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Joined: 4 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
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From: Philadelphia,USA
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: ww2 history, football(american), soccer, chillin

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10 Jun 2010
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Hmm, this is interesting. Actually, since Poland is in NATO there is no real need to quickly bulk up its military as NATO would back Poland up. However we need to strengthen our economy greatly, and then yes strengthen our military. Secondly, Eastern Europe needs to push the U.S to build those missile shields so the U.S will have a REASON to back Poland up and protect her borders. As we've learned from the way Britain and France "helped" us in ww2, its all just paper. If U.S shields are stationed in Poland and they are threatened by Russia then of course the U.S would send tremendous military aid to Poland. Poland is doing great in my opinion, its economy is very strong considering that it achieved it in 21 years. Remember that during communism there was utter poverty in Poland, and it was even WORSE in countries like Romania etc...

Now, about the war in Georgia, I'm not an expert on it but in my opinion Russia was acting aggressively. Ossetia is a part of Georgia however there were a lot of problems in the Ossetia region. Now I don't really know about what exactly was going on in Ossetia, but Georgia wants to join NATO, but it can't unless it gets Ossetia under control. Russia is of course opposed to Georgia being in NATO for obvious reasons. But I don't think Russia has any right to enter Ossetia.
5 Jun 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Tell me, who declared war on whom at the beginning of WW2?

HAHAHAHAHAH, this is your argument? Yes they declared war but they didn't do **** to help the Poles as they agreed to do. Not one British or French soldier took part in the September campaign. Just declaring war didn't help save millions of people. As I said, if Britain and France had taken advantage of the fact that they outnumbered the ?Germans greatly in the West then Germany would have to halt its invasion of Poland to defend its borders, and the Soviet Union would probably not attack. Now of course WW2 is Germany's fault, however Britain, France, and the U.S allowed Germany to grow to such a strength. I said they only FOUGHT when they were attacked. They didn't actually send troops until they were attacked you dumb****.
4 Jun 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

I love how everyone here is stating opinions. First off I hear all of this "Poland blaming everyone" ********. Well considering that France and Germany had a pact with Poland stating that if Germany were to attack Poland France and Britain would come to her aid, and that Poland would only have to fight a defensive war for 2 weeks. Britain and France were also idiots for idolizing appeasement, not taking advantage of the fact that they had 72 divisions in the West whilst the Germans only had 36. So I think that is a MAJOR reason for Germany being able to expand its borders. Germany wasn't some kind of ultra superpower, Hitler preyed on the UK's and France's lack of determination and courage. All this crap I hear about France and UK fighting so honorably HAHA, they only fought when they were attacked. Whoever says Russia helped Poland must be completely retarded. If not for the Soviet offensive into Poland on September 17th the Poles would be able to carry out a long defense of the Romanian bridgehead. Ever hear of the Katyn massacre, one of many? Yea that should explain just how much the Soviets "helped" Poland. The U.S helped Poland how exactly? Not one American soldier fought in Poland. They sold Poland along with the rest of Eastern Europe to the Soviets setting the stage for the Cold War. The reason Germany even BECAME a power is because of the allied powers'(from world war 1) failure to enforce the Treaty of Versaille. Germany was rearming for YEARS and France, Britain, and the U.S had failed to do anything. If only they had sent troops and forced Germany to stop rearming world war 2 would never have even happened. It's funny how you call this "blaming" people, it's fact that the allies failed to enforced the Treaty of Versaille. Eastern Europe is where the war was really the worst. In comparison to the Eastern Front the West had so-called "scraps". The Americans praise a 10-day Battle of the Bulge. HAHA, ever hear of Stalingrad or the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. I am in no way praising Russia either.