

how to confrm it she likes me or atleast have a feeling for me!

whether she has BF or is she elder, as she looks a bit elder to me though! (apart from asking her straight, As i am a straight forward person and been in trouble becoz of being str forwrd hell of a times)

how to ask her out ?

any suggestion I would appreciate that!

looking forward for some decent replies

thank you people for respecting my feelings