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Joined: 4 Jul 2010 / Male ♂
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20 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

If everyone followed the simple guidelines it would be a much better discussion

Posting Guidelines:
- Stay on topic. If your post is not related to this thread, create a new thread or post in the Off-topic forum.
- Use the Search and Similar Threads features to avoid duplicating threads.
- Do not insult or harass others, play nicely!
- Do not personally attack others to avoid temporary or permanent suspension.

Just a thought...
16 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / A Canadian citizen overstayed Visa in Poland [35]

Again people, i don't want to hear your opinions, I need helpful advice,

Be a man, stop complaining, accept your criminal actions have consequences and get on with it! Accept your deserved punishment.

The truth though painful, is the best advice.
15 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / A Canadian citizen overstayed Visa in Poland [35]

Why are you judging this poor chap who is asking for advice ?,

He has broken immigration laws = fact

Furthermore he deliberately tried to manipulate immigration rules ( by traveling to Germany ) to obtain another Visa

He believes because he is rich, white, english speaker the rules shouldn't apply to him. = Deluded

Be a man, stop complaining, accept your criminal actions have consequences and get on with it!
13 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / A Canadian citizen overstayed Visa in Poland [35]

You are a criminal who has broken immigration rules.

Please save the sob story- you deliberately broke the law and now you complain that you have received the appropriate penalty.

Being from a rich, white, english speaking country makes no difference and yes, the rules apply to you- like everyone else!

10 Jul 2010
News / What awaits Poland after EU surrender [14]

If the likely outcome on returning to their own country is death, then yes. It's that simple.

Ok so let's say I'm a none EC 60 year old man who likes having relations with 16 year old girls. Nothing illegal if 'consensual'

But I may well face the threat of death when the girls family members find out.

Therefore I'm a perfect acceptable asylum seeker in your eyes...
9 Jul 2010
News / What awaits Poland after EU surrender [14]

Two gay men who said they faced persecution in their home countries have the right to asylum in the UK, the Supreme Court has ruled.

The panel of judges said it had agreed "unanimously" to allow the appeals from the men, from Cameroon and Iran.

Two gay men who said they faced persecution in their home countries have the right to asylum in the UK, the Supreme Court has ruled.

The panel of judges said it had agreed "unanimously" to allow the appeals from the men, from Cameroon and Iran.


After the PO led surrender to a federalist EU this will become a daily reality in Poland- the vaunted Social Chapter opt-out clauses will soon disappear.

Should people be able to claim asylum simply because they are gay?
5 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

Competition between many companies almost always lowers the average prices. All educated people know that.

So when the dominant utility companies are sold , when the natural monopolies such as PKP Intercity are sold, you believe the American, German and Chinese potential owners will behave nicely and compete as they tell you in Economics 101 text book?

Hmm good luck. Sadly it's everyday working class Poles who will suffer from your support of dreamland economics.
5 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

After such a pathetic campaign what does the future hold for Poland?

Our new president struggled to win despite:

- Full media support

- Wealth and power of PO government and Tusk

- Massive poll leads (+11% at the start)

How will he fare abroad when he couldnt manage a decent victory in the easiest election in years?

Now the sale of Polands prized companies to foreigners will start in earnest- making the rich even wealthier and the poor to face rising bills from profiteering foreign companies.

The surrender to the EU also starts in earnest- first giving up the złoty for a currency that has just been bailed out and is fundamentally flawed.

A great country slowly being ruined.
4 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

I don't get it, why are they so sure he has won.. ; o

Hmm he tried so hard to lose but couldn't..

A Donald Tusk cardboard cutout would have done a better job than that clown