USA, Canada /
I'm seriously considering moving from the US to Poland because... (I'm young) [4]
...Where are all the Polish girls aged 18-21 in the US???
How do I find them? I came to the US alone and I don't know anyone here, I have no chance of being introduced. (Been here 6 months now)
I see some old polish women, but that's it.
I don't want to be whiny, I'm just looking for suggestions. I currently live in Boston and all of my friends are Irish (some South American), I know about Andrew square, I go there frequently, but really standing in the polish grocery store all day looking for girls...I mean really? And the polish club sucks (at least for me)! All women are far above my age and I just feel like an outsider there.
Would it be better if I go to NYC or Chicago?
This seems pointless. I mean even if I went to Chicago over a week, then what? It's not like there's a bar with only polish girls aged 21 in there?
Perhaps I should just go to Poland in the summer and bring over a girl here??? But then we have the visa issues...
Gaah. Perhaps I should just give up on getting a polish girl and just be lonely and miserable for the rest of my life?
On a more serious note though, I am not that difficult, I don't mind women of other nationality, but it would be soooo nice to meet a girl (just for once) that you automatically would have something in common with. It would also sooth my slight homesickness.
All suggestions are welcome.