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Joined: 14 Apr 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 30 Apr 2010
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Posts: Total: 12 / In This Archive: 11
From: Italy, Rome
Speaks Polish?: nope :(
Interests: drawing, culture, language

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28 Apr 2010
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

I love your sense of humour

aw thanks <3 it's precious, said by an English! ^^ (cos you're english, right?) i love English humor!

Italians are very noisy in my opinion and are always in big companies.

i'd say this is 70% true ;D
our cheerfulness needs to be loudly spreaded! lol

hmm :/ too bad this thread is too often used to bark about superiority and racism..
some people should definitely get a little more mature..
22 Apr 2010
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

ahhh nice thread~
let's go back to stereotypes?
hoping you apreciate some from Italy~!


Germans: way too tidy, precise, fussy, strict..if they don't get something how they want, they get quite angry :D plus, even if a german is saying 'i love you', he will sound like he's saying 'i'm gonna kill you'

Austriacs: quite the same as germans, but more uncommunicative and severe/proud
Swiss: precise, punctual..are they robot?
French: overconfident, open-minded, avant-garde, have a weakness for cheap-looking fashion, always relating to l'amour ;3 ..but they don't wash theirselves, they'd rather use perfume to cover up other smells~

English: they're like "i'd rather die than skip my tea at 5 o'clock"
Spanish: awwwww our soul brothers! lively and warm-hearted
Japanese: way too polite, close, shy, well-mannered..kind of cold when it comes to human relationships
Polish: (this is not very nice to say..but it's what i've heard..) vodka-lovers, often whining, they don't really like strangers...also poland is often thought as a poor coutry..but i bet the most of people can't even list Poland's borders..they think Poland is way easter than it actually is

aww anyway i love Poland!

now for tourism!

Germans: big, light-tanned, bermuda and skirts/t-shirts, very big backpacks, ready for walking all over your place and crowding all your morning trains you need for job!

Americans/English: white and chubby mozzarellas - see this
dressed in clothes no italian would ever use..!
Spanish: again, they seem italians on holiday <3 sooo chatty~

now for self stereotypes (so about Italians):
pizza, mafia, mandolino! Big mouths, talk too loud, move their hands uselessly while talking, they're probably cheaters..if they're not, then they're rude or unpolite or "hunting for girls"

Italians - frivolous, flirters, bombastic, big mouth (paasta, baasta, mangiaa, parlaare) ;)

ahah i loved this

Italy: all Italian [...] their goverment is like a circus with monkeys.

sooo sad..so true...
18 Apr 2010
News / Poland President National Mourning in Some Countries [212]


Those who cancelled (I ain't saying they have no balls but...):

aw this really sucks.....

Italy - oh, well

..i'm ashamed...

Anyway more flight checks have been asked, in Italy they're testing our main routes leading to north Europe..the results will be known by afternoon though.

Our president canceled all duties abroad for today.. I guess train would have been too slow to attend to all his business in time, leaving from Rome the train takes almost 5 hours just to reach the north borders..

but at least he could make an effort and send a fair representation for the funeral..oh my..
Anyway an italian delegation is already in loco, as long as many other delegations from other diserting countries i guess..
Probably head governs didn't want to occur any risk..imagine how terrible it would have been if presidential planes crashed while they were going to Kaczynski's funeral, who's dead by airplane crash while he was going to a tragedy commemoration...

((11.40: President of the Senate, Renato Schifani, and President of the Council of Ministers, Silvio Berlusconi, have unfortunately been forced to cancel their planned participation in the funeral today in Krakow of Polish President Lech Kaczynski. " It was said in a note from Palazzo Chigi. "President Berlusconi - is clarified - will speak on the phone in the coming hours with the Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, to renew their condolences and sorrow of the Italian people for the tragedy of Smolensk. Italy will be represented at the funeral in Warsaw Ambassador Aldo Mantovani))
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

I'd call the video by the kid, pretty strong proof of no fog, at least. How much further the Russians are lying IDK...

yeah that may prove there was no fog..but i don't really trust a video showing an other video played in the small lcd monitor of a photographic camera..i mean, those lcd may have few colors and may not show all the details..i'd love seeing that vid playing directly..if that is really a video showing the last minutes of the president's airplane, then why they've given so few importance to it? No newspaper have reported it's exitence from what i know, just that intrview..that's strange.. :( we'd need to know more about this..

Anyway all media are stating visibility was reduced to 500-400 mt or even worse..an other eye witness states the visibility was even around 50 meters..! Is it possible that the fog spreaded irregularly? Anyway i think medias have taken official weather forecasts..i kind of trust those ones..!
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

1) the airport had the ILS removed after Tusk's visit, but before Kaczynksi's

some articles stated this, more or less..Tusk landed few days before and security measures were taken..

2) the TAWS system on the plane was removed/tampered with during its servicing in Russia

are we sure that the Tu wasn't used after the revision and before the tragic flight..? Isn't all the instrumentation checked before every take-off?
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

if we had that kind of evidence about 9/11 in the USA
.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/the_bear_is_back_2 9sbM8G9YLgjZLsfJbElYK

i'd make you note that what olga has posted is not evidence, it's just part of the theory she's substaining. And yeah ok these are good argumentations. But can't be called "evidence"..btw on 9/11 there were very similar strongly-builted argumentations..actually i'd say they were even more convincing..!

There is an old saying....amongst many Slavic peoples.
An answer to the question of how do you trust a russian?
Put your trust in your sword and the sword in the russian.

this is the most racist saying i've ever heard.. that could be fair to say in the previous century maybe..but now..?? I don't actually know what is passing in Putin's mind but what about russians? A significant part of them have shown theirself honestly concerned and supportive toward Poles tragedy. Are we talking about russian population or russian govern in that stupid saying..??

Poland's Tragedy Russia's Gain

be careful not to read only the article, but also who's writing it... i don't trust that man..

That sounds like a train blasting its horn....

i have to agree this time, but i still need to listen to those firetruck sirenas..nothing can be sure.. X(
anyway, the video is showing some russian police (or military? sorry i don't know) running to the place..so it seems the very first approach to the accident area..is it possible that a firetruck was already coming to the area..?

One more flight recorder (unprotected one, that rarely survive a crash) is found in decent condition. It contains a copy of all (parametric?) data, same as "black box". Recorder made in Poland, so it was decided that it will be readed and decoded in Poland, in a company where it was manufactured.

I've actually read a news on my local newspaper talking about the 3rd black box being made in Poland and thus, being directly decoded and analysed in Poland..isn't it right? Are we talking about the same thing? This news was like 2 days old anyway.

If they're moving it, why don't they just get Polish investigator's to arrange the remnants to be tagged and shipped to Poland. Confiscation?

According to what i know, when something happens in any foreign soil, that something have to be investigated by local authorities. I don't find anything strange in Russia conducing the investigations.. And according to news i've read from my Country newspaper and from Internet websites, the investigating committee is composed by both russian and poles experts..so i don't really get your point on all the investigation side.. is there any article stating that the poles experts have said they felt cut out from the investigations?

would have been the sabotage of the plane’s altimeter so that the pilot would have thought he was higher up than he was.

i thought about that but i bet the pilots would notice that during the flight or at the take-off...or maybe the altimeter was sabotaged during the flight..? ;D

(3) Who put your President for landing in fog to the not prepared airbase? Russian Il-76 with security officials turned back to Moscow after landing attempt just before Polish TU-154.

About this matter..i've read Kaczynski didn't take part to the same commemoration Tusk was at in Moscow since he prefered making something more...'in his way'...so i was wondering if that ceremony was actually decently organised..
16 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Despite the fact this thread is quite interesting due to the quantity of details provided, i actually think you guys could write down a whole romance with the possible theories without reaching anything!

Really, no matter how absurd it may be, any theory which can't be decisively refuted, could be exact indeed.
Actually, you could even blame some random alien u.f.o ray-sucking the pilot's brain without finding a good way to prove their innocence or their involvement at all!

So ok Olga, Russia MAY be the responsable (it sounds like a political fiction romance to me ,anyway it may be...). Nothing more to add you have, since this remains a mere theory. Seeing that people is firmly refusing your PoV due of lack (absence) of real proofs, why don't you just stop keeping on with that?

Thank you very much for sharing your opinions, they actually are interesting.
But the real matter is this:
absence of proofs = innocence.
absence of a decisive proof = still innocence.
interesting and likely theories remain, precisely, mere theories. Untill someone finds a decisive proof to substain them with.
so you see, no point in trying harder..
I think we all hope for the fact to be fully investigated from different PoVs anyway..i'll be waiting for more infos..
14 Apr 2010
News / Poland President National Mourning in Some Countries [212]

Despite our president and premier had some nice words about all this, i'm quite ashamed my country (Italy) didn't even dedicate a minute to the mourn... -__-'

My sincere condolences...my thoughts have been with you since i learned about this tragical happening..