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Posts by Pan Zuk Gnojowy  

Joined: 26 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Jul 2013
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 15
From: koszalin

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Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
2 Jul 2013
Travel / (Sleeping cars) wagony sypialne on overnight trains in Poland [4]

Cześć wszystkim,

proste pytanie (po angielsku bo jestem zmęczony jak koń po westernie)

is there any option to travel on an overnight train in a cabin with your partner (of the opposite sex) - everything seems to be indicating a big fat 'NIE'.

Anyone out there found a way, or flouted one? what's the big deal anyway?

Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
29 May 2013
Life / Foreigners learning to drive in Poland [2]

Hey All,

Has anybody out there had this experience? I've been promising myself to try while I'm here. I've been put off recently by people telling me that they have redesigned the Theory Test and made it excruciatingly difficult.

However, recently, I read that there are German and English versions of the theory test available, is that info up-to-date?
My Polish is pretty rudimentary, but I think I could quickly learn the commands needed to take lessons in Polish.
Any thoughts, recommendations, experiences, tales of woe/triumph?
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
13 Jun 2012
Work / Native Speaker Translation Charge (Polish<>English) [12]

Hey Folks,

I'm looking to start doing some freelance translation work. CVs etc. I have experience, as I work as a salaried 'English consultant' (czyli: translator, teacher, writer).

How much would you guess is the going rate for a native speaker's Polish to English translation efforts? Business was never my forte!

Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
15 Mar 2012
Language / "żółwik" - the same word?? [55]

pożyczać (komuś) - to lend
pożyczać (od kogoś) - to borrow

Great example! I guess this shows the significance of the inflection/przypadki etc
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
15 Mar 2012
Language / "żółwik" - the same word?? [55]

How's that unrelated! Us teachers are the sparkplugs for the engines of your mind :)
It makes perfect sense to me.

English is pretty evil for homophones.

to 2 too too tu-tu :)

rain rein reign
hey hay
caught in court
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
14 Mar 2012
Language / "żółwik" - the same word?? [55]

hop skip jump, leap.. skakać

throw, hurl, fling, chuck, toss, lob.. rzucać

I might be wrong..
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
14 Mar 2012
Language / "żółwik" - the same word?? [55]

Some funny things I've noticed in Polish recently...

tortoise - żółwik


turtle - żółwik

fingers - palce

toes - palce (u nogi.. I know, but still palce! :))

and finally, the straw that broke the camel's back..

slug - ślimak

How can it be ? :)

I suppose the Welsh language has the same word for leeks (pory) and daffodils (żonkile/narcyz) - so each to their own.
The fingers and toes one really shook me up, I have to confess.
Toes have so much personality, in fact, in my imagination it's almost impossible to imagine having the same word for any of these things. Snails are so beautiful, and slugs.. bluurrghhh... turtles so elegant and free, tortoises such old codgers..

Language is interesting.

Any examples in the reverse? or more examples of this phenomenon?
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
3 Mar 2012
Language / One never knows, does one? (Polish equivalent) [7]

Thanks for the replies, I had a feeling there would be a myriad of methods for the same aim. I'll take time to study your translations later, thanks for them.

As for "Man cannot live on bread alone", apologies if I've misread you Gumishu, but it definitely does have the same proverbial meaning in English as Polish!

Nie samym chlebem człowiek żyje - was actually one of the first bits of Polish I ever learnt, except, working in a crisps factory at the time, I changed it to: "Nie samym chipsem człowiek żyje"
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
3 Mar 2012
Language / One never knows, does one? (Polish equivalent) [7]

Hey Everybody.

Quick question that I can't seem to find an answer to:

Is there a Polish equivalent to the, now slightly obscure, depersonalised pronoun "One", in English.
(some of these examples might transgress the intended use of urmm... one-ism :) )
Meaning : "I"
"One feels a bit depressed at times like this."

meaning "you"
"How is one today?"

more often meaning Undefined 3rd person ergo: People in general.

"One can never tell"
"Eating too much Bigos does make one fart rather often, does it not?"
"One has to take the rough with the smooth, does one not?"
"One cannot live on bread alone, old boy"
"One's past shapes one's future"

that kind of thing.

Obviously in most of these, you could, and probably would use "you".
This form is rather redundant and one tends to avoid it, unless one enjoys one's friends taking oneself for a member of the Royal elite..

I can think of at least one in a Polish equivalent using "Człowiek"
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
29 Feb 2012
Language / reinkarnacje + correction request +chomiki [16]

for me a.k it is an important concept and one which English seems to lack a word for, that kind of primeval, occasionally brutal innocence of nature...

łapkami is perfect gumishu (edit, and a.k!) , absolutely perfect, and I totally agree - zdrobnienie is the most fun, and sometimes beautiful, and often practical part of Polish - I love it.. don't get me started on zgrubnienie (?) :)

thanks again both... now where's me bongos..
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
29 Feb 2012
Language / reinkarnacje + correction request +chomiki [16]

Thanks, that's wonderful.
I like your version. Might not be able to adapt it into the cadence of the thing, but we'll see... It's funny how somehow I thought I could escape narzędnik by putting the verb at the end of the sentence :)

I missed out a line, which is certain to be pretty błędy

ukrywamy się przed łapami dzieci

(aye, łapami - or somesuch, I wanted the idea of paws.. hooves, something animal/innocent implied about the dzieci..)

yes, but then you need to change the form of the verb from infinitive to a personal form - in this case it would have to be '..i reinkarnujemy..'

indeed, I was aware of that :)
good to know it's not totally bez sensu.
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
29 Feb 2012
Language / reinkarnacje + correction request +chomiki [16]

thanks to both rapid repliers

am I sure the rest of the poem is correct - w ogóle NO! :)

is it possible to change "by" in your version, gumishu, to something more like "i" or "potem".. if we were to die and be reincarnated as.. or am I struggling against the tide of English - Polish construct..?
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
29 Feb 2012
Language / reinkarnacje + correction request +chomiki [16]

I was writing a silly lyric for a song (in a Polski Beat Happening stylee) today, and I realised I couldn't find a way to describe "to be reincarnated" an 'activity' that always occurs in the passive voice (as with being born in the first place) in English.

I managed to find this construction:
przejść reinkarnacje

Would that be correct?

I couldn't find any evidence of people saying a Polish equiv. for "reincarnated as smth." (eg. a worm, a butterfly, a portaloo etc.)

So, here's my attempted ditty. I'm sure there is a lot to correct, feel free.

skory jenkoowee and all that ;)

w przypadku,
że umieramy
i przejść reinkarnacje
jako chomiki
Obiecaj mi, (tylko)
że będziesz moj
Podam najlepsze marchewki
pistacje skradzione,
szczęśliwy chomiki my będziemy

Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
29 Feb 2012
Language / Polish filler words? [24]

if you have any ambition at all you'll be able to fit them all in a rapid fire valediction 'masakra' topped off with a final 'pa' or 'cześć" and kicked off with a random "no, to", then hang up.

Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
17 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Is the UK referred to as the Islands in Polish media back home? [62]

Strange thread. Personally, I find it a little bit baffling that the OP can find something pejorative in the name"wyspa", and the explanations don't really add up! I can only think that they find the term somehow a little overfamiliar and they're inferring a sort of colonial attitude from the term. That's my best guess. As for me, I've written the word in my book and intend to tell everyone at work 'wracam na wyspach w piątek" :)
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
1 Dec 2011
Language / shudder - Polish phrase [2]

My friend experienced one of those inexplicable body shudders which in England we explain with the phrase "Someone just walked over my grave"

following hers, she said: "Świnia mnie powąchała!"

a pig sniffed me! is how I would translate it :)

Has anybody heard that before? I haven't had much luck googling it to confirm it's a regular expression, not just something my pal came up with off the cuff.

I ask as the English expression is one of my favourite, with its circular approach to time and mortality, and the funny sensation to which it's attached...
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
11 Nov 2011
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

first off, I am not an English teacher however there is a real demand for English-English translation

YES this.

I've recently started working as an in-house English teacher at a company in Poland. I knew my job remit was going to be pretty unpredictable, but I was surprised at just how much of this kind of work I find myself doing. It's thrown my planning somewhat askew, as far as making some kind of business English syllabus goes, but if you look in the right places and ask the right questions you can find these self generating real life English lessons everywhere.
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
29 Oct 2011
Food / Fishy Kiełbaski! [9]

didn't take long to get a bite on that one..
maybe this is the method the fisherman use to catch those slippery kabanosy.. a little cheese based banter ;)
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
29 Oct 2011
Food / Fishy Kiełbaski! [9]

Kabanosy z £ososie - those are the babies!
Well worth a nibble, Seanus.
They must be a devil to catch.

Tell me about this cheese sausage? I find it hard to believe that you found anything resembling 'cheese' in this beautiful, if fromage-deficient country.
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
28 Oct 2011
Food / Fishy Kiełbaski! [9]

I tried some of these a couple of days ago, but am struggling to recall, or research the name!
The experience of biting into one for the first time put me in mind of the first time I ever smoked a menthol cigarette, after having dropped some LSD...

"It's hot..... but it's COLD!!??"

A new experience for me :)
It's a sausage... but..... FISHY!?
I believe the little fellas had been fresh caught that morning from the calm waters of Mielno.

z góry dziękuję za pomoc
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
2 Oct 2011
Language / Polish filler words? [24]

Since I've been in Poland, I have become completely obsessed with the word "no". I say it instinctively (incorrectly, at a guess) in almost every situation; 'Well' ' oops' 'pardon?' 'hey', so far my attempts to squeeze it into any given phrase haven't brought me too much negative attention, but there's plenty of time yet.

Probably deserves its own thread, but my absolute favourite thing is the string of non-words used to end a telephone call.
'no hej' being the stock - root. elaborated with mad rapid fire combinations of:
pa pa
no to pa
no to hej
sie ma hej! itd

I've heard some with ludicrously long strings fired out like valedictory machine gun volleys.
siemanko notohej pa.czesc.pa! hej!
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
2 Oct 2011
Language / Źłe Wieszcz - Polish grammar practice [4]

how's the last one? it's fresh material :)

the first line of the first poem was originally "s~~~~dalamy" but the authorities told me not to make trouble for myself and I backed down.

can I add:

teraz mgła zniknie
tak nie mam nic
aby ogłądać

where's my violin..

more from the bard
please correct with severity, but allow for nonsense and poetic license ;))


twój śmiech;
jak kropelki
spadające na

dla moich uszu
.. ..palce


rekin krąży wokół makowiecu?
chomika krąży słońce?
..być może
muchomorek śpiewa stokrotce
Małe pytanko:
Nie się kochają ćmy i żarówka ?
Pan Zuk Gnojowy   
2 Oct 2011
Language / Źłe Wieszcz - Polish grammar practice [4]

Hej All,

I'm living out in Koszalin, and as I'm sure you'll know if you have visited the city, it's a very poetic place and its beauty has so inspired me that I took up a novel approach to practising my Polish:

Bad poems.
I though you might like to check them out and harangue me for my appalling (or revolutionary!) grammar.


do góry nogami
aby jeść salami
bo jesteśmy wspaniali

w piżamach

będziemy pamiętać
na szalonych drogach do..

na parapecie

czy jest gołąb
na parapecie?
czeka-zaczeka-doczeka się

ku ku ku wru,
gru gru gru gruuuu
daru daru daru daru?

jak to powiedzieć
po gołębiemu?
"coo coo coo caroooo"

cicho cicho cicho tam
ogłądam wróble w mgłe

cicho dziobały
żabi cicho skok
na cicha soseneczka
Ciebię obok
