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Posts by Meathead  

Joined: 3 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 467 / In This Archive: 387
From: polonia, usa
Speaks Polish?: nada
Interests: everything

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28 Jun 2016
News / What does Poles think of European superstate? [48]

What does Poles think of European superstate?

EUROPEAN political chiefs are to take advantage of Brexit by unveiling their long-held plan to morph the continent's countries into one GIANT SUPERSTATE, it has emerged today.

The foreign ministers of France and Germany are due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states in what is being described as an "ultimatum".

Under the radical proposals EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels.

22 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

I can tell you one thing - I don't understand Kaczyński's strategy here. Had he gone in softly-softly, changed things little by little and then won the 2019 election (and with it, control of the TK), he would've been free to do what he wanted. But he's gone in so hard and so quickly that people are just angry.

That's governance. You go slowly in order to build consensus.
22 Dec 2015
Law / Poland's form of Government - 'the winner takes all' [23]

I think what's happening in Poland is illustrating the weakness of a Parliamentary political system. It's a winner take all system. There is no check on the majority party. Hitler did the same in Germany 80 years ago. Some of these European countries would be better suited with an American Republic where there are checks and balances and minority rights. Poland would be wise to move towards that system. It's shocking what's happening. I expected better.
21 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

You know you have a successful democracy when you are able to have a peaceful transition of power. Doesn't look like that in Poland. When Poland was partitioned it was mentioned that the countries that were occupying Poland were doing it as they thought that the Poles were unable to Govern themselves. Looks like there was a lot of truth to that statement.
26 Aug 2014
Life / Going to Poland in a hijab - Polish people and Islam [154]

But aren't you also altering your clothing based on a man/society?

Muslim women wear hijabs so that men will not find them attractive because if they do and take sexual liberties the woman is held responsible. That's why in Saudi Arabia a couple of years ago a woman who was raped was charged with the crime. In Muslim society the women are responsible for the men's behavior.
10 Jun 2014
USA, Canada / Polish community in Illinois [3]

Just moved in Greater Chicago area and I wonder where are those 700k Polish here in Illinois :)

Used to be along the Northwest side (Milwaukee Ave.) but maybe they're more diffused now.
17 Apr 2014
News / Poland and Kresy being reunited? [162]

Oh boy, so Putin wants to go back to moving borders? No wonder Eastern Europe is so politically unstable. Let's see Russia moves West, Poland moves East, Germany will want Western Poland back and here we go again, more squabbles over borders. No stability in that part of the world.
9 Apr 2014
Love / Cannot get married as a catholic in Poland if I don't have sacraments - No kids without Church marriage [9]

Also about the money, you should expect to get back at least 50% of costs from guests, so it's not so burdensome for your budget as may seem.

Above is True. You're going about this the wrong way. If she doesn't get "her" wedding, it will haunt your marriage forever. Give her what she wants and you'll probably get what you spent on the wedding in the way of gifts. In a marriage the woman calls the tune for the marriage ceremony (it's her day) and the house selection. You get to make the call on how often you have sex.
29 Mar 2014
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

If you want to blame somebody or something blame the social systems that governs all of us.

There is no reason for England to encourage Eastern European immigration, as it's not like there's a labor shortage. If you're poor English you get a roof over your head (Counsel housing), the NHS, a bit for food and a little left over to have a pint at the pub and not a pence more. The English Elite have effectively emasculated its working class. There's little wonder why England has some of the highest emigration rates.
26 Mar 2014
Life / Are there Russian speakers living in Poland? [10]

I've been reading where in the Ukraine Russian speakers occupy the eastern half of Ukraine. I also read where Russian speakers occupy Estonia, Latvia, Moldova and

Belorussia. Are there pockets of Russian speakers in Poland? If not, why not?
4 Mar 2014
Work / English lad looking for work in Poland [39]

Your employment opportunities are in English speaking countries unless you are highly skilled, highly educated or married to a local.
3 Mar 2014
Work / English lad looking for work in Poland [39]

The only place for Working class English for jobs is the USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand. Fly to the States and get a job and somebody might be able to sponsor you. If the Mexicans can do it the English certainly can. The place right now is the oil fields of North Dakota where they have an extreme shortage of strong backs.
30 Jan 2014
Love / Polish girls don't go for one night stands, is it true? [56]

You may have steak every day waiting for you at home, but everyone loves to indulge in an hamburger now and again ;)

I said most, not all

No, the Irish and Scots and Manx are Gaelic

I should have said Gaulish:
28 Jan 2014
Love / Polish girls don't go for one night stands, is it true? [56]

And one more thing.. My friend told me that polish girls don't go for one night stands, they usually want something permanent is it true??

Most women don't like one night stands.

Wait what? But aren't most of the Swiss descendants of the French, Italians, and Germans???

Swiss are gaelic.
21 Jan 2014
UK, Ireland / Calling all Brits! Travel in England advice [32]

There are two Englands, London and the English countryside. After you visit London, rent a car and take the B roads around England and stay in B&B's. Breakfast at the B&B, lunch or dinner at the local pub. Lovely. Oh, BTW which B&B to stay in? When you are ready to settle down for the night go to the local Government tourist shop and ask for a recommendation. This way you'll be assured a nice place (quality of B&B's vary greatly).
21 Jan 2014
Love / Why should I support my partners sister and boyfriend? [23]

Sorry, but I firmly believe that people who are not financially secure and mature enough to handle simple everyday situations have no reason bringing a child into the world. It's cruel beyond measure. If he were 20, I might be a little more sympathetic. But he's 30, far too old to be acting like a silly child.

nope, couldn't disagree more. First off this guy needs to lay off the the vodka. Secondly, he needs to kick them out of the apartment that he's sharing with his girl. Thirdly he needs to make the most of his relationship with his girl especially since she's having his kid. Yeah they're immature but aren't we all? If they give it a chance they can grow into their relationship and live happily ever after.
21 Jan 2014
USA, Canada / Moving back to Poland after 7 years in Canada [22]

I have studied Business Management with concentration on Information Systems......

You have to go where the jobs are try this: basinelectric.com/About_Us/Employment

Also if you have a US Passport, you should have tried this by now: usajobs.gov
20 Jan 2014
USA, Canada / Moving back to Poland after 7 years in Canada [22]

Just watch this it will give you lot to think about

That's a scam YOUTUBE demeaning formal education. There's a movement afoot trying to get people to quit going to school. They would like people to be uneducated, ignorant, poor and landless. This way you are much easier to politically control. But the fact is (statistics show) that people with college degrees have a much lower unemployment rate than people with high school diplomas.

Your education was not a waste. Ok, you took a job on a manufacturing line? Well you should look at using your degree to get promoted at your current company. Is that possible?
20 Jan 2014
Love / I have a crush on my boyfriend's Polish friend ( advice needed ) [33]

should i tell him??

No, he's got a girlfriend. Leave him at it. You're just obsessing over someone you don't know very well. Your relationship with your current boyfriend is a totally different situation and you have to see if you want to stay with him or not.
17 Jan 2014
Life / Eating out in Poland, is it expensive? [28]


If it was me I'd move to Greece. Great climate and nice people and food is pretty good. Thailand is politically unstable.
17 Jan 2014
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

America is a very different climate than Europe. A few years ago I was in England around Christmas time and my sister in law had us harvest some brussel sprouts out of the yard (it was late December or early January). In America you can't leave anything on the vine later than September or October. London has the same latitude of Central Canada and look how much more mild the climate is in England. Europe has a much more milder climate and longer growing season, that's why there veggies are so much fresher. In the States everything has to go in storage for the winter.