UK, Ireland /
Marrying Polish Woman in UK/London [100]
I am Polish born here in Australia but my parents are Polish, and I have been granted Polish citizenship, and I do speak, read and write Polish. I took Polish school lessons here for many weekends that was delivered by the Polish community here in Australia when I was growing up. I am proud of my ancestral heritage. We are having the same sort of issues here in Australia, where the middle easterns are trying to get Australian citizenship but don't really want to integrate to the Australian way of life. The Australian government is now making it tough to get Australian citizenzship where you have to sit down for an exam about Australian history, geography etc and have a good command of English, and when being issued a passport for the first time you have to be interviewed by the Federal government to get the passport even though you have been granted citzenship.
I just say this to those trying to marry Europeans just to get EU citizenship, but at the end you don't want to abide to the way of life within that EU state ********* off back to your country. I have worked overseas, and my belief is whilst you in that country respect and live by that country's rules don't try to change that country. As the old saying goes ' Whilst in Rome do what the Romans do'.