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15 Feb 2013
Love / Why a polish girl would prefer a relationship with a foreign man? [30]

I still don't have a clear opinion about the topic we discuss here. I think it like an investigation.
Nobody told that polish men are not that 'good'.
Nobody told that polish women desperately seeks a foreigner for relationship.
Is that clear?

I just say that in every nation, some women, and men also, seek their match, in other nationalities. This happens for several reasons I think. Not just because of the attraction of a 'new'/stranger person. Such a simplistic approach seems silly to me.

Let me mention here, an example, it is just an example. I have some friends of mine in Russia, and this thing happens there for sure. So, there in russia, there are: 1) many areas that for historic reasons have many women and far less men, 2) there are areas that russian men drink a lot, and this have many negative consequences in any relationship with women, 3) there are lots of russian areas that men have not good manners, generally speaking, so an eclectic women will find them uncouth. 4) some women would like to live in warmer climate areas (think of Siberia for example) 5) and so on...(the catalog of reasons goes on...)

So, there are specific reasons for many areas there in russia, that women do prefer a foreigner for a long term relationship, instead of choosing a local guy.

Do you get it?

Nobody told a bad thing either for polish women or men. This is not the case.
And please, I do not want anybody to feel any offense, because there is not any blame for anybody.
We just discuss, we just want to find out.

If a woman do not look at me, there is no problem, we just don't match. It does not mean that I am an awful guy! I reject women too, we cannot force a relationship to exist! So, no problem! Sometimes we reject, sometimes we accept! This is the love game.

All I asked here, is it to find out, why a polish women would prefer a foreign guy to make a relationship.
I said about the russia example. No money reasons, no 'prestige' reasons, nothing common. Although I can understand that there are women who fall in the very useful catalog APF posted above.

It is just the russian reality, as some russian women feel it.

Maybe there are other social reasons in Poland, that make some women to look for a foreigner to be together.
I don't know if the polish men know such reasons or if they want to contribute here, maybe polish women here in this topic could help us better with their opinions, based on what they know from themselves or other friends they have.
4 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

one of the reasons i know why some woman don't want children is becuase they can't have kids. Can't have kids due to an illness, so once they find out they tell the man they don't wanna have kids. As many men want kids but the thought of not having scares them. This way the woman gives the man the option to find another better woman. This is a delicate situation.

This is another explanation for finding out why some polish girls 'do not want kids'.
3 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

I don't know if I want children or not though. (Just not now!) I used to want them when I was much younger.. It seems like I used to be too serious when I was eightteen, and now I'm reliving puberty or something! Funny isn't it?

You are not alone!
When you know too little about kids, everything seems easy.
When you get older and see how difficult is to grow them up, you think it twice!
3 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

We have to respect the opinions of minority.
We all know the most common path: family, babies, all related stuff.

So, it is an opportunity here to discuss the other way, this one that does not include kids.
Polish women have the first role to explain us, and of course anybody else who know about their thought on the topic.
3 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

I can't speak for every Polish woman but I don't want to have children for the same reason why I don't want to have a dog - too much trouble, filth, costs and in addition to that I wouldn't be able to leave house whenever I want for as long as I want for some 20 years. No, thanks.

You are welcome to our conversation! I am really glad to hear that there are actual reasons for some women for not wanting to have kids.

Please tell me, do you imagine yourself without having kids for the rest of your life?
2 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

I 've heard of it too.

But I examine the circumstances of these women that declare 'do not have children' and 'do not wish to have children'.
They are not the majority of polish women for sure. It is the minority, but that's exactly what we talk about.
2 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

Those that don't likely fear commitment or circumstances don't permit it. There can be a host of reasons.

Always there should be an explanation for specific decisions in life. I agree with you.
1 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

I am looking to the profiles of some polish social sites (fotka etc) and I try to understand the female psychology of polish women.
I see profiles that 'dont have children', and 'do not want to have children'.
I could easily understand such a choice for small aged women, lets say 18-20. But when I see such options in older women, 24, 26, 28 etc, I try to understand them but I am not really sure about the motivation of such decision.

I do not know polish women and I am not even saying that every people should bring children to the world! If somebody is not ready for such a change in his/her life, it is better not to do it at all. It is a very serious topic to decide about it without thought.

I also know that some things are about the way somebody(polish woman) wants her life to be. It is about the goals of life, or traumatic experiences, or other experiences that make somebody to be negative about it. I don't think that if somebody that do not want to have children is less responsible than somebody that do so. It is a topic of conscious choice and maturity. Somebody would like to have long term relationship and even family, without children. It is a choice that is personal and respectable.

So, from your experience, can you please help me understand the mind of polish women that do not have and dont want to have children?

I wait your opinions about it.
16 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

JustysiaS, useful advice indeed.

I did not said that I am a poor man, I said I am not rich. Above the average level in any case at all.

After all if a girl is attracted only from money then I did not want her at all!
I understand the joke but I wanted to comment on this.

I have money/time to come to Poland but I cannot do it often! I think I cannot depend on this!

By the way, do young polish people know english, generally speaking?
16 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

JustysiaS I really find importance in your thoughts.

Your doubts seem to have a real base.
The problems is that every coin has two sides.
You get something, you loose something.

It is impossible to have communication with many people in the real world, especially if you live in another country.
Internet provides such connectivity and ease of use. You can communicate from your desk. No money, no time lost.
What is better? Not having such try at all? Refuse the approach using internet due to our fears of getting knowing the right person?

As someone said above, I am not rich, most of us are just normal people. Is it better not to have a chance to approach some girls through their profiles, because we do not have the money/time to go to Poland and do such a searching?

Is it all or nothing?
And who can tell that even somebody come to Poland for a month, that will find the 'perfect' person?

So, I think internet facilitate the process for us, to our benefit.

Of course, real world meetings are irreplaceable. I agree on this.

After all, the possibility of failure in a relationship could always happen in any case, even if you know the other person for some time.

At last, I think internet just facilitate the way someone can communicate with the other person. No guarantee for a successful ending, as it happens in the real meetings too.
16 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

as far as i know it's a site for underage teens

I doubt about it. You can choose the age range. So why it is only teens? There many women, not teens, over 20s'.
15 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

In fact, nowadays internet is part of our everyday lives! And brings the space gaps bringing people together in many ways. You start with internet with no geography barriers and you can continue in person if you can.
14 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

king polkakamon you gave valuable information.
When you say that they do not get along with us, in comparison with russians, what do you really mean? Maybe a bad opinion for greeks? Or something else? And why this happens?
13 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

I am Greek.
A close friend of mine lived for some time in Poland many years ago and told me about the experience he had with polish girls.

Ok, I think am under pressure from you, maybe you think I am asking to have the whole universe! I think I am misunderstood.
13 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

For what reasons?

Of course this is an absolutely personal matter but I can tell I am bored seeing around rude girls. As far as I know polish girls have a more gentle character. And that's important for me. There are also additional reasons but that's not the point here.
13 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

frd thanks for your response.
I think that everybody should be free to choose the man/woman that suits bests to him/her.
It is a matter of preferences. That's all. I think that a polish girl would be better for me than other girls from other nationalities. I don't think there is something wrong about it.
13 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

I am glad to find this forum!

I want you to help me find out more about several aspects for approaching polish girls.
I do not live in Poland, so internet seems a good way to communicate with polish girls.
I found fotka.pl and other sites mentioned from other members of this forum in other topics.
It has an astonishing amount of profiles of polish girls.
My intention is a long-time relationship with a polish girl. I read a lot about polish girls and I admire them!

Several questions exist in my mind:

- Can a foreigner hope to find a girl communicating with polish girls in such social sites like fotka? Are there men here that got a girlfriend using these sites?

- Could I expect a real-world relationship someday by using these sites, or it is all about fun/chatting for site's members and being outside Poland would mean that there is no chance for me to find a polish girl?

- What things should I pay attention when I try to find a polish girl using fotka or other polish social sites?

- Are polish girls positive to migrate to other countries in european union, generally speaking? If there is a good chemistry between a foreign guy and a polish girl, is there a hope for the polish girl to migrate outside Poland?

I am waiting for your opinions and your help for the above topics.