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Joined: 15 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Apr 2010
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17 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Olechka, because we wanna hold in with Poles. :) Is it prohibited by international law?

Do not be so patronizing; it is quite sickening.

Alex -
for once, I have to agree with Olga. In this context, "Olechka" is very patronizing and it diminishes your credibility, not hers.

Будь умнее.
16 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

When i go to Moscow next i will be happy to grass her up...if it helps....??

No need, Rover. Did you see that thick fog the Russians produced from the volcano to cover all of the northern Europe? They must have found out that some people on this forum are too close to blowing their conspiracy, and preparing for the next assassination.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Long standing distrust of the Russians is not evidence

Well, true, although I think the distrust is well-deserved... I grew up in the USSR, and remember how disgusting was the government lying about Kursk, Chernobyl, etc. Things are getting better now, but it will take a long time (perhaps, several generations) to get rid of the old habits. So far though, I am reasonably impressed how things are handled in this case. Let's hope it stays this way.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

:-) Good sense of humor!

There is an intensive debate going among the Russian professional pilots about the crash. A very interesting analysis was posted here:
h t t p://picasaweb.google.ru/Amlmtr/MWzNeJ#5459881356386012002

Sorry, the text is in Russian, but the picture is very interesting; the red line marked as "ideal landing path", and yellow is the actual path. Thick yellow line is the path change after the plane hit the tree.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

I just can't see any nozzles here. Maybe my eyes are bad... Does anyone else see them?

I think your eyes are ok :)
You don't see them because there are none. Professional pilots on this forum w w w.pprune.org confirmed that Tu-154 does not have a fuel dumping system.

Fuel dumping system is not required if FAA requirements are met (the climb requirements of FAR 25.119 (Landing Climb) and FAR 25.121 (Approach Climb), regulation FAR 25.1001).

Most twinjet airliners meet these requirements, such as the Boeing 737 (all models), the DC-9/MD80 and A320 family. Tu-154 has THREE jet engines.

Case closed.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

[quote=famd]Surprise, the black boxes of the POLISH PLANE were confiscated by the russians,
and kept secret. So they can be doctored in the last 6 days anyway they wanted.

This is a LIE.

The black boxes have been investigated by the joined team of Russian and Polish experts. From Polish side, the following people lead the investigation:
1) Edmund Klich, head of the State Commission for Aviation Accident Investigation under the Ministry of Infrastructure of Poland;
2) Ms Ewa Kopacz, Polish Minister of Healthcare;
3) Mr Krzysztof Parulski, Chief Military Prosecutor of Poland

From the Russian side, Ms. Tatyana Anodina, the head of the CIS Interstate Aviation Committee is investigating the crash. Here is the transcript of her latest report to the joint Polish-Russian commission:

The technical commission of the CIS IAC, which has been registered by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) as an independent regional international organisation, is investigating the circumstances of the crash of the Tu-154 aircraft of the Polish state aviation with the participation of representatives of the Defence Ministry and federal bodies, and in close cooperation with the authorised representatives and a big group of experts from Poland.

All required experts are taking part in the commission's work - pilots, technical experts and specialists on meteorological flight support from research institutes and industrial companies of both countries. A joint working group has been decoding and analysing all flight information since the recorders were opened. Polish experts are providing us with important assistance in identifying the voices of the crew members and decoding other data. We then register everything jointly.

The sides keep the recorders in safes sealed by both sides. The work is conducted in Russian and English. We have full understanding on a professional and on a linguistic level.

The commission will complete its work to determine the trajectory of the plane's flight before the crash on the site today and will start bringing fragments of the aircraft from the site of the crash to a site next to the airport, which is under special surveillance.

We are analyzing all flight and technical documents together with Polish specialists. A tentative examination and analysis of the plane's fragments and decoding of the in-flight data of the recorders has established that the engines were operational until the impact and that there was no fire or explosion on board the plane.

The decoding of the in-flight data of the recorders and its analysis show that there were no failures of on-board equipment. Nevertheless, as the international regulations require, the final conclusions will be made after thorough examination of all the fragments. As it has already been reported, specialists are decoding and analysing all in-flight data of the recorders.

One more additional flight data recorder was found yesterday. The commission decided to meet the Polish side's request on its decoding with the participation of our experts in Poland. An air-check of the airfield's radio-technical facilities is scheduled for April 16.

I would like to emphasise once again that the investigation is being carried out in line with international procedures and regulations set by the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), which encompasses 190 states, including Russia and Poland.

Investigators from the European Union and other countries have expressed their willingness to participate in the work of the Technical Commission, should this be deemed necessary. However, these investigators have said that they do not doubt the impartiality and professionalism of either the Commission or Russian experts. IAC (Interstate Aviation Committee) specialists have extensive experience with international investigations, having conducted such investigations in 53 countries, none of which have thus far been contested.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

That's my take on it.

Great write up, Polishmeknob!

I've read that conspiracy theories are psychological devices used by people to cope with high negative emotions. They use bits of real and made-up information to create a version of the world most convenient for their emotional discharge. The fact that this imaginary world has nothing to do with the reality does not concern them, as long as they feel emotional relief.

That means it's totally pointless to use logic and facts trying to change their opinion - it kills the very purpose of the conspiracy theory (emotional venting). The best we can do is probably ignore their posts and don't try to argue with every nonsense they write. There are enough interesting and sane people on this forum besides them.