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Joined: 23 Jan 2010 / Female ♀
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21 Oct 2011
Food / Expats' Polish food favourites [140]

think Polish food is rather simple and bland. as well as that i find Polish sausage stomach churning.

I agree!!!
21 Oct 2011
Love / I'm a black African man and can't cope with my Polish mother in law [34]

She should stand up for her rights and beliefs- why should everyone accommodate the mother in law?

I agree!

I having problem with my MIL too. We are living in the same roof, where my husband grew up, only with his Mom. (his father divorced his Mom and dont know the whole story)

When I came here, the first few months are fine until I found out the truth.
She gave me some clothes,(I accepted it for the sake of respect,but I never used it coz I found out they were her old clothes) but I found out she's doing that for me to avoid to spend for new ones.

And who will accept a half tinned cream and an old stocking? Or maybe let me say it like this: Are you going to offer/give to someone those things?

She wanted to do all the tasks at home(washing, cooking even the things she's not suppose to do), but in the end I noticed she just want credit for it.

Then, there are these times that she nags (called my husband, his own son, stupid and she even hit him!) and said all the things she's doing for us. I was shocked and I felt hurt for my husband, knowing how good he is.I dont think its acceptable to treat others like that. Everyone deserves respect, no matter who you are and what relation you have in between.

In the first place, we never asked her to do it! I was brought up in a family that believes that once you got married, you have to stand and do all by your own. My parent believes that her job is done once her child got married, but she is just always there if we NEED and ASK for help, but doing everything for us until we're married is a BIG NO, NO for her.

I haven't got the time to talked to my husband coz he's always out for work and tired once he gets home. Im still waiting for a perfect time to discuss it to him and its gunna be very soon.
11 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Prams & Baby Travel Systems [12]

@keith bentley


We're having the same problem. I saw some in local shop (even in Carrefour supermarket) and they seems not bad.
You can also check this site, bobus.com.pl and they even have a shop in warsaw. Their travel system cost 1500 zloty and up.
11 Oct 2011
Love / Expecting a baby with Polish partner - "multi-cultural pregnancy/parenting"? [45]

Im an expectant Mom as well and not Polish. I can speak 3 languages and working on my 4th, Polish.
My husband is Polish and we communicate in English.
We have this agreement that he will only speak Polish to our child and I will only speak my native language as well.

I have worked before as a child caregiver and I had this 3 years old kid and she absolutely dont know English at all, but after a year living with her, she spoked fluent English like the native English speaking children.

So, I can tell it really works if you will stick in one idea and follow same method, 'coz if won't, that the time the child will get confuse.
11 Oct 2011
Love / Virtual Relationship of an Asian girl with a Polish man [43]

relationships like that never work.... you do not really know each other, even tho you talk online everyday... it's a waste of time... trust me, i know...
just go out and find a guy in a real life...

it works!!!

we met online.
Met after 7 months of online chatting.
Flew to my home country next day after we met.
After 6 months he proposed and we got engaged.
After 7 months, we got married.
After 3 weeks, I arrived to Poland.
And now, we're expecting a baby
7 Jun 2011
Love / Cultural misscommunication, or is he trying to send me a message? Working with Polish dude. [34]

Is it typical of Polish dudes to get married after 35?

Big NO!

Just new here in Poland and met few friends of my husband and I also asked him.

But according to my husband, gays are not common here and Polish people is having difficulties in accepting gays.
He had this friend that been to a bar, not knowing its an "absolutely" gay bar, with her friend who is gay, but hiding his real identity, and she was amazed how many gays now in Poland. :)

So your question if he is a gay? He probably is or (no offense!) vise versa.
7 Jun 2011
Language / Need Advice On Polish-English language barrier (my Polish boyfriend and his family) [59]

Any idea what i should do??


I just moved to Poland 5 days ago and believe or not, my mother in law expecting me to learn Polish in just very short time. Yeah, its quite funny. She said the friend of my husband living in Ireland learned how to speak English after living there. My husband said, "Mom, my wife just here for the past 5 days, my friend is living in Ireland for 5 years now!!!" His Mom said "She must learn Polish as soon as possible."

I told to my husband " Ok, tell to your Mom that in my free time and while you are at work, I will work on it. I will go out and wonder, with my book and my IPOD, and I will find a quite place to learn. Is that's fine for you my beloved husband?" He just looked at me :)

My husband bought me this book "POLISH FOR FOREIGNERS - Audio Course by EDGARD (jezykiobce.pl)". Yes, its a book and a CD. I download it in my IPOD so its very handy and can brought it anywhere. I found it helpful. If you want I cant ask my husband where he bought it.

Good luck for bought of us :)
28 May 2011
Love / I met a Polish guy but wonder what his intention is.. [35]

Tell us what transpired in the past year or so

Well, Im the kind of person who hates guessing game when it comes to this kind of matter that's why I worked on it.

All the answer I got from different forums served as my guide how to deal with this guy and to the situation. Well, I met lots of different people from different races, from different places, so I dont pressumed that he will be the guy will "perfectly" meet my expectations.

How the meeting and courtship

We finally meet up. Its Friday night and the next day, we flew to my home country to spend weekends there and meet my family (although a bit nervous for bringing a stranger). Well, my family already get use to that I have foreign friends, so they got along nicely. Me, observing how everything will go and waiting for him to talk, but nothing :?

So, Saturday afternoon, around 5PM, spending time in a resort and the next day we will fly back and I will go back to work, but still, I havent know the real score between us. Then we went for a swim, thats where he start to move. Yeah, he made his MOVE, attempting to kiss me!!! I dont intend to ruined that moment but, it just exploded and pushed him and I said....

"You're not my guy and Im not your girl and you never say anything about it and then you want to kiss me! You better use that lips first to say what's the real score between us and I want to know it NOW!!!"

And then, he came forward gently and and reached for me and said ....

"WE ARE, we just dont know yet until now. We're talking and exchanged opinions in different things around us for the past 6 months, and from there I realized how good you are. Although you havent met me, but still you are always there to listen in times I really need one. I met different woman and you are absolutely different, you are not selfish. I asked you so may times if you want all the materials that a girl will ask for, but you never ask for anything. You are so humble. Although you are such an workaholic, you always find a time for your friends.

Im sure you have some doubts about me and Im not expecting that you will accept at this moment, but I made up my mind, I dont want just to be your friend, I want to be your guy and I love you more than you know (HE'S STARTED CRY!!!). If you will say NO, I will accept it but, I will not stop until you say YES."(He let go of me and looked down to hide his red eyes and face)

And then, I hold his face and brought it up and of course, what are you expecting me to say!!! "YES!"
He's very happy and lifted me coz of it. Oh, yeah, we finally kissed.

Went back to our house for dinner and we talked to my Mom about it and she's happy for us.

After a year, he proposed and we flew to my home country Mom to ask formally for my hand and shared the good news.

rush to marriage

Actually, yes, it was very rush. We just decided to do it early this year and we only had 4 months to prepare. Im about to finished my work in the country where Im working so we decided to do it before that day, coz its more easy for us to do it here compare to our both home country( papers etc). Everything went well.
27 May 2011
Love / I met a Polish guy but wonder what his intention is.. [35]

get ready to be a mother to two son's... your husband and child

Im sort of mothering my husband now and he seems a good son. Quite good guess, yeah, I want a boy.

also, get ready to stay in the kitchen...

I love kitchen, its part of my most interest and work, but wont let myself to get "stuck" in there.

hopefully u love beer

That's the first thing I noticed and learned to accept about him, and for the past year, he cut his intake to one can from five cans per day. :)
27 May 2011
Love / I met a Polish guy but wonder what his intention is.. [35]

thanks guys :)

"Holy crap! We often get such stories here but rarely get to hear what resulted.
So sometimes it does work out...

I also read and heard few stories just like ours.
Yeah, sometimes it does work, if you both worked on it :D
28 May 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Thread attached on merging:
Suggested income to live in Poland?


Im planning to move and live in Poland and just want to know a reliable information from real people if how much should I earn monthly to have a simple and decent life there.

Im not into any luxurious lifestyle coz im not into that kind of life.

Thanks in advance.
6 Feb 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

Thanks for all the info. Well, he's coming here in Hongkong to visit next week & its gonna be our 1st meeting. Im not saying because of me, just happen he chose here to spend his holidays. Also, where on our way to visit my family in Philippines. Im really nervous, Im really not sure how to get along with him and his friends.
31 Jan 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

Btw im Aze a filipina just curretly moved out in Poland with my polish husband ^^

Hi also a newbie here and just want to ask you how to treat a polish guy. I have this guy and I even dont know what he really feels for me. He's kind to me (calls, gifts, he even inviting me for a visit in Poland). I need some advice please. Thanks.
31 Jan 2010
Love / Polish boyfriend coming to visit [52]

hi i am a filipina and i have a polish bf. he will be coming here in manila (first time to see each other personally)

may i asked when did he said that he like you as gf? how long takes?
Im having the same situation and we're talking now for almost 7 months.
23 Jan 2010
Love / Virtual Relationship of an Asian girl with a Polish man [43]

Hi guys,

Im anewbie here and got in this thread......

I have the same story about you Phi and we're talking about 6 months until now. He sent some gifts and always calls on my mobile and he's coming next month.He also tell me everything happens i his life there, if he's out of town, go there, do this, do that. Well, I cant say that we are on a relationship coz he never say any "magic words". I dont want to pressume coz the last time I did that, I just got hurt. Im just thinking that he's just being friendly.Also the thing, was he had an asian ex-gf and they had a bad ending, well I odnt the real story and I think its non-of-my-business is that.

Hoping I could get some advice here.
23 Jan 2010
Love / I met a Polish guy but wonder what his intention is.. [35]

Hi everyone!
Im a newbie and want to know some opinions...........

I met a Polish guy over the net and we're talking for almost 6 months, until now. Not only over the net, also over the phone. He calls most of the time and we talked more than 2 hours in every call. He sent gifts and he's coming next month here so we could meet up and also we're going to our home to meet my family and parents. Well, the thing was, Im not sure what his real intention is. This is my 1st time to encounter a Polish guy so no idea how they think. I dont want to "pressume" that theres something more than friendship coz he never say anything about it but Im just really puzzled the way he talked and cares for me.

Thanks for the time and effort.