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Posts by scolari_ire  

Joined: 30 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
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From: Wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: Not really but im learning
Interests: Mountains

Displayed posts: 25
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1 Apr 2012
Travel / Driving in Poland, are there any rules at all? [149]

Yes, that's true. But you also got badly injured in a car accident, and that wasn't in PL. Did you drive while drunk, as usual?

Are you quoting the right person here? Think you might have me mixed up with someone else?
29 Mar 2012
Travel / Driving in Poland, are there any rules at all? [149]

When I first came here is was a bit of a shock to the system. We decided to buy a car in Warsaw and drive it to Wroclaw, I was told if i survived that journey then i would be ok driving in Poland, it was a horrible drive down but we made it. I now drive to work and back everyday and am confortable driving over here, but you need to have eyes everywhere, driving in Poland you need to be sooo alert to what is going on outside the window or else you will get in a crash. I have seen more crashes here in the 6 months that I have been here than my entire life in Ireland.

All in all its not too bad, people drive very very fast here. I would suggest getting a sat nav for driving in Poland, atleast you'll know where you are going.
23 Mar 2012
Language / A few sentences I should learn before my wife gives birth [14]

Wow guys thats amazing, exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you for all the tips and extra tips other than polish words. This is all great stuff.

My wife is Polish but the thing is she is not going to be able to or in the mood to translate for me in the delivery room so I want to have a few words learnt before I go in, that way I will have an idea of what is going on.

Im hoping that the nurses will have some English but if they don't im going to be prepared.
20 Mar 2012
Language / A few sentences I should learn before my wife gives birth [14]

Hi All,

My wife is due in July. She will be having the baby in Wroclaw. My Polish is not too good thus far. Can anyone who has been in a polish delivery room give me some sentences that the doctors might say? I dont want to be in there and understand nothing. Im worried that if something went wrong, touch wood, I wont be able to understand whats going on.

27 Nov 2011
Love / Pregnant in Wroclaw, need a good doctor [11]

have u looked in the online phonebook, panorama.

no, but i cant find it on google, do you have the address.

Thanks for that. I appreciate the advice.
27 Nov 2011
Love / Pregnant in Wroclaw, need a good doctor [11]

@teflcat yea she did that, it came back positive :-)

@mafketis yea she is Polish, she is in Warsaw at the mo with no internet in her parents house, im out of the country until next weekend on business so she asked me to have a look online.

Its not a problem, i just thought someone may be able to recommend someone they have used.

...if you really want to spend serious money.

Yea dont really want to go over board on the spending if we dont have to.
27 Nov 2011
Love / Pregnant in Wroclaw, need a good doctor [11]

Hi All,

My wife may be pregnant.

We have only been in Wrocław a few weeks. I am trying to find gynaecologist in Wrocław who will be able to tell us for sure if she is pregnant. Obviously with me not being able to speak Polish I am finding it hard to search.

Does anyone know a good doctor who we can see. Im hoping we can find someone and make an appointment this weekend.

11 Oct 2011

I agree with you. Just look at Iceland, they defaulted a few years ago and are now on the up!
11 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

So, do you agree with Burca's statement or? I'm interested as I take it you live in Ireland.

Im actually moving to Poland next week :-)

I agree with some of the things he say but I very strongly disagree with most of it!!

"We can assume that one day 136,000 Polish people all woke up and decided that they had enough of living in a country where it rains from underneath as well as from above."

I don't think polish people just woke up one day and decided to leave, maybe im wrong but I think a lot of polish people came here with a set time line in mind. Im sure the rain helped a lot of people in their decision to leave aswell.

"Do you know that the highest rate of madness in Europe is in Ireland? This is a fact"
I don't know where he got this fact from, I've searched the internet and cant find anything like this.

"Dublin is the heroin capital of Europe"
I think he may be right about this one. Ireland does have a huge problem with heroin, Ive gone out with the simon community (homeless charity) a few times and the number of homeless people that are addicts is sad. Even during the day you see it more and more in the city, people just walking around like Peadar says in his piece "like zombies".


Saying that we dont have the highest cocaine, cannabis or ecstasy problem in Europe, but I think and know heroine is the worst drug of all.

I dont like the way he describes these people, or how he talks about them being in "The Heroin Olympics?" These are people with problems that need help, they are forced into doing things that they probably would never have dreamed of before they were introduced to heroine.

He then goes on to talk about priests. I agree, it is sick what they have done to this country. Although it is only a small number of priests, the majority of them are good people, but the way it has all been covered up, all the way to the top --- to ROME! is a disgrace. But from what im learning this is not strictly a problem in Ireland its right across Europe. I am very bitter over the whole thing personally but going back to the issue of the post, i dont see how that issue would make Polish people want to go home. Most Polish people I know go to Polish mass with a polish priest so I dont see how its relevant.

"Why do these Poles stay in a country where they have to work a 22-hour shift"
I worked 22 hour shift when I was younger, regularly. This may have been the case for some Polish people at the beginning but I don't think so now, not from what I see anyway. I work in IT and about one third of the people in the office are Polish, all on a good wage and normal 9-5 hours. Some are team leaders. Maybe these are the people who he is criticizing for staying in Ireland?

"and live in a room they rent with 19 other migrants and a pig called Jeremy"
This is complete bull sh*t.

They should return home to a country where there are no dangerous priests, no crack addicts and where you have proper weather.
I think every european country has them!

I agree what he says about Polish women, I just married one. Out of my group of friends 5 of us are with Polish women. Irish women (no offence to them) and not known for the good looks.

"Most middle-aged Irish people think that Poles come from a third world country where the only food is baked sulphor."
Again, this is complete bull sh*t. Most of them know Poland is in a better off situation than Ireland, that they have better internet than we do, a better heath system, this isnt just my opinion, i think most Irish people know that.

"And yet, 180,000 Polish people still want to live in Ireland. I can't figure the reason."
They remain there cause they have good jobs and have made a good life there probably.

This guy is an idiot, being Irish I dont know what he has against Ireland.

Do the Polish agree with him, I must go back and read all the posts.
11 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

You call it peace. Some would call it complete and utter capitulation.

Yea I agree with that, if I was around at the time of the treaty I would have strongly gone against it !!

When I say peace I mean no more of the killings of both Catholics and protestants innocent people who are just trying to get on with their lives.

So I think it was capitulation at the time of the treaty but not in the past few years.
11 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

I hate this pathetic argument that Fine Gael people(pro-treaty) always rant(even in good times) and then shrug their shoulders, and expect sympathetic voices and a pat on the back for coming a cross as 'all cosmopolitan and rational'.

First of all I'm not Fine Gael and never will be. "coming a cross as 'all cosmopolitan and rational" what does that even mean? Why? because I think the Irish state would not be able to afford to take on the 6 counties in the north thats me trying to be all cosmopolitan?

Im not looking at it from a political point of view, i'm looking at it from a purely economic view.

Michael Somers said that Northern Ireland costs England 8 billion pounds a year and get nothing back from its exchequer! So if England decided to give back the 6 counties the North of Ireland would be in the Red by 8 billion a year.

So do you think "We" the Irish people who would foot the bill, can afford this?
11 Oct 2011

What I don't understand is how can Greece default on their loans and not pay while in my country (Ireland) we are made pay with huge taxes. Where's the justice in that, why should one country pay and another country in the same situation not pay?

I think if Greece defaults on their debts they should just leave the EU, I would think the same about Ireland if we defaulted.
Greece should have never joined the EU in the first place. They lied about the deficit when originally joining. Now they have been lent loads more money that will not pay back, and who lent them this money, the rest of Europe. We were lent money are we are paying it back, why cant Greece.
7 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

a majority of Irish people dont want a United ireland......

I agree. Things are good now up the north. There are no bombings and things are much quieter. Although there was a bomb found last week but these are just planted by people who are trying to cause trouble and use the Irish history as an excuse even though most people have made peace now.

The fact is that we in the south could never afford to take on the north, we are broke enough as it is.
9 Sep 2011
Real Estate / What area to live in Wroclaw? I prefer to spend about 1600-1900 per month on renting. [19]

Thanks for that.
Ive just been looking at the map of Wroclaw and there seems to be 2 areas on the map that are called Krzyki, one in the south and one in the south east. Are these both the same area or two separate places altogether?

Krzyki translated into English means "screams", is there a reason its was called this?
2 Sep 2011
Real Estate / What area to live in Wroclaw? I prefer to spend about 1600-1900 per month on renting. [19]

Ok thanks jwojcie

Can you tell me is there a good web site that I can look at? We have a web site call daft.ie over here in Ireland and I know there is one for Poland but it doesn't seem to be that good.

Ill be working in Strzegomska, obviously where ill be working will have an impact on my decision but I don't need to move to where I work as long as the transport will be good.

I'm looking for a nice area with shops and a park maybe that's not to far from the centre and easy to get to Strzegomska.
1 Sep 2011
Real Estate / What area to live in Wroclaw? I prefer to spend about 1600-1900 per month on renting. [19]

Hi All,

I know this has been discussed and I did find a post about this subject but it's from a few years ago and I'm sure Wroclaw has changed in that time.

If there is an up to date thread that i've missed please point me to it.

I'm moving to Wroclaw with my soon to be wife in mid October. I'm looking for some advice on where to live, what are the nice areas etc. I'm looking to spend about 1600-1900 per month on renting a place.

Preferably an area to the west of the city centre but not too far out.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

8 Aug 2011
Work / Polish Salary and Tax [43]

Ive tried to find something about this subject in this forum but cant, so apologies if this has been discussed before.

Can anyone tell me first of all, is 8000zl gross per month a good salary and two, how much of that would be taxed?

24 Jul 2011
Work / Jobs for non Polish speakers? [24]

Are there mid to high level jobs in Poland for non native speakers.

It would be interesting to get an answer to the original posters question?
Are there companies and offices in Poland that use English as their first language?
30 Mar 2010
Love / Arranging a Polish wedding with a beautiful Polish girl next summer [4]

Hi All,

I need some advice, apologies if this is already in a thread but i cant seem to find it.

The story is that I am getting married to a beautiful polish girl next summer. I have no idea what I need to organise with the church in order to get married.

Here in Ireland couple need to do a pre-marrage course, is there something similar in Poland.

Basically I do not know where to start in terms of arranging everything so I can actually get married in a Polish church.

Can I get some advice on this please?
