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Joined: 28 Dec 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 19 Jan 2010
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18 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Ah, so you don't like it when someone points fingers at you. Hey, why didn't you offer me a beer? How sexist of you!
18 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

And I really find it astounding that Germany is so popular with Jews, especially Israelis.
It's something I can hardly understand..
I can't understand it either. Its a strange world.

I don't think that's so terribly strange. I think those Isrealis are forward-thinking, forgiving people. No, wait, not forgiving the unforgivable, but understanding that the scumbags who did the unthinkable are mostly gone and the new generations are not like them.
18 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]


No, I don't think I dreamt those episodes. Anyway, Poland was a multi-ethnic and multi-faith country. In the 18th century, ethnic Poles constituted 45% of the population. The minorities had their schools, their religions and their businesses. That's all I'm saying.
18 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Yeah...wonder why....

because all o' y'all don't wanna seem to hear about or talk about that.
18 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

The topic

Sure, but I don't see a thread about Polish love and tolerance for minorities, also.
18 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Not talking about 1968, honey. I'll buy you that can of Brasso if you pay attention. I'm talking about over the centuries.
18 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

I would agree that groups of Israeli school kids who travel to Poland should be given a more accurate impression of current Polish attitudes. More contact between Polish and Israeli youth would be a good way of doing that.

I can't agree with you that NO ONE hase a hateful agenda against Poles. I can agree with you that most Jews don't. I just don't see it in every day life. I have experienced unwarrented (from some, not all) in real life and especially on the net. I just can't agree with you when you say that no onehas a hateful agenda against the Poles. I know that there are some. Go back and read that post about Abraham Foxman who tells the students whom he takes to Poland that they're in a hostile country, don't go outside the hotel, etc.

I've known lots of African Americans who don't have that KKK complex. I also have known way too many who have. There is always some demogog in any ethnic group who will fan the flames of hatred. You and I have to work against that.

See, saying Poland had a generally anti-semetic environment is the idea you're promoting, whether or not you intend to. If it was so anti-semetic, was it not also anti-Gypsy, anti-Tatar, etc? Poland was among the most tolerant of nations, allowing minorities their schools, houses of worship and so on.

That impression that stuck wasn't the only impression that stuck. There are so many Jews who have the impression (because they lived through it) that Poland was very welcoming and warm to minorities. It's just that today, there are some (Foxman) who seem to want to stamp that out. Why?

If it would benefit the Isreali students to have more contact with Polish youth, why does Foxman do what he can to prevent that?
17 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

think that these anti-Poland slurs by Foxman
He slurred Mel Gibson. Is he Polish?

No, sorry, I put those together. In my post, I was showing that he's had controversy. I'm near Boston and the Armenians here were pretty pissed when he said their genocide didn't happen. They Jewis guy in charge of the local ADL in Boston even resigned over it. In another person's post (sorry, I'll have to scroll through and see who) states that he tells school children whom he takes to the camps in Poland that Poles hate Jews, it's a hostile country, etc. It's not true, so these are slurs against Poland.

I know that you know that these slurs are not true. What I'm getting at is that Sheeple like Harry and too many others drink the Cool Aid and DON'T know that these things aren't true.

As far ads your other post about Isreali right wing groups and Israli left wing groups going for the jugular at each other, that's true, too. There's a lot of dissension among Jews.
17 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

98% of the worlds population believe everything they read, even if it is blatant satire.

For what it's worth, there are massive hordes of idiots everywhere you go.

That's the problem. That's why it's so easy for a demogog to sway the Sheeple (like Harry) into believing anything - even hate.
16 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

look at the history of the huge numbers of Jews that were saved by the Catholics. Look at the Catholic families who were executed because they attempted to save Jewish lives.
Those facts don't get enough attention.

Additionally, by any objective standard, Poland has been more welcoming to Jews than any other country I'm aware of. That is the reason why so many Jews lived in Polish lands.

Poland wasn't just welcoming to Jews. It was welcoming to Tatar Muslims and Gypsies and others. All of these peoples had their schools, houses of worship, communities, etc. You're right, these facts get no attention.
15 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

Why do you say that please? do you know something

Have you ever spoken to her on the phone? Have you only had internet communication? If so, "She" doesn't sound real. She's hard of hearing (doubt it. that's just the scammer's excuse as to why 'she' hasn't spoken to you by phone), she finds video phones difficult (no, that's another excuse. 'She' doesn't exist. It's a scammer). Sorry.
15 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Now, not all Jews hate Poles. However, there are some who do.
Jews don't hate Poles, but a lot of Jews assume that Poles hate us so they relate to Poles in that way. It's a reaction.
What can we do about that?
Hug a Jew.

I know - a lot of Jews ASSUME that Poles hate them. Were does this assumption come from? Why are not the good people (Jews) doing more to fight against that wrong assumption (put out there by the Sheeple)?

Honey, I'd reach right out and hug ya if I could! {{{{KISS}}}}}}

There are more pressing matters going on here. But if you ask someone about Poles, they still think in terms of the 1930s and they'll say, "yeah, they hate us." That's because they've never been on the Polish Forum so they don't know any better.

See, I can't help comparing that to Nazi mentality. What I mean is this: look at a group of people (ethnically or whatever) and just hate. Now, if you say, "Well, look at the history and you'll see why" all I can say is to look at the history of the huge numbers of Jews that were saved by the Catholics. Look at the Catholic families who were executed because they attempted to save Jewish lives. If the Jews in Isreal know about the bad Catholics and don't know about the good, something's wrong here. This is what makes me suspicious and this is where we need your help. Who's running the education system in Isreal so that young Isrealis know about the bad Poles, but don't know that huge numbers of Catholics help Jews in the 1930s?
15 Jan 2010
News / IPN apologises to Adam Michnik [15]

So was Szymborska for literature. Have you read her poems praising Stalin?

No, I haven't. Yikes. Where can I read these poems (in English)?
14 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

I hate it when some Poles give the rest of us an image of an intolerant nation. I always get a feeling like the only way of countering it would be becoming a philosemite but that would be just silly...

I agree. I don't like those Poles. Indeed, it would be silly to be a philosemite just to counteract it, but you're right - it sometimes seems the only way.

I must also say that I equally dislike the Jewish hatred for the Poles. Now, not all Jews hate Poles. However, there are some who do. Why? What can we do about that?
14 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

I don't like Polish hatred towards Jews (actually, must Poles don't hate). I also don't like Jewish hatred toward Poles. I really think it's terrible and very unfair.
14 Jan 2010
Food / POLISH RECIPES! [287]

Seems like it could be this, too:


14 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

I agree about keeping up awareness, but why don't the Catholics do the same so that the world knows about this and it's never done again?

Abe Foxman might be a racist. He was on the news here in Boston:

Criticism of Mel Gibson
Abe Foxman has received criticism from Jewish and non-Jewish quarters for his antagonist approach to the 2004 film The Passion of the Christ and its director Mel Gibson.[12] In September 2003, during the pre-release controversy, Foxman called Gibson "the portrait of an anti-Semite."[13] The next day he said, "I'm not ready to say he's an anti-Semite," but that Gibson "entertains views that can only be described as anti-Semitic."[14].

[edit] Armenian Genocide
In July 2007, Foxman's opposition to a congressional resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide drew much criticism. "I don't think congressional action will help reconcile the issue. The resolution takes a position; it comes to a judgment," said Foxman in a statement issued to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Is anti-semitism on the rise? I thougt it was on the decline BECAUSE of all the awareness. There will alway be some ********, but that's life. I think there are fewer ignoramouses. Anyway, why don't the Catholics do the same? Why are there still so many 'stupid Polack' jokes? Bring about more awareness and stop this anti-Polanism.

I think that these anti-Poland slurs by Foxman and his followers are racist. I think Poland should do something about it.
14 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

The thing is that no one prevents us from doing what Jews do - meaning to push our causes. They do and we don't.

Oh, bravo!!!! SOMEONE gets what I'm saying! I don't know why the Poles, Gypsies and all don't raise the money and make monuments, museums, etc. There's a lovely museum in Philadelphia. I urge all of you to go. But, sorry, it doesn't hold a candle to the Jewish museums and monuments. How many non-Poles go to that museum? Huge numbers of non-Jews go to the Jewish Museums. I went to both when I was in Philidelphia (about 10 years ago). The Jewish one was more impressive. There's a beautiful Holocaust monument in Boston. I'll post a pic. It's stunning. It is made up of 6 tall towers made of glass. On each tower (etched in the glass) are the 6 million numbers (a million numbers on each tower). These are the numbers that were tatooed on the victims of the Holocaust.

I had a friend whose Polish Catholic father had one of those tattoos. Why don't the Catholics make a similar monument with the tattoo numbers of the Catholics that were killed? If the Jews are capable of making such an impressive, beautiful monument, why are the Catholics not able to do the same? What's wrong with the Catholics? Sorry to be judgmental, but I just don't see the same effort from the Catholics that I see from the Jews.

Bratwurst Boy, I have to keep running off because I have children and a house to take care of. They're in school now, so I have the next 5 hours to be online. Can't be online again until tomorrow at the same time.
14 Jan 2010
News / Poland rejects H1N1 vaccine [28]

I was DIAGNOSED with H1N1. Got over it in a day (the worst of it, the remainder lingered, but was suppressed).

I took ELDERBERRY EXTRACT with echinacea & astragulus every other hour for a day. It didn't kill the virus. You can't kill a virus. It did suppress it so much that I just didn't get sick. You don't need the vaccine. You need elderberry extract, also known as Sambucus.
13 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

If the Nazi plan to exterminate the Polish speaking people actually reached the stage of being implemented, then there would be no difference. But the Germans were defeated before that could happen, thank G-d.

Again, I just feel so upset reading this. Is one life more valuable than another?

Polish intellectuals were targeted for extinction. There were Jews who survived.

You're distraught that Jews were tortured and murdered. I'm saying that I'm distraught that Jews were brutally tortured and I'm distraught that Poles were murdered. The Nazi plan to exterminate the Polish speaking people was in the works, just wasn't completely carried out, thank God. I don't see sympathy from you for the Poles who were tortured and murdered. That's all I'm asking for.

God watched as everything happened. He's watching now as people are being raped, tortured, murdered, etc. He can't interfere.

Ugh, I so wish I could stay online, but I have errands to do, so I won't be on until tomorrow morning. Have a great day, everyone.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

But my point is to explain that the Jews were not war casualties, but murder victims. And that's why Jews jump whenever we're told that not only Jews were killed.

See, that's where I have to disagree. I mean, murder is murder. The Nazis didn't like Poles. They wanted to exterminate them. The Nazis most certainly wanted to exterminate all Jews. They did exterminate a whole lot. But, they exterminated others. I guess I just object to you setting up classifications . . . if that makes sense. Death is death. I dont' think that you should "jump" whenever you're told that not only Jews were killed. Lots of people were slaughtered. Why classify and then imply one was worse than another? Does that make sense? I mean, a murder of a Jewish person is unacceptable, but not more so than the murder of a Gypsy.

Thanks for keeping this civil. I'm still holding out hope for Harry. Gotta jump in the shower, then I have to leave in about a half hour. I've enjoyed talking to you all (except Harry, but he'll come around. I'm sending him Reiki love. That's not a joke, not sarcasm. I really am doing that).
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

It seems that you guys tried to quote the famous Armenian Quote. It has been called the Armenian quote but it should be called the Polish quote. It is contested because the Turks and the Armenians disagree:

Yeah, but Turkey was allied with Germany, Italy and Japan. Just as there are Neo-Nazis who deny the Holocaust, there are Turks who deny the genocide. The Japanese don't admit their role in WWII, either.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

don't waste your time on him ...all you gonna hear from Harry is neatly presented bs.

Well, THAT sucks. I hate to think of a person as a lost cause, but I know that you just can't reach some people. You really, really try. You truly want to help a person break away from the Sheeple, but they just want to go through life with blindfolds on. It's sad. I'm gonna keep trying, though. I think there might be a drop of hope for him. I really hope so.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Oh, Gosh, TheOther, I was just remarking that that's what it seemed like. Anyway, the ALLIES helped to liberate Europe (and let's not forget about Asia). They all worked together.

You know, someone sent me an email recently about the American war cemeteries overseas. I'll try to find that. I'm running out of computer time for today, so I may have to post it tomorrow. It was a very moving group of photographs about the thousands upons thousands of dead US service men of WWII. Very touching.

Still waiting to hear something from Harry.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Update: Found it!...

You found it! If you go to the very bottom of the page, you can click on a link that translates it.

TheOther: You're starting to sound like one of those Neo-Nazi Holocaust denials.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Should we exterminate or build things up, should the work be created here or in the Reich, should we give up workers or keep them here, should we let the Poles starve or should we feed them?

So, they considered exterminating them. They did exterminate some, many. That's what I've been trying to say.

Harry, do you agree with me? I'm just trying to talk about what happened. Please don't be so angry.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Thanks, my computer's crashing on me. I can't even open that link you put up. Anyway, Harry, please, I'm not "trying to educate" you. I just want to discuss this. What's wrong with saying that Christians died in WWII? Why does that upset you?