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Posts by Honest George  

Joined: 12 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Feb 2010
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Honest George   
8 Apr 2010
UK, Ireland / Female health in Britain - Polish view [105]

(Like they suck out everyone else. Poland trains people and pays for the education, and then Britain sends their recruitment fairs here and steals our educated people.

You are one hell of a dreamer.

Absolutely pathetic statement.
Honest George   
17 Mar 2010
Real Estate / Do we need to get a UK solicitor or a Polish one? [19]

The British Embassy won't get involved at all

I,m not saying the British embassy will SORT IT for you.

All the answers you require can be obtained from the British embassy in Warsaw.

Advice and assistance.

The British Government considers embassies to be for consular assistance, not for everyday things

Is bereavement an everyday individual thing ?

assuming they'll even bother to help you.

Of course they advise, I,ve been there, have you ?

but they simply aren't interested in the personal lives of British citizens.

Now, please.
Honest George   
17 Mar 2010
Real Estate / Do we need to get a UK solicitor or a Polish one? [19]

The British Embassy gives advice?

If you go through the appropriate channels and something goes awry, then you can sue
( even the gov ).
The lawyer they recommend should be competent.

They can not leave British citizens in this scenario without help.

Any problems, then contact your local MP, that,s what they,re there for.

Always keep all documentation for such eventualities, never try going it alone, you could lose everything.
Honest George   
17 Mar 2010
Real Estate / Do we need to get a UK solicitor or a Polish one? [19]

Don,t trust too much advice on this site or any other.

All the answers you require can be obtained from the British embassy in Warsaw.

As you have guessed, yes the deeds will have to be transferred to your name, as well as searches being carried out to assess there is no debts against the estate etc.

It will be quite a complex affair unfortunately due to the bureaucracy that exists in Poland.
Honest George   
11 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Which country is more corrupt - Poland or the UK? [35]

I really don't know what your point is?

Sorry I did not put the entire article, but I believe the foreign tenders were half of what the Polish companies were offering.
You have to ask the question why such a phenomenal difference.
Honest George   
11 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Which country is more corrupt - Poland or the UK? [35]

Could you please show some evidence to back this claim up, please?

Construction companies from as far afield as Belarus, China, India and Turkey are lining up to build roads in Poland.

Overseas builders have so far won contracts valued at zł.2 billion and are competing for more, worth the same amount again.
Source: Rzeczpospolita
Honest George   
11 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Which country is more corrupt - Poland or the UK? [35]

introduce communism in Great Britain for 45 years and then see
if you can sort everything out in two decades :

If I had pound every time I have heard this excuse, then.........

I just wish you could do the same thing in the UK.

You just haven,t a clue, there is absolutely no comparison.

Czechs didn't lose 35% of their population in the war, didn't have their capital
razed to the ground and didn't lose such a big part of national industrial potential
and wealth during the war.

Violin music please.

Then you can come back here and lecture everyone on how insignificant communist
times are on the present-day Poland.

Excuses, excuses.

Gets a bit boring after a while.
Honest George   
10 Mar 2010
Law / The 'Secret' of Poland's Economic Success [83]

could somebody explain this article, something does not add up,

Pensions are paid from ZUS contributions, which have declined due to Poles working and registering abroad.
Pension funds is a misleading term, for no fund actually exists. If for example the British public stopped paying their national insurance contributions, then the government would only have enough funds to pay pensioners for up to 4 - 6 weeks.

So the problem the Polish government have is basically a shortfall, to which they will have to subsidize ZUS pensions.
Honest George   
11 Feb 2010

The reason why many Poles went to UK was probably that they know English better than Swedish, French and other European languages.

Nothing to do with an easy ride then ?

Claiming benefits etc.

WHAT IS SO SPECIAL LIVING IN U.K ......... its what is called " a welfare state ".
Honest George   
11 Feb 2010
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

i want to make sure that they are both safe?

Use common sense and dont park too far away from the public eye.

tomtoms with europe maps included.

Got me to Polish border no problem, after that I know the route.

safe speed to drive on the motor way in mph

70 - 90 mph, again use your sense.

any guess at how much it would cost in a car that size

Used 2.0litre toyota, it cost between 180 -200 pounds depending on how fast you like driving.

how many time i might need to stop, the less stops for me the better,

If youre the sole driver, get a good nights sleep prior to leaving, hopefully a morning start. Aim to get as far as Berlin, then stop and kip for an hour. Any longer and you tend to feel more tired than before you stopped. ( people are different and you may need extra stops, this is only my recommendation based on me personally ). After this you are approx. 2hrs from the Polish border. Central Polish cities ie. Gdansk, Warsaw, Krakow, a further 5hrs.

If you are able to share - drive, the journey should be quicker.

Honest George   
5 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Now dont be bashful beckski, you know we can,t see you blushing over the net. lol.
Honest George   
5 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Are you sure this were Polish pieces of crap?

Hang on, I will taste one next time and get back to you.

My Chihuahua's guilty to all of the above.

That breed is renowned for licking pussies too, is that true ?

Limey George likes to spy

Lay off the " Bond movies ".
Honest George   
5 Feb 2010
Law / Child support in Poland:is the income of the father's spouse taken into account? [34]

For me 2000PLN sounds very high

You just can not imagine what you read on here anymore. Sounds high to me also.

Child support is based on accessible income, in other words, what is left from your husbands income after mandatory bills are paid.

eg: So if you show proof that he pays half the rent, and its not you alone that pays it, then obviously there is less left in his accessible income.

Thats the English CSA regulations anyway. Updated information can be sourced at csa.gov.uk
Honest George   
4 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

This is hardly the place to go into great detail over this issue, but yes, you,re not far from the point.
Honest George   
4 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Yes I have seen " floaters ".... DISGUSTING, I must say.

Some lakes are closed to bathers in the summer due to contamination.
Honest George   
4 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

... you pee and crap in the lakes and forests and think this is acceptable behavior.
Honest George   
30 Jan 2010
News / Poland's supreme administrative court rules against RHD cars [57]

I think at least part of the problem is associated with the attitude that "rules are made by the authority and we don't like authority" - there sadly exists very little respect for the rule of law in Poland, unless the law is standing in front of you.

Here here, I second that !!!
Honest George   
30 Jan 2010
News / Poland's supreme administrative court rules against RHD cars [57]

Right hand drives in a left hand drive country are too dangerous for overtaking.

Only when on bendy stretches, on a straight run by keeping your distance its quite safe.
I have been driving to Poland through the continent since 1990 with no such problems.

The accident rate in Poland is simply down to the incompetent idiots they let on the roads and nothing to do with which side they drive on.

I absolutely agree with this quote, plus the rest of your post.


This is what the Poles lack. I have waited to pull out onto a main road until some 50 cars have passed with not one giving way. What arrogance !

On traveling a 3 - 5km straight stretch and being tail gated, the Polish motorist decides to overtake me on approaching the last 100metres when a bend is coming up. Regardless of the road signs and double white lines. Do they know the highway code ?

Not to mention,

Driving stupidly fast is perfectly accepted by Polish society and drink driving isn't much frowned on.

Are these people for real ? Speeding and drink driving accepted ?
Try asking that to the families of those victim to such fatalities. Ignorance !

Scenario; Empty road and the Polish motorist overtakes you, cuts in front, reduces his speed in ratio to yours: Was it worth overtaking ? Whats the point ? Was it, just to be the one in front ? What kind of mentality is that ?

They simply have no road usage ethics or courtesy. If I were the Polish transport minister, I would certainly make passing the Polish driving test more stringent. I would also look into driving licenses that may have been fraudulently purchased in the past.

If you have competent drivers, regardless of what the drive side the vehicle has, you have safe motoring.
Honest George   
28 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

i doubt this... given the age of the child.

Do you know how long it lasts ?

No offense intended, just asking the question, only I read it can start several months after giving birth and last for up to 2years. ( not the childs age of 2yrs ) It can also recur after successful treatment.
Honest George   
27 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

Try to think of the positive ones....

Try some research with the companies that have already tried investing in Poland, only to have backed out due to bureaucracy and scrupulous dealings. They have quoted never to return again after spending millions just to come up against a brick wall.

In reality the Poles are victims of their own demise. I think you will find that their reputation has gone somewhat downhill, when it comes to foreign investment.

ps. can,t think of anything positive at the moment..... sorry friend.
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]


Obviously the qualification only has its worth, once the individual has gained experience.
Hence:stevepl post #46, is very well written, many thanks sir.
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

Are the qualifications worth the paper they,re written on ?

Why wouldn't they be?
Are you only talking about Poland?
Are you insinuating that all Polish people are liars?

FOR EXAMPLE: A graduate structural engineer provides you with a "method statement", ( tells you how to go about doing a task ) on how to make safe a building prior to refurbishment. On paper back at the office this all looks very basic and away we go. But in practice the information he has provided puts many lives at risk, due to unforeseen hazards or hands on experience.

Is his qualification worth the paper it is written on ?
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

the best person for the job

So with a list of qualifications or experience ?

Are the qualifications worth the paper they,re written on ?
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

The closest post to my opinion is.....

if one has transferable skills, one is successful in finding a job and that is what it often boils down to, plus the language.

If this is true, why aren't they recognised?

This is the question Poles are asking when they go abroad and can not get employment according to their qualifications.
For example what is the Polish equivalent to NVQ, GCSE, O,level, A,level, S,level, City and Guilds. So you see, if I were an employer in the UK, who would I employ ?

Plus another question I would be asking is, how competent is your knowledge of the English language ?

Now I was not asking about what these qualifications are worth abroad, but in general.
So what are they worth in Poland also ?