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Posts by Drac90  

Joined: 23 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Jun 2010
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 74 / In This Archive: 48
From: Nowy Sącz/ Małopolska
Speaks Polish?: w miare
Interests: lots of interests

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14 Jul 2010
News / EurAsEC - first step to revival. What Poles think? [8]

i only hope it will not be a reason for not lifting visas for Ukrainians
well ppl from Kaliningrad can travel to Poland without visas so i guess it will not :)

i dont see why should Poland care if Russia form new alliance :) big yey for for Białoruś and Ukraina so they can again dont pay for your gas ;)
14 Jul 2010
News / The chances for Warsaw to become capital of eventual Slavic confederation? [183]

both Kiev and Warsaw are no good for capital for the Slavic union as both Poland and Ukraine are quite big and both blessed with big potential and they will gain infuence in region sooner or leter, givin to much power to already strong state is not wise :) if you ask me, Praga is perfect :) and if it have to be in Ukraine let it be Lwów/Lviv :) both sides will be happy and this city full of history of both nations will at least be rebuilded not to say fixed coz from what i heard its not much diffrent from where it was in 39 :)

all of this only if said Union will form somehow oO
22 Jun 2010
Study / High school entry - exams, points etc in Poland [7]

Kids in school dont read books and learn to pass exam, they study to get knowledge. On exam there might be some questions with intentions to check this knowledge. Question are unclear? come on, i know this questions, my sister took this exam this year too, majority of question was to check the skill of understanding of reading text, if your kid had problem with it, i feel sorry for You since you will have big problems with him in MIDDLE school. *this year this exam was awfully easy and every one got high scores which is not so good for good students so i cant understand from where you get this "he marks achieved were very low" maybe just lame school?

Less maths than usual and more chemistry than usual. The mean mark on a national level was appallingly low.

indeed there was more chemistry but it was on kid level indeed but come on, it all was based on pictures and graphs etc, a person that was "an idiot from chemistry" with a little of luck could get 30 points like my sister described it

Straightforward, but the results count for nothing - disregarded in terms of high school entry. SO WHAT'S THE POINT??

its still in tests to get ideal level of difficulty so its not official, but my sister said that in better schools they look on it too ;)

Then, you get points towards high school entry based on your marks for your last semester.

Its perfecly great system i think you might want to say you have somethin against certain teachers not the system itself, i as a person that came thro this system must say that i didnt get higher or lower grades, i got what i deserved

Are there still max 200 points for everything???

50 first exam
50 second
80 from grades
20 from special achivments

its clear its fair its centralised its universal like also its the recrutation itself is internet'lised
18 Jun 2010
News / Who are you voting for in the 2010 Poland's presidential elections and why? [82]

i vote for JK
Lets be honest, its Kaczyński or Komorowski, and Komorowski in last month had more mistakes than the rest of presidents from 90 in total. The only chance would be that Tusk will have under control every word that Komorowski will say.. well i dont like Komorowski, if it would be Tusk i propably would give my vote for him. but not this old idiot, i prefer other old idiot :D

I'm not voting. The reasons being:

yup, im against it as well, its good thing you are not voting
15 Jun 2010
Genealogy / Majoch :) [7]

mhm, that will make it hard to look for roots of my ancestors oO jews kinda traveled alot :)
any tips where i should look now? :) please? :)
15 Jun 2010
Genealogy / Majoch :) [7]

Hi :) im born in Poland and so my dad grandpa and so his father yet i find my surname to have nothin polish in it :) i wonder if someone can help me trace where my family came from :)

(ohh how i want it to be Hungary, Slovakia or other epic nation..)
8 Jun 2010
News / Germany - We won't let Poland drown! [28]

hmm :)

Crow so you want poles to provide you with direct help yet you refuse to help poles when we need it? :)

OK Crow! following your thinkin, Poland will help Serbia by drain as much money as we can from "evil Germany" and therefore makin it weaker!! Its even more direct help than you want to give to us~
19 May 2010
News / Flood situation worsens in southern Poland [119]

In Nowy Sącz it was quite ok, there is no serious damage and our rivers dont look soo big i guess Nowy Sącz made preparations coz i remember in old times when one of the river came to pay me a visit :D

edit: we have some damages after all but not in my part of town
16 May 2010
History / If i could write European history i would unite Europe under Polish language [67]

I can imagine how many time it would take to teach someone diffrence between ó and u ^^

Listen, Russians are biggest Poles

there is at least one russian on this forum that might not agree with You on that ^^

I also think that our, polish language is cool, unfortunatly our language is one of the harderst to learn among slavic languages. ;)
16 May 2010
History / If i could write European history i would unite Europe under Polish language [67]

words is one, i do say our words are easy compared to other slavic languages but our grammars is as far as im concerned hardest ;)

Crow if you want to teach entire Europe polish, You need to learn it first Yourself :D
if you are willing to, I will help You as much as i can ;)


There was a time when i wanted to learn some basic serbian language so we might be able to help eachother since i have lots of time now ;)
13 May 2010
Off-Topic / Slavic languages - oldest European languages. [12]

i read somewhere that polish and chech begun to separate in XIII and before it we pretty much spoke same language, That would explain why Mieszko choose Czech :D
5 May 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

i didnt read whole topic so sorry if this was said already but
first to help us were hungarians, :D not in the military way tho
but they help us only for sole purpose of helping
Thanks Huns!!
1 May 2010
News / Poland should move its location to be more secure.. [21]

Poland stay where it is, we just need to nuke everythin around exept Hungary(our bros^^)
Germany(someone we can complaining about) Romania(same as Garmany but for Hungary)
all the rest should be water :D ahhh we can make also RaCROWie for our Serbian friend ^^
1 May 2010

a) When I try to speak Polish, people (especially the younger ones) simply reply to me in English.

Oh Come on, if you speaking not understand able or they see it come with lots of effort to you they swich to language that you can speak fluently for your own comfort and from their kindness and here you are complaining bout it i will never understand foreigners xd
1 May 2010
News / Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If? [116]

Yes, the same ppl who give sex ed classes in school??

never heard of such tthing done by priest. even if somethin like this happen from time to time priest are also "humans" so that means that some of them can be "evil" but its not noticeable minority compared to what they are doing even know, and if you want i can share with my knowledge what they done in my town during last 10 years ^^

that western most border of Poland looks like giant falus that penetrate. Looks like Poland is in erection

As my understanding a lot of priests "worked"

your understanding is wrong, priest were first to die along with jews there, some other prisoners had to do all kind of unpleasent work like searchin for valuable things among corpses but they were doing it not coz they wanted

without links

im only 20 years old so sorry :( i know only what there is writen in history book of Germans Poles and Jews :(

yet i gave you one exemple that happen in my family

and during slaughter of polish civilians by "Ukrainians heroes" Polish priest saved my grandmother, from the entire village survived only 5 ppl, him and 4 childs that he menaged to safe.

that western most border of Poland looks like giant falus that penetrate. Looks like Poland is in erection

Its not Poland its "Międzymorze" one country with polish language as main i think.. english meaning would be between-seas.
1 May 2010
News / Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If? [116]

like i mentioned in previous post our local church is doing good job even now

They run also common room for kids
not to mention this is only in past 5 years ^^ they renovated all churches too(oldest one from XIV sentry) but i dont think you will count is as goodmakin so i didnt add in previous post

point was that if they do this all things in such a poor and small town there is not a much money left to give to Vatican

And like i said my family is a proof of courage of polish priests

and during slaughter of polish civilians by "Ukrainians heroes" Polish priest saved my grandmother, from the entire village survived only 5 ppl, him and 4 childs that he menaged to safe.

sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Oh for Gods sake, we're talking about modern times... keep up a lot has changed since the glory days of the Polish - Lith union.

that post was not dedicated to you and not meant to suport my arguments in this discusion :*
1 May 2010
News / Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If? [116]

check it then you can express your feelings :* Poland was known that this is a safe place for all ppl during Counter-Reformation. Poland was also called "country without stakes"

Tazbir, Janusz. A state without stakes: Polish religious toleration in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. [trans. of the Polish by A.T. Jordan]. New York: Kosciuszko Foundation, [1973], c1972.
1 May 2010
News / Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If? [116]

(Just read your history books!)

yup i read for exemple that Poland only country where ppl were free to belive in what they want when in the west europe for saying bad word at church or even at priest ppl were dying

:D our priests and our local church were always superior "yey" xd priest from my town menaged to collect money to modernise our hospital, they often collect toys for orphans they give free food for homeless (once a day) they opened few schools with high lv standards and once in a while they organise cultural meetings ( local culture saving, somethin like that) ahhh and they are takin care of Jewish cementary coz it seems that none of local jew wanted to do it ^^
1 May 2010
News / Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If? [116]

for what they did it was death penalty too and many died or was sent to death camps
Its againts religion to kill, the sole fact that they were calling ppl to "fight for Poland" when Vatican was against it it is big breakin of rule on their side.

i Would love if admin or moderator would take this discussion in other thread
1 May 2010
News / Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If? [116]


oh i dont want to spam tons of them coz you propably not gonna read even this :D

quote from wiki

"Duchowni Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce brali również czynny udział w tworzeniu podziemnego oporu przeciwko okupantom. Ich najważniejszą rolą była posługa kapłańska w oddziałach partyzanckich, pomoc Żydom, pomoc w zorganizowaniu żywności jak również pełnili funkcje łączników i informatorów. Hierarchowie jak kard. Adam Stefan Sapieha byli łącznikami krajowych placówek AK z rządem na uchodźstwie."

this means that polish priests took active part in creatin undeground line of defence. their biggest role was "being a priest" on front line for partisants helpin jews, help with gaining food and they where ears of undeground too ^^ this is their role during WW2

during POLISH PARTITION that is before WWI it was their succes that im pole now coz they keep polish spirit in us and this is what i was talkin earlier. Some German boss of germanisation afterpolish land during that time saw danger in church and thats why he was strikin hard in church.

and during slaughter of polish civilians by "Ukrainians heroes" Polish priest saved my grandmother, from the entire village survived only 5 ppl, him and 4 childs that he menaged to safe.

Drac90, yes, but ofcourse that doesn't change the fact that the Polish Roman Catholic Church supports the Vatican financially. Now think about that for a second before you actually defend an institute which obviously isn't acting in your best interest. Like it or not, you're defending the Vatican when you're defending their Churches. (It's tricky business, I know!) Dtaylor, maybe you're right about that, but then again a few disappointments in life will not stop me from enjoying the ride!

You are great mistaken, none of our money goes to Vatican im sure of it, it goes to priests that are sended to poor countries for food and medicines for ppl but this money goes for polish priests too ^^ not a single grosz for Vatican xd