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Posts by Anni  

Joined: 6 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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From: London
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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13 Nov 2009
Travel / What should I wear in winter in Poland? [29]

Seriously, where do you think poland is? At one of the polar ice caps?

Have you ever spent your winter in Bieszczady before?

The answer might be stay at home with boyfriend.
11 Nov 2009
Travel / What should I wear in winter in Poland? [29]

A wool bikini.

A woolen skirt?

I can't wear wool. :)

Going out never sacrafice your heels at any cost!

lol love this.

I was considering the snowboarding option actually after an offer from a friend :)
8 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

I also meant this light heartedly, I wasn't making stabs at larger cities....I realise it didn't come out that way.

I didn't mean to sound vicious.. sorry if I did. I just don't want guests from foreign countries to think that they are being ripped off just because some polish native says that he pays less (and forgets to mention that he's having a refund)

I am polish, but I am native British, I don't have a pesel number, and I don't get treatment na kasie zdrowych, or something like that, that is available to polish residents.

I didn't get a refund and I didn't get a discount.
That is the price he charges everyone that isn't done on the polish healthcare service. (:

Just to correct you, white fillings are not NHS - they are considered "private" hence the price, £60 is about right.

Thank you, that was my point, that I would have to pay £60 privately, otherwise that would defy the point of free healthcare...I should have been clearer (:
7 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

I am aware of that, I personally made the choice to get the fillings done while I was in Poland for a number of reasons.

- Through my own personal experience I have found the quality of service better in Poland as a private patient than in the UK as a patient on the NHS.

- 30zl is less than £10 pounds, a small price to pay for good service and a white filling.

- In the UK as a patient on the NHS I would have to pay a significant amount, I think about £60 + for a white filling if I did not want a standard silver filling. However, in Poland you get a white filling straight away.

- White fillings look much nicer than silver ones.

You are all being ripped off in bigger cities, the service is just as good in our little towns.

I also meant this light heartedly, I wasn't making stabs at larger cities....I realise it didn't come out that way.
7 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]


I paid 30zl three months ago for a filling with top class service, mind you that was down here in Pulawy.

Same here, although I got mine done in Ustrzyki Dolne, but the dentist is from Sanok.
30zl per filling I had 3 done.

I wouldn't pay more than 60zl depending on the severity :/
You are all being ripped off in bigger cities, the service is just as good in our little towns.
7 Nov 2009
Travel / What should I wear in winter in Poland? [29]

I'm only partially concerned with fashion when it comes to staying warm (:
I was thinking I'd invest in a decent coat, then stick with what I have, and as you said wildrover, layer.

I was wondering if I could get away with normal boots, the typical ones the ladies wear in Poland. Although I have no idea how they'd fair in the snow.

I have a pair of fur lined "snow" boots, but they are quite pathetic as I don't think UK manufacturers could produce a decent pair of snow boots.

And just a normal pair of leather knee high boots.

And in regards to trousers, are jeans ok in the snow?!
- I have no idea and I know it sounds stupid.

Thank You (:
6 Nov 2009
Travel / What should I wear in winter in Poland? [29]

I just got back from Poland during my half term break. To be more precise I was in Ustrzyki Dolne in Bieszczady.
The weather was about 1 degree on average - this is only October.

The last time I was in Ustrzyki in February was ages ago, my mum was still dressing me back then. I plan to go back in Feb 2010.

What should I wear?
I mean what type of jacket etc.....
and shoes, considering my tennis pumps didn't go down well with my grandparents, and my winter boots just about cut it.