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Posts by donlou31  

Joined: 30 Mar 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 20 Sep 2012
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 30 / In This Archive: 23
From: sunderland uk
Speaks Polish?: little bit, can understand more!!

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9 Oct 2012
Life / Poles' atttiude towards broken Polish [9]

I've found them very patient and helpful, even if sometimes they probably want to **** themselves laughing at my efforts.

Even the guy who owns my local corner shop actively encourages me, patiently waiting and correcting me if (when) I get it wrong.
20 Sep 2012
Travel / Driving to poland from the west midlands [11]

We do it from Newcastle - Amsterdam by ferry then drive the rest. It's not so bad (but then again I'm the passenger not the driver)

The first time we done it non - stop to Warsaw but my other half was absolutely knackered and uncomfortable for the last few hours, even with god knows how much coffee and energy drinks in his system.

so since then we always stay overnight either in Germany or just after entering Poland, then continue the next day.

The Autobahn is quite an experience in itself :@

Make sure you have some Euro's, in Germany it can cost you to visit the loo, depends where you stop. I learnt this the hard way and at the point of my bladder almost bursting, would have happily gave my soul or even a body part to the lady guarding the loo door in lieu of payment.

One piece of advice for a return journey - if you have a ferry to catch leave plenty of time to reach it. My parents-in-law missed theirs back to the UK last month after being stuck in traffic for over 3 hours.
20 Sep 2012
Work / Can an English person work in Poland without speaking the language? [13]

Yes, I'm English and live and work in Poland.
It depends what you've been doing in the UK, previous jobs and experience.
I work as a Nanny here, I have experience from the UK as I was a child minder for a few years but not recently. I registered with an agency in Warsaw, they interviewed me, checked my references and began sending me for interviews with families. Very quick and straightforward as well as quite good wages.

You'd be very surprised how many international families require English speakers to care for their children. I work for a Polish family but only speak English to the child (as instructed by parents) unless I have to translate something for her.

I also had the opportunity to work for an international Bank in Warsaw. They do business in English language however, the majority of the office were Polish, so being able to speak basic Polish would be beneficial to you but not compulsory.

The positions were customer service advisor and another for Administrator, again I had experience of both roles from the UK.

Feel free to PM me if you want any more info.
10 May 2012
Life / You've been in Poland a while if .... [49]

Pawian-You must have been to Poland long ago. I haven`t seen such incidents for years now.

Lucky you! I live in Warsaw at the moment. Take a trip to Tesco in Kabaty and see for yourself :)

Pawian- Depends on the damn day. Sometimes it is 1 minute, sometimes 15.

Please tell me which post office you use, I'm going there next time. I have never been close to getting out within 15 mins.
9 May 2012
Life / You've been in Poland a while if .... [49]

Personal ones to me....

* when you finally realise that not all the older generation are foul mouthed and you actually catch the end of the word....they're saying Kurda NOT Kurwa

* when the car almost vanishes down a pothole in the road and your first reaction is no longer "for f*cks sake" while taking the crash position.

* You accept that simply going to post a letter takes half the god damn day.

* You are no longer bothered/shocked/infuriated by shop assistants using mobile phones or having an in depth conversation with each other whilst serving you....good customer service- What's that?

*You understand that people aren't staring at you because you are a freak/Alien - being female with visible tattoo's is apparently fair game to be rude and show disdain.
24 Mar 2012
Language / A few sentences I should learn before my wife gives birth [14]


My wife is Polish

:) I was thinking about how scary it would be to give birth and not understand what was going on around me. I'm sure your wife will inform you when she can but better you have some understanding now.

Maybe these will be of some help to you (possibly from your wife's mouth)

Nigdy nie dotykaj mnie ponownie- along the lines of NEVER TOUCH ME AGAIN
Jesteś diabłem- You are the devil
Będę cię wykastrować- I'll castrate
:) :)

Good luck to you and your wife.
20 Mar 2012
Language / A few sentences I should learn before my wife gives birth [14]

a.k -How come nobody mentioned the most important:

Yeah you're right, Oops I stuck to the emergency ones.

Scolari-ire, you might want to get your wife to remember these names...

Petydyna (pethidine) or Diamorfina (diamorphine) depending on what they offer at the hospital.
gazu rozweselającego / podtlenku azotu (laughing gas/nitrous oxide)
YOUR survival in the delivery room will depend on the availability of the above :) Only joking.

Another thing I found while looking for translations was that apparently, not all hospitals in Poland have 24hr access of an anaesthetist to give a spinal epidural. So if your wife really wants to have one for her pain relief then its worth double checking at the hospital.

I need a Polish native to translate these ones for you as I can't find a reliable translation.

Your wife may very well need her waters broken for her after she has gone into labour, the midwife will do so manually with what looks like a knitting needle.

Also she may be asked if she has "had a show" which is English for the mucous membrane plug coming out.
20 Mar 2012
Language / A few sentences I should learn before my wife gives birth [14]

I haven't given birth in Poland but here are some words that could possibly be used if necessary,

Próbka krwi - blood sample

Dziecka tętno - Child's heart rate

Awaryjne - Emergency

Sala operacyjna - Operating theatre

Cesarskie cięcie - Caesarean section

Nacięcie krocza - Episiotomy

If neither of you speak enough Polish to understand/be understood in the delivery room then I agree with what Polishmama said, maybe an interpreter would be too impersonal but I think in the same situation, I would need someone to translate, a friend or family member or even an English speaking Doula. You can find out more here and at the bottom of the page, check if there are any in your area.


Good luck to you and your wife x
21 Feb 2012
Life / Warning: dog owners in Poland ('Flea solution') [8]

Pip, I found all info through Google. There was lots of other stuff about non chemical things to use but the cider vinegar was rated the best. Like I said, a few drops to the back of the neck, like you would with the spot on, is all that's needed. To boost protection you can add a few drops to the animals water, if they will drink it.

I don't think i have even seen a tick. I don't have to worry too much about them anyway at the moment. Here in Poland my cat is indoors, we live on the 5th floor and I'm scared to let him out on the balcony because he loves to climb. I try to take him outside on his harness to the little park opposite me, but there's always dogs running around and it terrifies him :(

I'm feeling sorry for him, back in the UK we don't see him. He spends all his time in the garden, only coming inside for food and his bed.
21 Feb 2012
Life / Warning: dog owners in Poland ('Flea solution') [8]

I hope the dog feels better soon Wedle.

Same thing happened to my Cat a little while back after using Spot on. He had fits and was foaming at the mouth. Very scary stuff.

I use cider vinegar on him now, not chemical products. I pop a few drops on the back of his neck every few weeks and have had no problems with Flea's, didn't find even 1 over the last year. I'm not sure if works well for dogs too, maybe in a bigger quantity? Also if you take your dog to forests for walks then it could come into contact with deer and fox ticks, I'm not sure the cider vinegar would protect against them. It's worth checking though.
19 Feb 2012
Love / Polish girls want to be dominated. Fact? [63]

GabiDaHun -

Women are strange beasts

:) :) Very true.


As a woman I can say that I completely DO NOT understand the reasoning of most women. Sounds to me like you got yourself a little drama queen. Personally I never behave like that

You and me both, I just don't get silly girls who behave that way.


some women just love to fish and see if they can keep the man coming back for the same tasty worm

I find this very cruel behaviour from my own kind, I have seen friends do it to men countless times and often sooner or later the guy finds himself a tasty new worm. Some of the guys I thought were very stupid, falling for the bullsh*t and putting up with all the drama, still taking the girls out, buying them things and trying to impress etc...all for a monthly BJ if they were lucky.


F*ck her off. You don't need a woman to mess with your mind. There are plenty of better girls out there.

Of course, ChrisMac, the decision is yours but this is the best advice so far.
19 Feb 2012
Love / Polish girls want to be dominated. Fact? [63]

gumishu - in most women this creates a lot of disaffection instantly (a man is supposed to be able to cope with life, yeah?)

I disagree, yeah a man should be a man but for me it is more important that he is open emotionally, shows vulnerability. It makes him human and not the testosterone filled super hero that men feel they should be. I love when my BF tells me that he needs me, couldn't live without me etc.... (of course we know that he could) but it allows me to see how he really feels in a different way other than telling me he loves me. I have never felt any disaffection towards him for this, I respect that he is man enough to share his true feelings with me. Ask me again if he started wearing my make up or clothes or painting his nails :)

ChrisMac -you really can't let them see you weak for any period,

I don't think this is the issue, it certainly wasn't a weakness that you chose to spend your first week here with her, its not like living together permanently is it? Personally I would have wanted it that way after not seeing each other for so long. I feel its more to do with someone else, probably the Ex you mentioned, maybe she is confused but you deserve to be told the truth and not have her play games with you.

ChrisMac -Question for any women on this board: after all this why does she continue to send me photos of kittens, etc., with messages saying "Ooo.. so adorable! Should I get one?" Is this normal for a Polska? It frankly kinda freaks me out.

She is keeping her options open, for example-if her Ex is trying to win her back but she is unsure and she does feel something for you then she will be reluctant to close the door to you completely....YET. Maybe it true that she just doesn't feel the same way for you any more, but its unfair for her to expect you to just sit around and wait for a decision.

ChrisMac- I still feel like an idiot but whatever, lesson learned.

You have a lot of new friends to make and new places to see and as the old saying goes...there's plenty more fish in the sea :) Good luck
18 Feb 2012
Love / Do some Polish women prefer older men for money? [57]

Do some Polish women prefer older men for money?

Probably, the same as women from any other nationality I would imagine.

I have, from my BF (polish), a few tales from his and friends experiences with the opposite sex.

One of his mates got with a woman aged 20, he was just 16 (not too big a gap but IMO a woman of 20 is usually way more mature both sexually and mentally/wants different things, than a young guy of 16) It was his first relationship, I don't want to say she had been around the block a few times so I will use.... she was world wise :)

The area they were from was quite poor at the time, not much chance of furthering yourself if your family didn't have money. She was from a large family being raised by mum only in a tiny flat, he was the second child to a wealthy family . She tried to move things very quickly, speaking( he actually described it as forcing) of marriage etc....after a while when his friends and family started to tell him that he was way too young be married/tied down he started to see sense and eventually ended things with her.

This woman had been accepted into his family and they had treated her well, still did even after the relationship ended...........What she did next was cold, calculating and down right disgusting.......

Yes.... she tried it on with the father! she basically offered it on a plate and wanted him to leave his wife (the ex-boyfs mother, who had been a friend to her for around 1 year, inviting her into the family home) and run away to be with her. Father declined her kind offer so later around a year after she went on a date with the brother :@

My immediate thought was that she was just a money grabbing slut who just wanted to part of the family by any means=money but perhaps she just really liked Babcia's pierogi recipe :)

I can almost get my head around the desperate need to meet/marry someone with money in this womans situation but to do something like that, knowing full well that you will split a family is just ruthless and sick.

I'm not saying all Polish women have this mentality, I personally don't know enough of them to judge nor has my BF and his friends had contact with the entire female population of Poland (at least I hope not lol)
12 Feb 2012
Food / Anybody in Poland actually eats soup-mix soups? [27]

Apart from the odd Gorący kubek I stay away from shop bought ready mixes. I make my own Polish soups from scratch, much healthier.

I'm happy with my soups....its the Sernik that will be the death of me :)
9 Feb 2012
Love / Living with a Polish man, but he has a drinking problem? [60]

Sorry things have turned out this way for you Worriedanita but good you see this now rather than waste any more time on this selfish, sad excuse for a man.

There is no better way of dealing with streses, then geting dead drunk.

Everyone has stress and deals with it, usually without becoming an alcoholic in the process, somewhere along the line this guy had his reasons why he turned to Alcohol, you can never truly know what is in someones head, or what they are desperately trying to blot out, unless they tell you truthfully.

worriedanita: he says alcoholics can never stop drinking and that I have the problem not him.

Absolute bullsh*t.... of course he can stop, with help and support but like others have said, he has to want to. There's always Esperal implant too if he seriously wanted to quit.

he informs me that he is now the boyfriend of'the girl' who was chasing after him,

I wouldn't take this personally.....she is merely a roof over his head and drinking partner and I would take pleasure in telling her that she is welcome to your used goods :)

Gumishu -the best advice is to keep you move/transfer secret Anita - if you let him in from time to time but not allow him to stay for the night you may avoid outbursts of violence - you need to use your judgement wisely

I agree, you need to be careful because sooner or later (hopefully later then you will be gone) he will realise what he has thrown away and things could get nasty.

Good luck x
9 Feb 2012
Life / Second hand English bookshop in Warsaw [7]

For anyone interested in books in English language....
I have found a public library that has lots. Its at Stokłosy, head for ul Herbsta, once you are outside of the Metro look ahead and you see a building with number 4 on it (there is a carrefour shop on the side) Its in that building but blink and you will easily miss it - like I did :) as its not clear that it is in there, just a small sign with Biblioteka.
8 Feb 2012
Love / Living with a Polish man, but he has a drinking problem? [60]

He's with the girl and her parents as far as I know

I would damn well want to know for sure, I wouldn't trust him nor speak to him again if this is where he has been staying. He knows exactly what your reaction to staying with this girl will be.

Even if you did decide to take him back and make it a condition that he stays away from these "friends" there's nothing to say that a few months down the line you won't be back in this situation again if he decides to visit them again. It could also be a case of the green eyed monster, or in this case monsters. His "friends" could well be jealous of the life/relationship he has with you and encourage him to mess up, not that it is an excuse as he is a grown man and responsible for his actions, even if the mates are saying he is under the thumb etc.... A guy who does not have the balls to say no to his mates and shows no respect for his woman Jest on cipki!!

just take that job, change the place and try to be happy without him, the other good things will follow. don't waste your life, it is too short.


Good luck with whatever you decide.
25 Jan 2012
Love / I`m Polish bloke lookin`for an English girl. Is it gonna work out? [51]

It most certainly can work, I'm English and have been with my Polish boyfriend for the last 2 and a half years. We met at work and at first it was just for fun, something casual/friends. He was sweet, shy and very polite (also tall, handsome, gorgeous, sexy i could continue but i think you get the message lol) I find him so different to english guys in so many ways but similar in others too. The biggest issues are Religion....he is catholic and is quite religious, not devout or anything... where i am not. It's not really a problem between us at the moment but it could be when we get married and have children. Also the language barrier is frustrating, more so for me. I really want to speak properly with his family,( his mum, his gran, most others speak English) I can speak a little at the moment but eventually would like to be fluent.

polish men express love with their fists and english women dont like that.

Bullsh*t ! mine doesn't. English women or Women from any other nationality don't like it. Hence why I removed myself from a long term relationship to a English guy previous to my current relationship. My Mr Polska never makes me feel frightened, never threatens me and never hurts me. Of course we fight and argue but if the truth be told I have more of a bad temper than him lol.

Every woman is a fan of the kielbasa

Ha ha I prefer parówką ;)

Its a mine field for an English guy out of a weekend trying to speak to a large group of girls,

Yeah because most girls know that the English guy hitting on you in a bar, wanting to buy you a drink or two is actually expecting access all area's and your knickers on his bedroom floor. In my single days no matter how pissed i was i always made it perfectly clear that there was nothing more going to happen and that a drink certainly did not = a quick BJ in the loo's.(how romantic lol) I can't catagorise all men in clubs, be it Polish or English because of course there are some nice decent ones. So Seb, I wouldn't bother trying to meet girls in bars as you will be eyed with suspicion :) Of course some women will more than happily go home with you, it just depends what you want.

I thought Polish guys liked stick thin woman???

Like English guys aged 17-21 they also like big boobed blonde hair barbies too....my boyfriend included at that age until he grew up ;) now he appreciates a "real woman" with curves and particularly loves my Gruba dupa :) :) :)
3 Aug 2010
Travel / Getting back to Poland on an old ID. [15]

in conclusion: keep your passport valid no matter what...

He really wishes he had now.

Thanks all for advice.
2 Aug 2010
Travel / Getting back to Poland on an old ID. [15]

Hi, can anyone give any advice please,
My polish boyfriend needs to get home from uk very quickly for a family funeral but.....his passport expired around one year ago and he does not have a up to date Dowód osobisty. He has not been back to Poland for years and obviously had no plans to do so soon or he would have re-applied for his passport.

We need to know if he can travel with his old polish I.D...just to get there then he will update while we are in Warsaw. We plan to go dover-calais then through Germany then into Poland....has anyone done this before with old ID and did they have problems?

We contacted the Polish embassy and explained the situation but he cant even get an appointment until after the funeral!!! which obviously is not good

any other suggestions will be good :)
30 Mar 2010
Love / What do foreign women think of Polish men? [120]

I can only speak about my Polish boyfriend but he is lovely, of course im biased ha ha!!
Never with an English boyfriend have i had so much respect, he is polite, intelligent, so sweet and constantly makes me laugh. He is kind, caring and so protective. It feels for both of us like we have known each other all our lives. Yes he drinks Vodka, but not excessively, English men are worse drinkers IMO.

I have seen photos of other Polish men and i have to say that you Poles are a very good looking nation ;) My boyfriend is Gorgeous, tall, dark and very handsome...what more could i want? :)

Its funny, i have just read the polish girls/gold diggers thread..... it has took me a very long time to convince and prove to my BF that i dont want or need his money, even to the point where i have told him i will sign any legal paper to say if we marry/have kids then i walk away with exactly what i came with (which is not a lot ha ha) i dont want anything from him or his family only that if we split up he provides for any children we have together.

I think its a shame that Polish men think this way about women, i know my BF has had gold digger polish girlfriends before me so i suppose its better to be careful when you do have money/assets.