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10 Sep 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

I have just started a new school year, gonna work really hard

And everyone is supposed to believe you because...?
Skalbmierz had a large pre-war Jewish community (35% of the population), many of whom joined the Underground. It is a well known fact that the Jewish were offering their services to the Red Army upon their arrival and turned on their former Polish neighbors, or are you going to imply that Poles and Jews fought merrily side by side?

Here is a first person history of a Jewish woman in the Underground from that region.


This being the case, my comment that the Partisans were probably Jewish is valid, your ridiculous reply is not.
By all means do well in school but try to look beyond the politically correct nonsense they force upon you.
We can take up conversations on Polish German relations on another thread if you wish.
9 Sep 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

I see there is some much needed re-education here, but it can be saved for another thread.
As far as the Poles owing Russia?
That seems to imply that Russia somehow did anything beneficial towards Poland.
Did they?
9 Sep 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

Yes, it is true. But you can`t deny the fact that Russians liberated us from Nazis in 1944-45.

Where did you get this nonsense?
This is right out of the Soviet NKVD Playbook.
Germany made several olive branch offerings to the Poles, even up to the very last minutes before being forced to intervene militarily.
Peace offerings which the Poles rejected, primarily due to empty promises from Britain.
I have a strong hunch that the partisans you are referring to are actually Jews, not Poles.
Poles had little love for the invading Red Army, so it's hard to imagine them fighting side by side against Germany.

Is there any unbiased source for your offerings?

What true Poles owe the Soviets is 50 years of occupation and its associated losses.
Technology, trade, growth, and world standing just to name a few.
26 Aug 2011
History / Bad luck of Poland or something else? - constant occupatiuon by different vermin [11]

The Poles never actually invaded at that time.
On Sept. 27, 1938 the Polish government issued an ultimatum to the Czech's demanding they cede control of Teschen District.
The Czech military was anticipating the Nazi invasion and were preparing for it but were taken by surprise by the Polish demands and had no choice but to give in to them.
25 Aug 2011
History / Bad luck of Poland or something else? - constant occupatiuon by different vermin [11]

Maybe a lot of poor decision-making on the part of the Polish leadership.
For example, prior to WWII, Hitler made countless offers of peace and alliance to the Poles.
He went so far as to offer a military alliance with the Poles against the Soviet Union.
However, Jozef Beck (Minister of Foreign Affairs) as well as the other Polish leaders fell for the empty promises of Halifax from Britain, who, unbeknownst to the Poles, had a specific agenda against Germany.

Emboldened by these promises, Polish leaders took a hard-line approach to relations with Germany, even going so far as to mobilize a part of their military in March 1939, in anticipation of conflict.

The rest as we know, is history.
31 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

I am unaware of a site for Sobibor, and if bone fragments are present can they be proven to be Jews?

Would the caretakers of Sobibor allow forensic examination, or must we simply take someone's word for it?
31 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Why do you believe it's true?
From a forensic standpoint, what evidence is there to support the allegation that Hitler "killed so many Jews", as you put it?
14 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Why no Polish stuff in Chicago? [41]

South Archer Avenue has some excellent Polish Deli's and two awesome Polish Markets.
Gilmart (market) is located just west of PulAski and Bobak's is further west near Cicero.
Both have incredible butchered meats (last time I was there, Bobak's was selling fresh Polish sausage for $1.19 pound. You can also buy fresh made kraut and Herring right from the barrel.

Both stores have in-house food service, cafeteria style.
There are several Deli's among the storefronts as well.

That area along Archer has been historically Polish forever.