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Posts by jasinski  

Joined: 19 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Oct 2010
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 62 / In This Archive: 45
From: colorado usa
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: poland,music,history,writing,reading

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11 Oct 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

poland was one of the first european countries to let in the jews. poland never acted like a bunch of crazed zealouts that started killing people left and right like the germans did after the bubonic plague and world war II. and there were never any witch hunts in poland. while the west plugged away. how do you belittle that? just a bunch of dumb pollocks that dont know any better? what do you biggots have to say?
4 Oct 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

yup everybody really just hates jews. and germany really just did us all a big favor. goodbye. you two have fun.
4 Oct 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

it was kind of a funny thing a english man or a frenchmen said along time ago about poland being a buffer to asiatic barbarism.(referring to russia.) dont care what you say i like it. and yes it was russians not mongols or huns.
4 Oct 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

yes their growing national pride or the steadily increasing idea that germans were superior(very popular among germans) and the anti semitism that came with it(which ever way you want to look at it i guess) in the nineteenth and leading up to the early/ mid twentieth century was what i was talking about.
4 Oct 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

hey now judging poland because of me is insanely idiotic. if i want to think(from what ive read) that germany and russia at one time were crazy despots that wouldnt leave their neighbors alone thats my own desicion. Idiotic? probably. A little bias absolutely. totally out of the question? hell no.
4 Oct 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

okay. so do you think poland suffered for being a democracy inbetween despots. a lion between wolves so to speak? Poland was always a buffer to russias asiatic barbarism and to the west they had the rampant vulgar displays of ego and paranoia of germany. paranoia that absolutely did NOT start with hitler and had been culminating a long time before.
4 Oct 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

haha polonious and then shoot catapulted animals in mid air while stupid drunk. interesting. the funny thing is poland still managed to get most of those lands back after the deluge.
25 Sep 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

What are the reasons for how a empire(the commonwealth) could not only fall but take so long to do so. from what i read it was in a virtual state of anarchy for over a hundred years untill the partitions. i think the deluge had alot to do with it. but what was the politics? any insight or books on this period? i appreciate it. thanks.
3 Sep 2010
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

he was a son of the old poland the commonwealth. but at the same time he was trying to restore a strong poland( a country that had lost its independednce and its very borders for over a hundred years). he tried to let the politicians(when he stepped down) work it out but they could not and he reluctantly had to take control again. it was a question of nation self preservation and had little to do with morals. and nothing to do with tyranny.
3 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

the american government gives reperations to citizens who are only a quarter indian. 100 percent blood is a fallacy. alot of europeans would be surprised to see the middle eastern(jewish) in their blood and african(moores) in their blood. they are just as mixed as americans. In fact alot of early knowledge and technology was drug back to europe from the middle east after the crusades. Meaning that blood is as mixed as knowledge. Europe is not a pure and uninfluenced continent. no matter what people want to believe.
3 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / American Polonia. Wisconsin - the most Polish state? [112]

indianas pretty polish. thats where my polish family comes from. warsaw indiana. believe it or not texas had one of the first polish settlements in the 1870's. other than that the American government tended to locate poles and germans in the midwest during the early 20th century.i would say illinois is the most polish state though.
21 Aug 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

fool! germany had no resistance. the sd was up germans ass to much or have you even heard of the sd. i doubt it or you would know that poland was the first to fight and the last. you are wrapped up in popular belief. read a book!

it sounds like you watched valkyrie with tom cruise a little to closely. while the german generals did have something that might be considered a conspiracy. the german populace never came close to having an active resistance. after all they did vote hitler in and after they realized they had been duped by a foreigner it was to late.
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

iam not the one to be angry at on this forum. i came to this forum talk about things that are polish. but all i read is slander and **** talking. i cannot ignore it and will not untill the retarded non polish people stop coming on here to prop up their own lame ass countries. every country has things to be proud and ashamed of.
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

no you just thought you could carve up africa and fight the pygmies without fighting anybody for real. then the germans put you in yyour place and the americans had to help you out.