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Posts by voice of reason  

Joined: 18 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 31 Mar 2010
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Posts: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 28
From: Dover, UK
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Sport, current affairs, socialising, travel, martial arts.

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voice of reason   
21 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

I suggested we contact the shop owner, Humberside Police, the journalist who put her name to the story and Ms Leighton herself, only then can we have a truly balanced outcome, any better ideas to solve this mystery?
voice of reason   
21 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

She wasn't trying to buy alcohol.

If Dyson or whatever his name is doesn't want to get out of bed, that's his problem, my 78 staff manage to get to work every day and they're 100% British. I notice James Dyson outsourced jobs to Malaysia.

I am the Managing director and indirectly this money comes out of my pocket, my company, my money, my wage bill, my staff, my responsibility, my choice.

I'm happy with my British staff and I believe in British people to the extent that I trust, believe, employ and respect them.

Any Problems?
voice of reason   
21 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

Without finding out the facts first?

And, yes, my company does have a website with the translation option.

I don't believe in Witch hunts, if Kayley turned up on spec at my office asking for a job, I would find something for her and go out of my way even if it meant I was out of pocket, if some Pole turned up 'Sorry mate, no jobs', I wouldn't give him the time of day after reading the anti British hatred on here.

You will also find it wasn't me who picked this thread up, no chance of an apology though, I suppose. I was quite surprised to find it, I just accepted that Poles were as much anti British as Islam4UK, hook hamza and the other assorted nutters we are forced to let in to this overcrowded hellhole.
voice of reason   
21 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

No, I'm just curious as to the truth, why would Kaley Leighton invent this story? A journalist backed her her up and I'm prepared to ask all you Multi Cultural lovers out there if your utopia really works, I think this guy pulled the anti British yellow card out knowing he would never get a red, I believe Kayley Leighton, she is innocent until proven guilty, was she or was she not refused service on account of her nationality?

As for wearing an England shirt...I was born in Wrexham and went to primary school there but grew up in South Yorkshire, I love England and English people and I had the most incredible time at secondary school and Uni, but I draw the line at putting the 3 lions on, I was born in a border town and will even support them in the World cup......but not that far! English people have ben fantastic to me but I'm not going that far.
voice of reason   
21 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

Maybe (fave word with some), we should contact the shop owner, the journalist who put her name to the story, Humberside Police and Kaley Leighton herself (she is on facebook), then we will hear the full story from different sources.

SO....(drum roll)....does the Polski Sklep in Goole exclude potential customers on account of their nationality?

The 'Polish community in Goole' have a website translated in to various lingos, just find the flsags click on Uncle sam and you will find it hasn't yet been translated into English.

So much for multi culturalism.
voice of reason   
21 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

I think refusing to serve Kaley Leighton and news reporter Emma Franklin on account of them commiting the henious crime of being British lends a bit of weight to the 'theory', if the Goole times printed lies encouraged by a xenophobic journalist, she would have been sacked and the paper would have offered a grovelling apology, well it is PC Britain after all, just look at the venom Poles on this forum spew out and tell me they hold this country in anything less than contempt.
voice of reason   
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

I think we've pretty much established that Poland saved our country in 1940.

Just agree and appease them.
voice of reason   
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

FFS, just say Poland won the war, just say Poles are the best workers in the world, say Poland should rule the world and every street corner should have a Polski Slep, anything that has ever gone wrong in Poland never really happened, they invented Stephenson's rocket, the first ever football game Poland beat a combined Franco/German/Prussian alliance XI 25-0 and won every World cup since 1066, Shakespeare wrote in Polish, Roger Bannister came second to a Pole who clocked up a time of 2:59.

That's the only way to appease them.
voice of reason   
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

Well, it's obvious Poland single handedly won the war, it was our fault they got invaded, they single handedly rescued UK from bankruptcy and they are the single most, bestest, most perfectest, most wonderful people in the world. Next Tim-Berners Lee will say he is really Polish and the greatest country in the world invented the internet, while those lazy Brits were jacking up in Brixton.

I find some Poles reasonable enough as individuals but the chip on the shoulder approach is most off putting.

Why the reference to 'arrogance', nobody denies that foreign RAF squadrons were set up in 1940 but you don't hear Czechs or other nationalities droning on, I suppose Poles will claim they invented the postage stamp, the hovercraft, radio, TV, the modern legal system and even the tin opener.

What next, our fault they got invaded in 1939? Our fault for the bread queues and our fault they came here in droves?
voice of reason   
21 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

Now, let's get back to the subject matter, judging by the agressive anti British vitriol being displayed on here, it's doubtful if we will ever find out why this 'Polski sklep' can ban British customers and nothing will ever be done about it, unless of course the reason is, this country has gone so Politically correct that eventually even being British will be considered 'racist' or 'discriminatory', this guy knew he could get away with it and he has. So much for multi culturalism.
voice of reason   
20 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

Again more speculation, maybe she wanted a Polish soft drink and thought going to a Polish shop might broaden her horizons, maybe she was curious about Polish people, God forbid, she might even have wanted to make Polish friends. Most towns have international food shops, they have a wider choice than supermarkets and if a British person wants to try something they are unfamiliar with, it makes sense to go to one of the shops but it is up to the staff if they want to be helpful and offer advice or to throw you out because you are the wrong nationality.

I just wonder if the reporter who also claimed she was refused service followed this story through and what the outcome was. Given the way many immigrants behave and their open contempt for British people, if this story is true, it wouldn't surprise me one bit, Poles aren't exactly renowned for their friendliness after all.

As for anti British, you only have to look at many of the comments on this forum and the way many Poles who live here run this country down, talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
voice of reason   
20 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

Yet more speculation. I Bet and maybe are hardly conclusive, it amazes me that people assume she wanted alcohol and that it's impossible for a 17 year old to get it anywhere other than the local Polish shop, I know Asian run shops that sell booze to kids and I'm sure if she really wanted a bottle of cider or whatever she could get it easily enough, I'm positive 17 year olds could get booze before the Polish invasion and the way people are harping on here, anyone would assume that nobody under 18 has ever had a drink in Poland. I don't drink because I don't like the effect of alcohol, but people just assume that this girl does, people just assume the worst, people just assume she is a liar, people just assume she is banned from other shops, I don't know the full story but it could be a mistake, just like it was when Forza AW Were mistakenly accused of favouring Poles or when the IT company based in Bristol mistakenly placed a job ad favouring someone of Indian origin or when Poles mistakenly claim child benefit in Poland and this country or when Polish women mistakenly get pregnant and get free abortions here or when asylum seekers mistakenly end up here rather than the nearest safe country, this shopkeeper may have made a genuine mistake by refusing to serve British people, he might even like British people and this country, anyone can make a mistake, he might have thought telling someone to get out was actually good customer service. I bet the post office in Cardiff that banned a woman from sending parcels to her son serving in Afghanistan made a mistake too, maybe even the British government made a mistake by predicting 13,000 Poles would emigrate to this country, Kaley Leighton might even have made a mistake by expecting to be served a non alcoholic drink which she was even willing to pay for in a shop in her own country, I mean, I often buy fruit juice from my local shop or supermarket and if I'm ever refused service, I'm there must be some misunderstanding or mistake, happens all the time really.
voice of reason   
20 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]


Probably....According to the report, she wanted to try 'something different', obviously this Pole doesn't believe in the dangerous Multi Cultural experiment and social engineering that has been forced upon us. If she was so desperate to buy alcohol why would she go to a Polish shop when she could get it much cheaper elsewhere, it doesn't add up and given the uppity attitude Poles have in this country, she has learned a valuable lesson in life. This guy shows all the tolerance and respect for this country that we have grown to expect from ungrateful and above all unwanted immigrants who quite simply refuse to integrate, show nothing but contempt for their host nation and know the lunatic, liberal PC ideology spouted out by lefist Guardinista types who dangerously peddle this nonsense favours them, nothing will ever be done about this, even if anyone in authority personally felt this was wrong they wouldn't dare say so for fear of losing their job, being branded a 'Nazi' and never being able to get a public sector gig/non job ever again, now if a shopkeeper refused to serve Poles, we would never hear the end of it, this one has been ignored, swept under the carpet and neatly filed away. Catch you later, I have to pop into my office to catch up on some paperwork I forgot and plough through some EU directives we just got sent, great way to spend a saturday morning. Obviouly Mr Sokrates is talking from personal experience, isn't it incredible how Poles on this forum are so quick to stereotype the British and other nationalities, yet if anyone dares to stereotype Poles, it just ain't cricket, the amount of vitriol Polish people come out with on this forum amazes me, I didn't realise just how much they really dislike us and this country, it really is an eye opener.
voice of reason   
19 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

So, the 'POLSKI SKLEP' in Goole bans British customers, what should be done about it? What will be done about it? This Pole knows he can get away with it and he's having a laugh at us, it could only happen here
voice of reason   
19 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

You will have to put up with it until you are able to prove that "British" is a race ;-p

How much longer will ANTI BRITISH DISCRIMINATION be tolerated? Is that comment racist? Oops?
voice of reason   
19 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]


Contact Humberside Police who sent a 'Community cohesion officer' EH? Or The Goole Times and ask them? The majority of Poles in UK are fiercely ANTI BRITISH but we are too scared to do anything about it, how much longer can we put up with ANTI BRITISH RACISM?
voice of reason   
19 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

Only if he doesn't do it in this country, this story is about a year old, one of my drivers told me about this (I run a logistics company) and nothing was done about this blatant RACISM. Says it all really, why do we put up with anti British racism?
voice of reason   
19 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

I employ 78 British people in my logistics comany, Pick the bones out of that, Goodnight. I employ 78 peope so pick the bones out of that too, why are Poles so angry and so anti British?
voice of reason   
18 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

Indian average

Last year we went on a fact finding mission to India, the 'top' strata of society consists of wannabe Britons whereas probably 90% of the population live in squalor, for a country that has been independent for 60 years you're not making much progress.
voice of reason   
18 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / EEA family permit from Poland to UK - time and process [60]

Just claim asylum, right to stay in the country, no speak English, free translators. Better still, say you're Polish and you can toss it off on £5.80 an hour leave your kids at home or even bring them here, who checks? Claim full UK benefits after contributing sod all to this country and live happily ever after.
voice of reason   
18 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

"decent wages"

So what would you consider a 'decent' living UK wage? I pay my staff above the national average, I give them 28 days holiday per year, an extra weeks PAID holiday at time and a quarter after 10 years (then 15, 20, etc years service), pay them for their breaks, respect the right to belong to a trade union, pay for taxis if staff have no other way of getting home on late shift overtime, send all my valued employees a birthday card and if possible we all go to the pub for a couple of drinks after work, pay time and a half Saturday, double time Sunday, we don't have a canteen but I pay for a catering company to stock vending machines (which I make a loss on), pay my lovely VALUED British staff time and a quarter on bank holidays even though I give them and myself the day off....after all, I want to enjoy my family life and so should they.

If I was an unscrupulous employer, I would have high staff turn over, I'm not and I don't, I respect my workforce and they respect me, whenever someone leaves or retires (by the way we had a lovely old lady who worked on reception brought us a homebaked cake on her last day and had clocked up 40 years service who was actually crying at leaving, I took this company over and kept the traditions going), I virtually had to risk everything, go to the bank and beg them to give me the money, the previous owners virtually sold this company to me for 1p, if it went tits up, I would be bankrupt and on a park bench, people worked and continue to work for me so whenever possible we all have a get together.

I'm sick of Poles and other UNWANTED immigrants whingeing, whining, bleating, yapping, moaning and complaining about working conditions in this country, I look after the people I employ, all you want to do is MOAN, MOAN, MOAN.

Carry on moaning, I'll just keep running my own business, my own way, I'm happy, my workforce is happy, my customers are happy and if you're not happy, well that's just too bad.
voice of reason   
18 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

Indians outperform whites

Anyone who has ever had a mobile from 3 would dispute that! I detest those call centres, I switched my Norwich Union and Axa accounts because of the poor service, interestingly Barclays put business callers and customers with savings and investments through to the UK centre while people that are overdrawn, have no savings etc are shunted off to someone with a made up Anglicised name in Mumbai, it's incredible, I have a personal banker and finacial advisor while the average British customer is treated with such contempt that they get palmed off with these useless Indian call centres, another symptom of globilisation and corporate greed.
voice of reason   
18 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

My business is small enough for me to know everyone personally and to interview them myself but large enough to have a bit of influence, we don't currently employ any Polish staff as we currently have no vacancies and no Poles with the appropriate qualifications/experience have applied, we will have a vacancy in a few months but I am taking someone on via a graduate scheme.

Let's be honest, large corporations want to make as much money and pay as little as possible, these 'Mcjobs' for Poles are no different in principle to companies outsourcing their call centres to India (and tell me with a straight face that has been a success!), I'm no different but if I make a lot of money and subsequently pay a lot of tax, I still enjoy a good lifestyle, I can pay my staff a decent wage and life hasn't reached an end, I maintain that hiring a person with strong links to the local area is much more beneficial to the UK economy as well as ensuring you have a more motivated workforce, a person with a mortgage, who pays council tax and who isn't sending money abroad is more likely to be a loyal employee than a migrant who lives in shared accomodation, pays no council tax or utillity bills, sends money out of the country and often even claims child benefits and tax credits, much is made of the fact that a migrant has to work for a year before claiming benefits, so what? If someone only contributes a minimal amount for a year but then takes out of the system much more and for much longer than they put in, you don't need to be an economist to work that one out.

We even get approached by agencies offering us 'incentives' to take on migrants give them 13 weeks work in exchange for 'payments' and to make the (various) figures look good, I have a business to run and I'm not getting involved in these stupid games, I only hire qualified/experienced staff and I'm not being used as a guinea pig in some social diversity exercise.

Rant over.
voice of reason   
18 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

I work in business management and this kind of thing is more common than people imagine, I don't blame the ordinary Polish people at all, the British government are the main culprits (mind you, they are dictated to by the undemocratic EU), it is also an effect of globilisation, we regularly benchmark wages and the spending power of the average worker has steadily declined not just because of the recession but over a much longer period. It is worth noting that these jobs would only pay the national minimum wage which to a British person with a family and a mortgage wouldn't even cover basic living costs, these 'sweatshop' employers routinely source cheaper foreign labour via agencies or gangmasters receive payments via the EU cash cow and knowing they are highly unlikely to be conversant with employment law, be members of a trade union and they can be exploited by working overtime at the basic rate, have unpaid breaks and often have 'hidden costs' such as transport, work clothing etc deducted from their wages. My small company has 100% British staff, many of my workers have been with me for over 10 years and I have never had to dismiss or even seriously reprimand anyone, it is fair to say nepotism plays a part in finding a job, for example I will be taking on one of my staff members son when he graduates, I have already inteviewed him and he can leave university knowing he has a job, whenever someone leaves (which isn't very often) I either source the job locally or more usually ask around and if someone I or a friend knows personally has the relevant qualifications/experience I take them on (at a lot more than minimum wage I hasten to add), I am sure Poles 'look out for their mates' in the same way. It is interesting to see people describe the British as 'unproductive' and 'lazy' when you consider they wouldn't have had continually developing mass communication via the printing press, postage stamps, television, radio, ipods and of course the very method we are using now, the internet without British inventors.