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Posts by RysiekK  

Joined: 3 Jul 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Sep 2011
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 38 / In This Archive: 29
From: Connecticut ,USA
Speaks Polish?: Yes, writing is another story :)
Interests: Music,Women, Family,Poland

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9 Nov 2011
Life / Medicine limits: Ritalin, Xanax and Vicodin in Poland? [6]

Thank you Strzyga... and the others for the reply!

Any other info would also be appreciated, such as any quantity limits or any relevant information on insurance and pre-existing conditions.

"Bear in mind that if this medicine is actually needed (and not just an excuse to claim social welfare)"

I would be moving from the USA and I am already on disability and my mother is retired. I would only be contributing to the PL economy and not using ANY type of welfare!
8 Nov 2011
Life / Medicine limits: Ritalin, Xanax and Vicodin in Poland? [6]


I have a very important question and hope that someone will be able to help. Are there limits or problems with getting Ritalin, Xanax and Vicodin in Poland? My mother and I have medical records of our condition and those are some of the prescribed medicines. Also the Ritalin is for 120 per month and the Xanax is for 180 per month. I need to be certain as this will determine my mothers and my return to PL.

ANY help will be greatly appreciated...

Thank you in advance for ANY info.


9 Sep 2011
USA, Canada / The most economical way to ship items from USA to Poland? [2]

I am looking for the most economical way to ship items to Poland. I will be moving for at least a year and already have an apartment in Gdansk. If things work as I expect, it will be permanent. I will eventually sell my home in the US but, until then I will be keeping it. I need to ship quite a few things from Connecticut to Gdansk, from household items, clothes and, some guitars and electronics.

Any help or info on a reputable company will be greatly appreciated!

Czesc !

15 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Shipping container to Poland from NYC [5]

Yes I do speak Polish :) . I actually spoke Polish BEFORE english! Dzięki , Ojciec i Matka!

I did do a search but , some of the terminology they use is foreign to me :) and the link you provided is one I never saw! THANK YOU!

I am doing the move sooner than I had imagined! Time is short :)

Dzięki and any more info advice will be GREATLY appreciated .... container or move wise!!


Time is moving faster than I want it too :)

Desperate bump :)



Sorry to ask again but, any names of "reputable" companies is all I need. I will research the costs involved. If you know of someone trustworthy...PLEASE let me know!

The move is from Connecticut/NYC to Gdansk.

Thanks for ANY recommendations!


15 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Shipping container to Poland from NYC [5]

I expect to only need a half container... but would like to know my choices and costs . Thanks for the reply!
15 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Shipping container to Poland from NYC [5]


I am preparing for my move to Poland ( for good) and need a recommendation for a company and shipping container. I will only be shipping household stuff and a lot of electronics and musical instruments (guitars / recording equipment).I now live near NYC and will be living in Gdansk . Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated !

12 Aug 2011
Study / A List of Schools in Poland? [12]

Should it be 'in the Internet' or rather 'on the Internet" or both are acceptable?

"On the internet" would be the correct form. :)
31 Jul 2011
Life / Back from Poland! I belong there! [16]

My relatives are looking at a place for me in Gdansk ! Right next door to my Ciocia. It looks like I may be there for good by the end of the year. I miss Poland and am working daily preparing for the move.

25 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Moving from United Kingdom to USA. Is it worth it? [136]

You will DEFINETLY NOT need a diploma from a Grad School. You will need to pass a test in the State you would be working . As an electrical contractor, you may have an easier time getting hired ( just my opinion and the local newspaper ads). If you get your contractors license here you may do VERY well being self-employed at some point. Even though the economy is not doing well, electricity is something we all use! Good luck and do a little research on licensing requirements in the State you may choose. They will also hire the best person for the job (or the one they can afford), not American first. If you're good , you'll can make some GREAT money in your field!
25 Jun 2011
Life / Alternative for Medicover (private healthcare insurance in Poland)? [5]

GREAT question! I just returned from Pl and was researching that amongst many other things :) It seems the coverage is also limited by distance from their facilities and, also your age. If I recall correctly if you are over 65 ( I'm not :)) you will not be covered unless you are within 15 KM of their closest facility. For example you need to be within 15 KM of the Warsaw facility. Your future location is then an issue.

There are a bunch of them springing up so I also hope that some knowledgeable people respond.
Myself I'm also looking at options for me and my mother in Gdansk or possibly Warsaw. I prefer Gdansk if anyone has recommendations.

24 May 2011
Life / Observation of Polish drivers, by and English anthropologist. [94]

However there is a brand new road now from Gdańsk towards Warsaw

And it is aproximately 24 KM's or so. Very nice road...but it is only the last few KM's before Gdansk....It would be nice if it did go from Warsaw to Gdansk. It is a long drive except for that short stretch.
15 May 2011
USA, Canada / What Polish Spirit would you bring back to the States? [13]

I just got back from Poland... Zubrowka in PL is MUCH better than the Zubrowka in the USA! It is still illegal in the USA and the knock-off versions do not compare. In the USA you can get a bottle that will say Zubrowka on it and also one called Bison Grass Vodka. The US one's are OK but do not compare to the REAL thing.

Just my 2 zloty :)

22 Apr 2011
Life / Back from Poland! I belong there! [16]

I think I am one step closer to returning to PL. I went through quite a bit and saw life the way it is. I realize that the rest of my life in PL will be different than in the US , but, I think I know where I belong. I want say thank you to Poland and the people I have met! I met the rich and the poor, the happy and the sad. While I noticed some materialistic values, it was quite understandable and expected considering the history of Poland. Some of the rich were unhappy, yet the people with less seemed to give more.

I hope the lady that is selling a home will keep me 1rst in line (money talks though, in the US and PL ) .

Thanks again to PL amd God Bless Poland and ALL its people!

20 Apr 2011
Life / Back from Poland! I belong there! [16]


I have just returned from PL and I have to say...I belong there! I went through the beurocracy and also everyday life. I enjoyed it all and if plans work out...I will live out my life in PL!

I loved seeing the land , my relatives , and everything else!

I found a nice home for me and my mother. I love all that I have seen and all I have met!

I hated to leave but, I must take care of my business here and then off to PL !

God bless all of Poland and I hope that my heart will return to where it belongs!

The driving will take some adjustment :)

Oh and I loved Biedronka :) and Zubrowka :)

Czesc !
31 Mar 2011
Travel / Bars in or near Pomiechowek [5]

I was looking for something a little less expensive... but thanks for the info!
31 Mar 2011
Travel / Bars in or near Pomiechowek [5]

I will be leaving for Poland this Sunday. Any good bars in or near Pomiechowek? I will be traveling around PL but will be staying with a relative in Pomiechowek... I want to get a laugh from him and tell him the names of some good nearby bars :)

21 Feb 2011

Merged thread:
Poland and the Euro

I will be moving to Poland in the near future. I will be on a fixed income and I am wondering what the affect of the Euro will have on Poland amd its economy.

Thank you in advance for any info !

11 Feb 2011
Travel / Going to PL in April, I hope that the people I meet are as great as I know already [4]

I plan on being laid back... I am in NO WAY the loud obnoxious type that I imagine some see...I live and let live... Life is too short! Respect others and hopefully they respect you. Money is just part of life...happiness is what you make of life. I am not rich nor will I try to act rich. I am what I am. I hope that I can contribute to Poland in the future and possibly help the country,in some way. I have been proud of being Polish (some may say point out I am first generation, USA) and always will be. My father fought for Poland and many in my family have given all they have, to a country they love. My uncle (recently passed on) beat a Russian in the Olympics in the 60's and brought a medal to Poland. I hope I can contribute in my own way.

I know what Poland has gone through and what it currently is... I plan on appreciating everyone I meet and everything I see!

11 Feb 2011
Travel / Going to PL in April, I hope that the people I meet are as great as I know already [4]

Can't wait! My cousin is coming here (USA) for a month and then him and I are off to Poland! I hope to see as much as I can in the time I have ( about 3 weeks). I need to take care of some personal stuff :) as I may be moving to Poland fairly soon if things work out. I can't wait to see ciocia again, and a wojiech or two I have yet to meet. Unfortunately, 3 of my uncles died within 3 weeks of each other last year so I will pay my respects to them also. I hope that the people I meet are as great as the people I know already, and that they are like some that are on this forum. Who knows we may walk by each other and never know :) Going to be near Warsawa and Gdansk plus a few other places! At least I speak and read Polish, I hope that helps. Any tips appreciated!

Wish me luck :) Oh and after reading many posts ... since I'm first generation and speak Polish... I hope people don't hate the American in Poland :)

3 Oct 2010
Work / English teacher from Turkey, have any chance to work in Poland? [71]

yes, best is learning from native ones. I just try to learn my chance.

No to be rude, your English skills are horrendous! You are definetly NOT fluent in the English language. Teaching a foreign language to someone requires skill as well as knowledge. You may have the skills to teach...but not to teach English!

If you do go to Poland I wish you luck...you will need it :)

I tried to be honest and not rude...
26 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Kuczynski family: Looking for Coat of Arms [10]

I realize that the name has been inherited through history. It was just unclear to me if you were insulting him/the name or, just give me a bit of fact concerning the name.

If they were some facts for me to know ...thank you !

If not...well ... you should be able to understand how someone would feel concerning an insult on their family name.

I wish you the best, and hope I misunderstood your comment!
Maybe we can meet in Poland soon and discuss this in detail!

Thinking good thoughts...wishing you the best....
24 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Kuczynski family: Looking for Coat of Arms [10]

Dziękuję !!!!

To był mój wujek! Moja mama straciła go, i 2 innych braci w 3 tygodnie !

RIP Wujek Janek

Please, keep to English Language in this thread. Thank you.

I cannot believe I used an S in Kuczynski! My mother is laughing ....which is great! She is so proud of her brothers!

Poland...it's in your blood...and I am proud to be Polish and always will be!

Thank you for the links...any other comments appreciated... He was a man I always looked up to. He visited the US for a few months, as did his wife. They were a married couple that could not stand being apart, true love is what they had. His wife ( my ciocia) was VERY ill just before Wujek Janek's death and he was beside her the entire time. She was only home for a few days after extensive heart surgery, that she barely survived. Wujek then died during breakfast at home with her. He did not suffer, Which I thank God for! I am proud of my family and what they have done for Poland ( LONG story) and cannot wait to move there to spend the rest of my life. I am lucky to have my cousin coming shortly to discuss the transition. He knows me well and, knows my love of Poland! I look at the pictures of me as a child in Poland visiting Babcia Antonia...and I appreciate my heritage and the history of my family. Well I promised to make the Bigos when my cousin arrives. He taught me to make it "properly" last vistit a few months ago. Looks like I'll be cooking for 3 days :)

And it was so hard for my mother ...we received a call EVERY week for 3 weeks ...one brother ...after another ...had passed...I cannot imagine her pain! I take care of her and will be bringing her to Poland, which is her dream!

I lost 3 uncle's that I loved and spoke to often. My heart still cries when I think of them.

Sorry to ramble...

I can speak and read Polish ....but I spared you my poor writing skills...for now :)

23 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Kuczynski family: Looking for Coat of Arms [10]

Merged: Has anyone ever heard of my uncle...Janek Kuczynski?

He was an Olympic wrestler in the 60's for Poland and a medal winner! He was a great man that just passed recently.

Just curious if he was known in Poland .....
13 Sep 2010
Life / Passing your Polish language and culture to your kids [74]

Especially if they learn both from a young age - they won't even notice that they are learning.

I learned Polish BEFORE I learned English .... Thanks to my parents ! And now that I will be moving to Poland at 45 years of age... I appreciate the knowledge even more!
31 Aug 2010
Food / Polish Eating Habits [87]

Americans like potatoes with bread... which i found strange at first...

NEVER heard of it. Potatoes and bread? How do you mean ? Actually putting the potatoes onto the bread? If so, I have never heard of it ANYWHERE in the USA.

Granted, MANY people in the USA are overweight. Mostly through their own diets and lack of movement. I ride a stationary bicycle every day in order to get the metabolism going :) and am not overweight at all.

I have been watching a lot of Polish television due to my move to Poland within a year. I see MANY overweight Poles on the news! Let's hope it doesn't become a trend.

All in all though, most Poles are in respectable shape in comparison to other nationalities.

I hope I don't put on weight considering all the GREAT Polish food I am looking forward to. I do eat a LOT of Polish dishes now but, I think they will taste better in Poland :)

25 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Too many Poles in UK? [52]

There are so many errors in this persons posts it is amazing! He is unable to spell in almost every post. His use of punctuation, if used all, is incorrect and, makes his statements nonsensical. If he is an example of the education that is received in Great Britain, than it's just logical that an intelligent Polish person would make people like him unable to find employment.

And also, I understand that you are not here to write an essay, but you may have unwittingly written an "esay" as you so eloquently put it. :)

I think it's time to talk a few English lessons. I will be moving to Poland in the near future. If you would like English lessons I will make sure to be prepared for the "manny" "special education" students, such as yourself, that NEED English lessons.

Good luck in life ( you WILL need it). :)
14 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

Did anyone see the lastest concerning the cross? Opinions...