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Posts by Andy_McRae  

Joined: 9 Jan 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 35 / In This Archive: 32
From: UK, Lancashire
Speaks Polish?: no

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20 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

No wonder scammers hands are full if people are so easy and naive these days.

Are you implying that wildrover is a scammer??

matchmaking through unknown person.

This is only like a friend asking one of their single friends if they would like to meet someone, this is quite normal and accepted in English culture.

come on man..USE SKYPE and see who she is! talk to her, make her talk to someone polish..!

I have skype, she won't say anything in Polish and when I write to her she ignores it...
18 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

Well it's day 2 now and she has not been in touch so i think its time to give up, pack my bags and move on... thanks to everyone who has helped, offered advice and I will stay around as you guys seem a decent bunch of people to know ;-)
17 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

OOHHH looney alert....

LOL sorry its not funny its just the way you have written it :D and the thing was i was talikng to her constantly.. she just didnt write back...think you could be on to something there, her laptop has broke too and im just waiting for her to ask me to get it fixed 300pln.
16 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

i feel she showed her face/words once or twice, but, she hasnt showed herself up really.

Its funny you should say that as i am getting that feeling now!!! i have just been on IM with her and after 15 minutes she just stopped talking and accused me of being too busy so she was going. at the moment i have talked to her for 40 minutes and not had 1 reply yet she is online...

Also she has refused to give me her address apart from the street name???
16 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

Thanks i do too, but has she slipped up or is it just me reading between the lines??

6 Days ago she told me she lived alone in 1 room flat.

Last night she told me she shared a flat with her friend in a 2 bedroom flat.

Should i question it or leave it for now and see what happens...
15 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

Knock it off with the Internet dating and find a girl in real life.

When your a single Dad and don't drink how do you find someone in real life please?

In that case good luck to you :) you don't need any other proof.
I'd only be concern why doesn't she want to use video-camera, is she a "he"or something else and plays a "big deal" here?

thank you this has put my mind a little to rest, as for concerns yes i agree she could be a he.

I'd just say, if you enjoy your discussions with her, feel free. If you can meet her, even better. Be somewhat cautious if asked for money or to pay things.

(Different matter - don't these forums have any notifications? I've not had 1!)

Thanks again, if it wasn't for people like yourselves it would be very easy for scammers to con people and for genuine people never to take a leap of faith...the minute I hear she needs money is the time to get suspicious.

I don't think this forum allows you to get notified of messages, however if you click on my theads at the top it will show if any1 has replied to you.
10 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

I am being very carefull and try not to get to attached to soon untill I know for sure ;-) thanks for wishing us luck I will come back with an update now and again, and thank you to everyone who has helped me out and guided me with my first steps ;-)
10 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

Ask her for a mobile number to text or even call her, it doesn't cost a fortune and at least you'll know in which country she's in. If she refuses to give a mobile, try a fix land line, if she refuses this then she's in Nigeria...

She gave me her mobile No 00485********

I think that honesty and straightforwardness could be the best option. Just tell her about your Nigerian experiences

Thank you you are right on this ;-)
10 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

Still, assuming that she's a real person, there is an ethical question. Andy, would you be willing to provide her with the same kind of information and be subject to the same kind of check-up?

I see where you are coming from in short yes (I trully want to believe) but past experiences have knocked my faith in people Nigerian scammers have a lot to answer for :(
10 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

Perhaps mention you maybe planning a trip to Warsaw and see what the reaction is.

Also ask about her time in the UK where she lived etc, what she remembers, school that sort of thing.

Is it usual to change a surname?

I have mentioned a trip to see her and she said yes it is possible with planning from us and understanding...

She lived in Manchester I wil ask her what she remembers though and it is usual to change the surname if her parents were married then divorced.
10 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

It's Pygota, I don't know what her english surname was :(

A similar word, Krycha, is sometimes used as a shortened form of Krystyna, but that's Christine in English.

That could be right her English phonetics are not too strong or perhaps

Katarzyna = Kasia = Kate

10 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

Thankyou all for your tips and advice, it really is helpful to me i appreciate your time :D

I asked what her name was as she says she is called Kate but her email didn't match and this is what she told me

my polish name is krecha which means kate or karolina in english

Is this true please
10 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

Why her mum would go to Poland which was still under the communist regime and to add together with a young daughter plus a husband from Scotland?? That's weird.

I don't the full story but from what I can gather her parents seperated when she was 7 and her mum took her back home, her dad died when she was 20...

Ask her for a mobile number to text or even call her, it doesn't cost a fortune and at least you'll know in which country she's in. If she refuses to give a mobile, try a fix land line, if she refuses this then she's in Nigeria...

This I will do thank you
10 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

I totally agree, the 1st sign of a scammer i've found is usually have lost both parents in a tragic accident, or they are in need of an operation and need money...

How did you meet her out of intrest?

We met on a disability dating website

Then type and cam.....simples :D I skype with a friend but sometimes whilst skyping we type too, it works...

I don't think she has skype i've done a search but her mail is not in the phonebook