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Joined: 18 Dec 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 25 Feb 2010
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From: England,Bridport
Speaks Polish?: Learning!

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26 Feb 2010
Love / Do Polish women have bad tempers? [49]

It's simple really, eyes never lie..

what is it with you and eyes?

Anyway, on topic, everyone gets piss3d off sometimes, men and women (!)
Polish, English, Romanian, Egyptian, Australian...

And I agree with you on this whole 'do polish women...' 'are polish women...' etc etc threads. Meet one and find out!
22 Feb 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

eat what I want be with friends and focus on me.

Sounds like you are feeling pretty liberated now. Good for you LAGirl, that relationship sounded no good for any regular person. Good luck!
10 Feb 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

he mentions a threesome all the time and then I say why cant I have another guy (like I would) I dont sleep around. He doesnt want me to sleep with anybody else.

you really dont sound comfortable or satisfied with this whole relationship.
Seriously consider how you really feel, and make a decision.
10 Feb 2010
Love / How real is your international (Polish-other) relationship ? [53]

is the question too intimate? how do you get on with your partner? is the relationship SEXY? what are the boundaries? what do you find difficult?

Its lovely! I've never been treated so well :)
Language can sometimes be a problem, but only seldom.
I don't think any relationships are perfect, as someone has already said...
9 Feb 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

what a starnge thing, i can never understand what it means

what? instinct?
some people don't like what their instinct tells them. I know in relationships this is common, speaking from excpirience. sometimes, your head really does have to rule ;) haha
9 Feb 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

and now quit frankly we been having problems I am not sure weather to put with him and stay with him.

if you ain't happy, don't be staying!

Go with your instinct.
5 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

yeah, haha.
the rye bread thing confuses me, I like it and all, but not with EVERYTHING. including blackcurrant jam, which one of them had for breakfast the other day. yuck.

Yes the offerings include vodka, beer, coffe, tea, milk...anything.
And if you say no, or just drink water, they all look at you like you're mad! ;)
5 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

some student place

not so young...
23,30 and 37...maybe the 23 year old is their influence ;)
5 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

-you eat every meal with a slice of rye bread in one hand.
-your kitchen is where all social gatherings take place
-you offer everyone a drink whenever they come into the kitchen, usually going through "herbata? Kawa? wodka? piwo?..."etc etc etc

These are my observations anyway :)
2 Feb 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

He's kind to me (calls, gifts, he even inviting me for a visit in Poland

sounds like he likes you! If he didnt I doubt he'd send you gifts and ask you to visit :) just ask him, you'll be wondering forever otherwise...or waiting for him...
1 Feb 2010
Love / Polish guys who have never had girlfriends [71]

with that in mind, is there any more advice or opinions. thanks.

I understand how hard it is not seeing her. I know its nowhere near the same scale, but i only see my boyfriend at weekends becasue he works nights and I work days. Now although this is still more than you see her, it does encourage you to learn more and more...

I text my boyfriend in polish, using the internet, :) polishforums :) my dictionary, phrasebook etc to help me. By doing that I learn more and more, and he texts back in Polish. If I dont know how to say something, i will write it in english and he has to work out what im saying.

That way, we both learn. Try that with email, or skype as others have suggested.
Of course, you also have to think about the practical side. Could the relationship work with you so far apart? Your best bet is to try and talk to her, and if you still feel the same, try and approach her about it. If she agrees with you, it might be worth a trip over there.

Good luck :)
28 Jan 2010
Love / Polish guys who have never had girlfriends [71]

i dont know if it is even worth it with me knowing such little polish and her so little english

My boyfriend spoke very little english, I spoke very little Polish when we first got together. At first I had similar doubts to you, but you'll be suprised how quickly you pick it up when you're together- I've learnt more from spending time with him and his friends, and he's learnt alot from spending time with me and my friends. Its much more helpful than a phrasebook to learn real Polish.

Practically, It can be hard, but ususally not something that a dicitonary/sign language ;) can't solve.
If it feels right, go with it ;)
11 Jan 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

This proves my point totally. People don't care about the meaning behind it. Just the show, the 'who got the best present', 'who spent the most money'...

Meaning in the traditional sense is lost.
Yes,, ok, maybe gifts were normal, but nothing really major. And the attitude of people now just makes this more obvious.
8 Jan 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

Pray tell what was the "real" meaning? Its always been about sending cards and tolken gifts to a loved one...it just became more commercialised....The meaning is still exactly the same as it always has been.

No the meaning isn't the same. Valentines was never about giving anything except love (as totally silly that probably sounds, :) lol)
It was just to signify feelings, never giving anything material. Now, as you say, it is more commercial, and the present is usually the most important thing, which to me suggests that the meaning isnt the same.
8 Jan 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

I agree with this in a sense. Valentines has totally lost all real meaning, it has been over commercialised and the only value in it is literally monetary value. In most cases, it appears that the gift is just given becasue the person feels that this is normal. And I guess, spekaing from a female perspective, that this is mostly true of women, and not so much men, as you have just proved.

You at least have kept the true meaning of valentines day :)
I don't think Im going to get my BF much, and I doubt he will get me much, if anything, either. And thats fine.

You sshouldnt have to show how much you care by fretting over what to buy/how much to spend/ whether it will be appreciated...just be together.

It can be a sweet gesture to get someone a sweet, little gift.
Just don't fret too much about it LAGirl, im sure he'l love the fact that you are together, and that you care about him enough to worry about getting him a gift :)

Good luck!
8 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Differences in How Polish People Raise a Child and How Americans Raise a Child [149]

Haha, fair enough ;)
Well to be fair to the parents I clearly am only hearing his side of the story, so Im not going to make a judgement on them, or Polish parenting in general. But I have a feeling his parents in particular just didnt like him having any freedom. Which has sort of messed him up a bit now, because he is totally the other way.

As a parent I wouldnt be amused if my child was smoking crack at home, so I would understand them chucking the child out. However, in my friends situation, it sounds like it was just a case of him not being able to choose his friends/whether he went to church/etc etc...

I know how important religion was to his fmaily, but he wasnt allowed the freedom most of his friends had in any other context either. Ultimately they ended up throwing him out :(
8 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Differences in How Polish People Raise a Child and How Americans Raise a Child [149]

From a British perspective, one thing I notice is that Polish parents seem less likely to use corporal punishment outside the home

Yeah, haha. from what I gather from talking to my Polish friends in Britain, their parents just completely stopped talking to them and/or chucked them out of the family home if they didnt do as they were told.

Either that or as lots of people have said, mothers in particular are a tad over protective. My friend is now 37 and his mother is still treating him as her 'little baby'.

However, I see no problem with this as long as it doesnt have negative effects as an adult. Its good to be babied sometimes ;)
7 Jan 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

.are you American or british

British (and not so proud)

in general? if there are 3 billion men, you can buy any man from 2 billion who are suitable for your budget. but, you are trying to buy a cadillac with your ten tousands of euro.

Hey, i think you're probably overestimating the amount of money I have ;) haha.
anyway, I guess women are just as awkward to buy for from a male perspective, just commenting from a girls P.O.V.
7 Jan 2010
Love / What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day. [77]

:) :) :) :)

I saw another thread on here that says not to spend a massive amount, as alot of people said that it could be considered expensive. As long as he can afford to spend the same then I guess its ok to spend a bit more, but im not too sure.

I'm actually in the same situation as you, also with a polish guy. Men in general are just difficult to buy for.
4 Jan 2010
Life / Tattoos and Popular culture in Poland [51]

ah yes,
but you could have been scottish for all i know. Celts and Vikings very prevalent there also.

though I guess with a name Bratwurst Boy you couldnt be of scottish descent ;) haha.
4 Jan 2010
Life / Tattoos and Popular culture in Poland [51]

It would be a visible connection to my beliefs, to my heritage, to my ancestors

Then people should respect that. Thats a cool thing to do, especially for those (like myself) who treat their heritage as something to be valued and respected. Where are you from?
4 Jan 2010
Life / Tattoos and Popular culture in Poland [51]

I didn't know the native Americans use them too?

Don't quote me, im not 100% sure. But I studied the American West and they look similar to those that were used by the Indians at that time, during rituals etc.

Though you're probably right, certainly more Viking etc...

I'm thinkinh of getting a tattoo, but as I was saying before, I think people do get them for the wrong reasons, and i know too many people who have done that in the past becasue they thought it would 'look pretty'.

Though I think with something like runes you get them for a meaning right? theyre a good conversation starter too, for people who are either interested in them, or who don't know what they are...
4 Jan 2010
Life / Tattoos and Popular culture in Poland [51]

I'm thinking to get one of these

As it says on the pages, try them out temporarily first. Do you have any other tattoos?

I guess those tattoos represent Celtic or possibly American-Indian (Native American) tribes? Are you polish?
4 Jan 2010
Life / Tattoos and Popular culture in Poland [51]

people get tattoed just to have a tattoo and they don't attach any particular meaning to it.

I totally agree. My ex had loads and they were utterly pointless and stupid, he will regret them later.
But i think that if they have a true meaning attached to them then its ok. Having said that i'd never get a partner's name tattooed, you never know whats going to happen ;)
4 Jan 2010
Life / Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]

Zubrowka is great. :)

It is :)

My friend registered with a doctor in england recently and the questionaire he had to fill out asked him how much alcohol he drank a week. He just giggled and circled none. I know he drinks beer as soon as he finishes work (he is a baker, so this is generally 4 in the morning) because he says it helps him " sleep better ". Lol.

To be fair it is only one.

But come the weekend, 1 beer turns into about 1 litre of vodka. And a hangover the next day? You've got to be joking.

But as many of you have said previously, they're no worse than any other country. Lets not be too hard on them ;)
4 Jan 2010
Life / Tattoos and Popular culture in Poland [51]

Svastika tattoos are especially liked in Poland.

Haha, my friend jokes that he is a mini-hitler and that he is planning something evil. Its pretty worrying...i can never tell whether he's joking ;) lol.