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Posts by KWnorow  

Joined: 22 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Mar 2010
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Posts: Total: 22 / In This Archive: 17
From: USA, Budd Lake
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: music, religion, polish heritage

Displayed posts: 17
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16 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

I have got some gay friends too. And they just love to exaggerate how discriminated they are. I think this makes them feel special.

Do you really think discrimination against someone really makes them feel "special"?
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Why would adoption by same sex partners be considered an ordeal unless, of course, society (and you) persist in prejudice?
11 May 2010
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

I just found out that the whole german army was genocided...attacked across Europe just for being Germans! NOT FAIR!!!

Do I detect an attempt at cheap sympathy here? I understand you are going for a quick joke, however, you know there's a difference between armies fighting and planned extermination.
11 May 2010
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

Mind the bold sentences. Read them aloud and let them savour a bit. What'd you think? You didn't imply that there was some sort of scheme behind it by Jews? Maybe you didn't meant it like that, but if I were you, I would dearly pay attention to what I was writing.

"They" refers to the powers that be, those who write history instead of jews, as you erroneously assumed. Every media has it's share of propaganda - newspapers, t.v., internet. I pay attention to what I write. It's the people that misinterpret it that I worry about.
11 May 2010
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

...And I always say: oh look, there is another moron who is paranoid enough to think that it's an evil scheme set up by Jews in order to destroy the Poles. Thank God most ppl don't take that drivel not serious anymore.

I never said it was an "evil scheme" nor implied it. Instead of trying to put motives behind my thoughts, try thinking instead.
11 May 2010
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

Can Germans claim some Genocide for us too? I mean the air raids in Hamburg or Dresden for example were aimed solely at Germans...for being Germans...that was mass killing because of ethnical reasons, wasn't it?

No. One is genocide and the other a result of war. Besides, you don't victimize people and then turn the tables saying you are the victim when they respond.
11 May 2010
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

I think the jews have claimed the exclusive publishing and movie rights to the Holocaust by now. That said, I agree with you that history should definitely be more accurate. The problem is that they are creating a political vacuum when they mislead your perception. Control by propaganda I always say.........
11 May 2010

It's hard to find anything funny about a race of people who perpetrated some of the worst atrocities on mankind. However, that is the past and you have to move on. I have no problems with ethnic jokes per se, except when they are meant in a demeaning way and when you get upset the retort is "I was only joking". The intent is masked by it being a joke in the first place (at least on the surface). That is the problem with these jokes in general.
29 Mar 2010

Polish girls are very intelligent and if you can snag a guy with money, why not? But to categorize them all as gold-diggers is ridiculous. Like in any society, there are bound to be those that will get what they can at any expense. Still, I would hate to think that the old values of love and family and higher morals are now antiquated. I don't believe the ability to use somebody is relegated to just the Polish. I know a guy who married a Polish girl and he's never been happier (then again, he is successful and has money). :) But, in fairness, she is dedicated to him. Western society has made the man weak, thus, I think it's more pravalent there. Are Polish girls gold-diggers? I don't think so, or, at least, I don't see them that way. Besides, why would they be different that any other human being anyway?
25 Mar 2010

I stayed up reading this thread last night because I was curious about other's opinions of these "jokes". It was a wake-up call in many respects. I learned how these conceptions got started and how they've been perpetrated through time by the media. Very interesting. And it also made me realize the extent that manipulation has on all of our concepts, and the damage this can cause.

There seems to me to be two schools of thought here. The "these jokes apply to any race of people, just switch the subject because they're harmless". As opposed to the "these jokes are humiliating and degrading because they reinforce the belief that the Polish are inferior" train of thought. I think both have creedence and some truth behind them, but I also think the jokes are more damaging to the Polish psyche than any other group because the propaganda has been so persistent over time.

What hasn't really been touched on is the psychological damage these beliefs can have on a child. You're made to feel unworthy, meaningless, and stupid. They can't pronounce your name in school, year after year after year. It probably is not true, but a child thinks anyway "why are you excluding me"? You feel like it's ostracism, like you're not part of that world. And that's just one example. These jokes are no joke, especially when it produces wounds and scars that can last a lifetime. Not only that, but no matter how capable you are there are many that want to down you and keep you in your place. I've been hit with the phrase "you can't do this" more times that it would make your head spin. I hate to use trite sayings, but you get the picture.

I tend to agree with MediaWatch and SHT for the most part (although MediaWatch can get a bit too zealous at times). I like them for their passion and pride. I also think there are others on this thread that will instigate and are here to cause a problem and downplay the message. Discussion is a good thing - but there are limits. I try to respect everyone's opinions. However, I did see bratwurstboy take personal swipes at MediaWatch by including him in many Polish jokes. This, to me, is an example of downgrading, which only supports and proves MediaWatch's claims.

I recently went back to visit my old neighborhood church I went to as a boy. I never thought much about it back then. I really hated to be dragged there every week. However now it's different. I was able to see the incredible beauty and workmanship that went into building it. It was built 100 years ago by my ancestors and other Polish people that came to this country at that time. It truly is a magnificient Church. The difference now is that I loved being there. The difference now is that I am proud to be who I am whereas I didn't back then. We all go through life blind to some extent, but God makes you see when you are ready to see.
23 Mar 2010
News / Hollywood's War with Poland. [150]

Hollywood is a propaganda money making machine. Why would an intelligent person buy into that in the first place?
23 Mar 2010

Everyone lies because people hate the truth. Polish men lie more. Now I'm lying. :)