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Posts by czar  

Joined: 3 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Aug 2012
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 143 / In This Archive: 114
From: usa, nj
Speaks Polish?: none

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20 Sep 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

i made a kielbasa hotdog slice it in half with a half sour pickle sliced in half...together they make a whole and i eat two on a potato roll with hot sauce, true story.
4 Mar 2012
News / More anti Polish sentiment in western media ("Apple is worth more than Poland") [110]

news flash, this is a zionist jew, in america, taking slight of poland, it may not even be intentional because he himself is brainwashed to say such things.

the three people posting here with "why" or "oh" your wasting your time, because these three people never have a good word for poland on here anyway

edit: obviously slighting saudi arabia and sweden and belgium, your a fool if you think a financial analyst is unintentionally comparing a countries gdp to apple

Gross Domestic Product, Israel $217.33 Billion US dollars at current prices - 2010 Source: World Bank
5 Jan 2012
History / Poland and Orientalism [115]

Well, Poland was viewed as a backwoods country because of the democratic constitution while all civilized countries enjoyed absolute rules.
Today current form of democracy is seen as the most advanced, who knows what tomorrow will bring ?

poland has never been imperialistic in its constitution, that might be viewed as backwoods...

it may have seemed backwards cause poland had little need for diplomacy.
3 Jan 2012
Life / Are there many crypto-Jews in Poland? [67]

when i came back to this site which i love and saw harry nic, r u serious? the troll is strong in you it is.

can we make a thread and list jewish/poles/americans because i am really really interested in their opinions.
2 Jan 2012
Life / Are there many crypto-Jews in Poland? [67]

wow a jew with a career in media? shocking...

this goes back to the sejm when a unanimous vote was needed to pass order

people were judged by land ownership and royalty and you could practice devil worship for all anyone cared

it is historic fact that neighboring countries would send diplomats to throw votes and keep progress and efficiency on lockdown
6 Aug 2011
Genealogy / Polish genome - are you familiar with it [58]

thanks again for that sunrise festival vid, made me feel good and old at the same time

i think i saw crow and southern @ 0:27

i have mostly polish blood but also danish and hungarian and german and irish

but my polish side is darker and i have light features

i look like viking and i think norse people today look more like adult babies
27 Jul 2011
Work / Why is Polish workmanship so bad? [52]

we have 3 polish surname contruction companies here in one of the richest areas in america creating amazing quality homes not pop outs, custom, among numerous tradesman supporting the fleeting industry.

my uncle and dad built our house custom quality

ive seen italian work when youreyes open and mouth drops and not in a good way

i think your just a homesick warf rat dreaming about the sewer you crawled out of.
24 Jul 2011
Love / Advice on a Polish girlfriend who suddenly stopped contact. [32]

Karma is a *****...

im not up on my buddhism but is karma ever a hot smart sweet nice polki?

anyway what do these bf in poland think about their gf doing everybody in another country? i mean my cous used to rent out his gf for drugs but i dont think it relates to this.
18 Jul 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

and on anti semitism, davies says jews were around since the beginning bt he cant say when the beginning was.

they lived in segregated towns by choice and were allowed to do so by the country, given special rights over peasents, where is there anti semitism?
18 Jul 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

occasionally full of pathos, compassionate-for-the-wretched attitude of his towards the Poles.

ok i was getting this feeling too and wanted confirmation, i was imagining he was a babyboomer product trying to explain awa britians faults during ww2, he has a polish wife oh ofcourse that explains everything

i have read rising 44 and now gods playground and another i cant remember, i think he downplays poland to a fault, it angers me as i read one paragraph on the batle of grunwald, unless im missing something he reads like this:

"well they were inept and unoriginal but succeedd in their efforts and they have no real skills of any sort yet they are the best at it"

im picking up all this backhanded contempt and it becomes a problem when he is the confirmed authoritarian.

anyway thanks krynski you said what i was looking for.

So history becomes journalism?

serious, you can choose which history you prefer and i always have this feeling its all wrong, i dont believe anyone is objective imo, would you like the polish version or russian or british or how about the polish version of the history of britian? where can i find that? not from norman davies.
17 Jul 2011
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

the bald head thing i hate it
you got a cop with a double D hairstyle that looks like a culdesac
vs. me, a revolutionist with thick locks and no job
girls love money
woman love me
17 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

you have to consider geography and proximity to powers that be

im reading gods playground and norman davies suggests polands vulnerable do to no distinct bounderies and that russia is similar in this respect on a grander scale.

he says large tracts of the ukraine went unfarmed do to fear from invasion.

feeding an army; some of these powers you can simply cut them off of trade.

also along the reason we have iran surrounded.
20 Apr 2011
News / Polish people mocked and humiliated in Season 7 of House MD [60]

haha midas is touchy

i would have said something about how heidi flies is a real person in real life and not a fictional character but midas wouldnt know the differance anyway.

i have no job because i have an undiagnosed chronic ailment, we dont choose our lot as much midas might think i hope you dont ever feel the same.

like im watching this lieb schriber, perrrrfect example of jewish hollywood propoghanda making up fictional heroes.

no worries
19 Apr 2011
News / Polish people mocked and humiliated in Season 7 of House MD [60]

5) I don't get offended when I see Jewish gangsters, hookers, money lenders, etc. on TV.

you are out of your gord, where did you see a jewish hooker, im sure there are plenty of them.

whats up with booth on bones, i mean what is he a homo how come they dont make baby bones.


i met this female doc my age through an appointment and dont know if there was something there, and i have a chronic illness and no job but she looked into my eyes with a penlight

am i making more out of it cause im going through this, she is a resident i dont know if shes married, she was proffesional but it did come up how beautiful she was.

oh and she is slavic but i cant tell what oh and i have a girlfriend whos great.
18 Apr 2011
News / Polish people mocked and humiliated in Season 7 of House MD [60]

how come i get shot down by russian women, if their all so desperate for a green card

do they flirt or just get busy i dont know.

i just started watching house, its ok its always meninjitis which i had so

normally i dont lie dr shows

gran torino was very good
18 Feb 2011
News / What must be done to improve politics in Poland? [72]

Tusk is more Polish than you'll ever be, sunshine.

can i be an economic migrant in america too? i just read that even if you obtain citizenship in another country that you retain polish citizenship aswell can this go back generations too lol say turn of the last century. delphy ol pal?

i didnt land in germany, germany landed on me.

Ironside i am in agreement with your initial idea i think there is paper and then there is practical...in america people like to think that they can vote with their dollar but while true, it doesnt work out that way just as in politics you have two choices and theres no differance between the two. (just the name) this is something i haveyet to figure out or work on...money makes the rules

germany owns the world banks and this is not shared strategically with poland (ww2 reparations) i make comparisons to ww2 because it directly effects today and not ancient history, germans seek world domination and will do so in ways other than those previously "economic genocide", and the jokers to the right are the iron fist, when good cop and bad cop come together i worry.

so we have the money and the muscle and were never sure whos who but I am as polish as it gets. delphy ol boy

what is actually the point of recognizing British minority in Poland?

this is not a comparison but everyone wants the "latino vote in america, is there any similarity between mexicans in america and poles in britain or is that too differant is it worth a starting a thread?

and gumshu and jonni thanks for that back and forth, gave a good explanation.