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Joined: 25 Apr 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 22 Apr 2011
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 144 / In This Archive: 120

Speaks Polish?: B2 level on the European Framework
Interests: gigs festivals music

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5 Dec 2011
Life / Graffiti problem in Poland [38]

some of the 'art' graffiti if you will i have seen on walls etc in Poland are alot more artistic than here in UK which unless you are called Banksy tends to just be a tag name sprayed at selected points nothing arty about it.

Should get people to post up some 'artistic' graffiti work spotted :)
20 May 2011
Life / Streaming online Polish TV [85]

can anyone maybe reccomend some Polish Tv Shows that i could download on torrents or movies even?

TV - Czas Honoru (4th series commences later this year and one of my faves of the past few years)
Films (these are my personal preferences) - Testostron, Lejdis, Nie Klam Kochanie, Katyn, Ciacho,

I am also open to film recommendations or tv series recommendations as well from people =)
9 May 2011
Language / Super fast Polish language learning strategies from internet polyglots [29]

In my opinion, to claim that achieving fluency in a foreign language in 3 months is possible, and within everybody's grasp, is nothing short of ridiculous.

shared sentiments on this and as i have pointed out elsewhere this is not achievable by any standard the most you can expect to know in that short time is basic words and phrases.
26 Apr 2011
Polonia / Relocation to Poland from Romania [11]

probably has something to do with Romania part of the EU perhaps at a guess and thinking the grass is greener in Poland for them.
12 Apr 2011
Travel / Coach Krakow to London [8]

Does anyone know if there is a coach from Krakow to London???

Just go to Jordan's travel agency near Galeria Krakowska [jordan.pl/?menu=1] (ive booked with these before for a Krakow to London coach journey very friendly) or better still to the Bus Station in Krakow where there is a further Eurolines coach booking office and make arrangements via them.
20 Feb 2011
Food / POLISH RECIPES! [287]

ravi jaya

Just look for the Gobłaki recipe :)

or if you cbd'd to google here is a link: goblaki receipe
16 Feb 2011
Law / Poland's Laws and Regulations: Health and Safety, Licensing, Crowd Management, etc. [11]

Maybe someone may know and can point in right direction - i am looking to find online where i may find pertaining to Poland's Laws and Regulations on the following areas:

Health and Safety Act including Risk Management
Licensing Act
Crowd Management etc

something similar to the UK's version of the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) website =) anyone know where i can look for these can be in Polish or/and English as be useful to know for reference purposes. Google proving not to be useful for once :-/
12 Feb 2011
Life / Walentynki and March 8th? [4]

Valentines day is more of a big thing for the hospitality industry as it helps boost their revenues during the quieter periods between Christmas and Easter in terms of hotels, restaurants etc plus it's an un-necessary expense, like most things you either celebrate or you dont.

8th March i tend to focus on the fact it is my daughter's birthday than International Women's Day to be honest.
10 Feb 2011
Language / How hard is learning Polish ONLINE? [4]

can be good as a immension tool to get you used to the language but would recommend face to face or skype to learn with a native speaker .. place a gumtree ad asking for help :D
2 Feb 2011
News / Polish teenager gives birth live on British TV [15]

It might be better if you don't speak Polish, as you don't want to hear the "colourful" language they speak.

Swearing during childbirth....how gosh darn shocking!!!

:-O what NO that's just preposterous *chuckles* most females use 'colourful' language during childbirth it is not intentionally done its just a reaction to pushing a human being out of a 10cm dilated gap and you dont expect not to use this language .. jeeesss!

To be honest the program itself is basically an insight into the births that happen every day and the many different nationalities that have different aspirations and expectations really.

The full show from the links i wasnt able to view i saw a 2min clip and that was it, she merely asked for a cut (incision) to be made! But it isnt just British TV that shows these programmes American tv has shown them quite a while and id say theirs is far more graphic.
1 Feb 2011
News / Electronics v stadium hooligans to be implemented by Polish authorities [16]

I am sure that they will be implementing a control order in place for any of the hooligans activity if you will, that could occur, as this is regarded as a Major event and the repercusions for Poland globally could have a very negative impact as with any Major event like the UEFA 2012 it is not about those in attendance in the country but what gets broadcast across all media platforms, the UEFA games will not only bring about a legacy to Poland (and the Ukraine) in the terms of things put into place following the games for instance infrastructure wise but more often than not will have economic, social and regeneration prospects that come from hosting this type of event.

It is likely that policing and security at all the games will be heightened and this would have been an addressed issue at the start of the early stages of planning to stage this event in Poland and would have been covered in their bid put forward to the UEFA body how they would tackle this sort of behaviour.
29 Jan 2011
Life / Can I use Blackberry Messenger for free in Poland? [10]

Banned in UAE - Saudi were talking about banning it but Blackberry is hugely popular there.

As you might be aware because Saudi government cannot have control over RIM as they like to control all telecommunication etc it is largely why they dont allow it hence why i said both UAE and Saudi Arabia.
29 Jan 2011
Life / Can I use Blackberry Messenger for free in Poland? [10]

I am assuming you can use BBM free globally most networks support BBM unless you go to the UAE/Saudi Arabia where RIM (Research in Motion) is banned. Networks to try would be Orange, ERA and Play in Poland.
26 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Where to live, where to avoid in Krakow [28]


how at risk here? it's like tarnishing everywhere with the same brush .. you have good places and bad ... only having the experience and knowing yourself can anyone really say if a place is bad or good .... but at the end of the day everyone has differing opinions and this has to be beared in mind what one person says might be different to how you percieve it to be!

but i read the wiki page

no dear *shakes head* not the best source to use to gain information from!
24 Jan 2011
Law / 2012 Euro Football Championships - hotel accommodation [9]

most of the accommodation will have been pre allocated to the main high star hotels so the cheaper alternatives will still be available but it is advised anyone going should book now. Most major events like the UEFA games have hotels pre booked upto 3 years in advance in any area they know where the event is likely to happen.
23 Jan 2011

I'm quite surprised reading the article that a psychological evaluation was not also requested by the judge because to me this fella Campbell clearly had the notion of pre-mediated murder to do what he did to that young female, already in his mind, if he does do all 15 years i will be very surprised given that the judicial system in the UK is flawed halved the time.

That said i feel saddened for her family and the fact he showed no remorse in court just goes to show he did not care about the consequences of his violent actions.
22 Jan 2011
Life / Streaming online Polish TV [85]

God, I love to know how you have done it?

i just installed and clicked on a show re-ipla to be honest

have you got a polish wireless internet connection or something?

no as i am in student halls of residence in the UK so i use my connection provided by them

Any ideas??

not sue what to suggest i am sure you'll find a way though =)
21 Jan 2011
Life / Streaming online Polish TV [85]

i find it quite bizarre that some of you are saying you cannot access ipla as i am in UK and i can watch this player fine without problems :/ nor do i get any message saying not available in your country?!
14 Jan 2011
Love / Culture of Polish people (searching for a Polish guy who is the father of my baby) [45]

I had worked out that the OP will be wanting the money aspect. The child would yes you are right a right to a Polish Passport but then would have to say whether the child has a British or Polish nationality as Poland doesnt recognise dual nationality so in the eyes of Poland the child would be Polish whether OP wants that is entirely her choice but after 2 years of searching and having to resort to the internet seems desperate, i know times are hard financially for everyone due to recession but jees after 2 years the child isnt really going to have any connection to its father anyways as it (possibly) hasnt already!
14 Jan 2011
Love / Culture of Polish people (searching for a Polish guy who is the father of my baby) [45]

Oh dear, i would just let it drop in my honest opinion not that it will make much difference but if he hasnt shown any interest in you once you got pregnant nor after the child was born he isnt likely to show any now. Plus as you have very publically stated his full name on this forum and your reasons for locating him it really doesnt hold much help no matter how hard you try even if when you google his name its the very top link and direct to this thread you have declared his name on.

Chasing someone for paternity sometimes is neither in the best interests of the person sort nor the child ...

"Any man can father a child doesn't make them a dad!"

Also Polish culture has F.A to do with why he did what he did at end of day love you were an available source for sex and if YOU yourself had no intentions to get pregnant you should have used contraception. Plus it's been 2 years try to move on for the state of your own sanity and your childs.

If you intend to pursue go speak to someone in the legal services ie a solicitor/lawyer costly i know but then again so will a court case and DNA testing etc as you have to front some costs not just this £ukasz character.
29 Nov 2010
Travel / Accommodation (student friendly) in Poznan [11]

Can anyone who lives in Poznan give some advice. Looking for student friendly places in terms of accommodation in the area just for a weekend in February? any recommendations? Also as any recommendations for places to visit welcomed =)
19 Nov 2010
Travel / Vegetarian places to eat in Krakow [30]

Hi guys

A male friend of mine is visiting Krakow with his GF next week for 5 days but he is vegetarian i know from memory there is a couple of vegetarian places to eat, but obviously doesnt want to eat in the same places for the 5 days that he is there, will he find it a struggle eating out in many places or would he be okay asking for a vegetarian menu :)

11 Sep 2010
Life / "Londynczycy" - new Polish soap [62]

i havent noticed it listed anywhere yet but saying that i have on pc anyways but here isnt going to be a third series though!
10 Sep 2010
Study / Student from Nepal travelling to Poland with dependent for further studies. Any job? [87]

Firstly do you have the funding yourself to 1. PAY for your studies in Poland 2. Provide support for yourself in Poland let alone your Dependant with which you will have to provide for as well. 3. Can you converse in Polish? If you cant then finding employment unless with an international company will be difficult.

If No to all of the above maybe look to studying elsewhere first and and saving up from employment to build up sufficient funding to be able to provide for yourself first.
4 Aug 2010
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

ah the Omnibus back to how it used to be nice one Pie :)

oh and has someone been scare-mongering you into

I’m in Manchester and afraid to go out at night

its not that bad really :)

I wish the Manc meet up members a good night out.

you should come along and say hi hey hello !
11 Jul 2010
Feedback / Polishforums on Facebook [60]

but try Stella Artois

you mean "wife beater" as its affectionately known as !

Internal and Zeti are extremely sexy

why thank you :)

I think ID should marry you, really. You're so much sexier, and don't we all know bald men are much, much better in bed? (Especially when they're really old?)

lolz i like a man with some hair no offense MG if you aint got any .... !
9 Jul 2010
Feedback / Polishforums on Facebook [60]

i'll give this one a miss as well .. even if i am on the book of face :)