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Joined: 24 May 2010 / Male ♂
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26 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

it's somehow special... because there are no blacks left in PL after this incident...

Hopefully you are right :D

[quote=A J]Such compassion coming from a guy who obviously doesn't want honest and hard working people to earn a few Euros (Or Dollars!)

Sorry, It is not accurate decryption of Africans ... I will help you out. I could say: Horrible lazy, annoying you on the porpoise thief criminals without education. Rapes, murderers. They even walk in their jobs so slow only to pissed off their employer. When they cross street in not appropriate place they stop in the middle and they chat, again to annoy you. You employ them, they don't do nothing at all. Deep inside they hate white people so bad that you cannot even imagine it. Two years study with them at UNI London. Every single time I was doing group project with them they produce 2 pages out of 40. Lazy bastards. They always find silly excuses.

Everything above based on 5 years experience with them. Of course one on 100 is ok. It is not enough to let them to my country. GET LOST we don't want you.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

I am not excusing the man from trying to get a policeman's gun here in Poland and he paid the price for that with his life.

I will make it clear. Those Nigerians live in society of violence. What you think guys ? Can you civilised them within 5 years of time ? Answer is NO. Still they will brake a law still, rape, kill etc. It is like with a soldiers. Individual who spend 20 years killing for army will not be able get normal quickly. He is able to kill human than eat hamburger over his body. They just get just to it. Here in UK Nigerians an people from Zimbabwe are banned. Probably because those countries are so corrupted that most of them has 2 different passports (30 years old guy with passport saying that he is 15, reason is UK has to do age check on him and let him in to the UK. Than usually they are gone). If it is so easy for them to get second passport checking criminal record doesn't make sense. Even if you deal with killer still he can get papers "proving" that he is a priest.

People remember we polish don't owe those Africans nothing, we never took advantage of them. I don't see a point of binging them here. It is too risky.

Ps. I study with them, I also was working around them, and sometimes I was teaching them too. Trust me, they are not educated, violent and so lazy that you cannot imagine.

Ps2. Someone could say: we should help them because they are poor. hehe in UK in a place where is 90% Africans population (UNI, Brixton) they discriminate Eastern European badly. Now there is only few of them in Poland and they attacking police. Can you imagine if we will have 10000 of them in our country?. They will feel like at home and problems will start like in UK. Countries like UK don't want them any more and they send them to Poland for example because they think that we don't know what will happen. Is it coincidence that we have in Poland Africans from Zimbabwe an Nigeria ? Guess what countries are banned in UK ? Exactly those two. They cannot get even tourist visa any more.

Honestly, I think they will never help you, why I should. NO WAY, get lost. I don't like politic but if I will find out that some politic group will fight against massive emigration from Africa I will vote on them, and I know whoever had to deal with them in countries like UK (where they are comfortable) will do too.

So did you hear? A policeman shot a foreigner in Warsaw...
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Cut of this ********. If it in stead of Nigerian this policeman will have to deal with polish guy story will end exactly in this same way. What would you do in his situation ? Idiots overusing word racism. It has nothing to do with colour !!
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

What is all about with NL. Do you realise what kind of people you attract ? Drugs addicted idiots and prostitute lovers. I have got what you want. The worst people from everywhere.
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Simply GET LOST to all bad emigrants.
Polish policeman was defending him self. I would do exactly this same. At least his kids can still see their father.

Regarding emigrants in Poland I prefer Asian ones. They are not that problematic, they are useful and hard working people.

I am going to study now. bye bye
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

That's something Hitler would say, and we all know how he felt about Polish people, don't we?

What is that ? I don't support fanatics like Hitler at all but before posting something like this READ something about it first. His problem was something different. It was not about Polish, Slovakian etc. I could say that you are not educated very well. It was stupid. I have been living in UK for about 5 years and it changed my point of view badly. I know Americans too, and still back in USA they have problems with Afro-Americans. They live next to each other for so long time and still the same xxxx. We are just not compatible. Regarding love, married etc. What is this ? Are you from Mars. Africans I know aim for ugly, fat girls because they know: "soon I will get a passport" than I will bring my family and friends. In next ten years in Warsaw we will have next Brixton in London. Black area where if you are not black you will get stubbed. Thanks, no way. Poland is not a place for them.
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Well, I am from Holland, and the truth is that the Polish are committing the most crimes here.

You are from Holland. What you mean ? When did you migrate there ... :) ?
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

And weather is no so good too ... Don't catch details like this. You know what I mean. Are you 15 years old ? or what ?
It is better for you to not start benefits subject and foreign people in UK. It proves something else too ... massive fraud.
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Maybe you are right. But you know what ?, they do their jobs here and they work hard now. Without that you cannot survive in UK as a Polish. British don't give you council house, benefits etc. like in case of another 3rd world nationalities. At the same time I have to work study and I teach Cisco during weekends . Can you do it too ? I doubt it.

My conclusion is:

If you are foreigner or not in Poland remember, you are not in UK or Africa. Respect rules don't be violent, don't start with police because you can get shot. We are post communistic country. You don't mess with us. Simple as that.
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Dariusz Telka I agree with you. Probably most people who have had opportunity to deal with mix society too.

Massage for polish people:

Don't be naive and don't believe that everything will be fine while living around foreigners. It brings always only problems ... You don't want to be afraid that someone will rape your baby on its way back home from school. There is nothing in the world worth this risk.

Massage for foreign people:

If you want to live in our society, offer something from you too, respect law and people. If not GET LOST !!

Massage for polish government:

Check everyone's criminal record all theirs family members etc. before letting them in, because one day it could be your baby !!!!!!!!

If they brake a low send them back immediately. If they deserve prison keep them there than send them back.


British, French, Americans and many more took advantage of Africans in past. We, Polish didn't. Remember we don't owe you nothing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a favour you are there nothing but favour. Remember that and don't mess around !!!!!
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Did any of you defenders was chased by guy with knife in his hand ?
If not, go back to your mum and stop talking nonsenses. I give you one year in that kind of environment and all you will change its mind.
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Do you realise that you overuse word racism. Once again if you don't respect law and society get lost whoever you are; Spanish, Polish, African etc. I thing this conversation is pointless MareGea. You sounds like my Somalian friend. You will always defend "Own People" whatever they will do.

Regarding this:
Polish: generally hard working people not problematic (of course individuals are bad)
Africans: generally criminals, some individuals are ok

I have heard this from hundreds of British and Indians living in UK
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Because I know they are individuals, bad individuals and I know that not all Poles are like that. But that is a stage you yet seem to have to reach. Not a problem, it will take some time and some day you will, but just not yet.

Are you serious ? Individuals ? Ask any British what they think about Polish and what about Africans ?
I will tell you:
Polish: generally hard working people not problematic (of course individuals are bad)
Africans: generally criminals, some individuals are ok

24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

One last think. I am just wondering what will happen if this guy will successfully grab this gun. Most likely he will shot policeman and they will star dancing around his body. It will motivate them to do it again and again. Now they have learned a lesson ...
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Ok. I will make it clear. We don't want this same situation like in USA or UK. Cut of this O.J. talking guys. We have completely different values, traditions etc. It's not gonna work anyway. Based on stats and my own experience abroad, definitely no ... You are trying hide behind words racism etc. You know who creates this law ?. Some wealthy fat guy who owns 15 banks and lives in really nice area without that kind of problems and foreign people around his kinds. For him those people are just profit and cheap labour. He will never let them live around him. You expect from us respect in our own country. We gave you a chance and you attack our policeman. I can only assume what will happen with polish guy in Africa attacking policeman ...

I study in UK. In my campus we have all kind of people from everywhere. You know what I want to finish my study I get out from this country asap. Last time I was sitting with my friend from Somalia in library. There was some musli guy browsing an internet next to us for about 3h. Do you know what exactly he was doing ? Watching suiciders burning them self alive, bombs, some fanatics shooting around for a 3h constantly. I said to my friend: look at this guy, he is nuts. Guess what?, even that Somalian guy knows me for so long time and he didn't know this another guy at all he started defending him and he was almost aggressive. It's dangerous and stupid. British are afraid of foreign people in own country. Within last 5 years I heard a lot of stories and I have had a lot of situations by myself. No thanks ... changes are good but only if they bring something good. Tell me than, what Nigerians bring to our country ? In UK they are banned already. Why ? I don't know and I don't care. It means something, does it ?

Ps. I came to UK 5 years ago and I was always defending Africans, because of history etc. Now I know that true is different ...
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

I don't understand where is a problem. Who cares who was this guy ?, Polish, Russian, American etc. You attack police it is very likely you will get shot. I live in UK and I f.....ing hate if I have to past by Brixton in London and hope to not get stubbed because I am white foreigner. Cut of this O. J. bull....t !. You migrate to any country, respect law, rules and leaving there people. Work, study, set up own business but do not commit crime. Doesn't matter where from you are. If you don't want to do it get lost or get shot. Poland it's not UK that everyone can do whatever they want without consequences. British have enough of this s.... They sell own properties and leaving to Australia for instance. I don't want to be afraid of foreign people in my own country like them. Lesson number one.

Ps. guess what will happen to you if you will attack Nigerian policemen in Nigeria ...