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22 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

Delphia, The flat is one of the commie era ones - the old Osiedle types.

Does anyone know how frequently are the water bills sent out in Poland?

I have never been accused of using too much water elsewhere - my bill in Australia tells me that I use 'less than average'.

Wildrover I like your style :)

There is a funny little update to this story by the way. I decided to do a little detective work to see how badly she needs this money (she claims that she is broke, desperate for money, is selling her personal belongings and can't afford basics like food now). Anyway, funnily enough her Allegro account says that she has just (yesterday) shelled out a whole heap of zl on clothes and make up... hmm....
22 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

Im just a women who knows a thing or two about a thing or two..I also dont like people who try to take advantage of people..follow my advice...It'll wipe the bloody smile of her face when she gets the second text..hopefully she'll have gone out and spent most of it before she's received it..Oh you cant take new highlights and nail extension back ;0)

You are brilliant Amathyst, I will take your advice, it sounds like you are best versed at dealing with people like this.

And to the person who just suggested handing over the 500zl and to just be a 'gentleman', I suggest you consider the merits of the particular case above the value of the claim. You can't be a 'only a little bit pregnant'.

Who is whining here by the way?? Maybe I merely put the question out there and sought opinions.... in my book, whining is constant complaining in a persistent annoying manner. I don't consider that coming under the category of asking a perfectly normal question, but we are all entitled to our opinion :)
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

What do you girls think? Will I find her?

You might almost be lucky enough to get someone as sweet as my ex.
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

Amathyst you are an evil genius. I like you already. If only I had your ingenuity when she was being so horrible to me in the relationship.

Fun times Arien. When being 6 foot tall is not enough...
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

I'm going in to bat for the defenceless Dutch girls here...

Sounds like you and I stand united on this point :)
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

I'm going in to bat for the defenceless Dutch girls here... my ex Dutch girlfriend from way back (not from Amsterdam) was much friendlier and sweeter than my Polish one. She never tried to dishonestly extort money out of me either.... :)
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

Not me... I am laughing my head off over here :)

I have dated girls from around the world

I could tell you my secret, but that would spoil my fun...

I have never experienced horrible like I have from this Polish girl. I know, I know - not ALL Polish girls are like that, its bad to stereotype blablabla

I LOVE Polish women & girls. My mother is Polish, so I will never say bad things about ALL Polish women. This one Polish was particularly horrible, in a way I have never seen before.
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

I know you were joking pgxt ... I could tell by the wink smiley ';)' haha


And thanks again for the very good advice Arien. Maybe she is the girl for me... if she had electro-shock therapy to shock all the horrible out of her. :) In all seriousness though, I have dated girls from around the world, and I have never experienced horrible like I have from this Polish girl. I know, I know - not ALL Polish girls are like that, its bad to stereotype blablabla....
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

Call it what you wish pgtx... I consider being in a state of disbelief rather different to whining... I can make another thread whining about it all if that is what you want so badly.... (which you obviously do!) ;)

And I won't ask, beg or plead, but please by all means feel free to unpleasantly psychoanalyse all you wish - I'm sure it would be a good laugh (this whole thing is a big joke to me anyway). ;))

I'm just trying to work out if it is genuine or not... and informed opinions on how to handle such people. :)

......and why do these conversations have to revert to the topic of my balls?? I'm talking about a water bill here...! ;)

And thank you very much Jola - I knew it sounded ridiculous.
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

Thanks for the excellent (and humorous) advice Arien. Thankfully no kids are involved (I escaped that death trap).

Maybe at age 28 I am somewhat naive, but I can't believe that she, a sweet Polish girl, would be so dishonest like that.

I thought that breaking up with her would have spelt the end of being subjected to her horrible behaviour. Clearly it isn't...
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

Thanks pgxt - I might try that, even though it would be getting involved again with an annoyingly difficult person. Again, a very logical answer that would work perfectly with you or me, but not with her! :) I am sure she will be furious that I am accusing her of lying. Do I regret breaking up with her?? :)

Thank you also very much dtaylor... I knew something was fishy... it just makes no sense - if I rented my own room in a share house in Poznan it would have cost only 500zl per month in rent AND bills!

A fine for excess water usage? Unlikely story... I can't believe she would be so dishonest... I will ask to see the bill...
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

Arien you are obviously absolutely right, but if factual and logical arguments like that actually worked with this girl, I would have never left her in the first place :)

I am wondering what is going on though... if she is lying, or wanting me to feel guilty for leaving her, or for using her precious water... I don't know!

I should also mention that around half the time I wasn't even living in that apartment - I was only in that apartment for less than two months.

I considered demanding to see this mysterious 'fine', but at the moment I am just ignoring her.
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

It makes no sense, does it? Of course, whenever I asked to see any bills (which I offered to pay in full at the time), they were never forthcoming (she used it to hold power over me I think).

So you believe she is either being dishonest or just plain vindictive?
21 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

Hi All,

I wonder if anyone here could give me some insight into this issue that just came up for me.

I lived with my Polish fiancee in Poznan in November 09 -end of January 2010, until I had to break up with her (I will get into those reasons another day).

Anyway, now it is almost the end of April, 4-6 months later she writes to me out of the blue saying that I owe her 500zl, because she got a fine for using too much water in her apartment while I was staying there!

Can you get a fine for using too much water in an apartment in Poland?? I have never heard of such a thing anywhere else in the world (and I have travelled to over 30 different countries, and lived for considerable amounts of time in 5 of them).

And, more to the point, is she just being vindictive by using this as a tool to try and get revenge on me and make me feel guilty?

For the record - I take very short showers... :)

Any advice would be appreciated.